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Watch Dogs 2 (Windows)

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Title Screen

Watch Dogs 2

Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: November 29, 2016

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

Cactus 2.0!
This article has just been started and needs the article basics added.
Help us out and add them.

Watch Dogs 2 is a 3rd person shooter where you play as a hacker. Again.

Unused Vehicles

To do:
There are more.


WD2 Cut Bike.png

Removed bicycle. It works exactly as a normal bike, although it uses a car horn, is much slower and has an engine sound of an electric car.

Utah Teapot


An unused vehicle that seems to be a variant of a Utah Teapot. Referred to internally as a cut ctOS van.

Unused Features

Flyable Helicopters

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
  • When was the co-op glitch method patched out?
  • This can still be accessed with a mod - document method?
  • Add detail about the controls and camera? Keyboard and mouse are broken, camera seems to get fixed in weird positions.

Much like the previous game, this game has an unused ability for players to enter and fly helicopters. This is very unfinished, and can only be accessed in the final game using a mod.

In an earlier version of the game, helicopters could also be accessed using a glitch when playing co-op as seen in the video, but this was fixed in an update after launch.

Unused Music

To do:
Upload the rest of the game's unused music, and organise this list better.
Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Find out which these songs are licensed - at least one track comes from the Extreme Music stock music library.

The "san_francisco_sound.dat" contains several music tracks which are unused in the game:

  • Push it to the Limit by Paul Engemann:
Unidentified Song
Unidentified Song 2
Unidentified Song (possibly cutscene OST)
Unidentified Song 4
Unidentified Song 5
Unidentified Song (possibly composed by Hudson Mohawke)
Unidentified Song 6
Fist Full Of Money by Nicholas Patrick Kingsley and James Donald Davies
Unidentified Dance Song 2
Unidentified Song 7
L.O.V.E. by Robin Loxley and Slow Wave
Unidentified Dance Song 3

Inaccessible Map Areas

  • Hidden Tidis Room:
Inside the hidden room.
  • Inaccessible Oakland construction site:
Outdoor view of the site.
Indoors view of the site.

Unused NPC Models

  • Unused model for Shaun, a character from the mission "Hollow Pundits":
Shaun was going to play an important role in the cut mission.
  • Unused Umeni PMC Model:
This model was also going to be used in the "Hollow Pundits" mission.

Cut Mission

There is a cut mission from the game which was called "Hollow Pundits". A lot of content remains for it in the files.

Unused mission banner.