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Wing Commander: Privateer

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Title Screen

Wing Commander: Privateer

Developer: Origin Systems
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: DOS
Released in US: September 1993
Released in EU: September 1993

MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.

Wing Commander: Privateer is a space trading and combat simulation game. Customize your ship according to your needs and budget, modifying weapons, armor, and other systems; Choose the life of a pirate, merchant, or mercenary.

Art D's First Batch Adventure

If you look at the files in the folder you installed the game in, you will find a file called TABTNE.VDA. Make a new folder somewhere named ADVENT and copy that file to that folder. Rename the file to ADVENT.BAT. In pure DOS mode (or DOSBox running a DOS 6.22 boot disk), go to the ADVENT folder and type in ADVENT SETUP. A bunch of files will be put in the folder. Then type in ADVENT to play a hidden text adventure game called Art D's First Batch Adventure.