Wizardry Xth: Academy of Frontier
Wizardry Xth: Academy of Frontier |
Also known as: Wizardry Xth: Zensen no Gakufu
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! Notes: Some proofreading has been done already, but further proofreading will require knowledge of the game's mechanics. |
Wizardry Xth: Academy of Frontier is a Japan-only Wizardry spin-off by what would become Team Muramasa, swapping the franchise's traditional gothic fantasy for a military academy setting.
Debug Menu
Use the code below and press R3 to open the debug menu.
// Enable debug mode 00270714 00000001 // Enable more debug menus D028F6DC 0000FEFE 2027FA18 00000004 D028F6DC 0000FBFE 2027FA18 00000007 D028F6DC 0000FDFE 2027FA18 00000010 D028F6DC 0000F7FE 2027FA18 00000012 D028F6DC 0000EFFE 2027FA18 00000015 D028F6DC 00007FFE 2027FA18 00000017 D028F6DC 0000FFF6 2027FA18 0000000F D028F6DC 0000FEFF 20215710 00000000 D028F6DC 0000FEFF 20215714 00000001 D028F6DC 0000FEFF 20215718 00000002 D028F6DC 0000FEFF 2021571C 00000003 D028F6DC 0000FEFF 20215720 00000004 D028F6DC 0000FEFF 20215724 00000005 D028F6DC 0000FEFF 20215728 00000006 D028F6DC 0000FEFF 2021572C 00000007 D028F6DC 0000FBFF 20215710 00000008 D028F6DC 0000FBFF 20215714 00000009 D028F6DC 0000FBFF 20215718 0000000A D028F6DC 0000FBFF 2021571C 0000000B D028F6DC 0000FBFF 20215720 0000000C D028F6DC 0000FBFF 20215724 0000000D D028F6DC 0000FBFF 20215728 0000000E D028F6DC 0000FBFF 2021572C 0000000F D028F6DC 0000FDFF 20215710 00000010 D028F6DC 0000FDFF 20215714 00000011 D028F6DC 0000FDFF 20215718 00000012 D028F6DC 0000FDFF 2021571C 00000013 D028F6DC 0000FDFF 20215720 00000014 D028F6DC 0000FDFF 20215724 00000015 D028F6DC 0000FDFF 20215728 00000016 D028F6DC 0000FDFF 2021572C 00000017
This menu allows you to change each character's stats and current status. Press △ to display a character's item list.
Text | Translation |
本名 | Real name |
愛称 | Nickname |
PARTY: 学徒先発隊 | PARTY: Students Party |
所在地: アーレハイン | Location: Alehein |
RACE: ヒューマン | RACE: Human |
CLS: 戦士 | CLS: Fighter |
RACE: ヒューマン | RACE: Human |
DEGREE: 予科生 | DEGREE: Student |
SEX: 男性 | SEX: Male |
ALIGN: 中立 | ALIGN: Neutral |
Item viewer. Press ○ to give an item to a character.
Scenario flag viewer.
Text | Translation | Notes |
時系列フラグ | Progress flag | |
胎動周期 | Interval of signs | Enemy element type. |
胎動周期歩数 | Step count interval of signs | Enemy change interval step count. |
クリアフラグ | Clear flag | Sets whether the game has been beaten. |
プレイ時間 | Play time | |
開示フラグ | Unlock flag | Unlocks all library data. |
開示時刻 | Remaining time to unlock | When this counter is 0:00:00 to display message. |
Quest viewer.
Text | Translation | Notes |
クリア番号 | Cleared ID | It is indicate that is release at these IDs cleared. |
番号 | ID | |
タイトル | Title | |
タイプ | Type | Quest types:
難 | Difficulty | Display difficulty stars. |
学 | Grade | Needs grade of party characters. |
時 | Time | Required progress flag at least. |
ロード | Road | Dungeon name. |
コ | Ko | Unknown |
開始 | Start | Start place. |
終了 | End | End place. |
This menu allows you to change the kill scores and achievements.
Text | Translation |
討伐数 | Kill count |
称号 | Achievements |
Other Debug Menus
The "Enable more debug menus" code above will allow you to access additional debug menus with the button combination listed in each section below.
Alternatively, RAM address 0x27FA18 controls which debug menu is open. The debug menus below can be accessed by setting this RAM address to the debug menu value listed in each section. (RAM addresses 0x27FA19 and 0x27FA20 control which subpage of the current debug menu is open, so those addresses must be set to 0 before setting the debug menu value.)
3D Character Viewer
Press Select + L2 to open this menu.
Debug menu value: 0x04
This menu lets you choose a base model to view. (The various "test" menus do not work.)
Button | Notes |
Up/Down | Select equipment. |
○ | Equip |
✕ | Change left/right hand. |
Left Stick | Move model. |
Right Stick | Rotate model. |
R1/R2 | Zoom model. |
L1/L2 | Change elements of equipment. |
Start | Switch show/hide equipment list. |
Memory Manager Menu
Debug menu value: 0x06
Displays memory manager information.
Sound Test
Press Select + L1 to open this menu.
Debug menu value: 0x07
Font Test
Debug menu value: 0x08
Party Menu
Debug menu value: 0x0A
This menu only displays the words "PARTY MENU."
Cheat Menu
Press Select + Start to open this menu.
Debug menu value: 0x0F
This menu allows you to enable and disable cheats, but some cheats are inaccessible without hacking. RAM address 0x215710 contains the table of menu items; by editing this table with the menu IDs below, you can change which cheats are shown. Alternatively, set RAM address 0x2707A4 to 0xFFFFFFFF to enable all cheats.
Menu ID | Menu Text | Japanese Text | Translation | Effect |
0x00 | Disp Cross Cursor flag | 位置表示カーソルを表示します | Display coord indicator cursor | Use L-Stick to move cross cursor. |
0x01 | Disp Trans Bar Flag | デバッグ表示をON/OFFします | Enable/Disable debug display | |
0x02 | Dungeon Move Free | ダンジョンどこでも移動できます | Players can move anywhere in dungeon | Doesn't work. |
0x03 | Dungeon Camera Move | ダンジョンでカメラの移動を行えます | Camera can move anywhere in dungeon | See below. |
0x04 | No Spell Dec | 呪文を使用してもMPが減らなくなります | MP will not decrease when spells are used | |
0x05 | Dungeon Frame Mask Flag | ダンジョンにて1枚の環境色描画の ON/OFFを行います |
Enable/Disable drawing an ambient color in dungeon | Doesn't work. |
0x06 | Dungeon Frame Blur Flag | ダンジョンにてブラー描画のON/OFFを行います | Enable/Disable drawing blur in dungeon | Doesn't work. |
0x07 | Model Light off | テクスチャーライトの ON/OFFを行います |
Enable/Disable texture lights for equipment models | Doesn't work. |
0x08 | Road Arrive | 全ての中継点とロードを通行可能にします | Set all areas and roads to passable | |
0x09 | Mapic visible | マピックでマップ情報を可視状態とします | Use Mapic always to visible map information | |
0x0A | Milwan | 強制ミルワン | Forced Milwan | Doesn't work. |
0x0B | step encount | 1歩ごとにエンカウントします | Encounter every step | Doesn't work. |
0x0C | No encount | エンカウントしません | Does not encounter | Doesn't work. |
0x0D | Recipe Info visible | 実験室 レシピ情報を可視にします | Laboratory: Make recipe information visible | |
0x0E | Enemy Info visible | 図書室 敵情報を可視にします | Library: Make enemy information visible | |
0x0F | Item Info visible | 図書室 アイテム情報を可視にします | Library: Make item information visible | |
0x10 | SCREEN CAPTURE ON | R3ボタンにて画面のキャプチャーを 行えるようになります |
Press R3 to screen capture | |
0x11 | EFFECT TESTMODE ON | エフェクトテストモードの ON/OFFを行います |
Enable/Disable effect test mode | Doesn't work. |
0x12 | Equip All | なんでも装備します | Equip everything. | |
0x13 | DISP PAD INFO | パッド入力情報を表示します | Display pad information | Doesn't work. |
0x14 | DFLAG_TEST20 | Placeholder | ||
0x15 | DFLAG_TEST21 | Placeholder | ||
0x16 | DFLAG_TEST22 | Placeholder | ||
0x17 | Disp Process List | 処理速度の分析リストを表示します | Display process time analyze list | Doesn't work. |
0x03: Dungeon Camera Move
- L-Stick: Move camera.
- R-Stick: Rotate camera.
- R1: Move camera up.
- R2: Move camera down.
Event Flag Viewer(?)
Press Select + R2 to open this menu.
Debug menu value: 0x10
Domination Value / Lodging Party Level Viewer
Press Select + R1 to open this menu.
Debug menu value: 0x12
The upper part of the menu lets you change the road domination value. The lower part of the menu shows the lodging party level at different locations.
Text | Translation | Notes |
コンメスまでの残り歩数 | Steps remaining until communication message | Changes step counter to send war information message from アーレハイン (Alehein). |
ダンジョンの歩行数 | Step count in the dungeon | |
対象中継点 | Town Area | |
レベル合計 | Total level |
Road Maze Number Settings
Press Select + △ to open this menu.
Debug menu value: 0x15
Set maze number of each road.
Color Settings
Press Select + ◻ to open this menu.
Debug menu value: 0x17
Text | Translation |
通常 | Normal |
老朽化 | Ruined |
氷侵食 | Frozen |
森侵食 | Forested |
熱侵食 | Sweltering |
中枢 | Inner Sanctum |
Unused Text
Attack Messages
Present in SLPM_658.40 at address 0x166740.
Text | Translation |
%sは %sの 攻撃メス120 %sは %sの 攻撃メス121 %sは %sの 攻撃メス122 %sは %sの 攻撃メス123 %sは %sの 攻撃メス124 %sは %sの 攻撃メス125 %sは %sの 攻撃メス126 %sは %sの 攻撃メス127 %sは %sの 攻撃メス128 |
%s is %s's ... Attack message 120 %s is %s's ... Attack message 121 %s is %s's ... Attack message 122 %s is %s's ... Attack message 123 %s is %s's ... Attack message 124 %s is %s's ... Attack message 125 %s is %s's ... Attack message 126 %s is %s's ... Attack message 127 %s is %s's ... Attack message 128 |
Special Attack Messages
Present in SLPM_658.40 at address 0x166ED0.
Text | Translation |
%sの 特殊攻撃メス70 %sの 特殊攻撃メス71 %sの 特殊攻撃メス72 %sの 特殊攻撃メス73 %sの 特殊攻撃メス74 %sの 特殊攻撃メス75 %sの 特殊攻撃メス76 %sの 特殊攻撃メス77 %sの 特殊攻撃メス78 %sの 特殊攻撃メス79 %sの 特殊攻撃メス80 %sの 特殊攻撃メス81 %sの 特殊攻撃メス82 %sの 特殊攻撃メス83 %sの 特殊攻撃メス84 %sの 特殊攻撃メス85 %sの 特殊攻撃メス86 %sの 特殊攻撃メス87 %sの 特殊攻撃メス88 %sの 特殊攻撃メス89 %sの 特殊攻撃メス90 %sの 特殊攻撃メス91 %sの 特殊攻撃メス92 %sの 特殊攻撃メス93 %sの 特殊攻撃メス94 %sの 特殊攻撃メス95 %sの 特殊攻撃メス96 %sの 特殊攻撃メス97 %sの 特殊攻撃メス98 %sの 特殊攻撃メス99 %sの 特殊攻撃メス100 %sの 特殊攻撃メス101 %sの 特殊攻撃メス102 %sの 特殊攻撃メス103 %sの 特殊攻撃メス104 %sの 特殊攻撃メス105 %sの 特殊攻撃メス106 %sの 特殊攻撃メス107 %sの 特殊攻撃メス108 %sの 特殊攻撃メス109 %sの 特殊攻撃メス110 %sの 特殊攻撃メス111 %sの 特殊攻撃メス112 %sの 特殊攻撃メス113 %sの 特殊攻撃メス114 %sの 特殊攻撃メス115 %sの 特殊攻撃メス116 %sの 特殊攻撃メス117 %sの 特殊攻撃メス118 %sの 特殊攻撃メス119 %sの 特殊攻撃メス120 %sの 特殊攻撃メス121 %sの 特殊攻撃メス122 %sの 特殊攻撃メス123 %sの 特殊攻撃メス124 %sの 特殊攻撃メス125 %sの 特殊攻撃メス126 %sの 特殊攻撃メス127 %sの 特殊攻撃メス128 |
%s's special attack message 70 %s's special attack message 71 %s's special attack message 72 %s's special attack message 73 %s's special attack message 74 %s's special attack message 75 %s's special attack message 76 %s's special attack message 77 %s's special attack message 78 %s's special attack message 79 %s's special attack message 80 %s's special attack message 81 %s's special attack message 82 %s's special attack message 83 %s's special attack message 84 %s's special attack message 85 %s's special attack message 86 %s's special attack message 87 %s's special attack message 88 %s's special attack message 89 %s's special attack message 90 %s's special attack message 91 %s's special attack message 92 %s's special attack message 93 %s's special attack message 94 %s's special attack message 95 %s's special attack message 96 %s's special attack message 97 %s's special attack message 98 %s's special attack message 99 %s's special attack message 100 %s's special attack message 101 %s's special attack message 102 %s's special attack message 103 %s's special attack message 104 %s's special attack message 105 %s's special attack message 106 %s's special attack message 107 %s's special attack message 108 %s's special attack message 109 %s's special attack message 110 %s's special attack message 111 %s's special attack message 112 %s's special attack message 113 %s's special attack message 114 %s's special attack message 115 %s's special attack message 116 %s's special attack message 117 %s's special attack message 118 %s's special attack message 119 %s's special attack message 120 %s's special attack message 121 %s's special attack message 122 %s's special attack message 123 %s's special attack message 124 %s's special attack message 125 %s's special attack message 126 %s's special attack message 127 %s's special attack message 128 |
The Wizardry series
| |
DOS | Knight of Diamonds - The Second Scenario • The Return of Werdna - The Fourth Scenario |
NES | Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord • Knight of Diamonds • Legacy of Llylgamyn |
Mac OS Classic | The Knight of Diamonds |
Game Boy (Color) | Gaiden: Curse of the Ancient Emperor • Gaiden: Scripture of the Dark • Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord • Legacy of Llylgamyn • Knight of Diamonds • Empire • Empire: Fukkatsu no Tsue |
SNES | V: Heart of the Maelstrom |
PlayStation | Empire: Inishie no Oujo • Empire II: Oujo no Isan |
Nintendo DS | Seimei no Kusabi • Boukyaku no Isan |
PlayStation 2 | Xth: Academy of Frontier • Xth 2: Unlimited Students |
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