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Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity

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Title Screen

Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity

Also known as: Beavis and Butt-Head: Virtual Aho Shoukougun (JP)
Developer: ICOM Simulations[1]
Publisher: Viacom New Media[1]
Platforms: Windows, PlayStation
Released in JP: January 29, 1998 (PS1)
Released in US: August 31, 1995[1]
Released in EU: 1995[1]

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.
DummyIcon.png This game has unusual dummy files.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Comical gore and a partially obscured f-bomb.

Beavis and Butt-Head might not sound like the greatest property to base an adventure game on, but Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity is a well-regarded title in the genre. So much so, that an episode of the Paramount+ revival was even named after it.

To do:
  • See if the easter eggs are also in the PlayStation version.
  • Unused graphics.

Hidden Developer Movies

On the end credits screen, type BOIDUTS, YNNIF, SKCUS, or NAMTAH. They can also be viewed by getting the four biggest AIFF files on the disc and changing the file extensions to .mov.

A montage with many of the developers playing around during production at New Media.

One of the developers singing a rock song. Hatman makes a quick cameo around 0:20.

The development team, mostly the artists and animators, continuing to have fun during the beta stage.

A crudely-made CG animation featuring the one and only Hatman! This appears to be the earliest known instance of the Hatman Easter egg hidden in games made by ex-Viacom New Media developers.

(Source: Boyks)

Easter Eggs

There are five locations in the game where, if certain spots are clicked with the Foot icon in a particular order, a secret hidden scenario script will be activated.


In the coffee house bathroom, click the three hinges on the right side of the mirror from top to bottom, then click the skull on the bathroom stall. Butt-Head will pull out a shotgun and blow Beavis' head off in a rather gory display, the only "death" in the game. Afterward, the game will reset to the title screen.

(Source: Jakneute/Boyks/"some magazine 10 years ago")

Missile Silo

At the Podunk Farm entrance, click the left-topmost side of the farm sign, the middle-bottom part of the sign, the right-topmost corner of it, then the top of the farm silo (time on the video: 3:14). The silo tower will open and a missile launches.

(Source: The Easter Egg Hunter)

Slaughter House

Inside the slaughter house, click the bottom-left ceiling pin, then the bottom-right one. Then click the bottom side of the hooks to the left, first the left one, then the right one (time on the video: 4:07). Instead of a cow, a man with a cow head will be slaughtered in the machine. Instead of the cow bell, a cell phone is dropped to the trash bin.

(Source: The Easter Egg Hunter)

Ending Shortcut

At the very first scene in the classroom, click the top-left and top-right corners of the exit door, then the top-left and top-right corners of the chalkboard. Butt-Head will draw Hatman on the chalkboard, after which the ending movie will play.

(Source: CaH4e3)

Bear Anal Cavity

At the Veteran's Hall, click the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left corners of the hall sign (time on the video: 0:50). A stuffed bear will appear at the hall doors, after which Beavis will check its anal cavity and pull out a shape from Zoop, a puzzle game published by Viacom.

(Source: CaH4e3)

Unused Sounds

DUMMY.WAV, found only in the PlayStation version, is a dummy file containing six minutes of audio static.

Regional Differences

A PlayStation port was produced exclusively for the Japanese market. Unlike the TV show, the first movie, or the mint commercial, all of which used English audio with Japanese subs, most of the audio in this game is dubbed instead, starring the comedian duo "London Boots Ichi-gō Ni-gō" as Beavis and Butt-Head.

International Japan

In the PC version, VIDEO010 is a commercial for the Beavis and Butt-Head: Chicks 'n Stuff VHS. In the PlayStation version, this file is replaced by a Japanese title card, which is sandwiched in-between the Viacom logo and the "don't try this at home" disclaimer.

Windows PlayStation
Beavis and Butthead In Virtual Stupidity-title.png Virtual Stupidity Title JP.png
Virtual Stupidity Menu JP.png

The title screen has a new menu layout and a "Press Start" message preceding it.

International Japan

The Primus "DMV" music video is uncensored in the Japanese release, while the international release bleeps the words "THC" and "smoke" with dog barks and pig squeals, respectively.

Other Changes

  • A Japanese staff roll was inserted after the "Thank you for playing [...] DUMBASS" ending screen.
  • The hidden videos were removed.
