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Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (SNES)

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Title Screen

Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind

Also known as: Yamaneko Bubsy no Daibouken (JP)
Developers: Accolade, Solid Software
Publishers: Accolade (US), Nintendo (EU), Poppo (JP)
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: June 17, 1994
Released in US: May 1993
Released in EU: October 28, 1993

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Ha! Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Get it?


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Graphics


BubsySNES BubsyLaugh.gif

Bubsy laughing, purpose unknown. Interestingly enough, this sprite was re-used in Bubsy II's ending cutscene.


Bubsy looking downward. This sprite was later used in Bubsy II.

BubsySNES Wildtake Unused.gif

A wild take, different from the one used in level 11's intro.

(Source: Outfit7Gamer (discovery))

Unused Music

Stages 4-6

Strangely enough, while the village chapters have an exact snippet of the debug fanfare that goes unused, the Fair chapters have it too, despite not having the right instruments. It's present and still unused in Super Bubsy.

The Fair chapters also have their own variation of the "Dry-clean Only" music you hear in the village, river, and some sliding underground platforms in western chapters. Note that the last four chapters also have unused variations, but are replicas of village for the jungle chapters, and western for the last chapter, A Farewell to Wollies.

Stages 7-9

The western chapters have a unique track heard nowhere throughout that area of the game. It's reused in Super Bubsy as a Tunnel Vision track.

Stage Select and Debug Mode

At the title screen, enter the following button sequence on controller 1 or 2, B, Down, Down, Left, A, Right, Up, B, Right, Right, A, Right, Down, B, A, Down. A long fanfare will confirm you entered correctly. Now enter the following button sequences in the following order on controller 1 or 2 (controller 1 is recommended):

The fanfare.

  1. B, Right, Right, Left, Y, Up, A, Up, Down, Down, Down, Left (possibly meant to be "BERLYN AND DSW" - i.e., developers Mike Berlyn and D. Scott Williamson) - Unknown.
  2. Down, A, Y, B, Up, B, Down, Y ("SAY BUBSY") - Unknown + Stage select.
  3. Down, Right, A, Down ("DEAD") - Unknown + Stage select + Debug mode.

The music will restart after each sequence if entered correctly. If you mess up or press any button on the other controller, you will have to restart from the very first sequence.


This code doesn't appear to do anything special.

Stage Select

This allows you to choose your stage and such by pressing buttons on controller 2 at the title screen (Note that using these before completing the third sequence will force you to re-enter all three if you want Debug Mode):

  • Up: Increase starting stage by one. (Do not go beyond stage '21'. It will crash the game!)
  • Down: Decrease starting stage by one. (Do not go below stage 1. It will crash the game!)
  • Right: Increase starting stage by three. (Do not go beyond stage '21'. It will crash the game!)
  • Left: Decrease starting stage by three. (Do not go below stage 1. It will crash the game!)
  • B: Enable and disable "demo mode". (The computer will play the selected stage. Pressing any button while in demo mode will reset back to the title screen.)
  • A: Unknown. (Constantly plays annoying sound effects in the selected stage. Using this button will not restart the music, like the others do.)

Debug Mode

Free movement in Debug Mode Object Placement Mode

Debug mode allows you to do many different things while in a stage:

While Playing the Game

  • Select + R: Enables and disables debug mode.
  • D-Pad: Move around stage.
  • Hold Select: Pixel-precise movement + slows time.
  • Hold R: Tile-precise movement.
  • L: Delete objects.
  • A: Increase selected item by one.
  • Y: Decrease selected item by one.
  • X: Place selected item.
  • B: Unknown (reset select item?)
  • Select + L: Enable and disable sound test & VRAM viewer mode.

Sound Test/VRAM Viewer Mode

VRAM Viewer/Sound test Mode

  • Up: Increase music track by one.
  • Down: Decrease music track by one.
  • Right: Increase sound effect by one.
  • Left: Decrease sound effect by one.
  • B or X: Play selected music track.
  • A or Y: Play selected sound effect.
  • A (Controller 2): Increase Bubsy's sprite spacing.
  • B (Controller 2): Decrease Bubsy's sprite spacing.
(Source: Parasyte)


Debug Mode

When the map loads the boss level, the boss sprite trigger is a bubsy life counter icon.


Hidden Credit

At 0x0C09E2 in the ROM is the following string:

(C) 1992 Basement Boys Software

Basement Boys Software was a group that made hacking tools for the Commodore 64 in the mid-to-late 80s. Some of its members later moved on to Chip Level Designs, who provided sound programming in several SNES games. This credit also appears in Cool Spot. That's pretty neat.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

US/Europe Japan
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind titlescreen.png Yamaneko Bubsy no Daibouken SFC TitleScreen.png

Password Changes

US/Europe Japan
Bubsypasswordscreenuseu.png YamanekoBubsypasswordscreenjp.png

For some odd reason, the U.S. and European versions have their passwords using consonants while the Japanese version uses numbers for its passwords. Note that the passwords in the Japanese version are the first 114 digits of pi. (3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209

Level US/Europe Japan
Level 1 JSSCTS 314159
Level 2 CKBGMM 265358
Level 3 SCTWMN 979323
Level 4 MKBRLN 846264
Level 5 LBLNRD 338327
Level 6 JMDKRK 950288
Level 7 STGRTN 419716
Level 7X N/A 939937
Level 8 SBBSHC 510582
Level 8X N/A 097494
Level 9 DBKRRB 459230
Level 9X N/A 781640
Level 10 MSFCTS 628620
Level 11 KMGRBS 899862
Level 12 SLJMBG 803482
Level 13 TGRTVN 534211
Level 14 CCLDSL 706798
Level 15 BTCLMB 214808
Level 16 STCJDH 651328

It should be noted that 7X, 8X, and 9X are all the canyon stages for Levels 7, 8, and 9.

Easter Egg

Level 3 and 4 Passwords

The passwords for Level 3 and Level 4 are referred as these:


Are the names of the developers Mike Berlyn and D. Scott Williamson.