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Cookie Run

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Title Screen

Cookie Run

Developer: Devsisters
Publisher: Devsisters
Platforms: iOS, Android
Released internationally: February 14, 2014
Released in KR: April 2, 2013

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Cookie Run is the third game in the series of endless runners featuring GingerBrave and his weirdo friends escaping an oven. Except this time, the game would be distributed by online messaging companies, Kakao in the Republic of Korea, and LINE elsewhere.

This page covers both the Kakao and now defunct LINE (English, Japanese, Thai, Chinese, and formerly Spanish) and Tencent QQ (China only) versions.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Cookie Run Wizard Placeholder.png
Early Placeholder Graphics
The Cookies tried to pass themselves off as Smurfs.
CR Magma Cookie Icon.png
Magma Cookie
A Cookie who only appeared in game files and was later replaced and became lost media.
CR Soda Goggles.gif
Unused Animations and Sprites
Now with 12% more sprites from an unused feature from the previous game being redrawn anyways.
CR QQ Tutorial.png
Version Differences
You either die a Korean-exclusive pet, or live long enough to become released 3 years later after your other market got their Rebel Cookie fix.

Debug Menu

CR Debug Menu.png

A file titled c_debug_main_play.ccbi exists that contains a developer cheat menu in the pause screen. Normally, it is disabled by default, but it can be enabled through currently unknown means (copying a version of the file from newer versions of the game seems to enable it). The buttons do not do anything, it is likely that the functionality was removed in clients of the game.

Unused Cookies


20001 is an unused garbage or test Cookie that can be found in version 4.21 of the game. It has no unique assets and is never called as a Cookie in the EquipmentDataSeoul, StuffName, and EquipmentDataSinsa files. It has no unique assets and instead calls to use Brave Cookie's assets. It has the skill ID of 1084 with a value of 150 and has it's energy set to 0 and is specified as male. If the Cookie is hacked to become playable, the game will crash.

Banana Cookie (ch17)

Cookie Run ch17.png
Cookie Run ch17 Blink.png
Cookie Run ch17 Spritesheet.png

A full fledged A-Grade Cookie was created, but was never released for unknown reasons. The Cookie is internally named ch17, but the EquipmentDataCookieRun.dxj file names her as "바나나맛 쿠키", which translates as "Banana Cookie", but not to be confused with a Cookie of the same name released in 2016. She is commonly nicknamed as "Banana Peel Cookie" within the fandom, likely to distinguish them from the officially released Banana Cookie. Banana Cookie was unfortunately never released for reasons unknown. In the text files, her only loading quote is "…" (the ellipsis character).

Banana Cookie can be played as by decrypting the .dxj files in old versions of the game and replacing level 1 Brave Cookie with her. This Banana Cookie does not have a proper x2 (HD) spritesheet, so playing as her on a newer/higher resolution device will have her display as rather small. Banana Cookie's skill is that she has a small chance of destroying an obstacle when she collides with one while sliding, which is similar to Muscle Cookie's skill. Her jump and slide sounds are shared with Strawberry Cookie, though the sliding sound does not play in the iOS version.

Banana Cookie would also appear in the credits of Cookie Run: OvenBreak, until said credits were revamped on December 31st, 2019 and the icon was no longer put to use, once again forcing this Banana Cookie to obscurity again.

A tweet on June 16th, 2020 A Tweet, Devsisters had officially acknowledged this Cookie in response to someone asking about if Dozer and the released Banana Cookie would be added to Cookie Run: OvenBreak. Devsisters, in response, said "You mean this Banana Cookie?", which was the first time she was officially referred to with a name in English.

Banana Cookie Promo Text

CR Gold Candy.png

In early versions of event_01_goldcandy.png found in early versions of Cookie Run for Kakao from April 21st, 2013 until the Cheesecake Cookie update, a block of text in the bottom right corner can be seen that is otherwise unseen, reading "최강 슬라이드! 바나나 맛 쿠키!", which translates to "Best slide! Banana Cookie!" Can be seen. This implies that the original Banana Cookie's ability would have had done with sliding.

The image has been flipped by 90 degrees for the ease of reading.

Unused Pets

There is a total of 3 unused pets that exist in the game's data.

Banana Potion

바나나맛 물약, translated as Banana Potion, was intended to be the combi pet for the early Banana Cookie, but it, along with Banana Cookie, were dropped. The ability listed for it reads "거대화 아이템", which translates as creates giant potions; but if hacked in game does absolutely nothing. There are no graphics for this pet aside from an image for its treasure. Hacking the pet into the game crashes it, as it has no spritesheet. Renaming another pet's spritesheet and plists to "pet22" will make the pet load, but it does absolutely nothing.


Cookie Run Unused Pet.png
Cookie Run pet25.png

A pet that appears to be a sentient pizza dough with a disembodied white hand beneath it tossing it. This pet is internally labelled pet25, and it has a low resolution sprite sheet of it as a recolor of Brain Gum. An HD version of the Brain Gum spritesheet was also present, but was later removed.


20002 is a test or garbage pet. It has no unique assets, and instead uses GingerGhost's sprites. When forced to be made playable, it crashes the game.

Unused Treasures

Banana Cookie Treasure

Cookie Run ch17 Treasure.png

A Treasure for the early Banana Cookie. It simply appears to be an image of Banana Cookie with the text "sample" under her.

Banana Potion Treasure

Cookie Run pet22 Treasure.png

A Treasure for the early Banana Cookie's pet, Banana Potion. This image is similar to the Banana Cookie Treasure, but with an unused pet resembling a bottle of milk with a banana on it. This is theorized to be the appearance of Banana Potion.

Cookies' 8th Freedom Frame

Tr event 54.png

A Treasure that was suppoosed to be given after completing the 8th Cookie Army (Dino-Sour Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, Roll Cake Cookie and Banana Cookie). But for some reason, it went unused.

Unused Jelly

In early versions of the game, a jelly defined in JellyData.dxj is present called the "Pizza Jelly". When collected, it makes the user 2.5 times larger briefly and restores 10 energy. No actual graphic for the Pizza Jelly was added to the game, so one of Special Force Cookie's Star Candy Jellies are used instead. The Jelly is also bugged, as collecting 2 potions in between Pizza Jellies will treat the Cookie as if they have ran out of energy and the run will end. Additionally, a animation .plist referencing a Power Jelly called "mr_pizza" can be found in "item10_mr_pizza_aniinfo.plist." Later versions of the 10th power jelly that "mr_pizza" took with one called "revival".

The functionality of the Pizza Jelly is similar in function to that of the Cracker Jelly that AWOL Cracker, Special Force Cookie's pet creates, though the Giant Mode is longer.

Unused Graphics

SS Grade

Cookie Run SS Grade.png

An unused grade identifier for an "SS Grade". It appears to be a reused version of the S Grade banner with black text saying "SS".

Supreme and Special Tags

CR Supreme.pngCR Special.png

The Supreme and Special tags from OvenBreak 2 are present in early versions of the game, but were removed around the New World update.

Early Map

CR Map Early.png

An early version of the world map only present in the 5.0 IPAs of Cookie Run for Kakao.

Gender Value

An unused value for Cookies exists in the EquipmentDataCookieRun file, which is titled "Gender". It has no effect on gameplay as the value was never utilized for any in-game function. Despite this, the gender value was filled out up until 5.01, where all instances of the value were set to 0.

The values' identites are as follows:

  • 0: No set gender. Usually used for Pets, Treasures, and Boosts.
  • 1: Male characters.
  • 2: Female characters.

The gender value for all of the Cookies that were present in the code of the game until version 4.89 of Kakao are as follows (Cookies marked in italics have genders that differ to their final or current gender identity in English transaltions of the games):

  • Brave Cookie: 1
  • Strawberry Cookie: 2
  • Bright Cookie: 1
  • Ginger Claus: 1
  • Cloud Cookie: 2
  • Buttercream Choco Cookie: 2
  • Ninja Cookie: 1
  • Princess Cookie: 2
  • Knight Cookie: 1
  • Coffee Cookie: 2
  • Skater Cookie: 1
  • Angel Cookie: 1
  • Zombie Cookie: 2
  • Cream Cookie: 2
  • Muscle Cookie: 1
  • Pirate Cookie: 1
  • Banana Cookie (ch17): 2 (Versions until 2.0 mark her with 1)
  • Skating Queen Cookie: 2
  • Hero Cookie: 1
  • Cheerleader Cookie: 2
  • Special Force Cookie: 2
  • Rebel Cookie: 1
  • Devil Cookie: 1
  • Kumiho Cookie: 1
  • Wizard Cookie: 1
  • Fairy Cookie: 1
  • Rockstar Cookie: 2
  • Cherry Cookie: 1
  • Carol Cookie: 2
  • Snow Sugar Cookie: 2
  • Pink Choco Cookie: 2
  • Prophet Cookie: 2
  • Pistachio Cookie: 2
  • Alchemist Cookie: 2
  • Vampire Cookie: 2
  • Apple Cookie: 2
  • Cheesecake Cookie: 2
  • Adventurer Cookie: 2
  • Soda Cookie: 2
  • Tiger Lily Cookie: 2
  • Magma Cookie: 2

Draft Maps

Dragon's Valley

This early version of the Dragon's Valley map was published in the 5.01 IPA of Cookie Run For Kakao. There is notably a very empty first section, and the obstacle layouts are rather simple. While running through the fourth area, Molten Strawberry Fondue, the game will crash.

City of Wizards

A very unfinished map with wide empty spaces and very few obstacles and jellies. It was published in the 6.01 IPA of Cookie Run for Kakao.

App Icons

Early App Icon

CR Alt Icon.png

Early versions of the iOS version of the game feature an alternate icon featuring Brave Cookie, Cloud Cookie, and Zombie Cookie.

Placeholder Icon

CR Generic Icon.png

Early versions of LINE Cookie Run exclusively have a green app icon saying "GAME Platform Sample App" in MS Comic Sans.

Kakao Launcher Icon

CR Kakao Launcher.png

An icon exclusively in the Kakao versions of the game. It is named as a "kakao launcher" in the game files.

Unused Music

2 unused songs are in the files of the game.

A song that is a remix of the Tower of Frozen Waves theme that isn't used anywhere in-game. In the files, it is named [2016_0318] SnowFairy_Stage_BGM_Again_1.fsb, possibly indicating that this song may have been intended to play while Sea Fairy Cookie is running, similar to Rockstar Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie.

Bgm_WorldMapWithAmbience.fsb is a version of the World Map theme but with ambience sounds of birds chirping.