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This page is a translated version of the page Doubutsu no Mori and the translation is 22% complete.
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Title Screen

Doubutsu no Mori/ja

開発元: Nintendo
発売元: Nintendo
プラットフォーム: Nintendo 64, iQue Player


AreasIcon.png 未使用のエリア
DevTextIcon.png 非表示の開発関連のテキスト
DebugIcon.png デバッグ機能
LevelSelectIcon.png 非表示のステージ選択

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
Entering the code 8010FD63 0001 enables a debug display. More info here.

Doubutsu no Mori is a late-era Japan-only Nintendo 64 game that was re-released for the GameCube in Japan, then updated and released in the US as Animal Crossing, and that version was re-re-released in Japan and (finally) released to the rest of the world, except for China, which got the original Nintendo 64 version years after its Japanese release.

Weird sentence, weirder story.



The game contains a map select screen that is very similar in design to those found in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. The screen can be accessed using the GameShark codes below. Enter the codes and start the game (make sure you have a save file), and when Totakeke on the screen prompts you to start, hold R and hit the second option of each prompt until he starts to freak out. Hit the second option one last time and he will "erase" you (it won't work). After that, the test menu will come up. The D-pad is used to choose an area, and Start will load it.

D0145B31 0010
81106F14 0073
D0145B31 0010
81106F16 F4D0
D0145B31 0010
81106F18 0074
D0145B31 0010
81106F1A 1A40
D0145B31 0010
81106F1C 8080
D0145B31 0010
81106F1E 0000
D0145B31 0010
81106F20 8080
D0145B31 0010
81106F22 2570
D0145B31 0010
81106F28 8080
D0145B31 0010
81106F2A 1A34
D0145B31 0010
81106F2C 8080
D0145B31 0010
81106F2E 1A28
D0145B31 0010
81106F3E 0240
(Source: xdaniel, access method by Cendamos)
Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: Lots of stuff to do here...
To do:
Document the map select options, document the maps (most, if not all, are for debugging/testing or something?), everything else.


From top to bottom, the labels are Step, Weather, Gender, Face, Bee Sting, Data, Shirt, Event.

1: フィールドコース1

Animalforest fieldcourse1.png Animalforest fieldtest1pit.png Animalforest fieldtest1train.png Animalforest fieldtest1toptrain.png Animalforest fieldtest1trees.png

Acre 1 has 5 NPCs that have a conversation, then immediately get either angry or depressed. They all disappear if you leave the acre. There is also a bulletin board. Another acre has trees in each stage of growth. There are also fruit trees bearing every kind of fruit. Other highlights include rivers that appear out of nowhere, two lighthouses, a train stuck in midair, another acre of trees (this time with money growing on them), and hills covered in pitfalls.

2: フィールドコース2

Animalforest fieldtest2start.png Animalforest fieldtest2cubes.png

Features several instances of Nook's Cranny, a few houses intended for the player, many more NPCs, a soccer ball, and two landfills. The complete lack of trees in this map compensates for their overabundance in the previous one. This map is unused in the GameCube version as well. It also includes a giant unused yellow cube-like figure, which other than multiplying and pushing the player around does not do much.

3: フィールドコース3

Animalforest field3copper.png Animalforest field3apples.png Animalforest field3waterhorse.png Animalforest stumprow.png Animalforest flyingtrain2.png

A bunch of apples and pitfalls can be found in one area. Copper is also present. Oddities include a villager walking on water, a rectangle made of tree stumps, and another flying train. Also present in the GameCube version.

4: 水テストコース

Animalforest watertest.png Animalforest watertestbees.png

Bees spawn at the starting point of the map, so (ahem) be warned. There is also a steep hill and a waterfall. Surprisingly normal compared to the previous maps.

5: 足跡テストコース

All we get to see.

Crashes the game.

6: NPCテストコース

Animalforest npctest.png

A single-acre map with three NPCs and nothing else.

7: NPC Arrange Room

Animalforest npcarrange.png

House with many paintings, a chair, a potted plant, and two Gyroids. Going outside takes you to Field Course 1.

8: NPC Random Course

Doesn't load.

9: FG Tool, Field Mode

Generic four-acre map. Nothing to see here.

10: 店

Sold out of everything.

Nook's Cranny without anything to buy. Exit leads to Field Course 1.

11: BG Preview Without Rivers

Looks like... cookie chunks.

An early map geometry test without proper textures. In other words, it is a glitched cliff.

12: BG Preview With Rivers

Slime Land

A very early river test with primitive textures. The player walks around on the water and cannot get up on dry land. You can also get stuck behind one corner of the dock.

13: Shady Broker's Shop

Animalforest shadybroker.png

Also known as the Black Market or Crazy Redd's. Exit leads to Field Course 1.

14: FG Tool, Room Interior Mode

Same as 7, but may be different. No idea what special function it has. Exit leads to Field Course 1.

15: 郵便局

The Post Office, obviously. Exit leads to Field Course 1, as usual.

16: start demo 1

The scene where you meet Rover on the train at the beginning of the game. After the questionnaire is completed, the screen fades to black and the train sound effect is played on an endless loop.

17: start demo 2

The meeting with Rover again, only he doesn't ask for the date in this one.

18: Police Station

The Police Station, of course. The exit leads to everybody's favorite test map, Field Course 1.

19: Fortune Telling Tent

The Fortune Telling Tent. Guess where the exit leads. I dare you.

20: Player Select

Presumably used to select player 1. If you have no save file, it replays Totakeke's beginning speech.

21: My Room size S

Animalforest myrooms.png

Drops you in a small house. Oddly enough, you can't exit.

22: My Room size M

Animalforest myroomm.png

Drops you in a medium house. The camera is fixed, and you still can't exit.

23: My Room size L

Animalforest myrooml.png

Same as above, only you're in an even larger house.

24: Convenience Store

Starts you off in Nook 'n' Go, the first upgrade to Nook's store. No items are for sale. Exit leads to Field Course 1.

25: Supermarket

Starts you off in Nookway, the second upgrade to Nook's store. No items are for sale. Exit leads to Field Course 1.

26: Department Store 1F

Starts you off on the first floor of Nookington's, the third and final upgrade to Nook's store. The stairway to the second floor functions normally. No items are for sale. Exit leads to Field Course 1.

27: Test Course 5

A small map that only has ponds and grass areas.

28: Player Select 2

Brings up the load player screen with some sheep talking to you instead of Totakeke. Presumably used to load player 2.

29: Player Select 3

Brings up the load player screen with Totakeke. Presumably used to load player 3.

30: Department Store 2F

Starts you off on the second floor of Nookington's. The stairway functions normally, and the exit again deposits you at Field Course 1.

31: Event Announcements

A bunch of acres with sign poles in the same place. One acre will crash the game.

32: イグルー

Animalforest iglootest.png

Specifically, an igloo made by hollowing out a pile of snow.

33: for field tool

An "almost" normal town, except something is buried in cement, the animals have graphically glitched houses that all lead to NPC arrange room (#7 in the menu), and the post office and dump are missing.

34: Waiting For Visitors Demo

This will load the title screen with a demo of your town, but you are fully playable. Pressing the Start button takes you to Totakeke's speech/player select.

35: Player Select 4

Brings back the sheep to help load your game. Presumably used to select player 4.

Build Date

Present at 0x19D00 is a build date in the same format as Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

01-02-14 16:37:16
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