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Dragon Quest Builders 2/Unused Text/English Text

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This is a sub-page of Dragon Quest Builders 2/Unused Text.

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!
To do:
  • Translate! Also merge/delete repeat lines. There's toooo much text, that's why removing repeats will be very beneficial.
    This is vastly incomplete.
  • The early localization Furrowfield stuff is likely from the PAX demo, can more of the entries be confirmed with footage other than the one I noted?


To do:
Malroth is missing in some name stuff!
Japanese English Translation Notes
Cutscene Number 18
へんじがない。 ただの しかばね のようだ…。
There's no response. It's just a corpse.
The below entries seem to be tests and example implementations for some dialogue functions. Unfortunately the actual cutscene data for this has been deleted, so there are no actual examples to reference.
NPC talk motion
Are there choices?
Yes there are.
I made them just in case.
End of choice conversation.
はい を(えら)ぶまで()わらないループてできるのかしら?
はい を(えら)ぶまで()わらないループてできるのかしら?
Is it possible to create a loop that doesn't end until you choose yes?
Yes. It's over.
Actually, you can.
It's a bit tedious, though.
これは はい を(えら)ぶまで()わりませんよ
これは はい を(えら)ぶまで()わりませんよ
This won't end until you choose yes.
いいえ を(えら)ぶまで()わらないループは?
いいえ を(えら)ぶまで()わらないループは?
What about a loop that doesn't end until you choose no?
You can do that with a similar command.
ここは いいえ を(えら)ばないと()わりません
ここは いいえ を(えら)ばないと()わりません
If you don't choose no, it won't end.
引数(ひきすう)4が () になっています
引数(ひきすう)4が () になっています
Press the button to close the window.
Opens a window with the following message.
Argument 4 is set to yes.
Look. It's open.
If there is no wait, the message will display immediately.
Start scrolling from here.
Add the tag, and it will start scrolling.
It doesn't scroll from the bottom, but starts from the third line.
You have to call the standby motion.
The looping conversation motion never ends.
scroff をメッセージにいれてください
scroff をメッセージにいれてください
Use "scroff" to disable scrolling.
This is the end of the sample.
I didn't scroll.
Cutscene Number 30
シドー「(のこ)りは ()(もの)確保(かくほ)か。
海岸(かいがん)()ちている モモガイとやらを
Okay, next thing on the to-do list is sorting out some supper. If we fry up some of those scallywinkle things from the beach, we'll be eating like kings tonight!
シドー「まずは ()を 用意(ようい)しないとな。
 たき()の (つく)(かた)を ひらめいたら
作業(さぎょう)(だい)で (つく)っちまおうぜ。
If only we had something to cook them on... Hey, maybe that trusty old book of yours will tell you how to start a fire!
Cutscene Number 37
シドー「あとは おなかがすいたという おねがいも あったな。
What else did that girl say? She wanted a bed to sleep on, right?
シドー「しかし (かい)()くための たき()浜辺(はまべ)()ちている わけもない…。
Problem is, I don't think we're going to find any just lying around on this beach.
シドー「いよいよ ソザイ から (もの)を ツクル というわけか。
Maybe if we keep searching around for supplies, you might work out how to make one.
シドー「なに? (もの)を ツクルには 作業(さぎょう)(だい)必要(ひつよう)
...What's that? You can't make anything without a workbench?
シドー「それじゃあ まずは その作業(さぎょう)(だい)とやらを (さが)しに()くとしよう。 この浜辺(はまべ)に (なが)()いていればいいが…。
In that case, the first thing we need to do is find you one. I wonder if there's one washed up on this beach somewhere...
Cutscene Number 38
シドー「それで? 作業台(さぎょうだい)とやらを()て どうだったんだ?
Well, did you learn anything new?

シドー「……ほう ひつようなことをこなせば ⛋$わらベッドと ⛋$たき火を ツクレル ようになりそう か。

$油って ヤツと ⛋$枯れ草って ヤツを あつめれば ⛋$たき火と ⛋$わらベッドを ツクレルんだな?
...You found out what you need to do to figure out the recipes for ⛋(-)$plr_iname(1908)(-) and ⛋(-)$plr_iname(301)(-)? That's great!
シドー「()(くさ)を あつめたり スライムを たおしたりすればいいとは…。 ……ビルダーってのは おもしろいな!
So all we have to do is gather up a few bundles of dry grass and slaughter some unsuspecting slimes, then the building can begin! Sounds right up my street!
シドー「その(ほん) おもしろそうだな。 ちょっと オレにも ()せてみろよ。
So all we have to do is gather up a few bundles of dry grass and slaughter some unsuspecting slimes, then the building can begin! Sounds right up my street!
That book looks neat.
Let me see it.
The English text files sometimes have duplicate lines to make the number of text boxes the same as the Japanese script; these duplicates do not display when playing the game.
いやだ だと!?
いやだ だと!?
You don't want to!?
シドー「オマエ… ()うときは()うんだな。
それになんだか (かお)(あか)くないか?
シドー「オマエ… ()うときは()うんだな。
それになんだか (かお)(あか)くないか?
シドー「その(ほん) すごい秘密(ひみつ)がありそうだ…。
いつか オレにも ()せろよな!
シドー「その(ほん) すごい秘密(ひみつ)がありそうだ…。
いつか オレにも ()せろよな!
その2つ どうやって あつめるんだ?
その2つ どうやって あつめるんだ?
シドー「(ふる)くさいが べんりな(ほん)だ。
オマエ おもしろいもの ()ってるじゃないか。
シドー「(ふる)くさいが べんりな(ほん)だ。
オマエ おもしろいもの ()ってるじゃないか。
ひらめくために ひつようなことをやって
あの(おんな)がほしがってるものを (つく)るとしようぜ!
ひらめくために ひつようなことをやって
あの(おんな)がほしがってるものを (つく)るとしようぜ!
シドー「……そういえば オマエ
ひらめくために ひつようなことをやれば
こんぼうを (つく)れそうって ()ってやがったな。
シドー「……そういえば オマエ
ひらめくために ひつようなことをやれば
こんぼうを (つく)れそうって ()ってやがったな。
シドー「こんぼうを ひらめくには
スライムどもを (たお)せばいいんだろ?
なあ まずは オレに こんぼうを(つく)ってくれよ!
シドー「こんぼうを ひらめくには
スライムどもを (たお)せばいいんだろ?
なあ まずは オレに こんぼうを(つく)ってくれよ!
Cutscene Number 40
シドー「おい オマエ! その ボロくさい(だい)は なんだ? 邪魔(じゃま)なら ぶっ(こわ)してやろうか?
What's got you so interested in that table? It looks like a piece of old junk to me.
(こわ)すなんて とんでもない
モノをツクルには 作業台(さぎょうだい)がひつようだ だと?
(こわ)すなんて とんでもない
モノをツクルには 作業台(さぎょうだい)がひつようだ だと?
シドー「まあ オレには よくわからないが…。 あの(おんな)がほしがってたモノ こんな(だい)で 本当(ほんとう)に 用意(ようい)できるのかよ?
...Builders need these things to do their job? Huh. I suppose that means smashing it to splinters is out of the question.
シドー「お? 今度(こんど)は なんだ? その こぎたない(ほん)に なにか()いてあるのか?
Whoa! First a tatty table, now some battered old book! You builders are into the weirdest things. What've you got written in there?
シドー「……ほう その(ほん)に あたらしい(もの)を ヒラメク ための ヒントが()いてあるってワケか。
...I see, I see. So it gives you hints on how to come up with new inventions, does it?
シドー「見習(みなら)いは 見習(みなら)いらしく (ほん)()ながら お勉強(べんきょう) ってわけだ。
Sounds like something an apprentice builder would be lost at sea without. Good job you didn't lose it when your ship sank, or we'd be sunk too!
シドー「もう一度(いちど)作業台(さぎょうだい)にアクセスすると 条件(じょうけん)()たせばベッドとこんぼうが(つく)れるむね説明(せつめい) 作業台(さぎょうだい)()じると(つぎ)会話(かいわ)再生(さいせい)
PLACEHOLDER! Accessing the workbench won't open the crafting menu yet, but a description will pop up explaining the conditions for inventing new stuff.
Placeholder text, if it screaming at you doesn't make it obvious enough. The Japanese is the same, though it doesn't announce itself as placeholder.
Cutscene Number 45
Would you look at that... This place is crawling with monsters.
The Japanese language entry has been deleted and replaced with the "Please check the data!" error message. Chinese and Korean language translations still exist, though all other languages have duplicates of the English text entry. (EDITOR NOTE: The JP entry still exists in earlier patch versions, go grab it later.)
Think you can you handle yourself in a scrap? No offence, but you're not exactly a mountain of muscles...
I think you'd better leave the fighting to me, Captain Thinarms. You might even learn a thing or two about the proper way to squish a slime!
Cutscene Number 52
Whoa, what was that? When you stuck your hand out just then, I got this irresistible urge to slap it.
...It's called a 'high five'? It's something friends do to celebrate a job well done?
Well, as long as it's only for special occasions, I suppose I can get on board.
Anyway, I feel much better after mauling those monsters. It's like an irritating little itch has been well and truly scratched.
I wish I could build stuff like you do, but I guess wanton destruction is much more my bag.
I'm glad I've found my calling, don't get me wrong, but I'm more than a little envious of you and your knack for crafting.
And to think, you're only an apprentice, and you can already make loads of stuff! Just imagine the things you'll be building when you're a master crafter!
Anyway, let's head back to the hut before that Lulu character steals all the bedding. She's a wily one alright━you better make sure you sleep with one eye open tonight!
I'm glad I met you. What do you say we explore the whole island together, just you and me? ...But let's do it tomorrow━I'm about to conk out any second now!
シドー「おい ビルド
(はや)いとこ 部屋(へや)に もどるぞ!
シドー「おい ビルド
(はや)いとこ 部屋(へや)に もどるぞ!
シドー「…… ……。
シドー「…… ……。
シドー「なあ ビルド…。
シドー「なあ ビルド…。
いつ()るかは わからない。
()()けたら (しま)をいっしょに 探検(たんけん)しようぜ。
いつ()るかは わからない。
()()けたら (しま)をいっしょに 探検(たんけん)しようぜ。
シドー「今日(きょう)は ありがとな。
オマエの (もの)(づく)り (わる)くなかったぜ。
シドー「今日(きょう)は ありがとな。
オマエの (もの)(づく)り (わる)くなかったぜ。
それじゃあ たった今から
オマエは オレの子分だ。
せいぜい 物作りに はげめよな!
それじゃあ たった今から
オマエは オレの子分だ。
せいぜい 物作りに はげめよな!
ピンチのときは オレがオマエを 助けてやる。
オレの名と 命にかけて。 
ピンチのときは オレがオマエを 助けてやる。
オレの名と 命にかけて。 
よし 今日のところは
部屋にもどって 寝るとしよう。
夜が明けたら 島の中を くまなく探検しようぜ!
よし 今日のところは
部屋にもどって 寝るとしよう。
夜が明けたら 島の中を くまなく探検しようぜ!
Cutscene Number 65
シドー「さっきの(こえ)が ()っていた おくりもの どんなものか 調(しら)べてみようぜ。
That hammer must be the gift the voice was talking about. Go on━grab it!
This seems to be dialogue from before the Hairy Hermit character was implemented, as the Hermit is the one to give the player a hammer in the final game. Also of note, in the final game "the voice" is the alias of Hargon, which has... interesting implications.
Cutscene Number 66
シドー「んん? なんだそれ? それが あの(こえ)()ってやがった おくりものって ヤツなのか?
What's that, Bildrick? Is it the important-sounding tool that voice was talking about?
未使用249「それは おおきづち ビルダーの 象徴(しょうちょう)とも()える道具(どうぐ)だ。
In Bildrick's palm is the giant mallet━the unmistakable symbol of builderdom.
The voice's speech style does not match the Hairy Hermit's speech style at all, so it is unlikely that this is simply a version of events where the Hermit does not immediately reveal himself.
未使用249「おおきづちを使(つか)えば (いま)まで (こわ)せなかった(もの)が (こわ)せるだろう。
Hammer in hand, that which was before unbreakable may now be broken.
Speaker is "Unused249", the slot was presumably used for something else earlier in development.
未使用249「それは おおきづち ビルダーの 象徴(しょうちょう)とも()える道具(どうぐ)だ。
Take your trusty tool, strike it upon the wall before you and witness the mallet's might with your own two eyes.
チャコ「おおきづちを使(つか)えば (いま)まで (こわ)せなかった(もの)が (こわ)せるだろう。
Beyond the barrier the first in a succession of rigorous challenges awaits you. Go forth and learn for yourself what is required of a master crafts<morf(man,woman)(-).
Speaker is designated to be Rosie, which seems to be incorrect, the intended speaker is likely to be 249.
シドー「おいおい なんだよ
あの かたそうな(いし)は…。
まさか その道具(どうぐ)で (こわ)せるっていうのか?
シドー「おいおい なんだよ
あの かたそうな(いし)は…。
まさか その道具(どうぐ)で (こわ)せるっていうのか?
シドー「おい ビルド
せっかくだ ためしてみようぜ!
シドー「おい ビルド
せっかくだ ためしてみようぜ!
Cutscene Number 67
シドー「とにかく その おおきづちってヤツを つかってみようぜ
That thing looks like it could put a decent dent in a dracky or splatter a slime! I can't wait to see you try it out!
シドー「……武器(ぶき)は 装備(そうび)しねえと 意味(いみ)ねえからな。 装備(そうび)するのを (わす)れんなよ?
Just don't forget to equip it first. After all, a tool in the hand is worth ten in the bag!
Cutscene Number 68
シドー「あの(おんな)心配(しんぱい)だ…。 ひとまず (もと)いた海岸(かいがん)に (もど)ろうぜ!
That was one heck of an earthquake. Let's get back to the beach and see if that girl's okay. Not that I care, or anything...
Cutscene Number 69
Woah! That wasn't here before.
This segment seems to be related to some structures seen in April 2018. This tutorial was cut, and teaching the player about room sizes was moved to Furrowfield.
Bildrick! Malroth! Can one of you please explain what in the world this thing is!? It rose up out of the ground without a word of warning, and gave me the fright of my life!
Hmmm... Judging from that hammer on the top, I'd say it was one of those Builder's Beacons the voice from the mountain was prattling on about.
Didn't they say there was supposed to be something written on it?
An early screenshot shows that the "Builder's Beacon" is likely an earlier variant of the Mini-Medal statues. They do not have text hints in the final game.
Cutscene Number 74
The beacon said we need to build a very small small room and a medium-sized room. But where to begin?
While "very small small room" may technically not be a typo (since "small room" is the designation for a specific type of room), it certainly feels like one.
Well, if we do something similar to the room we made for that girl, we'd be off to a good start.
As long as the walls are two blocks high and unbroken, and there are doors for getting in and out, that should do the trick, right?
Cutscene Number 75
Let me get this straight━when you got to the top of the mountain, that spooky voice told you you had to complete challenges to become a master builder?
The localization opted not to use the title "master builder" for the player character, though this term is still used in the Japanese release. (I think-double check this.)
It all sounds very suspicious... You'd better wash your hands of this horseplay before you land us all in deep trouble, I'm warning you!
Cutscene Number 78
The beacon turned into...something shiny? Quick, Bildrick━grab it before you-know-who does!
Cutscene Number 83
Who's that bloke by the ship? Let's see what he's got to say, but take every word with a pinch of salt━he could be dangerous for all we know.
Cutscene Number 84
You're back, and not a moment too soon! This fellow appeared and started spouting incomprehensible gibberish.
And I'm sure that beard's a fake! Even if I did understand what he was saying, I wouldn't trust a word of it!
Cutscene Number 90
That's a relief, but I don't feel much more reassured about our situation... Let's leave that dodgy-looking stone alone, eh?
Cutscene Number 92
Nothing happens...
Cutscene Number 97
Alright! That's the blueprint challenge done and dusted! Nice work, Bildrick!
Rather! Those rich, red walls look ever so sophisticated, and you built them in no time at all! You never cease to amaze me.
"Rich, red walls" seems to be referring to the structure seen in this early screenshot, and the bluepreint referenced is likely this unused red brick one, which matches the aforementioned screenshot.
...Gosh, look! The beacon has started shining. What do you think it could mean?
Well, it started glowing after Bildrick finished the blueprint, so it must have something to do with the challenge. Let's check it out!
てか ()てみろよ!
部屋(へや)()てたら あの石柱(せきちゅう)(ひか)()したみてえだぞ。
てか ()てみろよ!
部屋(へや)()てたら あの石柱(せきちゅう)(ひか)()したみてえだぞ。
おい ビルド
あの石柱(せきちゅう) もう一度(いちど) しらべてみようぜ!
おい ビルド
あの石柱(せきちゅう) もう一度(いちど) しらべてみようぜ!
Cutscene Number 285
You really look the part now you've got that mallet. Let's get back to the beach and see if there's anything else we can smash to smithereens!
Bildrick gets the feeling there's something important to attend to on the beach...
Cutscene Number 806
Cutscene Number 1004
A little b-b-bird tells me you worked out how to make ⛋(-)$plritem(220)(-) and ⛋(-)$plritem(1273)(-). I think it might be nice to try putting a fence around one of our fields.
If you enclose an area with fencing, and include a gate so we can all get in and out, you can specify a space for growing crops of almost any size or shape you like.
チャコ「あとは ビルドさんが
タネをまいてくれれば 立派(りっぱ)(はたけ)の 完成(かんせい)です。
ああ! なんてすてきな 共同(きょうどう)作業(さぎょう)でしょう!
チャコ「あとは ビルドさんが
タネをまいてくれれば 立派(りっぱ)(はたけ)の 完成(かんせい)です。
ああ! なんてすてきな 共同(きょうどう)作業(さぎょう)でしょう!
Go on, Bildrick, give it a shot! Go build some ⛋(-)$plritem(220)(-) and a ⛋(-)$iname(1273)(-) and put it around one of the fields we already have here.
Cutscene Number 1009
(sob) So this is how I die━as dinner for a big, stinky ape... (sniff) I hope I give them horrible indigestion!
This entire entry is from the game's PAX demo.
Wait... The monsters━they're gone!
Those scaredy-cats must have turned tale and fled when they finally worked out who they were dealing with! Hee hee!
Note the "turned tale" typo, which was fixed in the full English release.
Eeeeeeeeek! S-S-Since when have you two been standing there!?
Since you beat the monsters...? Ohhh, I see! Thanks for your help.
But who are you? And what are you doing here?
He's Malroth, and he has amnesia...and you're Bildrick, an apprentice builder? Wait━you're a b-b-builder? The kind that builds things!?
You're obviously not from around here, are you...
Well, I wouldn't go around telling people you're a builder if I were you. There's no telling how they might react.
Cutscene Number 1034
どうです? おおきな(はたけ)は (つく)れそうですか?
どうです? おおきな(はたけ)は (つく)れそうですか?
Try making some ⛋(-)$plritem(220)(-) and a ⛋(-)$iname(1273)(-) and putting it around one of our fields!
Just think about it━you can have a field in almost any size or shape you want!
チャコ「そうそう けんこうな(つち)を (なか)にしいて
()(なか)に ⛋$かかしを ()くのを
チャコ「そうそう けんこうな(つち)を (なか)にしいて
()(なか)に ⛋$かかしを ()くのを
チャコ「さあ ビルドさん!
$おしゃれさくと ⛋$おしゃれフェンス使(つか)って
おおきな(はたけ)を (つく)ってください!
チャコ「さあ ビルドさん!
$おしゃれさくと ⛋$おしゃれフェンス使(つか)って
おおきな(はたけ)を (つく)ってください!
Cutscene Number 1035
Wow! Thanks, Bildrick! You put a fence around our field! There's even a lovely little gate, too!
チャコ「これで ビルドさんの自由(じゆう)
(はたけ)(かたち)や おおきさを ()められますね!
チャコ「これで ビルドさんの自由(じゆう)
(はたけ)(かたち)や おおきさを ()められますね!
I've been thinking, Bildrick. There's got to be more to restoring the Deitree than just growing a bunch of cabbages and wheat and ploughing a bunch of dirt...
チャコ「これで ビルドさんの自由(じゆう)
(はたけ)(かたち)や おおきさを ()められますよ!
チャコ「これで ビルドさんの自由(じゆう)
(はたけ)(かたち)や おおきさを ()められますよ!
I don't know what the pastor's going to ask us to do next, but I'm sure being able to make our fields how we like━big or small, wide or narrow━will be a big help.
Whatever size or shape of fields you want to grow our crops in is fine with me. Just make sure to enclose them with gates and fences so everyone here knows what's what.
Cutscene Number 1039
チャコ「うわっ すごい!
チャコ「うわっ すごい!
This villager request is unused, you are never asked to decorate fields. Possibly cut because there are no extant rooms that meet these criteria. There is a similar used quest where you are asked to decorate the farmers' bedrooms, which does produce a unique room type, however.
Hi, Bildrick! All our crops are coming in nicely and the village is getting bigger and better by the day. Everything's moving along so smoothly.
It's hard for me to believe I'd be so happy about it. After all, I was one of the Children of Hargon's most devoted followers.
But there's no way I can deny it━building, farming, it's all just so much fun!
But tell me, Bildrick, what do you think of our fields?
To be frank, I think they're rather plain. It's just fences, scarecrows and crops. It's functional, but it's very drab!
As such, I was wondering if you could liven up our fields a little bit. Some rustic decorations would be just the thing we need.
Could you decorate a field so we can see what it looks like? I think a field with two ⛋(-)$plritem(299)(-), a ⛋(-)$iname(1817)(-) and a set of ⛋(-)$iname(1644)(-) would look much fantastic.
Cutscene Number 1042
These decorations are wonderful, Bildrick! Our fields really look the part, now.
I know I've told you before about how I dream of bringing farming back to the island━restoring it to the beautiful, verdant land it once was...
But Furrowfield wasn't just full of backwater farming villages. It had huge, bustling towns. And I want to bring that back, too!
I want this to be a place where people live their lives with a smile on their face, and adding a bit of decoration wherever we can is the first step towards making that dream come true.
シドー「オマエ… あいかわらず (みょう)なヤツだな。
ビルド! こんなヤツ かまうことないぜ。
シドー「オマエ… あいかわらず (みょう)なヤツだな。
ビルド! こんなヤツ かまうことないぜ。
ヒース「シッ シドー!
だだだ だまらっしゃい!
破壊(はかい)しか ノウのない ゴクツブシめっ!
ヒース「シッ シドー!
だだだ だまらっしゃい!
破壊(はかい)しか ノウのない ゴクツブシめっ!
ヒース「とっ とにかく ビルド殿(どの)
(わたし)は すでに あなたの物作(ものづく)りの
熱烈(ねつれつ)かつ 強烈(きょうれつ)な 信者(しんじゃ)です!
ヒース「とっ とにかく ビルド殿(どの)
(わたし)は すでに あなたの物作(ものづく)りの
熱烈(ねつれつ)かつ 強烈(きょうれつ)な 信者(しんじゃ)です!
ヒース「あなたが ビルド(きょう)を (つく)るのなら
すべてを すてて 入信(にゅうしん)します!
いつでも (こえ)を おかけくださいっ!
ヒース「あなたが ビルド(きょう)を (つく)るのなら
すべてを すてて 入信(にゅうしん)します!
いつでも (こえ)を おかけくださいっ!
Cutscene Number 1054
Let's grow some cabbages!
Let's grow some cabbages!
Cutscene Number 1058
Let's grow some wheat!
Let's grow some wheat!
Cutscene Number 1062
Let's plough some soil!
Cutscene Number 1079
Wheat seeds? Where are we supposed to find something like that!? Maybe there's someone out there we can ask for help...
シドー「おい ビルド (だれ)かいるみたいだぜ?
(いま)(こえ) このボロ屋の(うえ)から 聞こえたみたいだ。
シドー「おい ビルド (だれ)かいるみたいだぜ?
(いま)(こえ) このボロ屋の(うえ)から 聞こえたみたいだ。
Cutscene Number 1086
Alright! Time for a proper fight. I can't wait to give those ants a good clobbering.
Cutscene Number 1092
He certainly doesn't look anything like I expected... I wonder if he can really make new earth.
Cutscene Number 1114
Pastor Al
Heh heh heh... I have been waiting for you to come and speak with me, builder.
Al's villain laugh is "Hmm hmm hmm..." in used dialogue.
I know what you are thinking. You have completed all three tasks I assigned you, but nothing of consequence has changed. This is why you wish to speak with me, is it not?
But what you see in the center of your village is the Deitree's true form! The holy plant that blessed our island with life was but a small sapling...
What? Really?
Pastor Al
Heh heh heh... Of course not, you fool!
Pastor Al
Your type are always in such a hurry... There is no need to be so impatient. All shall become clear, with the passage of time...
Pastor Al
In fact, perhaps now is the time. Prepare yourselves━there is something you must see...
Ah, but first...
Young builder! I must congratulate you on completing all three of the tasks I assigned you. Your skill and perseverence impressed even me.
Cutscene Number 1115
Pastor Al
Heh heh heh... Our preparations are complete. Behold━the Deitree!
It's━it's incredible! I can't believe such a poor, whithered sapling could grow into something so beautiful!
すばらしい! すばらしすぎるぞ ビルド!
すばらしい! すばらしすぎるぞ ビルド!
チャコ「これも ぜんぶ
ビルドさんの おかげです!
ドルトン「これも ぜんぶ
ビルドさんの おかげです!
Pastor Al
Heh heh heh... This is but a glimpse of the Deitree's true majesty━there is yet more that must first be done.
More? More what?
(しま)(みどり)()りもどすには (つぎ)なるお(だい)をこなし
大樹(たいじゅ)を (みずか)らのチカラで (そだ)てあげねばならん。
(しま)(みどり)()りもどすには (つぎ)なるお(だい)をこなし
大樹(たいじゅ)を (みずか)らのチカラで (そだ)てあげねばならん。
Pastor Al
There are yet more tasks that await your attention, builder. Should you complete them, we may yet see the Deitree attain its almighty, true form.
マギール「ひとまず 大樹(たいじゅ)(そだ)てる 道筋(みちすじ)はととのった。
みなみな ここまでの(はたら)き ほめてつかわそう!
マギール「ひとまず 大樹(たいじゅ)(そだ)てる 道筋(みちすじ)はととのった。
みなみな ここまでの(はたら)き ほめてつかわそう!
Cutscene Number 1151
Hey! Hey, Bildrick!
We've finished all three of those tedious chores the inquisitor made us do!
Pastor Al does not have the title "inquisitor" in the final English release.
But there's something bothering me: everyone on this island seems to have a screw loose! Why else would they all fall for this 'Children of Hargon' rubbish?
At least they don't think you're the devil any more... How could they think builders are evil? As far as I know, builders are pretty commonplace! It's all a bit fishy if you ask me.
...Huh? Yeah, you're right. I don't think I'd ever heard of anywhere called 'Furrowfield' before we got here, either.
But I wouldn't remember it if I had━I still can't remember anything before waking up on the beach on that island... Still, something seems off about this place.
Oh well. I'm sure we'll find out eventually.
Anyway, what's the deal with the Deitree? We did all three tasks but it still doesn't really look like an all-powerful god-tree.
Alright. Come on, Bildrick. Let's go and find that inquisitor. I want to have a word with him.
Cutscene Number 1287
That dog doesn't seem to want to help any more. Maybe she wasn't sent by the Deitree after all.
But if we're going to find those seeds, we really need her help. There must be some way to gain her trust...
Pastor Al
If you wish to tame that dog, the most simple and straightforward manner would be to pat it. Once it realises you mean it no harm, it should let its guard down.
Obviously it is bound to flee if it sees you coming. But should you approach it slowly and stealthily from behind, you should be able to pat it before it realises you are upon it.
Hmmm... That makes sense. I'd probably run away too, if someone twice my size was charging headlong at me.
Well, you know what to do now, Bildrick: Sneak up on that dog and give her a good pat on the head!
Cutscene Number 2220
Another puzzle! But this one looks like a little different to the others. It's much bigger for a start.
And the place is flooded. I think this one could be a bit of a brain-teaser. Maybe that sign will give us a helpful hint!
Cutscene Number 2223
Stupid stone statues! Why would we turn back now?
Wait... This one's voice was different to the others.
Cutscene Number 2228
Phew! That escalated quickly, but at least we found a way out.
How long do you think this old temple has been here? It's practically crumbling away around us! Let's be extra careful from now on, or this place will be the death of us.
Cutscene Number 2229
What do you think that is, Bildrick? Some sort of altar, perhaps? Pretty impressive, if you ask me.
I wonder how old this place is... It's crumbling to pieces. Just look at those gaping holes in the floor!
Cutscene Number 2235
fit fellow
This way! Try an' keep up, mate!
Cutscene Number 2388
That statue looks just the ones in the entrance chamber!
Think you can take it back and place it on one of the empty plinths? Maybe something cool will happen if you do!
Cutscene Number 2389
We got the first statue! Let's go and place it on the plinth!
Cutscene Number 2390
Statue number two, in the bag! All we need to do is place it on the plinth and we can grab the treasure!
Cutscene Number 2399
Puzzle solved! Let's open that chest and get the key!
Cutscene Number 3302
Hohohoh! It looks like our new weapon is fully operational! Capital work, everyone!
All that energy we charged into the first two towers is getting beamed into the main cannon now.
I don't care how big Atlus is. If that cannon scores a direct hit, he'll be knocked flat for certain.
Atlas is misspelled as "Atlus".
Heheheh. All that's left now is to sit back and wait for him to attack us.
...Hm? That's a dreadfully dour expression, Bildrick. What troubles you so?
...What? 'Who cares about Atlas, can we finally let Malroth out of the dungeon now?'
Ah... I see your point.
Cutscene Number 3457
All three armies threatening Moonbrooke are now no more! We are safe at last!
Cutscene Number 4283
Build-a-vehicle-that-can-fly-to-HARGON'S CASTLE.
Cutscene Number 5887
On the seventh day, Bildrick is told to sit in front of a mirror all day long and question <morf(his,her)(-) very existence.
Cutscene Number 5888
On the eighth day, Bildrick is told to write all of <morf(his,her)(-) best qualities down on a piece of paper. On the ninth, it is thrown into the fire.
Cutscene Number 5889
And before Bildrick knew it, ten long years had passed...
Or at least what felt like ten years' worth of senseless, soul-crushing slavery. In truth, it had only been ten days...
Cutscene Number 5996
Free at la━agh, the light! It burns!
Okay, I think my eyes have adjusted. Let's look for that hammerhood that's meant to be down here!
That's the real reason I got us sent to the hole. We need a hammerhood if we're going to make ourselves a tunnel out of here.
It shouldn't be too hard to find. This place doesn't have that many cells after all.
オレが 理由(りゆう)なく あんなヤツらの
身代(みが)わりになると (おも)うか?
オレが 理由(りゆう)なく あんなヤツらの
身代(みが)わりになると (おも)うか?
シドー「ビルド ちょうばつを()けた(とき)
オレの 目当(めあ)てのヤツが いるはずだ。
シドー「ビルド ちょうばつを()けた(とき)
オレの 目当(めあ)てのヤツが いるはずだ。
Cutscene Number 6176
I know your plan is to sneak out of this place, but there's every chance that when push comes to shove, you'll need to fight.
Keep an eye out for anything you could use as a weapon or armour.
There's bound to be something you can use.
Cutscene Number 6205
I don't know about you, but I've had it up to here with this place.
I think it's high time we got serious about making an escape plan━if we spend one more day in here, I might lose it...
6207 and 6208!
Looks like we'd best do our thinking somewhere else. Let's head for roll call before the jailers smell a rat.
Cutscene Number 6207
Let's get the plan gooing tonight.
First, you'll need to head back to your cell. (slurp)
I'll squidge myself inside your rags and sneak into your cell with you!
Whoa! He just slipped right in there! Rather you than me...
Anyway, let's make tracks for our cells. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention.
Cutscene Number 6212
Right, that's everyone from block three accounted for.
Let another day of bone-breaking rehabilitation begin!
Sir! May I be permitted to open my putrid human mouth, sir?
Very well. Spit it out, 5744.
Thank you, sir. The thing is, I can't take any more of this. If every day is going to be nothing but rehabilitation, I'd rather you just ended my life now with that sword...
Oh? So you want a break from all of this, eh?
The fact you still seemingly have no spine shows that your rehabilitation is far from done! You shall not enjoy death's sweet embrace just yet.
Now, let another day of bone-breaking rehabilitation begin!
This entry is very upfront about its status as unused text.
Get your boney butts to the field, 6207 and 6208!
This one too.
Now, let another day of bone-breaking rehabilitation begin!
Cutscene Number 6213
Well I never... I can't believe Gottfried's little frend is still alive and squelching...
Friend is typoed as "frend".
Oh, I'm sorry━forgive an old fool's ramblings. You'd best be off back to your cells, hadn't you?
Cutscene Number 6214
Here's hoping that little goo-for-brains actually has something in mind...
Still, it's not like we have any other options right now. Let's hear him out.
Cutscene Number 6215
You want to oozecape from here, don't you? Then beddy-byes will have to wait! (slurp)
I happen to know that there's a slooper-special secret hidden somewhere in your cell.
Take a goo look around and see if you can find it!
Cutscene Number 6216
There's just one sticky point... Even if we escape the prison, we'd need some kind of sloop to sail away from the island...
...You have your own boat!? That's slooper-dooper!
In that case, our plan is goo! First, let's take a look around these tunnels.
Cutscene Number 6219
What did you get up to last night? Whatever you did, it sounds like they took notice!
Let's head for the yard. I can't wait to see the look on that dumb warden's face.