Paper Mario/Unlocalized Japanese Text
This is a sub-page of Paper Mario.
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! |
To do: Add message IDs. |
The Japanese version of Paper Mario has reams of unused text, most of which was either left untranslated or removed from all international releases.
Japanese | Translation |
キミが もってきた ヘイホーのメモには 『見はりは 『レモンあめ』が だいこうぶつ 』 ・・・って かいてあったよ |
"The guard's favorite food is Lemon Candy." Hmm... That's what the Shy Guy's note says. |
このメモを よんでほしいのかい? え~と・・・ ヘイホーのことばで かいてあるね メモの ないようは・・・ と 『見はりは 『レモンあめ』が だいこうぶつ 』 と かいてあるよ なんの ことだろう? キミには わかるかい? |
You'd like me to translate this note for you? Let's see... Ah ha! It seems to be written in the language of the Shy Guys. Let's see here...yes...accents... ...mmm...silent "d", hmmm... Yes. It says, "The guard's favorite food is Lemon Candy." What an odd thing to write down. Any idea what it's about? |
このメモを よんでほしいのかい? う~ん・・・ ヘイホーのことばで かいてあるみたいだけど・・・ ボクのじしょが あれば すぐに よめるんだけど ヘイホーたちに とられちゃってるからね・・・ とりあえず このメモは ボクが あずかっておくよ |
You'd like me to translate this note for you? Let's see... Ah ha! It seems to be written in the language of the Shy Guys. Well, this would be an easy task if I still had my Dictionary, but the Shy Guys stole it. I'll tell you what: I'll take care of the note for now. |
Lines relating to the unused Suspicious Note item, which would have given a hint toward Anti Guy's weakness. In the international versions, the Suspicious Note instead triggers the same dialogue as its used counterpart. The last message in the set is identical to the used version.
Japanese | Translation |
はい こんにちは・・・ ここは まちの ゆうびんきょくです マリオさんの なかまたちに とどいた手紙は ここに きてもらえば よめますぞ 手紙が きていないか ときどき たしかめに きてください |
Yes, hello... This is the post office. You can read any letters that arrive for you or for your other party members. Please drop by now and then to check and see if you've received any mail. |
はいはい マリオさんですな こんにちは え~と・・・ 今は おあずかり している手紙は ありません 手紙が きていないか ときどき たしかめに きてください |
Ah yes, Mario. Yes, hello. Well... Right now, we have no letters. Please drop by now and then to check and see if you've received any mail. |
In the Japanese version, the Postmaster says this if you talk to him before receiving any letters (which under normal circumstances is impossible, as the Goomba Bros.' letter to Goombario is available as soon as you enter Toad Town). Trying to do so in the international versions just results in him saying nothing.
Japanese | Translation |
ヘイホーに あらされた お花を もとに もどしてあげなくっちゃ まごころを こめて おせわを すれば すぐに もとどおりになるわ |
I have to get the flowers back to how they were before the Shy Guys trampled them. I know that if I put all my heart into saving them, they'll be back to normal in no time! |
タネを もらってきてくれたのね これで フラワーガーデンが すてきになるわ |
Oh, you brought me a seed? Now my flower garden will look even nicer! |
These messages were intended for Minh T. The first would be for when she's repairing her garden after the Shy Guys damaged it, and the second would be for when she receives a fifth Magical Seed (there are only four in the game).
Japanese (unused) | Translation | Japanese (used) | English |
おねがいします マリオさん! フラワーガーデンで あそんでる ヘイホーを やっつけてください! リップちゃんが かわいそうで 見ていられないんです! |
Oh, Mario! Do something! Those Shy Guys are messing around in Minh T.'s precious flower garden! Look at her! She's so sad! I can't bear to see her in such pain! |
おねがいします マリオさん! フラワーガーデンで あばれてる ヘイホーを やっつけてください! リップちゃんが かわいそうで 見ていられないんです! |
Oh, Mario! Do something! Those Shy Guys are trampling all over Minh T.'s precious flower garden! Look at her! She's so sad! I can't bear to see her in such pain! |
This is very similar to a line already spoken by Minh T.'s admirer. The only difference is the use of あそんでる (playing) versus あばれてる (running riot).
Japanese | English equivalents |
この先は まよいの森です まよってしまうので 入らないように してください |
Beyond here lies dark and gloomy Forever Forest. You'll get lost for sure, so I'd advise you not to enter. |
キャシーさんの だいじな フライパンが ぬすまれちゃったのーーっ!! ヘイホーの しわざだわっ キャシーさんの ファンとして だまっていられないのよ~っ おねがい! マリオさん キャシーさんの フライパンを とりかえしてあげて! |
Did you hear? Tayce T.'s best Frying Pan was stolen! It was the work of Shy Guys! I'm a huge fan of Tayce T.'s. It really gets me steamed that they'd do such a thing! Please, Mario! Try to get her Frying Pan back! |
ちょっと ちょっと ごきげんな サウンドを けさないでよ せっかく ノリノリだったのにさ |
Hey, hey! Hands off the dial! That's my jam, right there! Don't turn off the funk! I was getting my groove on! |
クリスタルの木を そだてたことが ハナコに バレちゃったんです でも いがいと おこってなかったの なにが カノジョを かえたのかしら |
Petunia heard that I planted the Crystal Tree, but she wasn't angry at all! Weird! I wonder who changed her view? |
Some unused duplicates of used messages.
Japanese | Translation |
あっ マリオさん! | Ah, Mario! |
A message that could go just about anywhere in the game.
Japanese (unused) | Translation | Japanese (used) | English |
あちゃ~ わいの じゃくてんを しっとったとは あんさん なかなか やりますな! わいの まけですわ |
Oh wow... You must really be something if you knew about my weakness! I guess I have to give up. |
わいに かつとは あんさん メチャクチャ つよいでんな わいの まけですわ |
Wow. You must be really strong. I mean, beating a guy my size? I guess I have to give up. |
It seems Kent C. Koopa would have said something different after battle, had Mario taken advantage of his weakness to sleep.
Japanese | Translation |
カラカラさばくの地図だ | It's a map of Dry Dry Desert. |
そっちへ にげても ムダだぞ! ものども マリオの にげ道を しっかり ふさげよ! |
No point in fleeing that way! I've firmly sealed up your means of escape, Mario! |
ものども かかれぇいっ! マリオを やっつけて クッパさまに 気に入られるのだっ |
Get 'em, guys! Let's beat that Mario, and earn King Bowser's favor! |
レッドぉ・・・ どうしよう・・・ | Red... what do we do...? |
だいじょうぶ! 気を おとすな!! これからが 本当のしょうぶ!! |
Relax! Don't give up! Here's where it really starts!! |
おぉーーーーーーーーーーーーーーっ!! | Yaaaaaaaa!!! |
ひっさーつ!! | One-shotted!! |
ノコブロスを やっつけちゃった! きもちいいー! やるじゃん マリオ |
We beat the Koopa Bros.! This feels GREAT! Nice work, Mario. |
とにかく いくぜ! オレの ぜんかいパワーを うけてみろーっ!! |
Anyway, let's go! Get a load of my full power!! |
Various lines belonging to characters from the first two chapters, including the Koopa Bros. and Bombette. Notably, one of them refers to a map of Dry Dry Desert, which may have corresponded to one of the unused map items.
Japanese | Translation |
キャハハハハハ・・・ | Kyahahahahaha... |
その『おもり』の使い方を しらなきゃ 先へは すすめっこ ないよ ヒッヒッヒッヒ・・・・ |
It's not like you can get anywhere without knowing how to use that Weight. Heh heh heh heh... |
ああ~っ! 『おもり』の使い方まで バレちゃった レサレサおじょうさまに ゴッキゲンな サウンドに |
Gah! I let slip how to use the Weight! Lady Bow's gonna be That sweet music totally |
また きてくださいね | Come again, alright? |
ふぎゅ・・・ | Fugyu... |
Lines for the Boos in Boo's Mansion. Two of them look like they were intended to be dialogue for the Boo guarding the Weight, had you been able to talk to him after collecting it (he disappears once the treasure chest is opened).
Japanese | Translation |
やったじゃん これで 雲が はれるぜ |
We did it! Now the clouds are going away! |
ゴワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ!! うわさのマリオも たいしたこと なかったでゴワス |
Gahh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! That Mario we'd heard so much about was no trouble at all! |
Unused lines for Lakilester and Huff N. Puff.
Message ID | Japanese | Translation | Map |
27-393 | キノコ城だよ | It's Peach's Castle. | Peach's Castle grounds, intro/ending version (osr_00) |
27-394 | ひみつの つうろだ! | It's a secret passageway! | Secret passage out of Peach's bedroom (kkj_27) |
27-395 | クイズ部屋かなぁ | It's a quiz room, I think. | Quiz room in Peach's Castle during the Quiz-Off section (kkj_28 and kkj_29) |
27-396 | 汽車でのいどうだよ | It's the K64 transition. | Traveling to/from Mt. Rugged cutscene (iwa_11) |
27-397 | おもちゃの でんしゃで つうか中 | Taking the Toy Box train... | Traveling between Toy Box stations cutscene (omo_16) |
27-398 | ここでは オイラは なんにもできないよ | I can't do anything here. | ??? |
27-399 | 火山より ひどいところだよ こんな ようがんの ところなんて 通らなくって よかったものね |
This place is worse than that volcano. At least we don't have to go through the lava, right? |
Lava chest room in Bowser's Castle, prior to cooling the lava (kpa_15) |
Tattles for locations where Goombario is normally either unavailable or can't use Tattle.
Japanese | Translation |
こんなに あついところで なければ キューちゃんとは ねかたがちがうから |
It's a Raven.
Once we're out of this heat, I want to try But they don't sleep the way we do, |
This tattle for a Raven is located at the tail end of the NPC tattle block. It was likely intended for the one in Yoshi's Village that is perched too high up to be interacted with.
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: If one were to cheat their way up there in the Japanese version and tattle the Raven, would this text be used? |
Japanese | Translation |
コワッパだよ | That's Jr. Troopa. |
しょうぐんヘイホーだよ | That's General Guy. |
しょうぐんヘイホーが のってるせんしゃの でんきゅうだよ |
That's the light bulb on General Guy's tank. |
しゅうだんの ヘイホーだよ | It's a crowd of Shy Guys. |
ケムシだよ | That's Fuzzipede. |
大魔王クッパだ | It's the Evil King Bowser. |
カメックババだ | That's Kammy Koopa. |
ティンクだ | That's Twink. |
マリンチョロボンだよ | That's an Aqua Fuzzy. |
赤クリボーだよ | That's a Red Goomba. |
赤パタクリだよ | That's a Red Paragoomba. |
クリオ | Goombario |
Tattles for enemies you normally can't Tattle (or even encounter). The Shy Guy crowd is not the same one as the Shy Squad, which has a different name (ぐんだんヘイホー).
Located immediately after the above is a lone star, in a section all its own. Kinda like Texas.
Error Messages
In the Japanese version, characters in the south area of Toad Town will each give a unique message if they're spoken to earlier than intended. All of them are extremely minor variations on the same sentence, with the exception of a few that are meant to sound in-character, like those for Fice T. and the pink Bub-ulb. It is possible to see them by abusing out-of-bounds glitches to bypass the collapsed logs blocking the area prior to completing Chapter 1.
While not readily apparent in-game, there are actually two to three copies (depending on the NPC) of each message, which display based on the player's progress: one for the beginning of the game up to the first Peach segment (StoryProgress values 80 to 95), one for the rest of the Prologue until Merlon unmasks the Koopa Bros. (96 to 9B) and one for the entirety of Chapter 1, up until Mario beats Jr. Troopa and returns to Toad Town (9C to B4). The presence of these story-dependent duplicates could suggest that the south end of town was, at one point, not going to be blocked off.
These messages--as well as the code that handles them--were removed in the international versions, so speaking to these NPCs there will simply give you their post-Chapter 1 dialogue... except for the Bub-ulb. His Chapter 1 dialogue check was accidentally left in, but he is not programmed to say anything should the condition be met, so the game will softlock if you try to talk to him once more after receiving the Magical Seed.
Message ID | Japanese | Translation | Spoken by |
02-291 | ヘイホーイベント中だから 出ないはずなのよ |
The Shy Guy event is going on, so this shouldn't appear. |
Orange Toad mom |
02-294 | ヘイホーイベント中だから 出ないはず | The Shy Guy event is going on, so this shouldn't appear. |
Right Toad kid |
Similarly to above, these lines are used by the Toad mom and (one of) her kids in west Toad Town during Chapter 4 (StoryProgress values F1 to 06). Their house is locked during the Shy Guy invasion, so it's not possible to talk to them without glitching or hacking (the line used when approaching the door is spoken by the dad from inside).
To do: These aren't the only copies... who uses 292/293 and 295/296? |
Japanese | Translation | International | Message ID (Japanese) | Spoken by |
メッセージは でないはずだよ | This message shouldn’t appear. | (No need to translate) | ||
05-013 | Blue Toad at Toad Town Station | |||
05-026 | Purple Toad near Toad Town Station | |||
05-039 | Green Toad in front of Toad Town Station | |||
05-118 – 119 | Dane T. and Mini T. |
Additionally, the Toads in the train station area have their own placeholder messages for Chapter 4. Unlike the others, these were retained but dummied out in the international versions.
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: These use flags F1 to 06 as well, but those span the entirety of Chapter 4, and it's not like the station area's blocked off then... so under what circumstances, if any, do they appear? |
Message ID | Japanese | Translation |
32-056 | 星のせいのせつめい ちょうろう |
Star Spirit description Elder |
32-057 | 星のせいのせつめい マミィ |
Star Spirit description Mommy |
32-058 | 星のせいのせつめい ガクシャ |
Star Spirit description Scholar |
32-059 | 星のせいのせつめい ニイサン |
Star Spirit description Young Man |
32-060 | 星のせいのせつめい オネエサン |
Star Spirit description Young Lady |
32-061 | 星のせいのせつめい テンサイクン |
Star Spirit description Prodigy |
32-062 | 星のせいのせつめい ダディ |
Star Spirit description Daddy |
What appear to be old Star Spirit menu placeholders.
Message ID | Japanese | Translation |
32-070 | わざの せつめい スターフラッシュ |
Move description Star Beam |
32-071 | わざの せつめい ピーチフラッシュ |
Move description Peach Beam |
Placeholder entries for the Star Beam and Peach Beam, which go unused since there is no way to access them from the Spirits menu.
Japanese | Translation |
なかま | Party |
ジャンプ | Jump |
ハンマー | Hammer |
アイテム | Items |
Earlier battle menu options that were removed instead of being localized. The only notable entry here is the Party listing, a leftover from when partners were accessed from their own submenu instead of being under Strategies. The latter three lack the formatting commands of the used battle options.
Japanese | Translation |
てきは うごけなくなったぞ! | The enemy became unable to move! |
つぎのばんでは 2回 うごけるぞ! | Will move twice next turn! |
アップさせたいものを ひとつ えらぼう |
Choose the one you wish to [power] up. |
Status messages. It's not clear whether the second one is referring to the player or the enemy; it may have been intended to apply to either.
Japanese | Translation | International |
を グルグルまわそう! | Spin around and around! | (NOT USED ANY LONGER!) |
を こうごに れんだしよう! | Press and alternately! | (NOT USED ANY LONGER!) |
ちゃくちする直前に を おそう! | Press just before you land! | (NOT USED ANY LONGER!) |
Cut Action Commands. The first one was probably removed because of Mario Party, the second for being too difficult. The third belongs to the unused Quake Jump badge, which was probably left unused because it's too powerful.
Japanese | Translation |
今は なかまが 使えないぞ! | You can't use your partners now! |
こうげきできる てきが いないぞ! | There are no enemies that you can attack! |
Unused battle warnings, which seem to be covered pretty well by other messages.
Japanese | Translation |
めにゅ~ | Menu~ |
もちもの | Items |
なかま | Party |
ちず | Map |
ハートポイント | Heart Points |
フラワーポイント | Flower Points |
バッジポイント | Badge Points |
パワーカプセル | Power Capsules |
ほしのかけら | Star Pieces |
・・・ | |
x | |
つけているバッジ | Equipped Badges |
もっているバッジ | Held Badges |
BP | BP |
アイテム | Items |
ユーズアイテム | Use item |
キーアイテム | Key Items |
パーティ | Party |
ワザ | Moves |
FP | FP |
LV1 | Lv. 1 |
LV2 | Lv. 2 |
LV3 | Lv. 3 |
Text from an earlier version of the pause menu. Possibly two earlier versions, given the presence of entries that are variations of the same term (もちもの vs アイテム for Items, for example). The three Levels at the end are probably referring to partner ranks.
Japanese | Translation |
マリオが もってる バッジだ そうびを かえることが できるよ |
These are the badges Mario is wearing. You can change which ones are equipped here. |
マリオのもちものを 見ることができるよ | You can see which items Mario is holding here. |
なかまのキャラクターの じょうほうがかいてあるよ | View information written about party members. |
物しりキノピオから きいた じょうほうを メモしたものだよ |
View notes containing info heard from a knowledgeable Toad. |
キノコワールドの 世界地図だよ マリオが 今 いる場所も わかるよ |
A map of the Mushroom Kingdom. You can also see where Mario currently is. |
いろいろな せっていを かえることが できるよ |
You can change various settings here. |
Accompanying description text for said pause menu(s).
Japanese | Translation |
ほしのかけら 5コイン バッジ 25コイン スーパーブロック 50コイン ウルトラブロック 50コイン |
Star Piece 5 Coins Badge 25 Coins Super Block 50 Coins Ultra Block 50 Coins |
It looks like at some point there was supposed to be an Ultra Block to upgrade party members to Ultra Rank, instead of using a second Super Block. Sprites for it still exist in the data.
Japanese | Translation | English |
ノーマルコース やさしめコース やらない |
Normal Course Easy Course Don't choose |
None |
A menu for selecting some kind of course. Comes right after the options for Jump Attack and Smash Attack, so it may have been for the Playroom. Interestingly, there's an unused Playroom map located right after the one for Smash Attack, which this may or may not have been related to.
Japanese | Translation | English/Spanish | German | French |
1ページめ | Page 1 | not used | nicht belegt | Inutilisé |
2ページめ | Page 2 | not used | nicht belegt | Inutilisé |
3ページめ | Page 3 | not used | nicht belegt | Inutilisé |
4ページめ | Page 4 | not used | nicht belegt | Inutilisé |
5ページめ | Page 5 | not used | nicht belegt | Inutilisé |
6ページめ | Page 6 | not used | nicht belegt | Inutilisé |
7ページめ | Page 7 | not used | nicht belegt | Inutilisé |
Page labels that go unused. There may have been a miscommunication between the translation teams.
Japanese | Translation |
[item]を もらった! | You received the [item]! |
[badge]のバッジを もらった! | You received the [badge] Badge! |
[item]と [item]を もらった! |
You received the [item] and the [item]! |
[item]と [item]と [item]を もらった! |
You received the [item], the [item], and the [item]! |
[item]を ゲット! | You got the [item]! |
[badge]のバッジを ゲット! | You got the [badge] Badge! |
[item]を もどした! | You put back the [item]! |
Item get messages. Some of them have used duplicates elsewhere in the ROM.
Japanese | Translation |
バゴーンジャンプ | Bagōn Jump |
チャージ0 | Charge 0 |
かってにつぎつぎ | Automatic Multibounce |
じしんジャンプ | Quake Jump |
ひっさつジャンプ | Special Jump |
バゴーンハンマー | Bagōn Hammer |
チャージ0 | Charge 0 |
ひっさつハンマー | Special Hammer |
かんけいないーん | Nooo relation |
データないーん | Nooo data |
データなし | No data |
Battle menu options for the unused badge moves, as well as some debug filler. Oddly, Special Smash (ひっさつナグーリ) is referred to as Special Hammer (ひっさつハンマー) here.
Partner Data and Test Messages
To do: Go into more detail on some of these, particularly the Goompa-related strings. |
Japanese | Translation |
ちょこっと とぼけたかんじ でもでも そのしょうたいは!? |
He seems to be playing dumb. But what are his true colors!? |
クリジイのバトル | Goompa battle |
クリジイのきほん | Goompa start |
クリジイのレベル1 | Goompa Level 1 |
クリジイのレベル2 | Goompa Level 2 |
クリジイのレベル3 | Goompa Level 3 |
ほしのせい1わざ バトル用せつめい | Star Spirit 1 Move In-battle description |
ほしのせい2わざ バトル用せつめい | Star Spirit 2 Move In-battle description |
ほしのせい3わざ バトル用せつめい | Star Spirit 3 Move In-battle description |
ほしのせい4わざ バトル用せつめい | Star Spirit 4 Move In-battle description |
ほしのせい5わざ バトル用せつめい | Star Spirit 5 Move In-battle description |
ほしのせい6わざ バトル用せつめい | Star Spirit 6 Move In-battle description |
ほしのせい7わざ バトル用せつめい | Star Spirit 7 Move In-battle description |
ほしのせいラスト バトル用せつめい | Star Spirit Final In-battle description |
ほしのせい1わざ メニュー用せつめい | Star Spirit 1 Move Menu description |
ほしのせい2わざ メニュー用せつめい | Star Spirit 2 Move Menu description |
ほしのせい3わざ メニュー用せつめい | Star Spirit 3 Move Menu description |
ほしのせい4わざ メニュー用せつめい | Star Spirit 4 Move Menu description |
ほしのせい5わざ メニュー用せつめい | Star Spirit 5 Move Menu description |
ほしのせい6わざ メニュー用せつめい | Star Spirit 6 Move Menu description |
ほしのせい7わざ メニュー用せつめい | Star Spirit 7 Move Menu description |
ほしのせいラスト メニュー用せつめい | Star Spirit Final Menu description |
ハックンの オトコのコ? ブロックを 下げることが できるぞ |
Ninji boy? Can lower blocks |
ハックンのバトル | Ninji battle |
ハックンのきほん | Ninji start |
ハックンのレベル1 | Ninji Level 1 |
ハックンのレベル2 | Ninji Level 2 |
ハックンのレベル3 | Ninji Level 3 |
レッドのマップ | Red field |
レッドのバトル | Red battle |
レッドのきほん | Red start |
レッドのレベル1 | Red Level 1 |
レッドのレベル2 | Red Level 2 |
レッドのレベル3 | Red Level 3 |
ワンワンのマップ | Chain Chomp field |
ワンワンのバトル | Chain Chomp battle |
ワンワンのきほん | Chain Chomp start |
ワンワンのレベル1 | Chain Chomp Level 1 |
ワンワンのレベル2 | Chain Chomp Level 2 |
ワンワンのレベル3 | Chain Chomp Level 3 |
ボロドーのマップ | Bandit field |
ボロドーのバトル | Bandit battle |
ボロドーのきほん | Bandit start |
ボロドーのレベル1 | Bandit Level 1 |
ボロドーのレベル2 | Bandit Level 2 |
ボロドーのレベル3 | Bandit Level 3 |
クリコのマップ | Goombaria field |
クリコのバトル | Goombaria battle |
ティンクのマップ | Twink field |
ティンクのバトル | Twink battle |
Untranslated menu description placeholders, most of which are devoted to party members. These reveal that a number of other species were under consideration for partners at some point, including a Ninji, a Chain Chomp, and a Bandit. There are also entries for Goompa, Goombaria, and Twink, as well as a mysterious character only named "Red". Additionally, partners originally ranked up three times instead of two.
Japanese | Translation |
ひとりぼけ | One-Man Fool |
むにゃむにゃ | Mumble |
せっきょう | Lecture |
かくせい | Awaken |
ほしのせい1わざ | Star Spirit 1 Move |
ほしのせい2わざ | Star Spirit 2 Move |
ほしのせい3わざ | Star Spirit 3 Move |
ほしのせい4わざ | Star Spirit 4 Move |
ほしのせい5わざ | Star Spirit 5 Move |
ほしのせい6わざ | Star Spirit 6 Move |
ほしのせい7わざ | Star Spirit 7 Move |
ほしのせいラスト | Star Spirit Final |
ジャンプふみ | Jump Stomp |
ネロ2 | Nero 2 |
ネロ3 | Nero 3 |
ひきおとし | Pull-Down |
ちいさくなぁれ | Become Smaaall |
どこかいっちゃえ | Get Sent Off Somewhere |
Party member attack names. It looks like there are only enough for two more party members, and the rest of the text was supposed to go to something else. The first attack name is repeated three times for all of the party members in the Japanese version (the repeats were removed internationally), and the first unused set of attacks shares this trait. The last one (Get Sent Off Somewhere) may be related to the unused "Please Come Back" item.
Japanese | Translation |
パーティーゲット クリオ | Party Get: Goombario |
パーティーゲット カメキ | Party Get: Kooper |
パーティーゲット ピンキー | Party Get: Bombette |
パーティーゲット パレッタ | Party Get: Parakarry |
パーティーゲット レサレサ | Party Get: Bow |
パーティーゲット アカリン | Party Get: Watt |
パーティーゲット おプク | Party Get: Sushie |
パーティーゲット ポコピー | Party Get: Lakilester |
あああいいい うううえええ |
Peach's Letter
あいうえお かきくけこ あいうえお かきくけこ あいうえお かきくけこ あいうえお かきくけこ |
(A)(B)(Start)(C▲)(C▼)(C◄)(C►)(Z)(L)(R) | (A)(B)(Start)(C▲)(C▼)(C◄)(C►)(Z)(L)(R) |
あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ | ABCDEF GHIJKL MNOPQR |
ままままめめめめ [string/value]ここで |
mamamamamemememe [string/value] here |
ステージクリアウィンドウのテスト まめまめまめ~ むむむ・・・ んむむむむむむぅぅぅぅぅぅぅ 星星星星星星星星星星星星星星星 |
End of Chapter window test mamemamemamemame~ mumumu... nmumumumumumuuuuuuuu starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar |
てがみのテスト1 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 1 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト2 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 2 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト3 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 3 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト4 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 4 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト5 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 5 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト6 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 6 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト7 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 7 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト8 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 8 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト9 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 9 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト10 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 10 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト11 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 11 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てがみのテスト12 てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ てがみ |
Letter Test 12 letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter |
てすと | test |
へんなやつとは しつれいな! これを プレゼントぢゃ! |
[That] strange fellow is so rude! [I] present this! |
おそらく この近くに ハンマーが あると おもいますじゃ |
I believe a hammer is likely to be nearby. |
SE1 MESSAGE2 1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてとととととと |
SE1 MESSAGE3 1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
SE1 MESSAGE4 1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
SE1 MESSAGE5 1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
SE1 MARIO JUMP1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
SE1 MARIO STAMP1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
SE1 ENEMY KILLER FIRE1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
HAMMRE PI1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
CHOROBON JUMP1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
CHOROBU OUT1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
NO DAMAGE1 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
NO DAMAGE2 あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてと |
0.5 あうがぐ星☆ あうがぎ星☆ あうがぎ星☆ 0.625 あうがぐ星☆ あうがぎぐ星☆ あうがぎぐ星☆ 0.75 あうがぎぐ星☆ あうがぎぐ星☆ あうがぎぐ星☆ 0.875 あうがぎ星☆ あうがぎ星☆ あうがぎ星☆ 1.0 あいうがぎぐ星☆138 |
0.5 augagustar☆ augagistar☆ 0.625 augagustar☆ augagigustar☆ augagigustar☆ 0.75 augagigustar☆ augagigustar☆ augagigustar☆ 0.875 augagistar☆ augagistar☆ augagistar☆ 1.0 aiugagigustar☆138 |
What looks like a bunch of display tests for different functions of the text system.
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: These would probably make more sense with screenshots. |
Items and Badges
These have no ID associated with them; most exist only as leftover text, while a few have corresponding graphics in the ROM. For items that did have some functionality programmed in but weren't used anyway, see the Unused Items sub-page.
Name | Items menu description | Shop menu description | Pause menu description | Notes |
![]() むてきスター Invincibility Star |
3ターンの間 マリオにちょくせつ
こうげきしたてきに 1ポイントのダメージ &マリオのこうげき力+1ポイント Lasts 3 turns; enemies attacking Mario directly will take 1 point of damage & Mario's attack power +1 point |
お星さまの パワーを かりて
すこしの間 むてきだぞ Calls on the power of the Stars to make you invincible for a short time. |
It seems the classic Starman powerup was going to be an item at one point, like in Sticker Star and Color Splash. | |
![]() パパパパラソル Pa-Pa-Pa-Parasol |
5ターンの間 てきのえんきょりこげきを
ふせぐ Lasts 5 turns; blocks ranged enemy attacks. |
じょうぶな カサを ひらければ
とんでくるもの ふせいでくれるぞ Opening this sturdy umbrella will block projectiles. |
![]() まほうのかがみ Magic Mirror |
3ターンの間 てきのこうげきを
そのままあいてにかえす Lasts 3 turns; reflects enemies' attacks back at them, unchanged. |
ふしぎな ふしぎな まほうのかがみ
あいてのこうげき はねかえすぞ A strange and wondrous magic mirror. Bounces back opponents' attacks. |
おくちにチャック Zip It |
くちを ひらけけなくして じゅもん
かみつきのアクションを できなくする A mouth-clamping spell that prevents bite moves from working. |
フクロウのめがね Owl's Specs |
てきの くらやみこうげきを ふせぐ
Blocks enemies' attacks in the dark. |
くらいところでも これを 使えば
あんしん あんしん Use these and you can rest easy, even in dark places. |
![]() へんしんステッキ Transformation Cane |
パーティーキャラのコマンドを 使ううことができる 3ターンご マリオはもとに もどる Lets you transform into a party member and use their commands. After 3 turns, Mario returns to normal. |
こいつを 使えば しばらく
なかまに へんしんできるぞ Using this'll turn you into a party member for a while. |
メタルぼうし Metal Cap |
All that exists of this is the name string. Evidently Super Mario 64's Metal Cap would have made a reappearance, possibly as an early version of the Stone Cap. | |||
パワーアップカプセル Power-Up Capsule |
Allows you to power up your party members. |
データなし No data |
Allows you to power up your party members. |
Very similar to a listing for "Power Capsules" seen in early screenshots of the pause menu. The concept of spending consumable items to upgrade party members would later be revisited in The Thousand-Year Door. |
Japanese | Translation |
かいふくハート | Recovery Heart |
コイン | Coin |
ハートのうつわ | Heart Container |
スターポイント | Star Point |
ぜんかいふくハート | Full Recovery Heart |
かいふくフラワー | Recovery Flower |
In the Japanese version, the battle-related pickups have names when hacked into the items menu. The only actually unused item in this list is the Heart Container.
Name | Items menu description | Shop menu description | Pause menu description | Notes |
ヨブクリジー Goompa Summon |
データなし No data |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data |
The names of these characters are rendered slightly differently (all katakana, drawn-out vowels replaced by dashes) to match the usual stylization of badge names. | |
ヨブボムヘー Bob-Omb Summon |
データなし No data |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data | ||
ミニミニナグーリX Shrink Smash X |
ダミーメッセージ Dummy message |
This is not the same as the regular Shrink Smash badge, which is more complete despite also going unused. | ||
ブンシーン Alter Ego |
データなし No data |
あいてのこうげきの あたるかくりつが 1/2になる Splits Mario into two copies; reduces the chance of incoming attacks landing by one-half. |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data |
ヨケヨケー Yokeyokē |
データなし No data |
アクションコマンドが きまらなくても
アクションコマンドが せいこうしたこととみなす Even when the Action Command isn't pulled off, it will still be considered successful. |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data |
Both of these are likely referring to blocking attacks. Their names are a play on よける, meaning to avoid contact with or dodge something. |
ヨケヨケヨケール Yokeyokeyokēru |
データなし No data |
アクションコマンドが きまると
ダメージを まったくうけない If the Action Command is pulled off, no damage will be taken at all. |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data | |
ナカマニカワル Sub In For Partner |
データなし No data |
パーティーキャラのコマンドを 使うことができる 3ターンご マリオはもとにもどる Lets you transform into a party member and use their commands. After 3 turns, Mario returns to normal. |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data |
Seems to be a Badge version of the Transformation Cane above. |
アッパーハンマー Upper Hammer |
データなし No data |
空中にいる てきのましたから
マリオがジャンプして ハンマーで 空中のてきを なぐることができる Mario does an overhead jump-smash, striking airborne enemies from below. |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data |
ハンマーガエーシ Hammer Return |
データなし No data |
せっきんせんこうげきを しかけてきた
てきのこうげきにたいして アクションコマンドがせいこうすると ハンマーでてきに 『ハンマーのレベル』ポイント (かんつう)のダメージを あたえることができる If the Action Command is successful, brings out the Hammer against enemies attacking up close, doing (piercing) damage based on the current Hammer level. |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data |
These function (and are named) somewhat similarly to Return Postage (ダメージガエシ, "Damage Return") from The Thousand-Year Door. |
ジャンプガエーシ Jump Return |
データなし No data |
せっきんせんこうげきを しかけてきた
てきのこうげきにたいして アクションコマンドが せいこうすると マリオは あいてからのこうげきを ジャンプでよけて(ダメージ0) さらに あいてに『ブーツのレベル』ポイントの ダメージをあたえることができる If the Action Command is successful, Mario jumps over approaching enemies (avoiding damage) and then lands a Jump attack, doing damage based on the current Boots level. |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data | |
ブンシーン Alter Ego |
データなし No data |
あいてのこうげきの あたるかくりつが 1/2になる (アクションコマンドせいこうで てきからの ダメージがはんぶんになるのはつうじょうとおなじ) Splits Mario into two copies, halving the chance of an opponent's attack landing. (Successfully guarding attacks with the Action Command will still block half the damage as usual.) |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data |
Seems to be an alternate version of the Alter Ego item/Badge above. |
イターイジャンプ Painful Jump |
データなし No data |
お店用 データなし For shops; no data |
マップ用 データなし For field; no data |
Japanese (first copy) | Japanese (2 through 4) | Translation |
星は ねがいを かなえてくれます
そんな 星たちの きらめく夜空 |
Stars are known to grant wishes.
Far away in the night sky | |
その はるかかなたに | その はるか かなたに | where these stars shine |
星の国が ありました
そこには 星たちの 力のみなもと みんなのねがいを かなえる力を もった 『スターのつえ』という たからものが ありました つえは 星の国のきゅうでんに おさめられ 7人の星のせいたちによって たいせつに たいせつに まもられていたのでした ・・・ところが ある日 たいへんな じけんが おこりました 大魔王クッパが あらわれたのです クッパは 『スターのつえ』を うばいとり さらに つえの力を 使って 星のせいたちまでも とらえてしまったのです 星の子が きゅうでんに かけつけたときは つえも 星のせいも うしなわれたあとでした ものがたりは ここから はじまります |
was a land called Star Haven.
In that Haven was the source of the stars' power, a treasure called the Star Rod that could grant anyone's wishes. The Rod was kept in the sanctuary of Star Haven, where the seven Star Spirits protected it carefully... very carefully. But one day... something terrible happened. The Evil King Bowser appeared. Not only did he snatch away the Star Rod, but he used its power to capture the Star Spirits as well. When the Star Kids rushed to the sanctuary, the Rod and Spirits were already gone. It is here where our story begins. |
After the game's intro text is four copies of an older version of it, part of which can be seen in the screenshot at right. The biggest difference is that the part where Bowser invades is treated as part of the story, rather than him butting in and messing things up. The first copy is missing a space in the third line, but otherwise they're identical. They include the same formatting commands as the regular intro text.
Japanese | Translation |
数日ご・・・ | A few days later... |
Apparently there was going to be a title card marking the flash forward to Mario and Luigi's house during the ending.
These three stars make up the entire block of text before the Toad Town News bulletins.
Japanese | Translation |
♡ リップの フラワーガーデン ♡ みんなで お花を うえましょう |
♡ Minh T.'s Flower Garden ♡ Let's all plant some flowers
At some point, there was supposed to be a sign for the garden in Toad Town.
Japanese | Translation | International |
バクダン使用キンシ! ヘイホーより |
Use of bombs prohibited! Shy Guy |
This message is positioned right after the signs for the Windy Mill, but the mention of a Shy Guy probably puts its intended location somewhere in the Toy Box.
Japanese | Translation |
キノコタウンへ 行く道を とおせんぼしていた クリキングを どうにか やっつけることができました これで マリオは 星のふるおかに 星のせいが いっていた ピーチ姫を ふあんと きたいを |
The Goomba King blocked the way to Toad Town, but Mario was just able to overthrow him. Now, he'll be able to proceed to But what could this important thing With unease and anticipation |
End-of-chapter narration for the Prologue, which doesn't have an end screen.