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Persona 5/Unused Models/Palace Objects

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This is a sub-page of Persona 5/Unused Models.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Painting of a semi-nude girl.
To do:
One of the finished card gates is actually unused in the final. Find out which one it is. There's either a weird duplicate of the unused fake Kamoshida wall with a different wallpaper texture or I loaded the wrong textures. Weird bits of collision at m151_002, are they used?

Kamoshida's Palace

Map and Knife

To do:
Make a mock-up of the unused Joker animation connecting to this.

P5 kamo knifemap.pngI'm feeling stabby!

A version of the map of Kamoshida's Palace with a knife. The ones found in Kamoshida's Palace in the final game do not have knives. This map also has an unused animation for being rolled out and stabbed. Joker has animations connected to this.


P5 kamocorridor.png

A corridor stored with the object files. It has animations for the furniture in the hallway moving.

Two-sided Wall

P5 kamowall.pngP5 kamowall2.png

A two-sided wall. One side depicts a portrait of Shadow Kamoshida, while the other is a shield and two spears mounted on a brick wall. Of note is that the Shadow Kamoshida portrait is larger than what is used on the model, and it is labelled internally as f051_picture03, making it an earlier version of the portrait of Shadow Kamoshida used in the main hall.

Early Final
P5 earlykamoportrait.png P5 finalkamoportrait.png

Kamoshida Bust

P5 kamobust.png

A bust of Kamoshida that can be searched for treasure. They appear blue when scanned with Third Eye, instead of gold like other searchable objects. Five of these can be found in an unused field. These are separate objects to the Kamoshida busts that appear in the field where Torn King of Desire is fought (which are part of the field's geometry).


P5 kamoposter.png

A risque poster depicting a member of the volleyball team. This was likely meant to have been used in the hidden room of the library, adding to this is that there are golden pins on each side of the Kamoshida portrait in the hidden room which matches the width of this poster.


P5 kamobed.png

A bed with Kamoshida's cognitions of the volleyball team on top of it. It was likely intended to have been used in the Slave Room of the Central Tower if the odd collision data in the permanently locked rooms is anything to go by.

Placeholder Slaves

hug mode activatedP5 placeholderslavefall.pngP5 placeholderslavekneel.png

Blocky, textureless placeholder people, likely meant to be slaves. This model appears three times in the object folder, the first having the model sat upright, the second one being flipped on its back, and the third placed as if begging. For some reason, these placeholder slaves have particle data attached to them.

Nude Switch

P5 nudebodyswitch.png

One of the nude statues that line the walls of the upper area of Kamoshida's Palace, except with a marble texture applied. Unlike the other nude statues, it appears blue when scanned with Third Eye.

Central Tower Elevator

P5 fancyelevator.png

A variant of the elevator found in the upper area of Kamoshida's Palace without the volleyball team statues in the pillars.

Madarame's Palace


P5 womanpainting.gif

A painting featuring a woman and some flowers. It has a single animation depicting the flowers and woman moving about. It doesn't fit in with the paintings seen around Madarame's Palace in the final, and is likely a leftover from an earlier revision.

Fake Passage Painting

P5 madaramepainting.pngP5 alt passagetex.png

A painting depicting regular Madarame standing in front of a fake passageway. The passageway doesn't match up with how Madarame's Palace looks in the final, and like the painting above, is likely another leftover from an earlier revision. An interesting thing to note is that the texture for Madarame is named katsu_ani0001, a reference to Madarame's original surname Katsushika, several references to which can still be found internally within the game. Also of note is that Madarame here has a pipe in his mouth, which he can be seen smoking in concept art too but doesn't use in the final game. A duplicate of this model with a different texture for the fake passageway also exists.

Signed Painting

P5 signedart.png

A large painting of a corridor signed with "Cat" (likely a shortened form of Katsushika).


P5 fan.png

A simple-looking placeholder fan with a single animation doing exactly what you think it does.

Art Hall

P5 arthall.png

A small area of untextured geometry with a painting on both sides.

Colored Doors

P5 greendoor.pngP5 bluedoor.pngP5 purpledoor.png

An untextured door with no animations attached. Available in green, blue, and purple flavors.

Angel Statue

The one who shoots with his eyeYet remains unseen

A statue of an angel, obviously. It has an animation where it shoots lasers out of its eyes. Despite its name implying it was intended for Madarame's Palace, it doesn't fit the theme of his Palace at all, which implies either Madarame's Palace was very different at some point or this is a leftover object from another Palace.

Purple Platforms

A bunch of platforms that have a single texture. Like the aforementioned angel statue, these platforms don't really fit anywhere in Madarame's Palace in the final game and are likely leftover from an earlier version.

Kaneshiro's Palace


P5 earlybank.png

An untextured placeholder for Kaneshiro's Bank. The sign reads "Bank" in English, instead of 金城銀行 (Kaneshiro Bank) like in the final version.

PIN Input Device

Early Final
P5 pininput.png P5 pininputfinal.png

An early version of the PIN input devices found in Kaneshiro's Palace. It looks like the early version was originally going to be attached to the walls, instead of being housed within a terminal like the final's.

Futaba's Palace


P5 coffin.pngP5 coffinexplode.gif

What appears to be an unfinished sarchophagi intended for Futaba's Palace. Two of them can be found in an unused field. It has an animation showing the door of the coffin exploding rather violently.

Niijima's Palace

Early Bridge of Judgement

Early Final
P5 untexturedbridge.png P5 finalbridge.png

An untextured and less detailed version of the Bridge of Judgement. Its animations are mostly identical to the final's, but the animation for it turning is less dynamic as the scales lack any sort of movement.

Slot Machine

Early Final
P5 earlyslots.png P5 finalslots.png

A partially untextured slot machine with low quality textures applied. It has an animation for the wheels spinning.

Large Slot Machine

P5 untexturedslots.png

A large untextured slot machine, which was likely an earlier version of the large slot machine seen in the final. It has animations for the wheels spinning.

Die Game Table

Early Final
P5 diegame.png P5 finaldiegame.png

An early version of the die game table that is lacking textures, except for the dice. The animations appear to be identical to the final's.


P5 rustgate.pngP5 goldgate.png

Two rough-looking gates that were likely intended for the Battle Arena. The texture for the gold gate has a watermark credit for 123RF on it, and specifically comes from this texture.


P5 elevator.png

An untextured housing for an elevator. The final's elevator housing are part of the field models.

Card Gates

Early Final
P5 cardgate.png P5 finalcardgate.png

A rough version of the card gate with a choppy opening animation attached. Similar to the above, the texture for the cards on the gate has a watermark crediting it to Pixta. The final card gate has more variety in suits used and has a border with lights around the cards, as well as not being watermarked.

P5 earlycardgate.png

Another early card gate. The cards used for this one don't appear to be watermarked.

Roulette Door

Early Final
P5 roulettegate.png P5 finalroulettegate.png

A rough version of the roulette door seen in the Manager's Room. It lacks much of the detail seen on the final's, with the roulette wheel itself being completely flat and having a lower quality texture compared to the final.