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Pizza Tower/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Pizza Tower.


Unused Level Graphics

Windows-PizzaTower-icon oldtutorial.png
Unused Tilesets
The forgotten bricks that built the Pizza Tower.
Windows-PizzaTower-icon intro plot1BG.png
Unused Backgrounds
Deserts, cold strongholds, and more!
Windows-PizzaTower-icon loose-1.png
Loose Graphics
The crust and crumbs that got left behind.
Windows-PizzaTower-icon olddesigns-1.png
Old Graphic Designs
Pizzas worth trying, even if they're ancient!

Unused Character Graphics

Pizza Tower spr-bombpep-intro.gif
Unused Peppino Graphics
Oh boy, there's a lot. And we mean a lot.
Pizza Tower spr-playerN-ghostend.gif
Unused Noise Graphics
That pesky gremlin again.
PT-Spr gustavo pummel.gif
Unused Gustavo & Brick Graphics
Plenty of old animations, dating all the way back to Gustavo's debut as an NPC.
Unused Pepperman Graphics
A perfect pepper never falters!
Unused Vigilante Graphics
When you're a sharpshooter, nobody gets out of your crosshairs.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr snicknpc stun.gif
Scrapped Snick Graphics
Everyone's (second) favorite speedy mammal mascot!
Windows-PizzaTower-icon enemies-1.png
Unused Enemy Graphics
The best of the baddies.

Blue Purple Block Land Build Leftovers

One of the Patreon builds titled Blue Block Land had sprites created for a placeholder hub room in a time when gates did not display level names and also had a simple gate for all levels you could play in. These served as a temporary replacement until that was implemented. There's also sprites for ranks and a "cover" for the build of sorts.

The mixup of the "Blue Block Land" and "Purple Block Land" names is the result of the solid objects being changed from blue to purple in one of the builds. These solids were, ironically, changed again for the final game to be a pink transparent square.

Shotgun Pickup

PTshotgunpickup.gif PTshotgunpickedup.gif

The old shotgun pickup from Blue Block Land.

Halloween Update

The 2023 Halloween Update added a whole bunch of sprites related to a playable Mr Stick, alongside sprites for another goblin variant that possibly functions like a toppin. These were previously suspected to be for a scrapped level called Stickland, however it was later confirmed via. leaks that this was not the case.

Coins & Cash

Bags & Briefcases

Placeholder Sprites


In the leaked video showing the goblin in action, he uses the idle for Gerome as placeholder sprites.

Goblin's Cage

Unlike most sprites here, the key is actually referenced several times. obj_key and obj_keyfollow check if they're sprite is set to it and check variables "goblinkey", which is supposed to belong to obj_player but has been removed, and "global.goblinkey" which has also been removed. scr_player_keyget(), the state for getting a key, checks if goblinkey is set to true when creating obj_keyfollow, setting the object's sprite to the goblin key if it is. Both obj_key and scr_player_keyget set the goblinkey variable to false, preventing obj_keyfollow's sprite from being set to spr_golinkey in case goblinkey is somehow set to true beforehand. scr_playerreset(), the script ran when resetting, sets goblinkey to false.

Editor Icons

All of the editor icons used in the new level editor, as introduced in the Halloween Update.

Item Wheel


A wheel that would've been used to select items à la Super Mario Maker 2.

The Noise Update

Unused Swap Mode Graphics

Left over in the Noise Update files are icons for Swap Mode that never got used in the final game. These would have been used for the main menu, but instead are replaced with smaller icons.

PTswapmodeiconunused.png PTswapmodearrow.png

Unused Character Select Icons

PTpeppinoselect.gif PTpeppinoselected.gif PTnoiseselect.gif PTnoiseselected.gif

Alongside the unused Swap Mode icons, there are also unused icons meant for the character select screen, however these icons are visible when accessing the room using the debug command prompt, because the main game uses the P1 and P2 icons like the older version of the screen.

Mirrored TCTOP Noisey Idle


A mirrored version of the Noisey follower from The Crumbling Tower of Pizza facing to the left. This sprite is never used and uses the default, unmirrored idle sprite.

Old Pause Screen

Sprites for one of the old pause screens (titled spr_pausescreen) that was used from the SAGE 2019 demo up to the April 2021 builds. It fully covers the screen and only gives three options, featuring Peppino's face next to the text.

Scrapped Variants

SAGE 2019

In the SAGE 2019 Demo, the pause screen was temporarily updated to reflect on Peppino's blue attire, rather than have his hat be yellow like his playable sprites for replacing the colors.

Noise's Hardoween

During the Hardoween season (aka the Noise's Hardoween demo), the pause screen was temporarily changed to have spooky Jack-O'-Lantern faces replace Peppino's head.

Player HUD


The old HUD wasn't just about faces...


To do:
Fix broken thumbnails for tvrevolver and tvchainsaw

The old HUD also had a TV! It was placed on the top-right side of the screen and it was used for displaying points, ranks, transformations and more! All these graphics went unused by the April 2021 build and removed from the game by the Eggplant build.

Level Preview TVs


Some animations were made for the new HUD that eventually went unused.

TV Bubble

Animations that were created for the TV's speech bubble, as mentioned here.

Pizza Time HUD Element

These two sprites of a watch on Peppino's wrist originally appeared beside the bar that appears during Pizza Time as seen in old development streams. The code for animating the sprites still exists in the Create and Step events for obj_tv, but the Draw GUI event is missing the code to make the sprites appear.

Boss Fight Elements


In eariler builds, fighting bosses would have a time limit, akin to Wario Land 4. Once the timer ended, the boss would be over. In some cases, the boss would move on to another phase.

Round Counts

Alongside a timer, various characters, including the unseen Pizza Lady, would pop out the bottom of the screen to announce a new round and the first one.

Old Character Cube

PizzaTower-peppinocube.png PizzaTower-noisecube.png

Sprites from an old character change cube object still exist in the final game, however the Noise's sprite for the cube still uses his color palette from the Peppino's Xmas Break demo.

Pizzahead Boss Fight Sketches

To do:
Elaborate based on some of the stuff seen in the September 2021 build.

A good number of sketches created for the 2nd and 3rd phases of Pizzahead's boss fight are in the game's files as separate sprites created from cutouts. Not every attack seen here appears during the final fight.

Used Attacks

Unused Phase 2 Attacks

Scrapped 3rd Phase

One of the more bizarre things that these sketches reveal is that the final phase was going to play out a lot different than in the final game. Originally, Pizzahead wouldn't have pulled the floor bosses up for Peppino to rematch, but instead completely lose it with attacks depicting him frantically charging and punching Peppino. According to the developers and playtesters, this phase was scrapped as the developers didn't want to portray Pizzahead as an angry character, and instead be seen as nothing more than a clown. The proper sprites that were created for this phase never showed up in the game's files at all.

A couple of duplicate sketches exist as well in the form of spr_pizzahead and spr_pizzahead2.

Placeholder Flush Cards

There's crude placeholder versions of the flush cards seen in Fast Food Saloon that lack any animations. These were used in the Rework build, in the Pinball level.

Noise's Boss Fight Graphics

A few uncolored, non animated sprites for the Noise's phase 2 transition still remain in the files, and were used as a base for the finalized sprites. Both of the first frames are missing, as they were overwritten with the full final animations.

Miscellaneous Placeholder Graphics

Placeholder Horsey

A crudely drawn placeholder graphic of a horse used as a placeholder for Horsey in prerelease builds.

PT Spr horseplaceholder.png

Cardboard Tank Placeholder

A very basic placeholder graphic for the Cardboard Tank.

PT spr placeholder tank.png

Car Placeholder

An equally basic placeholder graphic for a car.

PT spr placeholder car.png

Placeholder Gabaghoul

A placeholder Sprite for the Gabaghoul enemies.


Placeholder Arrow

A placeholder for the Noise Goblins arrows.

Pizza Tower Spr noisearrow 0.png

Placeholder Jumpscare

A placeholder for the Halloween update's jumpscares that appear in hub areas. This sprite was added into the files during to the previously mentioned Halloween update.


Moving Platform Placeholder

A purple rectangle used as a placeholder for the moving platforms, as seen in the Rework build.


Totem Placeholder

A placeholder for the totem seen in Oregano Desert.


Mr. Pinch Placeholder

Placeholders for Mr. Pinch. These were used in the infamous Rework build, with Mr. Pinch's hand being the Grabby Hand sprite, which is not shown here.

PTstringycheese.png PTstringyarm.png

Anchor Placeholder

A rough, out of shape placeholder for the anchors the King Cheese would possess in Pizzascare.


Door Spawn Point

A frame of Peppino's idle animation colored blue that was used as a placeholder for doors with spawn points.

Peppino's Pizza 3: Nothing Bluepares! (we apologize for the bad pun)

Grabby Hand Dropspot

A frame of the Grabby Hand colored green that was used for indicating drop points in older builds.
