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Pizza Tower/Unused Graphics/Old Graphic Designs

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This is a sub-page of Pizza Tower/Unused Graphics.

Lots of things throughout Pizza Tower's development got new designs to either fit more in-line with the game's overall artstyle or to be more consistent in design. There's a whole lot to uncover, from shotguns and breakable blocks to Captain Bomb Goblin and the Toppins!

Captain Bomb

Captain Goblin was originally called Captain Bomb and had a more humanoid design. The only sprites created for him consist of the same idle animation badly rotated and edited. He was probably replaced as his sprites would've obstructed the player's view too greatly.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PToldmushroom.gif PToldcheese.gif PToldtomato.gif
PToldsausage.gif PToldpineapple.gif
Yes Old versions of the collectable toppings the player finds throughout every level. These were introduced in the Early Test Build and survived all the way until the April 2021 build, where the designs of the toppings were replaced to their modern day counterparts.
PTpizzacollect.gif PTpizzacollect2.gif PTpizzacollect3.gif spr_pizzacollect1
Yes Before the big topping collectables were big pizza toppings, they were pizzas instead, and like the old smaller toppings, these made it all the way until the April 2021 build.
PToldclock.gif PTtimeattackclock.gif spr_clockcollectible1
No Old versions of the clock collectable. Used in the first version of the Boss build to activate Time Attack mode, while the second variant was last used in the Rework build for an object called obj_timecollect.
PTfishcollect.gif PTeggcollect.gif PTshrimpcollect.gif spr_fishcollect
No In the April 2021 build, new collectables appeared during Pizza Time, those being shrimp, fish, eggs, bacon (spr_baconcollect) and bananas (spr_baconcollect). The bacon and banana collectables were reused for The Pig City's bacon room and Crust Cove's banana crates respectively, however the rest (the three shown here) go unused.

More leftover toppins are present in the final release from various points in development: Snick's (onion) rings, Noise's candy from Hardoween, Xmas variants and last but not least, the world famous Eggplant.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Pizza Tower spr-toppinshroom-pause.gif Pizza Tower spr-toppincheese-pause.gif Pizza Tower spr-toppintomato-pause.gif
Pizza Tower spr-toppinsausage-pause.gif Pizza Tower spr-toppinpineapple-pause.gif
Yes Pretty old graphics for the dudes in the cages, once shown floating in front of level gates if not collected.
PToldshroomintro.gif PToldcheeseintro.gif PToldtomatointro.gif
PToldsausageintro.gif PToldpineappleintro.gif
Various animations for the old Toppins, including running, idles, intros, and panicking. These older designs were changed in the April 2021 build.
PToldshroomidle.gif PToldcheeseidle.gif PToldtomatoidle.gif
PToldsausageidle.gif PToldpineappleidle.gif
PToldshroomrun.gif PToldcheeserun.gif PToldtomatorun.gif
PToldsausagerun.gif PToldpineapplerun.gif
PToldshroompanic.gif PToldcheesepanic.gif PToldtomatopanic.gif
PToldsausagepanic.gif PToldpineapplepanic.gif
Pizza Tower spr-pizzakinshroom-underwater.gif Pizza Tower spr-pizzakincheese-underwater.gif Pizza Tower spr-pizzakintomato-underwater.gif
Pizza Tower spr-pizzakinsausage-underwater.gif Pizza Tower spr-pizzakinpineapple-underwater.gif
The five toppins wearing goggles and "swimming". These graphics were meant for the ancient "level2" from the Early Test build.

They were removed after the Peppino's Xmas Break public demo.

PToldtoppincage.gif spr_pizzaboxunopen An old version of the Toppin cage, being a pizza box.
Pizza Tower spr-pizzaboxopen.gif spr_pizzaboxopen No
PTdeliverybox.gif spr_deliverypizzabox A blue version of spr_pizzaboxunopen.

Older Sausage Toppin

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PToldersausageidle.gif spr_pizzakinsausage Yes In demos before Demo 2, the old Sausage Toppin had a red color scheme before it was eventually switched out to brown in the aforementioned January 2019 demo, and the only sprite with the unchanged red palette is spr_pizzakinsausage_underwater.
PToldersausagerun.gif spr_pizzakinsausage_run
PToldersausagepanic.gif spr_pizzakinsausage_panic

Exit Gate

Windows-PizzaTower-ETBgate.png Windows-PizzaTower-ETBgateopen.png Windows-PizzaTower-ETBgate2.png Windows-PizzaTower-ETBgate2open.png

The old exit gate that was used from Early Test Build to the Blue Block Land Builds still exists in the final game. Another variant is a version of the gate with the word “EXIT” on it, which was used from the SAGE 2019 Demo to the Rework Build.


When your milk has RTX turned on.

A pixelated picture of a real-life cow, as seen in the Rework build.


PToldbomb.gif PToldbomblit.gif

An old, smaller design of the bombs from the Early Test Build. These survived all the way until the Eggplant build, where they were replaced with their more bigger and modern counterparts.


Standard Breakable Blocks

PToldbreakable.png PToldbreakablesmall.png PToldbreakable2.png PToldbreakable2small.png

Old versions of the breakable blocks that were used from the Early Test Build to the April 2021 build, where one month later the blocks were replaced.

Metal Block

PTmetalblockrecolor.png PTmetalblockrecolordebris.gif

A recolor of the standard breakable block that was used right after Rework up until right before Eggplant (it can even be seen in the YouTube trailer for the Eggplant build). The debris from said block also uses a recolor of the standard breakable block's debris.

One-Way Block


An old design of the one-way block that was introduced in the Western build.

Target Block


An old version of the Target Block with a more realistic wooden design, as used in Pre-Eggplant builds, where it was replaced in said build.

Golf Block


An old version of the blocks the player finds in Golf, and were known as "Nerd Blocks". This was introduced in the GOLF April Fool's build and replaced in the Octobe22 build.

Cheese Block

PToldcheeseblock.gif PToldcheeseblockreform.gif

The old variants of the cheese blocks found in Ancient Cheese, which would later be replaced in the April 2021 build.


Wooden Door

Various old door designs are left in the game, and some were replaced in the final game. Less is more might just be this game's motto, because the door designs were changed to be the same generic design, although each floor has a different door design of its own.



PizzaTower-BlueBlock.png PizzaTower-PurpleBlock.png

The old sprites for obj_solid. The blue solid was used from the Early Test Build up until first two Blue Block Land build revisions, while the purple solid was used in the third revision and every other build up until the game's release, where the design was changed to a pink transparent square.

Key Sign


An old version of the key sign.

Shotgun Pickup


The shotgun pickup Pre-Eggplant, where in said build it was replaced with a crate.

War Timer

PTeggplantwartimer.gif PTeggplantwartimerfont1.gif PTeggplantwartimerfont2.gif

An old, taller version of the War timer and its numbers from the Eggplant build.

Game Logos

PThalloweentitle.png PTdemo2title.png PTsage2019title.png

The game's old logos from older builds and demos, specifically from the Halloween Build, Demo 2, and the SAGE 2019 Demo, in that exact order. These were all replaced overtime, however the Eggplant build variant was the only one leftover. Said variant can be found on its leftovers page.

Gamepad Inputs


PTgamepadbutton1.png PTgamepadbutton2.png PTgamepadbutton3.png PTgamepadbutton4.png PTgamepadbutton9.png PTgamepadbutton10.png

Triggers and Bumpers

PTgamepadbutton5.png PTgamepadbutton6.png PTgamepadbutton7.png PTgamepadbutton8.png


PTgamepadbutton11.png PTgamepadbutton12.png PTgamepadbutton13.png PTgamepadbutton14.png


PTgamepadbutton15.png PTgamepadbutton16.png PTgamepadbutton17.png PTgamepadbutton18.png PTgamepadbutton19.png PTgamepadbutton20.png PTgamepadbutton21.png PTgamepadbutton22.png

Old designs of the buttons, D-Pad, joysticks, triggers and bumpers of a gamepad, with the designs of the inputs being identical to that of a Xbox 360 controller.