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Proto:Muppet RaceMania

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Muppet RaceMania.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A localization prototype of Muppet RaceMania was released as part of Project Deluge by Hidden Palace. The build is dated three months after the European release and a couple months before the final US version.


A few minor differences are present when compared to the final US version.

  • The prototype uses an animated Midway logo while the final has a static screen. The two additional copyright screens added to the US version are also missing.
  • Pressing Start at the title screen in the US version brings up an extra menu with the options New Game or Memory Card, this is not the case in the European version or this prototype.
  • The ordering of the options was changed to how it is in the US version, but the menu centering is still the same as the European version.
  • The game does not prompt you to save when after progressing.
  • The glow that was added to the buttons on the "Copy the Buttons" screen is missing.
  • The "wrong way" warning is not present at all.
  • The character select is still the same as it is in the European version.
  • The hit counter and arrow swapped places.
Proto Final
RacemaniaRace2Proto.png RacemaniaRace2US.png
  • The text popup when using a special move was ordered and spaced differently.
Europe Proto US
MuppetRacemaniaSpecialMoveUseEU.png MuppetRacemaniaSpecialMoveUseProto.png MuppetRacemaniaSpecialMoveUseUS.png