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Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)/Unused Textures

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This is a sub-page of Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64).

To do:
  • There's a lot more than this, use decomp to find them.
  • Add the location/context of each texture.
  • Texture oddities such as early versions having remnants in an edited texture, such as Spindrift's mouth and hands.

These textures aren't seen anywhere in the actual game. The individual names were not known until the July 25, 2020 source code leak.

Unused Textures

Now you know where this wiki's Stub icon comes from!
(Translation: c_cactus)

A small round cactus, found in the Shifting Sand Land/Bob-omb MIO0 bank.

Debug Textures

SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug J.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug Q.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug V.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug X.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug Z.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug %.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug &.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug !.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug !!.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug ?.png SM64-UnusedTexture-Debug KEY.png

These textures are only found in the Japanese version. They were deleted from the US release, though "V" and "Z" were re-added to the European version. The "%", "&", "!", and "!!" icons are left over from an early version of the game's font, which is why their art style is different from the rest of the characters.


(Translation: bowser_eye_txt)

An early texture for Bowser's eyes which has them colored blue rather than red. Blue-eyed Bowser can be seen in some B-Roll footage.

Unused Mario Eyes


Some unused textures for Mario's eyes, looking in directions.

Metal Wing Cap


Wearing the Metal and Wing Caps at the same time will cause the wings on Mario's cap to use this texture, but it's not possible to do that in the actual game unless you use cheat codes. According to the iQue version's source code, Snowman's Land originally would have included the Metal and Wing Caps.


To do:
Put the face texture where the cloud is in the model, and screenshot what it looks like in-game.

Seems it wasn't friendly enough.

This friendly face was meant to be seen on Lakitu's cloud, a standard of the Mario series, but for whatever reason it's not used. Super Mario 64 DS reinstates the face on the cloud as seen in official artwork and many other games, albeit with an updated texture.


(Translation: f_wall_txt)

A rocky texture.


(Translation: chain01_txt)

A chain, found in Shifting Sand Land's level file.


(Translation: a corrugated sheet_0_TxT)

This texture appears to depict stairs or corrugated iron. Located in Lethal Lava Land's texture file.



A shadow of what seems to be the coin used in the Shoshinkai 1995 demo.



The arrow that was originally used for the scrapped Minimap feature, as seen in Shoshinkai '95 footage.



(Translation: cage_txt)

A texture meant for the Boo Cage. Despite it looking like invalid texture data, the iQue version's source code has it labeled as an actual texture.



An unused texture for the chairs in Big Boo's Haunt. It was originally meant to be used for the front leg, based on how the fourth part reuses the second texture.



A water texture originally meant for the courtyard and Dire, Dire Docks, seen in Shoshinkai '95 footage. An older version of this texture is seen in B-Roll and early screenshots.



A purple sphere that was originally used for Chuckya's "hair" - the sphere on top of its head.



An unused blinking texture for Ukiki. It appears to be based on an older version of the face texture. Code exists for the blinking animation, but it isn't referenced:

 static void s_eye_anime(void)
 	if ( ( frameCounter % 50 )  < 7 )	obj_animecounter = 1;
 	else								obj_animecounter = 0;


He never had eyes, how did he see and gulp up mario!?

A unused Bubba eye texture found in actors/bubba in the decompilation. This could suggest that Bubba would have not his sunglasses at one point in development.