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Syndicate Wars (PlayStation)

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Title Screen

Syndicate Wars

Developer: Bullfrog Productions
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: PlayStation
Released in US: July 1997
Released in EU: July 1997

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:
Detail new unique levels of the PS1 version.

The awkward PlayStation port of the futuristic corporate amorality simulator.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Music

The file MOVIES/INTER.STR contains all the game's music, the PlayStation version has them in a stream file rather than as CDDA tracks as in the PC version. The file contains an extra track not present in the PC version, and also not actually played in the PS1 game. What is interesting about it is it seems to be an experiment in adding the "tension" music from the PC original into the PlayStation version. The track is simply the game's first music track only with the repetitive tension notes playing over the top of it. Presumably it would be intended to jump between the original track and this track at the same points in time to go in and out of "tension" mode - the PS1 port of Bullfrog's previous title Magic Carpet did this exact same thing. The fact this track is never played in the final game and only the first track was attempted in this fashion suggests the idea didn't work and was abandoned.

Cut Graphics

The files F/PSXAxxx.TIM contain the game's graphics in PlayStation .TIM image format. These make extensive use of CLUTs, so it's not possible to make all images look correct when ripped as every tiny image uses its own palette. These contain lots of cut graphics from both the DOS version and earlier iterations of the PS1 version. Visible are:

  • All the DOS version animated menu icons. This includes the Public Access Network icon. The PAN icon seems to be from an earlier iteration and has a rectangular icon, whereas the other icons are square. The scrapped first PS1 iteration used these to have a nearly identical UI to the DOS original.
  • Early in-game HUD graphics again from the scrapped first iteration of the PS1 visible in pre-release footage. This is similar in design to the DOS HUD. An example of these graphics can be seen if the cut weapons are hacked into the game, as per below.
  • Early weapon icons from this build. What is especially interesting about this is the cut Sonic Blast gun is still included in the icons.
  • Various early fonts that are not used.
  • The cut objective icons also present in the DOS version files.
  • Odd symbols/buttons not seen in the final game, including ones with the Roman numerals I and II on them, and also the letters "SS".
  • While the PS1 version doesn't feature scientists and other less common NPCs that were found in the original PC release, in fact they are present in the game's files and their graphical frames are even loaded into VRAM on level start. It's not clear why they are not used, considering this fact (possibly their frames are incomplete).

Cut Weapons

The PlayStation version includes the same remnants of cut weapons as the DOS version. Once again the video for the same unknown weapon is included and visible on the equip screen for two cut weapons at the end of the inventory list.


More interesting is that if these weapons are selected in-game, as in the DOS version their designated icons overflow into what are now other pieces of the HUD art. In the PlayStation version of the game, that means you can see a piece of the early console HUD visible in preview screenshots.


Cut Cybernetic Modifications

If codes are used to hack in all items as researched, then the various epidermis items actually appear in the available items list like the other body mods. This isn't possible in the PC version, so suggests making them purchasable items was toyed with for the PS1 port (and in fact the post-release final PC demo version has text suggesting this would be the case, too) before being cut. They don't have a 3D rendered item picture like the other body mods, they just jump straight to the item description text when highlighted (which normally can't be seen). Presumably, finding the hidden item would have let the player buy additional skin items of that type.

Cut Levels

The PlayStation version of the game has a lot fewer levels included on disc compared to the literally hundreds shipped with the PC original, with all the PC version's cut levels removed. However, there are still a few level files present that are not defined in the CALL000.MIS file (and are therefore not playable):

MAP40L31.MUL - This is actually the level Foundations, only with new mission objectives. The briefcase man guarded by police who is a hidden bonus objective in the original map is here the main target instead.

MAP04L31.MUL - This is actually a bugged version of the Eurocorp mission Taken to Taks. It begins with a cutscene of a male civilian walking around town. The civilian walks across a road, but then stands forever by a wall, breaking the cutscene and making it impossible to play the mission as a result. Checking the original level file shows this is actually what is intended - to a degree. The character is actually an enemy syndicate agent who lurks here with a clone shield on, waiting for the player. The issue is the camera command has been set on the wrong NPC, breaking the level.

MAP69L01.MUL - A test level with an entirely new map exclusive to the PS1 port. Various weapons are laid on the ground, and a flying car, a tank, and a mech can be boarded. heading right there are a handful of zealots to fight, including a flying car that attacks. The goal is simply to walk to a point to the left of the start. Level file analysis shows the items are actually multiple copies of epidermis items 2 and 4, and a couple of money briefcases. Something is wrong with them and they can't be picked up. They were likely just a test for the different item icon types.

MAP22L33.MUL, MAP46L32.MUL, MAP46L45.MUL, these are levels not in the PC release, but do not work, going straight to a "mission failed" message on start. Checking them now the PlayStation file format is understood reveals they do not actually contain any characters or commands at all - they're genuinely empty levels.

There's also a new PlayStation only level called "TEST1" defined in the CALL000.MIS file that would have the filename MAP40L53.MUL. However, this is not present on the final game's disc. Possibly MAP69L01.MUL is the same level or another version of it, as it's clearly a test level.

Cut Campaign Levels

The PlayStation version actually includes 53 level files on the disc. However, the final campaigns are a cut down version of the original DOS game's, and only comprise of 36 levels total. Aside from the totally cut levels listed above, there are lots of levels that are in the DOS game actually included on the disc and defined in the CALL000.MIS file, in theory fully playable in the PlayStation version but unused. However, actually running these shows they do not work, they load up to show an empty map and the same "Mission Failed" message as seen on some of the completely cut levels above. Analysis of the files shows they really are empty, and have no characters or commands defined. Some even have no Things defined at all, which means there aren't even any buildings on the maps.

Version Differences

Differences from the original DOS version of the game:

  • The PlayStation version has a totally different intro FMV depicting Syndicate agents robbing a bank and then escaping in a flying APC, chased by Police
  • Completely different title screen and presentation screens.
  • It's no longer possible to research items. Instead the player is automatically rewarded with new items after certain missions are completed. As such there is also no need to persuade scientists either (and indeed they are removed from all levels).
  • There is no map screen in the PlayStation version. It's not possible to choose the next mission.
  • Mission briefings are simplified. They now consist only of text, the "Netscan" area at the bottom left of the PC briefings with hints and information have been cut.
  • The PlayStation has a different graphical engine with a new lighting system that looks a lot darker and gritter than the PC version.
  • The PlayStation version lacks the high resolution mode of the PC original.
  • The PlayStation version is designed to be primarily played only with a controller. However, it actually supports using both the PlayStation mouse and a controller to mimic mouse and keyboard controls.
  • Multiplayer mode is removed in the PlayStation version. However, it's still possible to play the single player missions in co-op mode with up to four human players (using a Multitap).
  • There are fewer NPC designs used in the PlayStation version, likely due to lack of video RAM. Many of the civilian graphics have been removed, as have the scientists (male civilians with briefcases are used as stand-ins for these) and all female Unguided.
  • The PlayStation version starts with new unique levels not in the PC version, and some other levels have changes in them compared to the PC original.
  • PlayStation level files now include the entire map and mission objectives (the mission objective text is still pulled externally, however) inside them, unlike the PC version where the map files are separate and reused by each level file set on them.
  • New sound effects for weapons.
  • The PlayStation version has the trains cut from all cities. Instead transport tubes replace them for essential travel in missions.