Talk:Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Unused Units
Units removed the file rules.ini in Ra2.mix
Aircraft Carrier Nimitz
;Aircraft Carrier for the Americans ;[CARRIERB] ;UIName=Name:CARRIERB ;Name=Aircraft Carrier Nimitz ;Image=CARRIER ;Prerequisite=GAYARD,GATECH ;Primary=HornetLauncher ;CanPassiveAquire=no ; Won't try to pick up own targets ;Spawns=HORNET ;SpawnsNumber=4 ;SpawnRegenRate=5000 ;SpawnReloadRate=1000 ;FireAngle=32 ;ToProtect=yes ;Category=Support ;Strength=1500 ;Naval=yes ;GS ;Armor=heavy ;TechLevel=-1 ;Sight=7 ;Speed=4 ;CrateGoodie=yes ;Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance ;RequiredHouses=Americans ;AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no ;Cost=2500 ;Turret=no ;Points=55 ;ROT=1 ;Crusher=yes ;Weight=5 ;Crewed=no ;;OmniFire=yes ;GEF moved to weapon ;IsSelectableCombatant=yes ;Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 ;VoiceSelect= ;VoiceMove= ;VoiceAttack= ;VoiceFeedback= ;Locomotor={2BEA74E1-7CCA-11d3-BE14-00104B62A16C};{4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} ;SpeedType=Float ;MovementZone=Water ;ThreatPosed=25 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons ;DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys ;VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTER ;EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF ;TooBigToFitUnderBridge=true ;GuardRange=10 ;;BuildLimit=1
Dreadnought or unused UIName=Name:DREDB Dreadnought +3
;Soviet Dreadnought for Russians ;[DREDB] ;UIName=Name:DRED ;Name=Dreadnought +3 ;Image=DRED ;Prerequisite=NAYARD,NATECH ;Primary=DredLauncher ;CanPassiveAquire=no ; Won't try to pick up own targets ;Spawns=DMISL ;SpawnsNumber=2 ;SpawnRegenRate=60 ;25% better than normal ;SpawnReloadRate=0 ; missile spawn don't come back ;FireAngle=32 ;ToProtect=yes ;Category=Support ;Strength=1500 ;Naval=yes ;Armor=heavy ;TechLevel=6 ;Sight=7 ;Speed=4 ;CrateGoodie=yes ;Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs ;RequiredHouses=Russians ;AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no ;Cost=2500 ;Turret=no ;Points=55 ;Weight=4 ;ROT=1 ;Crusher=yes ;Crewed=no ;;OmniFire=yes ;GEF moved to weapon ;IsSelectableCombatant=yes ;Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 ;VoiceSelect= ;VoiceMove= ;VoiceAttack= ;VoiceFeedback= ;Locomotor={2BEA74E1-7CCA-11d3-BE14-00104B62A16C};{4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} ;SpeedType=Float ;MovementZone=Water ;ThreatPosed=25 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons ;DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys ;VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTER ;EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF ;TooBigToFitUnderBridge=true ;GuardRange=10 ;;BuildLimit=1
; Apache Chopper ;[APACHE] ;UIName=Name:APACHE ;Name=Harpy ;Prerequisite=GAAIRC ;Primary=HarpyClaw ;Strength=225 ;Category=AirPower ;Armor=light ;TechLevel=-1 ;Sight=2 ;RadarInvisible=yes ;Landable=yes ;MoveToShroud=yes ;Dock=GAAIRC,NAHPAD,GAHPAD ;PipScale=Ammo ;Speed=14 ;PitchSpeed=.16 ;Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs ;Cost=1000 ;Points=20 ;ROT=5 ;Ammo=12 ;Crewed=yes ;GuardRange=30 ;Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 ;Maxdebris=2 ;VoiceSelect=30-I000,30-I002,30-I004,30-I006 ;VoiceMove=30-I014,30-I016,30-I018,30-I022 ;VoiceAttack=30-I022,30-I030,30-I034,30-I036 ;Locomotor={4A582746-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} ;MovementZone=Fly ;ThreatPosed=15 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons ;DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys ;VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SIGHT,FASTER ;EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF
Chem Spray Infantry
; Hack to make MultiMissile work! Don't change data! [WEEDGUY] UIName=Name:WEEDGUY Name=Chem Spray Infantry Category=Soldier Primary=NukeCarrier Secondary=V3Cluster ;gs Looks like hack is weapons must be represented once Prerequisite=BARRACKS TiberiumProof=yes CrushSound=InfantrySquish Strength=130 Storage=7 Pip=white Fearless=yes Armor=none TechLevel=-1 Sight=4 Speed=6 Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Cost=300 Points=5 VoiceSelect= VoiceMove= VoiceAttack= VoiceFeedback= DieSound= Locomotor={4A582744-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} PhysicalSize=1 MovementZone=Infantry ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons
Light Tank
; Light Tank [LTNK] UIName=Name:LTNK Name=Light Tank Image=LTNK Prerequisite=NAWEAP Primary=90mm Strength=200 Category=AFV Armor=heavy Turret=yes IsTilter=yes TargetLaser=yes TooBigToFitUnderBridge=true TechLevel=-1 Sight=8 Speed=8 CrateGoodie=no Crusher=yes Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs RequiredHouses=Arabs AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Cost=600 Points=25 ROT=5 IsSelectableCombatant=yes Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 VoiceSelect=GenSovVehicleSelect VoiceMove=GenSovVehicleMove VoiceAttack=GenSovVehicleAttackCommand VoiceFeedback= DieSound=GenVehicleDie Maxdebris=3 Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Destroyer ThreatPosed=40 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys DamageSmokeOffset=100, 100, 275 Weight=3.5 VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SIGHT,FASTER EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF Accelerates=false ZFudgeColumn=8 ZFudgeTunnel=13 Size=6 OpportunityFire=yes
; Howitzer [HOWI] UIName=Name:HOWI Name=Howitzer Image=HWTZ Prerequisite=GAWEAP Primary=HowitzerGun Strength=200 Category=AFV Armor=light Turret=no IsTilter=yes Crusher=yes TooBigToFitUnderBridge=true TechLevel=-1 Sight=8 Speed=5 CrateGoodie=no Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance RequiredHouses=Alliance Cost=750 Points=25 ROT=5 IsSelectableCombatant=yes Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 VoiceSelect=GenAllVehicleSelect VoiceMove=GenAllWaterMove VoiceAttack=GenAllWaterAttackCommand VoiceFeedback= AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no MaxDebris=2 Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Normal ThreatPosed=15 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SIGHT,FASTER EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF Accelerates=false ImmuneToVeins=yes Size=3
[XCOMET] UIName=Name:XCOMET Name=Placeholder Image=HTNK Prerequisite=GAWEAP,GATECH Primary=CometFragment Secondary=TeslaFragment ElitePrimary=SuperCometFragment ;Like [WEEDGUY] this just instantiates more weapons Strength=300 Category=AFV Armor=heavy Turret=yes ;temp until tank art done IsTilter=yes TooBigToFitUnderBridge=true TechLevel=-1 Sight=8 Speed=4 CrateGoodie=no Crusher=yes Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance Cost=2000 Points=50 ROT=5 IsSelectableCombatant=yes AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 VoiceSelect= VoiceMove= VoiceAttack= VoiceFeedback= Maxdebris=3 Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Destroyer ThreatPosed=40 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys DamageSmokeOffset=100, 100, 275 Weight=3.5 VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SIGHT,FASTER Accelerates=false ZFudgeColumn=8 ZFudgeTunnel=13 Size=3
Hind Transport
; Hind Transport [HIND] UIName=Name:HIND Name=Hind Transport Prerequisite=NAWEAP Primary=BlackHawkCannon Strength=300 Category=AirPower JumpJet=yes Armor=light TechLevel=-1 Sight=7 RadarInvisible=yes Carryall=yes Landable=yes PipScale=Passengers Passengers=10 Speed=15 PitchSpeed=1.1 JumpjetSpeed=40 ;params not defined use defaults (old globals way up top) JumpjetClimb=50 JumpjetCrash=60 ; Climb, but down JumpJetAccel=12 JumpJetTurnRate=12 JumpjetHeight=500 JumpjetWobbles=.01 JumpjetDeviation=1 Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs RequiredHouses=Confederation Cost=1000 Points=15 ROT=10 Crewed=yes ConsideredAircraft=yes Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 Maxdebris=3 VoiceSelect=GenSovVehicleSelect VoiceMove=GenSovVehicleMove VoiceAttack=GenSovVehicleAttackCommand DieSound= CrashingSound=GenVehicleDie ImpactLandSound=GenAircraftCrash ;Locomotor={4A582746-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} ;flying Locomotor={92612C46-F71F-11d1-AC9F-006008055BB5} ;jumpjet MovementZone=Fly DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys AuxSound1=Dummy ;Taking off AuxSound2=Dummy ;Landing ThreatPosed=0 SpecialThreatValue=1 ;Bombable=no VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SIGHT,FASTER EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF Size=15 SizeLimit=2 HoverAttack=yes ;OmniFire=yes ;GEF moved to weapon AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Crashable=yes SpeedType=Hover PreventAttackMove=yes
; Destroyer's helicopter [ASW] UIName=Name:ASW Name=Osprey Primary=ASWBomb Secondary=ASWCollision NavalTargeting=2 LandTargeting=1 Strength=30 Category=AirPower Armor=light Spawned=yes TechLevel=-1 Sight=2 RadarInvisible=no Landable=yes MoveToShroud=yes ;Dock=GAAIRC,AMRADR PipScale=Ammo Speed=12 PitchSpeed=.9 PitchAngle=0 Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance Cost=50 Points=10 ROT=5;3 Ammo=1 Crewed=no GuardRange=30 Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 Maxdebris=2 VoiceSelect= VoiceMove= VoiceAttack= VoiceFeedback= DieSound= CrashingSound=OspreyDie ImpactLandSound=GenAircraftCrash Locomotor={4A582746-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Fly MovementRestrictedTo=Water ; See if this will affect landing only ThreatPosed=10 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys AuxSound1=OspreyTakeOff ;Taking off AuxSound2=OspreyLanding ;Landing ImmuneToPsionics=yes ;Selectable=no ; SJM: this should be here but is commented out because bug prevents aircraft from landing
--Porcino (talk) 21:00, 6 January 2014 (EST)
Removed Objects in Final Alert 2
[PT] São objetos que não são usados no jogo e foram cortados propositalmente do editor. Fica mais claro saber quais não foram usado. Só não sei se alguns dos objetos são do Yuri's revenge.
[En] Are objects that are not used in the game and were purposely cut editor. It is clearer to see which were not used. Just do not know if some of the objects are of Yuri's revenge.
; things only FinalAlert will ignore ; these are usually all dummies and leftovers from TS [IgnoreRA2] 0=GAARMORY 1=APACHE 2=DeathDummy 3=WEEDGUY 4=GADUMY 5=NAWAST 6=GARADR 7=CAIRSFGL 8=CALIT01E 9=CALIT01N 10=CALIT01S 11=CALIT01W 12=CALIT03E 13=CALIT03N 14=CALIT03S 15=CALIT03W 16=CALIT02L 17=CALIT02R 18=NAHPAD 19=CAEURO01 20=CACITY01 21=CACITY02 22=CACITY03 23=CACITY04 24=CITY06 25=CITY05 26=CITY04 27=CITY03 28=CITY02 29=CITY01 30=CAARMR 31=TREE29 32=TREE30 33=CANEWY05 34=REDLAMP 35=GRENLAMP 36=BLUELAMP 37=YELWLAMP 38=PURPLAMP 39=INORANLAMP ;40=NEGLAMP ; NEGLAMP added again, invisible in game 41=NEGRED 42=TSTLAMP 43=CAPOL01E 44=CAPOL01N 45=CAPOL01S 46=CAPOL01W 47=CASIN01E 48=CASIN01N 49=CASIN01W 50=CASIN01S 51=GAGREEN 52=GALITE 53=CARGOPLANE 54=CAHOSP 55=XCOMET 56=CAKRMW 57=CAFNCB 58=CAFNCW 59=CAFNCP 60=CR1 61=CR2 62=CR3 63=CR4 64=CR5 65=CR6 66=BURN01 67=BURN02 68=BURN03 69=BURN04 70=BURN05 71=BURN06 72=BURN07 73=BURN08 74=BURN09 75=BURN10 76=BURN11 77=BURN12 78=BURN13 79=BURN14 80=BURN15 Another one :) =BURN16 82=CASYDN01 83=CATIME 84=CALOND02;? ;85=CAMORR01 ;86=CAMORR02 ;87=CAMORR03 ;88=CAEGYP06 ;89=CAMORR04 ;90=CAEGYP04 ;91=CAEGYP05 ;92=CALA06 97=DNOB;? 98=GAWRONG 99=CALA02;? 100=CAMOON01 ;101=CAEGYP01 102=UTNK 103=YDUM 104=WWLF 105=YADOG 106=YDOG 107=SMON 108=CMON 109=YADEPT 110=CALOND06;? ;111=TREE32 ; hacks for shore pieces ; shore id_pos=iswater ; pos: count from left top to right, then next "row"
--Porcino (talk) 00:52, 15 January 2014 (EST)
97=DNOB;? 98=GAWRONG 99=CALA02;? 100=CAMOON01 ;101=CAEGYP01 102=UTNK 103=YDUM 104=WWLF 105=YADOG 106=YDOG 107=SMON 108=CMON 109=YADEPT 110=CALOND06;? ;111=TREE32
[Pt]Esses são objetos não usados no yuri's revenge
[En]These objects are not used in yuri's revenge
- These two are used to allow Yuri players to train Allied/Soviet dogs once they capture the respective barracks:
105=YADOG 106=YDOG
--Hawk (talk) 14:09, 20 May 2021 (UTC)
IFV Mode 12
The Allied IFV has different weapons depending on the infantry that enter it. IFVMode=12 sets this weapon to a weapon called "CowShot", previously "PrismShot". This version of the IFV is nicknamed "President IFV" and is unobtainable in normal play as it requires one of the following units to enter the IFV: President, Cow, Alligator, Polar Bear, Monkey, Camel (Yuri's Revenge).
This weapon does 300 damage with 12 range, making it one of the most powerful in the game.
Is it possible to legitimately obtain this by garrisoning the McBurger Kong in the Chicago level to obtain monkeys and then put them in an IFV? --Hawk (talk) 14:06, 20 May 2021 (UTC)
- No, you use Yuri to Mind Control a Cow, then put the Cow in the IFV, the conditions are hard to obtain, hence it's an easter egg.
- McBurger Kong has never given free units. --MRMIdAS
- AH! They're using triggers to spawn infantry, I was expecting an alternate prerequisite, like how the Pentagon gives you SEALS.
- And AFAIK you've always been able to put MC'd infantry into transports, at least in RA2, although it may have been fixed in a patch. - MRMIdAS
Unused Crates
Just want to share one video about unused content. Unfortunately it's unknown how to verify this information. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Fission Power (talk • contribs)
- It's as easy as extracting and editing the rules.ini file, this is how the crate rules appear:
; ******* Random Crate Powerups ******* ; This specifies the chance for the specified crate powerup to appear ; in a 'random' crate. The chance is expressed in the form of 'shares' ; out of the total shares specified. ; ; The second parameter is the animation to use when this crate is picked up. ; ; The third parameter specifies whether this crate is available over water. ; ; The fourth parameter, if present, specifies ; the data value needed for that crate powerup. They mean different things ; for the different powerups. [Powerups] Armor=10,ARMOR,yes,1.5 ; armor of nearby objects increased (armor multiplier);gs Think of max strength being multiplied by this (in reality, damage is divided by this since you can't change the max in Type) Firepower=10,FIREPOWR,yes,2.0 ; firepower of nearby objects increased (firepower multiplier) HealBase=10,HEALALL,yes ; all buildings to full strength Money=20,MONEY,yes,2000 ; a chunk o' cash (maximum cash) Reveal=10,REVEAL,yes ; reveal entire radar map Speed=10,SPEED,yes,1.2 ; speed of nearby objects increased (speed multiplier) Veteran=20,VETERAN,yes,1 ; veteran upgrade (levels to upgrade) Unit=20,<none>,no ; vehicle Invulnerability=0,ARMOR,yes,1.0 ; invulnerability (duration in minutes) IonStorm=0,<none>,yes ; initiate ion storm Gas=0,<none>,yes,100 ; tiberium gas (damage for each gas cloud) Tiberium=0,<none>,no ; tiberium patch Pod=0,<none>,no ; drop pod special Cloak=0,CLOAK,yes ; enable cloaking on nearby objects Darkness=0,SHROUDX,yes ; cloak entire radar map Explosion=0,<none>,yes,500 ; high explosive baddie (damage per explosion) ICBM=0,CHEMISLE,yes ; nuke missile one time shot Napalm=0,<none>,no,600 ; fire explosion baddie (damage) Squad=0,<none>,no ; squad of random infantry
- As you can see in the video, most of the powerups still function if you change the 0's to a positive number. - MRMIdAS
Source Code
A prevailing theory across the internet for the last decade or two has been that EA famously lost the source code to the C&C games after it was to be sent to DICE in Sweden when Westwood/EA Pacific was shut down in the early 2000's
More and more people however seem to be pushing the idea that the "Mental Omega" mod has access to the Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge source code as an explanation of their ability to create such incredibly in-depth modifications to the game, using the ability to view the source code to better utilize patching the game via the "Ares" memory editor
Obviously we can't ask for the code to be published (or publish it on the wiki) but it may be useful to ask the Mental Omega dev team if there is any further information hidden in the code that may be of interest to publish here
- This theory is utter garbage. MO just uses ARES and good old-fashioned modding tricks to work, nothing else. If you want to see code weirdness, the "Bugfixes" section of ARES and PHOBOS are both good sources of knowledge. - MRMIdAS