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The House of the Dead (Sega Saturn)

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Title Screen

The House of the Dead

Developer: Tantalus Interactive
Publishers: Sega (US/JP/EU), Tec Toy (BR)
Platform: Sega Saturn
Released in JP: March 26, 1998
Released in US: March 15, 1998
Released in EU: April 10, 1998
Released in BR: 1998

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

The popular arcade zombie shooter to set the standards and inspire later zombie shooters comes home on the Saturn, but not without a few sacrifices to make it run on Saturn hardware.

Debug Mode

House of the Dead Saturn Debug.png

While on the main option screen where you can choose between Arcade mode and Saturn mode, press L, R, R, L, L, R. You should hear a jingle; if so, hold L + R, choose a mode, and press Start. You should come to the debug menu.

It has a level select, you can set how many lives you have, and in non-Japanese versions, you can also choose the color of the blood. These debug features (minus the level select) would become standard in the PC port of the game.