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The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Genesis)

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Title Screen

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Developer: Appaloosa Interactive
Publishers: Sega (US/EU), Tec Toy (BR)
Platform: Genesis
Released in US: 1997
Released in EU: 1997
Released in BR: 1997

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Level Select


Enter MAGICBOX or HUTCHINS as the password to add the Level Select to the Options menu. The latter password is a reference to producer Steve Hutchins.

(Source: GameFAQs)

Debug Info

Lost World Jurassic Park Genesis Debug Info.png

Pause the game, move the cursor to a blank spot, and press A, B, C, B, A to display the difficulty level, the player's current coordinates, and a build date/time.

Developer Messages

Enter one of the below passwords to view the corresponding message. These passwords also activate the level select, unless otherwise noted.

Password Message Notes
EDDIEBCK Lost World Genesis EDDIEBCK.png Does not activate the level select. Unknown who this is referring to. There is no Eddie listed in the game's credits. It's possible this is referencing the character from the movie, Eddie Carr.
EMOKE000 Lost World Genesis EMOKE000.png "EMO IS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PUPPY IN THE WORLD" in Hungarian.
FRANKIE0 Lost World Genesis FRANKIE0.png Unknown who this is referring to. There is no Frankie listed in the game's credits.
MARIANNA Lost World Genesis MARIANNA.png Unknown who this is referring to. There is no Marianna listed in the game's credits.
NACYNACY Lost World Genesis NACYNACY.png
GYOZIKE0 Lost World Genesis GYOZIKE0.png "Hi Judit!" in Hungarian.
MALAMUTE Lost World Genesis MALAMUTE.png
JASONFRI Lost World Genesis JASONFRI.png Password refers to level editor Jason Friedman.
DAVIDHIL Lost World Genesis DAVIDHIL.png Password refers to game designer/level editor David Hill.