Transformers Human Alliance
Transformers Human Alliance |
Developers: Sega of China,
Sega AM1 This game has uncompiled source code. |
To do: Data in BNK files for example:
Transformers Human Alliance is a rail shooter from Sega, taking place in the timeline of Michael Bay's Transformers film series with amazing graphics and cheesy voice acting.
Unused Graphics
Two logos of a company named Acroarts.
Images of four unidentified cartoon characters. The jester, pigtailed female, and blonde female appear twice in the BNK file.
A screenshot of possibly an early version of the game on a developer's computer. The level is a laboratory-type setting, and both players' crosshairs are visible. On the top right corner of the image, one can see debug text being printed.
A second screenshot of likely the same game. This depicts the continue screen, which offers the player upgraded weapons (similar to Sega Golden Gun) including the Machinegun, Squad Missile, Stungun, and Nitro Engine. Beneath each weapon is a value indicating its level. Debug text is also present here.
Three textures from a "coming soon" teaser, which was likely leftover from a location test version of the game. Chinese and Japanese versions of these textures are also present in the data.
Unused Music
Some unused tracks are present in bgm.afs.
Filename | Audio | Notes |
gameover.adx | The game over theme from Sega Golden Gun, another Sega light gun game made by Sega of China. | |
tf_bgm_test_01.adx | The first of three test music tracks. This was "Battle" by Steve Jablonsky from Transformers: Dark of the Moon. | |
tf_bgm_test_02.adx | A second test music track, featuring the song "Get Thru This" by Art of Dying from Transformers: Dark of the Moon. | |
tf_bgm_test_03.adx | The last test track has "The Shard" by Steve Jablonsky from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. |
Debugging Functions
There's values for GameIsDebugMode and GameIsJenkinsTest. The first would allow debug logging, the other would multiply the player's speed by 2.5x and also set bullet damage from the player to 2500.
If a Lua script is loaded incorrectly, or is not present, the user will be loaded into an area with no enemies.
Developer Leftovers
Compilation Directories
C:\Documents and Settings\chengqin\Desktop\TFG_D_U_StA_CQ_*\pictures\ C:\Documents and Settings\chengqin\Desktop\TFG_D_U_MJ_*_?\pictures\ C:\Documents and Settings\chengqin.SOC\Desktop\TFG_D_U_StA_MJ_?\pictures\ C:\Documents and Settings\gengjie\Desktop\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Acroarts C:\Documents and Settings\zhanghongmei\Desktop\ C:\Documents and Settings\zhanghongmei\Desktop\texture ./DESIGN/BANK_*/model_tex/ E:\ E:\RingEdge2_TF_Gun\ d:\TF_Gun\TF_Gun\trunk D:\Program Files\ D:\TF-GUN\CSE\TFG_D_U_StA_MJ_*\pictures\ D:\Transformers\texiao\smoke Y:\Project\Project_Arcade\PJ_RingEdge2_TF_Gun\Art
Leftover metadata present in the game's assets and the executable's code. Replace "*" with the name of the bank file. Some developers really worked on this game on their desktop.
Uncompiled Shader Effects
The shader directory has two uncompiled effect files, not used by the game.
#ifndef __POSTEFFECT_FX__ #define __POSTEFFECT_FX__ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PostEffect default struct VS_POST_EFFECT_INPUT { float4 Position : POSITION; float2 TexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; }; struct VS_POST_EFFECT_OUTPUT { float4 Position : POSITION; float2 TexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; }; void PostEffectDefaultVS( VS_POST_EFFECT_INPUT _input, out VS_POST_EFFECT_OUTPUT _output ) { _output.Position = _input.Position; _output.TexCoord0 = _input.TexCoord0; } //#define POST_EFFECT_DEFAULT_VS() \ // VS_POST_EFFECT_OUTPUT output = (VS_POST_EFFECT_OUTPUT)0; \ // PostEffectDefaultVS( _input, output ); \ // return output; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GaussianBlur H & V uniform float WIDTH; uniform float HEIGHT; uniform float WIDTH8; uniform float HEIGHT8; uniform float GaussFactor[8]; static const int g_GaussFactorSize = 8; half4 CalcGaussianBlurH(sampler2D Sampler, float2 TexCoord, float2 TexOffsetScale) { half4 OutColor = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < g_KernelSize; i++) { OutColor += tex2D( Sampler, TexCoord + g_HTexelKernel[i] * TexOffsetScale ) * g_BlurWeights[i]; } return OutColor; } half4 CalcGaussianBlurV(sampler2D Sampler, float2 TexCoord, float2 TexOffsetScale) { half4 OutColor = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < g_KernelSize; i++) { OutColor += tex2D( Sampler, TexCoord + g_VTexelKernel[i] * TexOffsetScale ) * g_BlurWeights[i]; } return OutColor; } half4 CalcGaussianBlurScaleH(sampler2D Sampler, float2 TexCoord, float2 TexOffsetScale, float Scale) { half4 OutColor = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < g_KernelSize; i++) { OutColor += tex2D( Sampler, TexCoord + g_HTexelKernel[i] * TexOffsetScale ) * g_BlurWeights[i]; } OutColor *= Scale; return OutColor; } half4 CalcGaussianBlurScaleV(sampler2D Sampler, float2 TexCoord, float2 TexOffsetScale, float Scale) { half4 OutColor = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < g_KernelSize; i++) { OutColor += tex2D( Sampler, TexCoord + g_VTexelKernel[i] * TexOffsetScale ) * g_BlurWeights[i]; } OutColor *= Scale; return OutColor; } // 如果使用如下两个函数,需要在CPU中计算GaussFactor,可以参考如下代码 // *** 该公式最好的地方在于它有Width参数,可以根据其计算出不同的权重,并且也减少了Pixel的计算量 *** // // GlareWidth = 5.0f; GlarePower = 1.0f; // if ( GlareWidth > 0.0001f ) // { // for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) // { // float x = i+0.5f; // GaussianFactor[ i ]=expf( -( x * x ) / ( ( 2 * GlareWidth * GlareWidth ) ) ); // } // // // 计算GaussFactor的和作为归一化的除数 // float sum = 0.0f; // for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) // { // sum += GaussianFactor[ i ]; // } // if ( sum > 0 ) // { // // 虽然是8个循环,但Shader里面其实是8个上下,共16次采样,所以还要除2。 // float k = GlarePower / sum / 2.0f; // for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) // { // GaussianFactor[ i ] *= k; // } // } // else // { // for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) // GaussianFactor[ i ] = 0.0f; // } // } half4 CalcGaussianBlurH( sampler2D _Sampler, float2 _TexCoord ) { half4 OutColor = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < g_GaussFactorSize; ++i ) { float2 TexCoord = _TexCoord + float2( ( i + 0.5f ) * WIDTH, 0.0f ); OutColor = OutColor + tex2D( _Sampler, TexCoord ) * GaussFactor[ i ] + tex2D( _Sampler, TexCoord - float2( WIDTH8, 0.0f ) ) * GaussFactor[ 7 - i ]; } return OutColor; } half4 CalcGaussianBlurV( sampler2D _Sampler, float2 _TexCoord ) { half4 OutColor = 0.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < g_GaussFactorSize; ++i ) { float2 TexCoord = _TexCoord + float2( 0.0f, ( i + 0.5f ) * HEIGHT ); OutColor = OutColor + tex2D( _Sampler, TexCoord ) * GaussFactor[ i ] + tex2D( _Sampler, TexCoord - float2( 0.0f, HEIGHT8 ) ) * GaussFactor[ 7 - i]; } return OutColor; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Down filter 2x2 half4 CalcFilter2x2( sampler2D Sampler, float2 TexCoord, float2 TexOffsetScale) { half4 OutColor = 0.0f; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { OutColor.rgba += tex2D( Sampler, TexCoord + g_TexelOffset2x2[i] * TexOffsetScale ); } OutColor /= 4.0f; return OutColor; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Down filter 4x4 half4 CalcFilter4x4( sampler2D Sampler, float2 TexCoord, float2 TexOffsetScale ) { half4 OutColor = 0.0h; for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { OutColor += tex2D( Sampler, TexCoord + g_TexelOffset4x4[ i ] * TexOffsetScale ); } OutColor /= 16.0h; return OutColor; } #endif
#ifndef __TEXELOFFSET_FX__ #define __TEXELOFFSET_FX__ //******************************************** // Filter 2x2 //******************************************** static const float2 g_TexelOffset2x2[ 4 ] = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, -0.5 }, { -0.5, 0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 }, }; //******************************************** // Filter 4x4 //******************************************** static const float2 g_TexelOffset4x4[ 16 ] = { { -1.5f, 1.5f }, { -0.5f, 1.5f }, { 0.5f, 1.5f }, { 1.5f, 1.5f }, { -1.5f, 0.5f }, { -0.5f, 0.5f }, { 0.5f, 0.5f }, { 1.5f, 0.5f }, { -1.5f, -0.5f }, { -0.5f, -0.5f }, { 0.5f, -0.5f }, { 1.5f, -0.5f }, { -1.5f, -1.5f }, { -0.5f, -1.5f }, { 0.5f, -1.5f }, { 1.5f, -1.5f } }; //******************************************** // Filter 8x8 //******************************************** static const float2 g_TexelOffset8x8[ 64 ] = { { -3.500000f, -3.500000f }, { -3.500000f, -2.500000f }, { -3.500000f, -1.500000f }, { -3.500000f, -0.500000f }, { -3.500000f, 0.500000f }, { -3.500000f, 1.500000f }, { -3.500000f, 2.500000f }, { -3.500000f, 3.500000f }, { -2.500000f, -3.500000f }, { -2.500000f, -2.500000f }, { -2.500000f, -1.500000f }, { -2.500000f, -0.500000f }, { -2.500000f, 0.500000f }, { -2.500000f, 1.500000f }, { -2.500000f, 2.500000f }, { -2.500000f, 3.500000f }, { -1.500000f, -3.500000f }, { -1.500000f, -2.500000f }, { -1.500000f, -1.500000f }, { -1.500000f, -0.500000f }, { -1.500000f, 0.500000f }, { -1.500000f, 1.500000f }, { -1.500000f, 2.500000f }, { -1.500000f, 3.500000f }, { -0.500000f, -3.500000f }, { -0.500000f, -2.500000f }, { -0.500000f, -1.500000f }, { -0.500000f, -0.500000f }, { -0.500000f, 0.500000f }, { -0.500000f, 1.500000f }, { -0.500000f, 2.500000f }, { -0.500000f, 3.500000f }, { 0.500000f, -3.500000f }, { 0.500000f, -2.500000f }, { 0.500000f, -1.500000f }, { 0.500000f, -0.500000f }, { 0.500000f, 0.500000f }, { 0.500000f, 1.500000f }, { 0.500000f, 2.500000f }, { 0.500000f, 3.500000f }, { 1.500000f, -3.500000f }, { 1.500000f, -2.500000f }, { 1.500000f, -1.500000f }, { 1.500000f, -0.500000f }, { 1.500000f, 0.500000f }, { 1.500000f, 1.500000f }, { 1.500000f, 2.500000f }, { 1.500000f, 3.500000f }, { 2.500000f, -3.500000f }, { 2.500000f, -2.500000f }, { 2.500000f, -1.500000f }, { 2.500000f, -0.500000f }, { 2.500000f, 0.500000f }, { 2.500000f, 1.500000f }, { 2.500000f, 2.500000f }, { 2.500000f, 3.500000f }, { 3.500000f, -3.500000f }, { 3.500000f, -2.500000f }, { 3.500000f, -1.500000f }, { 3.500000f, -0.500000f }, { 3.500000f, 0.500000f }, { 3.500000f, 1.500000f }, { 3.500000f, 2.500000f }, { 3.500000f, 3.500000f }, }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GaussianBlur H & V static const int g_KernelSize = 13; static float2 g_HTexelKernel[g_KernelSize] = { { -6, 0 }, { -5, 0 }, { -4, 0 }, { -3, 0 }, { -2, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 2, 0 }, { 3, 0 }, { 4, 0 }, { 5, 0 }, { 6, 0 }, }; static float2 g_VTexelKernel[g_KernelSize] = { { 0, -6 }, { 0, -5 }, { 0, -4 }, { 0, -3 }, { 0, -2 }, { 0, -1 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 0, 4 }, { 0, 5 }, { 0, 6 }, }; static const float g_BlurWeights[g_KernelSize] = { 0.002216, 0.008764, 0.026995, 0.064759, 0.120985, 0.176033, 0.199471, 0.176033, 0.120985, 0.064759, 0.026995, 0.008764, 0.002216, }; #endif
Source Headers
The same directory has two source files from Sega's NN Library.
#ifndef __NNDUV_DEF_H__ #define __NNDUV_DEF_H__ #define NND_UV_NUM 0 #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_NORMAL != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_NORMAL 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_NORMAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_NORMAL overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_BASE != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_BASE 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_BASE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_BASE overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_DECAL != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_DECAL overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_DECAL2 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_DECAL2 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_DECAL3 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DECAL3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_DECAL3 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SPECULAR != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SPECULAR zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_SPECULAR overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SHININESS != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_SHININESS 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_SHININESS zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_SHININESS overflow #endif #endif #if 0 // 2008.06.23(必要ない(yanso)) #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_DUALPARABOLOID != -1 && NND_OPT_TEXCOORD_DUALPARABOLOID != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_DUALPARABOLOID zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_DUALPARABOLOID overflow #endif #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_ENVMASK != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ENVMASK zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_ENVMASK overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_MODULATE != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_MODULATE 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_MODULATE zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_MODULATE overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_ADD != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_ADD 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_ADD zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_ADD overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_OPACITY != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_OPACITY 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_OPACITY zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_OPACITY overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER1 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_USER1 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER1 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_USER1 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER2 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_USER2 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER2 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_USER2 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER3 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_USER3 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER3 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_USER3 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER4 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_USER4 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER4 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_USER4 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER5 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_USER5 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER5 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_USER5 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER6 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_USER6 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER6 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_USER6 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER7 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_USER7 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER7 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_USER7 overflow #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER8 != -1 ) #if NND_UV_NUM == 0 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 1 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 1 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 0 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 2 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 2 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 3 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 3 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 1 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 4 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 4 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 5 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 5 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 2 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 6 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 6 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 7 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 7 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 3 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 8 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 8 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 9 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 9 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 4 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 10 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 10 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 11 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 11 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 5 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 12 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 12 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 13 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 13 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 6 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 14 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 14 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 xy #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 15 #elif NND_UV_NUM == 15 #define NND_UV_NO_USER8 7 #define NND_UV_SUFFIX_USER8 zw #undef NND_UV_NUM #define NND_UV_NUM 16 #else #error NND_UV_NO_USER8 overflow #endif #endif #if (NND_UV_NUM/2) == ((NND_UV_NUM+1)/2) #define NND_MAX_UV (NND_UV_NUM/2) #else #define NND_MAX_UV ( (NND_UV_NUM/2) + 1 ) #endif #endif // ifndef __NNDUV_DEF_H__
#ifndef __SAMPLER_DEF_H__ #define __SAMPLER_DEF_H__ #define SAMPLER_TAIL 0 #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_NORMAL != -1 ) #define SAMPLER_NORMAL s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_BASE != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_BASE s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_BASE s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_DECAL != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_DECAL s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_DECAL s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_DECAL s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_DECAL2 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_DECAL2 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_DECAL2 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_DECAL2 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_DECAL2 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_DECAL3 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_DECAL3 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_DECAL3 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_DECAL3 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_DECAL3 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_DECAL3 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SPECULAR != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SPECULAR s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SPECULAR s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SPECULAR s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SPECULAR s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SPECULAR s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SPECULAR s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SHININESS != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SHININESS s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SHININESS s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SHININESS s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SHININESS s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SHININESS s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SHININESS s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SHININESS s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_DUALPARABOLOID != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_DUALPARA s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_DUALPARA s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_DUALPARA s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_DUALPARA s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_DUALPARA s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_DUALPARA s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_DUALPARA s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_DUALPARA s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_ENVMASK != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_ENVMASK s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_MODULATE != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_MODULATE s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_ADD != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_ADD s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_ADD s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_ADD s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_ADD s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_ADD s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_ADD s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_ADD s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_ADD s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_ADD s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_ADD s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_ADD s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_OPACITY != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_OPACITY s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER1 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_USER1 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER2 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_USER2 s15 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER3 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_USER3 s15 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER4 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_USER4 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER5 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_USER5 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER6 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_USER6 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER7 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_USER7 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_USER8 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_USER8 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SHADOW != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SHADOW2 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_SHADOW2 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SAMPLER2D1 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D1 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SAMPLER2D2 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER2D2 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SAMPLER3D1 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D1 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SAMPLER3D2 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLER3D2 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SAMPLERCUBE1 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE1 s15 #endif #endif #if ( NND_OPT_TEX_SAMPLERCUBE2 != -1 ) #if SAMPLER_TAIL == 0 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s0 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 1 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 1 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s1 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 2 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 2 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s2 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 3 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 3 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s3 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 4 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 4 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s4 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 5 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 5 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s5 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 6 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 6 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s6 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 7 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 7 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s7 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 8 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 8 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s8 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 9 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 9 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s9 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 10 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 10 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s10 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 11 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 11 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s11 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 12 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 12 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s12 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 13 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 13 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s13 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 14 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 14 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s14 #undef SAMPLER_TAIL #define SAMPLER_TAIL 15 #elif SAMPLER_TAIL == 15 #define SAMPLER_SAMPLERCUBE2 s15 #endif #endif #endif // ifndef __SAMPLER_DEF_H__
Internal Project Name
The internal project is TF Gun according to multiple mentions in the name of the executable, strings/compilation directories in them, assemblies and the game's assets. TF Gun most likely means Transformers Gun as in TransFormers Gun Game.
The Transformers series
| |
NES | Convoy no Nazo |
Nintendo 64 | Beast Wars Transmetals |
Game Boy (Color) | Beast Wars: Beast Senshi Saikyou Ketteisen |
PlayStation 2 | Transformers (Prototypes) • The Game |
Nintendo DS | War For Cybertron |
Windows | The Game • Revenge of The Fallen • Fall of Cybertron • Devastation |
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 | The Game • Revenge of The Fallen • Devastation |
Wii | The Game |
PlayStation 4, Xbox One | Devastation |
iOS, Android | Angry Birds Transformers |
Arcade | Human Alliance |
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- Games developed by Sega of China
- Games developed by Sega AM1
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- Games published by Sega
- Arcade games
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- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused music
- To do
- Transformers series
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Sega > Games developed by Sega AM1
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Sega > Games developed by Sega of China
Games > Games by platform > Arcade games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Sega
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2013
Games > Games by series > Transformers series