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Undertale/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Undertale.


Completely Unused Characters/Objects



wow such test monstr

UT Spr dogeBtail 0.gifUT Spr dogeB 0.gifUT Spr dogeB hurt 0.png

A test monster that was also unused in the demo, by the name of "Doge". In the artbook for the game, Toby points out how this design went unused because it "didn't look crappy enough".

Lava Test Creature

This odd lava.... thing has "test" in its name. Presumably, it is a test NPC. It also has no consistency in its animations. ...Fun.

Crudely-drawn Test NPC

Another test NPC.

Separate collision masks for their down/up and left/right sprites respectively. Likely before baking collision directly into sprites was decided.

Monster Test #1

Undertale - spr monstertest 0.png

This... "nice" thing is a test.

Monster Test #2

Undertale-Spr monstertest2 0.png

This "nice" thing is also a test.

Monster Placeholder

UT Spr monster pl 0.png

An even "nice"r placeholder monster.

Robot NPC

Undertale - Spr 98robot 0.png Undertale - Spr 98robot 1.png

An unused NPC who isn't a test NPC. It was to be used in Hotland with a lot of robots, but ultimately didn't fit in with Mettaton being there as well.

Tile Guy

If this isn't the most creative NPC in all of gaming, then I don't know what is.

A very generic-looking stick figure that goes by the name of 'tile guy'... despite not having anything in the slightest to do with tiles.

RG03 and RG04

Undertale-Spr barafist bug 0.png Undertale-Spr barafist cat 0.png Undertale-Spr barahead3 0.png Undertale-Spr barahead4 0.png

Undertale-Spr barafist 0.png

Unique head and arm sprites for the unused RG03 and RG04 enemies. Most of their other assets are shared with RG01 and RG02.

UT Spr xbullet 0.png

An X-shaped bullet that RG03 and RG04 would've used.

Undyne Placeholders

Tile Spear Old

Undertale-spr tilespear old.gif

An ugly old version of the spear that pops out of the ground.


Undertale-Spr bullet testx 0.png Undertale-Spr bullet testx 1.png Undertale-Spr bullet testx 2.png Undertale-Spr bullet testx 3.png

Circles with arrows on them. Their file name suggests they are early versions of Undyne's attacks, which are under spr_bullet_test and spr_bullet_testx_arrow.

Misc Unused Bullets

Spr circlebulletmd1b 0.png

Regular Spear

Undertale-Spr undynespear l 0.png Undertale-Spr undynespear l 1.png Undertale-Spr undynespear l 2.png Undertale-Spr undynespear l 4.png Undertale-Spr undynespear l 5.png

A animation of Undyne's old spear sticking out of a wall.

Unused Graphics


Undertale-Spr pole 0.png

A pole that uses the same sprite as the body of the lava test creature above, only without the face.

Unused Hearts


This is quite possibly the most terribly-drawn heart I've ever seen...

Exactly what it says on the tin. A heart placeholder that goes unused.


Undertale-Spr creditsheart 0.png

A sloppy heart that was supposedly used for the credits, but even if it was, it definitely isn't used for them now.


This is quite possibly the most terribly-drawn heart I've ever seen...

A purple heart placeholder.


Undertale-Spr bluedontmove 0.png

Some light blue, sloppy text that says "DON'T MOVE". Probably an early version of explaining how light blue attacks work in-battle before Toby decided to have Sans explain it instead after Doggo's fight.

Ballet Shoes

Undertale - Spr balletshoes 0.png

An overworld sprite for the ballet shoes. While the ballet shoes are obtainable items in-game, they are located in a pile of grass, leaving this sprite unused.

Candy Dish

Undertale-Spr candydish bad 0.png

This sprite actually does appear in the unused room room_ruins12B_old, in which it dispenses the otherwise unused item Rock Candy. It was likely replaced with the Spider Bake Sale or Hard Mode's Monster Candy.

Ruins Pillar Variants

UT Spr vinespillar 0.pngUTSpr brokenpillar 0.png

Overgrown and crumbled variants of the pillars found in the Ruins.

Spider Table and Chairs

Undertale-Spr spiderchair 0.pngUndertale-Spr spidertable 0.pngUndertale-Spr spiderchair 1.png

A table and two chairs. Based on the name, they were likely meant for Muffet's room.

Grillby's Chairs

UT Spr lchair grill 0.png UT Spr rchair grill 0.png

Unused chairs meant to be used in Grillby's. The difference is that these chairs have legs.

UT Spr tinystool 0.png

An isolated sprite of the stools found in Grillby's. In the final game, the stools are simply part of the background.

Lone Bone

Undertale-Spr lonebone 0.png

A lone bone.


Undertale-Spr sanssteps 0.png

Steps drawn like Papyrus' steps.


Spr sanscheckback 0.png

An unused back wall to Sans' sentry station.

Sans & Papyrus House Pillars

UT Spr houselegb 0.pngUT Spr houselegf 0.png

The pillars that hold up the overhang above the door to Sans & Papyrus' house, isolated from the house itself. They have white backgrounds instead of transparency.

Papyrus Arrow

UT Spr papcarrow1 0.png UT Spr papcarrow2 0.png

Arrow signs that, based on their file names, were related to Papyrus' date, or the True Pacifist ending screen where Papyrus rides a car on a street.


Undertale-spr stable 0.png Undertale-spr stable 1.png

A crudely drawn stable likely related to this unused text.

Rusted Fridge

Undertale Spr rustfridge 0.png

A fridge that was meant to appear in the trash area of Waterfall.

Left Facing Trash Heap

This is what the trash looks like before Woshua sorts it.

The left side of the trash heaps found in Waterfall's trash area. In game, the right side is simply mirrored to create the whole pile.

Undyne Door

UT Spr undynehouse door 0.png

A regular looking (yet very purple) placeholder door meant to be seen in front of Undyne's house, in contrast to the jaws that open up in the final game.


UT Spr shyrenstrewn 0.png

You can trigger an extended battle with Shyren if you continue to sing after she's sparable. Eventually the narration will describe a crowd forming and throwing socks while Sans sells makeshift concert tickets. From what's visible, this crude sketch seems to match what's described, meaning a more cleaned up version was likely meant to appear in the overworld afterwards.

Ground Torch

Brown scribbles dot jpeg Won't last long, however.

A crudely drawn torch that appears in the unused room_water7_older. It acts similarly to the mushrooms present in Waterfall. Interacting with it will light the torch and then interacting with it again will put it out.

Undertale Spr smallstar 0.gif

Two rows of stars that light your path after you light the torch.


A cropped variant of the spotlight that forms around the player in the darkening lantern room. In the final sprite, the surrounding black is big enough to cover the whole screen.

Old Forcefield

UT Spr forcefield 0.gif

Most likely a placeholder for the blue forcefields found around Hotland.

Shot, my Mission Failed...

UNDERTALE-spr text shot.png UNDERTALE-spr text missionfailed.png

Two seemingly placeholder sprites, possibly intended for the shooting puzzles in Hotland, judging by their filenames being structured the same as the other text in these puzzles, and the "MISSION FAILED" text appearing in the same style as the used "RESTART" and "RESTAURANT" sprites.


Undertale-Spr wordtest full 0.png

Mettaton's explosive vocabulary, fully assembled and marked as a test.

Chaos Bomb


This cluster of friendliness pellets was meant to be in the Photoshop Flowey fight. Judging from its file name, it probably would've functioned similarly to Asriel's star attack.

Big Bob

That visage reminds me of another face...

Nothing is known about this image, aside from the fact that it's Big Bob. Jokes aside, Big Bob was used for testing bullet patterns. I swear he looks familiar...

Glyde Line

UNDERTALE-spr glyde stickbullet.png

An unused bullet intended for Glyde's fight. In the final game, all it does is shoot small crosses and big crosses.



Undertale-Spr flychara placeholder 0.png

A placeholder sprite most likely used for Mettaton's cooking show, during the jetpack section.

UT-spr flylightning.png

Lightning meant to be used by Mettaton in the same scene.


Undertale-Spr quiztouch 0.png

A crude drawing of the word "touch". Likely meant for the quiz, where the game would explicitly tell the player to touch an answer's box to answer a question. It was probably cut because it was pretty obvious what the player had to do anyways.


Undertale-spr quizanswer 0.png Undertale-spr quizanswer 1.png Undertale-spr quizanswer 2.png Undertale-spr quizanswer 3.png

Old letters used for Mettaton's quiz show.

Egg Carton

Undertale-Spr eggcarton pl 0.pngUndertale-Spr eggcarton pl 1.pngUndertale-Spr eggcarton pl 2.png

Sprites of an egg carton breaking, apparently to be used in battle. Likely related to Mettaton's cooking show.

Egg Bullet

UT Spr eggbullet pl 0.png

An egg that presumably falls out of said carton when it's destroyed.

Up Box

UT Spr upbox 0.png

A box meant for Mettaton EX's fight that would slowly float upward when you shot it with the yellow soul.



Crudely drawn white and black smiley faces. Based on the name, they may have been placeholders for something in a Mettaton battle.

Tiny Mettatons

UT Spr smallmett 0.gif

UTSpr tinydancemett tell 0.gifSpr tinydancemett 0.gif

Early variations on the tiny Mettatons seen in Mettaton EX's fight. In the final fight they're only ever seen with a parasol spitting hearts at you. These Mettatons would've held their arms close, and if not destroyed fast enough, would flash and then unleash a flurry of sparkles and start dancing.

UT Spr tinysparkle 0.gif

Tiny sparkles thrown by the cut dancing Mettaton bullet above.

Kiss Bullet

Spr kissanim 0.gif

An early version of Mettaton's heart bullets, depicting kissing lips instead of a MTT-branded heart.

Money Bullet

UT Spr moneybullet 0.png

A money bullet that resembles a koban. Possibly related to Mettaton EX's fight based on its location in the files.

Debug Sprites

The following sprites were used in Game Maker Studio's editor to make usually invisible objects, like collision visible for editing convenience. These are hidden in-game. Using the built-in debug mode can make some of these sprites visible again.

Spr doorA 0.pngSpr doorB 0.pngSpr doorC 0.pngSpr doorD 0.pngSpr doorX 0.png

These mark where doors are located.

Spr markerA 0.pngSpr markerB 0.pngSpr markerC 0.pngSpr markerD 0.pngSpr markerX 0.png

These mark where a player spawns in a room.

Spr event 0.pngSpr event small 0.pngSpr interactable 0.png

These mark events and interactables.

Spr solidsmall 0.pngSpr solidwide 0.pngSpr solidexwide 0.pngSpr solidtall 2 0.pngSpr solidextall 2 0.png Spr solidlongother 0.pngSpr solidlong 0.pngSpr solidtall 0.png Spr solidsmallthin 0.pngSpr solidthin x 0.pngSpr hline 0.png Spr sdl 0.pngSpr sul 0.pngSpr sur 0.pngSpr sdr 0.png

These mark collision.

Spr whitefader 0.png

This marks a fade in or out; it's just the event tile's graphic again with a white smudge at the top left.

Unused Sprite Variations

Old Frisk

Undertale-Spr maincharad b.gif Undertale-Spr maincharal b.gif Undertale-Spr maincharau b 0.gif

Frisk with black hair. Most have pink stripes instead of purple and the back sprite has grey skin instead of yellow.

Toriel Handhold Old

Undertale-Spr toriel handhold l old.gif

This uses the older Frisk sprite.

Toriel Walking with Phone

Undertale Spr toriel d phone.gif

Toriel never walks while using the phone in-game.

Toriel Talking While Mad

Prove to me you are strong enough to survive!

This is never used, as Toriel is only seen facing up and to the right before her battle.


hOI!! im temmie!!! Hi. I'm Bob.

Unused walking sprites for the Temmies. Like most NPCs in the game, they never move.

White-eyed Sans

do you wanna have a bad time?

An overworld sprite for Sans with white dots in his eyes. Labeled "Dangerous" in the files. The name suggests this could have been intended as a sort of inverse of how Sans' eyes disappear in his dialogue portraits.

Sans Nice Cream

Spr sans icecream 1 0.gifSpr sans icecream 2 0.gifSpr sans icecream 3 0.gifSpr sans icecream 4 0.gifSpr sans icecream 5 0.gif

An overworld sprite of Sans eating Nice Cream. Apparently, this was supposed to be a part of a gag where getting to the Judgment Hall fast enough would result in Sans remarking how quick you were, then proceeding to eat an ice cream cone for one excruciating minute, with these sprites being synced to a silly song. An official recreation of this can be seen here.


Sans Laughing

Spr sans laugh 0.gif

An overworld sprite of Sans laughing.

Sans Sleeping

UT Spr sans sleep sideways dark 0.gif

A sprite of Sans sleeping on his side meant to be used in the Start Menu, where Sans is only seen standing in the final game. A stray pixel is left off to the side for one frame.

Confused Papyrus


A date sprite of a confused Papyrus, drawn by Guzusuru. Like the unused Doge enemy, this animation was instead replaced with a simpler version because it looked "too good".

Water Ice

Early Final
UTSpr icecube over 0.gif UT Spr waterice 0.gif

Likely a crude placeholder for the ice blocks thrown into the river by Jimmy Hotpants.

Happy Woshua

Green means clean

A battle sprite of Woshua with a happy expression.

Gyftrot Presents

Undertale Spr gyftbullet old 0.png

Undertale Spr gyftbullet old 1.png

Older versions of the presents used in Gyftrot's attack.

Music Bullet

Spr musbul 2 0.gif

A second variation of the music note bullet used in Shyren's battle.

Undyne Holding Phone

UT Spr undyne starkphone 0.png

Undyne fading up and holding a phone. Meant for an early version of her introductory cutscene where Papyrus calls her instead of approaching her.

Undyne "Stark" Test Animation

Early Final
Undertale undyne stark test.gif Undertale Undyne stark used.gif

A test animation for Undyne's armoured form. The shading is different from the final and it uses the old pants from below.

Undyne Pants Test

Early Final
Undertale-Spr undyne pantstest.gif Undertale Spr undyne armor r.gif

An old test animation for Undyne. Involving pants!

Unshaded Undyne

Undertale-spr undynea u.gif Undertale-spr undynea dt 0.png

Some more Undyne, this time without the shading and still with her old spear and pants.

Unused Snowman

Undertale-Spr fashionsnowman 0.png Undertale-spr regsnowman 0.png

A snowman wearing a hat, scarf, and mittens, and another wearing just a hat. Interestingly, the snowman on the left would later be translated into cross stitch form for the Undertale Cross Stitch Book.


Well, that's rather blunt.

An obvious placeholder for the movie poster seen in Mettaton's old house.

Napstablook Adjust

Undertale-Spr napstablook adjust 0.png

An overworld sprite of Napstablook adjusting a snail.

Broken SOUL

Undertale Spr mettb upperbodyheartbreak 0.png

Mettaton EX's broken SOUL.


Undertale Spr astigmatism anim 0.gif

Sprites for Astigmatism that have a red background and lack an outline like the final sprites have. The red background indicates this sprite is very old, as the only sprites which use colored backgrounds are all from early development.

Sad Sleepy Toriel

UNDERTALE-spr torielboss sad2.png

Variant of Toriel's sad sprite, in which her eyes are closed.

Toriel's Sadhappy Talk

Spr torielboss sadhappy 1.png

Among the sprites used during the conversation Toriel has with you if you decide to spare her can be found this unused talk sprite. Oddly enough, this is the only talking frame used during this scene, suggesting this was an early leftover.

Incredulous Toriel

UNDERTALE-spr torielboss kneel incredulous.png

Toriel kneeling due to fatal damage, with an accepting expression on her face... which the filename refers to as "incredulous", for some reason. Despite how odd this may seem, this may come from a much earlier version of the game in which killing Toriel was required, given how Asgore dying later on uses a sprite very similar to this one... Or maybe it was just a placeholder.


Undertale-Spr torielboss suicide 0.png

Another face of Toriel's "hurt" image with a... spooky file name. It's extremely similar to the used sprite, except Toriel is smiling instead of grimacing. This file was present in the demo as well. While Toriel never commits suicide in any version of the game, the concept was ultimately recycled for Asgore if the player attempts to spare him after "killing" Flowey in a previous playthrough.

Unused Monster Dialogue Portraits

Sans (Tired) Asriel (Serious) Alphys (Flustered) Undyne (Flustered) Undyne (Sincere) Flowey (Uh.... 1) Flowey (Uh.... 2) Flowey (Congrats!) Flowey (Maniacal) Flowey (Distraught 1)
On days like these, kids like you should let me sleep.
Spr asrielhead 4.png
Undertale Sprite1099 0.png
Must be intensely daydreaming...
Oh, you poor innocent soul.
Watch the sky.
Hey. Don't stare like that. It's even ruder.
Hey. Don't stare. It's rude.
I knew you had it in you!
UNDERTALE-spr floweyface end 19.png
Flowey (Distraught 2) Toriel (Unimpressed) Toriel (Informative) Toriel (Laughing 1) Toriel (Laughing 2) Toriel (Surprised) Mettaton EX (Death 1) Mettaton EX (Death 2) Mettaton EX (Death 3) Mettaton EX (Death 4)
UNDERTALE-spr floweyface end 20.png
I'm ambivalent about the rest of the underground.
Undertale Sprite65 0.png
UNDERTALE-spr face toriellaugh 0.png
Spr face toriellaugh 1.png
UNDERTALE-spr face torielsurprised.png
Undertale - spr mettface defeated 3.png
Undertale - spr mettface defeated 9.png
Undertale - spr mettface defeated 10.png
Undertale - spr mettface defeated 11.png

Unused portraits of the main characters with various emotions. The set of confused-looking Flowey faces are probably leftovers from a joke ending idea where Flowey would be left flabbergasted if the protagonist somehow killed Asgore in one hit, as seen in this concept art.

Unamused Toriel

My child, do not piss me off.

Toriel talking, with an expression very similar to the one she pulls when glaring at the first Froggit. The first frame of this sprite would be touched up and reused in Deltarune.

Blushing Papyrus

Undertale Spr papyrushead blush 0.png UNDERTALE-spr papyrushead blush2.png

Two alternate versions of Papyrus blushing during his date/hangout. The second one doesn't look like a blush, but apparently it was supposed to be one.

Disgusted Undyne

UNDERTALE-spr face undyne9 B.gif

Undyne talking, while looking rather disgusted at something.

Undying Laughter

UNDERTALE-spr undynex face mouth 1.png

Among the sprites used for Undyne the Undying laughing as she changes the SOUL color, lies this less exaggerated one which was never used.

Assembled Monsters

Final Froggit Knight Knight Whimsalot Madjick Asriel Dreemurr Undyne the Undying Temmie
Undertale - spr finalfroggit 0.png Undertale - spr finalknight 0.png Undertale - spr whimsalot 0.png Undertale - spr wizard full 0.png Undertale - spr afinal ref 0.png Undertale - spr undynex example 0.png Undertale - spr 5 temexampl 0.png

Fully assembled sprites for Final Froggit, Knight Knight, Whimsalot, Madjick, Asriel's final form, and the Temmie shopkeeper. Sprites in Undertale are split into several parts to be able to move, rendering these sprites unused. Notably, Madjick has 3 unused hands, Whimsalot is missing a wing, and the Temmie has blue ears and no shading on its hair. While Undyne the Undying and Asriel's first form have fully-assembled sprites, they are used.

Asriel's sprite is meant as a reference sheet, and Temmie's is a example of the sprites put together, judging by their file names.

Madjick's Eyes

UNDERTALE-spr wizard head.png UNDERTALE-spr wizard headhurt.png

While these sprites are technically used, Madjick's hat always covers the top half of its head, thus leaving its eyes covered at all times.

Asriel Dreemurr (God of Hyperdeath)

Asriel's Sword

Definitely doesn't look as godly as the final version.

It almost looks as if Asriel was going to be a skeleton with that hand.
UT spr asriel swordarm old 0.png
UT spr asriel swordandsmear 0.png

...or maybe not.

Older versions of Asriel's sword. Asriel's arm also seems to be slightly different.

Asriel's Gun

Undertale - Spr asriel gunarm 0.png Undertale - Spr asriel gunarm shot old 1.png Undertale - Spr asriel gunarm shot old 2.png

Just like above, but for Asriel's gun. There are also sprites for the gun shooting.

Asriel's Gun's Charge Meter

Spr asriel gunarm meter old 0.pngSpr asriel gunarm meter old 1.pngSpr asriel gunarm meter old 2.pngSpr asriel gunarm meter old 3.pngSpr asriel gunarm meter old 4.pngSpr asriel gunarm meter old 5.pngSpr asriel gunarm meter old 6.pngSpr asriel gunarm meter old 7.png

Hyper Gone...r

UNDERTALE-spr hg debris.png UNDERTALE-spr hg jaws 1.png

Two sprites intended for Asriel's HYPER GONER attack. One of them is just a bigger version of the debris blocks that fly into its mouth, while the other seems to be an alternate design for its lower jaw.

Asriel's Transparency Problem

UNDERTALE-spr afinal stem o.gif UNDERTALE-spr afinal arm o.gif UNDERTALE-spr afinal orb o.gif

All of these are versions of various parts of Asriel's second form without transparency. The filenames for these all end in "_o", which the used sprites do not use.


Undertale-Spr heartaqua 0.png

An aqua-colored version of the soul used in battle. This is not the sprite used in the Photoshop Flowey battle, as that sprite is known as the first frame of spr_allsoul in the game's files.


Undertale-Spr heartorange 0.png Undertale-Spr heartorange 1.png

Same as above, but it's in orange this time and has two sprites. This is also not the sprite used in the Photoshop Flowey battle. The sprite used is the second frame of spr_allsoul.

Lab Concept Art

Looks like it hasn't changed much at all!

Looks like it hasn't changed much at all!

This mockup of the Lab's layout is made of two sprites in the game's files. Amusingly enough, the bed with the laptop on it was replaced with an "easy-to-draw" cube in the final version.

Undyne's House Concept Art

Concept Art Final
Concept Art Final

This concept art sprite for Undyne's house shows some graphical elements that were never added:

  • A pet fish (in a bowl, duh) on a table in the bottom-right corner.
  • A window in the bottom-right corner.
  • A second chair behind the main table.
  • A drawer to the left of the sink.
  • Cabinets above the sink.
  • Cabinets above the cutting board.
  • An unknown object to the right of the cutting board.

The used version does have a couple of aspects that the concept art is missing, however: there's no drawer below the cutting board in the concept art, and the oversized sword is missing.

Photoshop Flowey (Omega Flowey)

Photoshop Flowey's Red Edges

Undertale floweyx rededge mockup.png

UT-spr red edge 0.png UT-bg rededge.png UT-bg rededge flip.png UT-bg rededge 2.png UT-bg rededge 2 flip.png UT-bg rededge 3.png

Photoshop Flowey's fight room has invisible background layers that would spawn red edge sprites on the edges of the screen, which would be animated by obj_flowey_bgdraw. The screenshot above was made by modifying the game to show how the fight's background would look in-game if the layers were made visible.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Photoshop Flowey Concept Art

You...IDIOT! Did you really think you could rip concept art of ME, upload it online, and get away with it?

The original concept art/mock-up of Photoshop Flowey that was given to Everdraed remains as an unnamed sprite in the game's files. Oddly, one of the 4 souls that appears in the canisters is colored pink, which isn't found in the final version. In fact, a pink soul never appears anywhere in the game.

(Source: varkarrus from r/Undertale/)

Photoshop Flowey Finger Gun

Undertale Spr f handgun 0.png Undertale Spr f handgun 1.png

Two unused frames of Photoshop Flowey's "Finger Gun" attack still have the hand connected to an arm, as opposed to being photoshopped together with vines. The second frame's flowers lack the Flowey-esque faces on them.

Photoshop Flowey Dentata

Undertale-spr dentata none 0.png Undertale-spr dentata none old 0.png Undertale-spr halfdentata none 0.png Undertale-spr halfdentata none old 0.png

Some unused alternate versions of the mouth sprites from Photoshop Flowey's "Mouthball" attack, featuring fuller lips, reduced or absent teeth, and (in the case of the non-"old" sprites) an odd greenish color.

Photoshop Flowey Eyes

Undertale spr flipeye full.png Undertale spr flipeye fulleye.png Undertale spr lefteye full.png Undertale spr lefteye inside.png

Unused full versions of Photoshop Flowey's eyes. In-game, the eyelids, eyes, and pupils are separated so that they can be animated during the fight. The pupil on the second eye seems to be lower quality than the final sprite.

Photoshop Flowey Frying Pan

Undertale-spr 6pan 1.png

The frying pan attack from the green soul's segment of the Photoshop Flowey battle has an unused second frame where it's been flipped upwards. Even though this was removed, the hitboxes corresponding to where it would've been are still present during the battle in the final game!


Undertale-Spr floweyx flame 0.png

Presumably an earlier version of Photoshop Flowey's flames.

Splash Image

Undertale- Splash.png

This splash image was used in the demo while the game was loading, but wasn't used in 1.00. This was brought back in 1.001, however. This file used to only be in the Mac OS X version of 1.00, and is now in all versions of 1.001.

(Source: Dr. Yay)

Flowey's Message

spr_19_2, spr_19_3, and spr_19_4

In the demo, Flowey had the ability to edit the instruction manual depending on your progress in the game. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), when the project was ported to GameMaker: Studio, this became impossible due to the file system "sandbox". These sprite files are still left over from the demo.


I've been looking at the word "spell" so much it doesn't mean anything anymore. Sp-ell? Ess-pell? Mettaton would've loved to have this for his essay. Then he could berate you for your poor spelling!

Two placeholder icons for a "Spell" command, which can be seen in an early screenshot of the game. Although these types of commands would later make their way into Deltarune, they were renamed to Magic, and the icon was changed to depict fire similar to the bullets Toriel and Asgore use instead of what appears to be either a cane or wand.

Asriel Fight Background


This is the background used for when you fight Asriel. It is not seen in-game because it rotates colors.

Unused Character Walking Cycle

Undertale-Charad walking.gif Undertale-Charad flip.gif Undertale spr charal.gif Undertale Spr charal fall.gif Undertale Spr charar.gif Undertale Spr charar fall.gif Undertale Spr charau.gif Undertale Spr charau fall.gif

In Waterfall, if debug mode is on, you can see the flipped version in your reflection. These are all named "chara", with Frisk's sprites being named "mainchara", suggesting that these were originally supposed to be the playable character's sprites (the Chara seen at the end of a genocide run is named "truechara"). These sprites also bear a strong resemblance to Kris’ overworld sprite in the later released Deltarune. Hmm...

Crying Bird

Undertale-Bird cry.gif

An animation of the small yellow bird from Waterfall crying. Was set to be used near an echo flower where you would hear its wish to leave the underground so it can fly in the big blue sky.

Faceless Gaster Blaster


A Gaster Blaster with no face that was possibly meant to be used as an NPC.

Unused Target Choices

Undertale targetz sprite 0.png Undertale targetz sprite 1.png Undertale targetx sprite 0.png Undertale targetx sprite 1.png Undertale targetc sprite 0.png Undertale targetc sprite 1.png

Alternative versions of the "spr_targetchoice" sprite used in the battle menu.

Unfinished Scene

Mettaton's News Show

Undertale mettaton news off camera.png



Mettaton's News Show has a partially-obscured placeholder sprite visible during the MTT News Segment.


How would anyone know what channel they're watching without this? Oh...right.

Underneath the top paneling is an overlapped logo of MTT News, likely erroneously given the unfinished nature of the scene. The letter 'M' can be briefly seen during the stage collapse. As of v1.08, the logo isn't unused anymore.

Unused Tilesets

As most of the tilesets in the game were drawn by other people, many of them have elements in them that aren't present in the final game.

Evolution of the Ruins Tileset

Early Lab Entrance and Exit Tileset

An unused tileset for the entrance and exit of Alphys's Lab. The final game uses one image each for the entrance and exit, and the final exit has some remnants of this in its sprite. This early lab can be seen if you remove the final lab sprite.

Undertale bg alphyslaboutside.png

Hidden Alpha Pixels

Some sprites have hidden pixels that have an alpha value of 0, making them not normally visible.

Omega Flowey Vines

Undertale Omega Flowey Vines 1 hidden alpha.png Undertale Omega Flowey Vines 2 hidden alpha.png Undertale Omega Flowey Vines 3 hidden alpha.png

The vines from the Omega Flowey boss fight have hidden pixels that show more of the original image used for them.