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User:MrEditorMan/Rhythm Heaven

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Title Screen

Rhythm Heaven

Also known as: Rhythm Tengoku Gold (JP), Rhythm Paradise (EU), Rhythm World (KR)
Developer: Nintendo SPD Group No. 1
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: July 31, 2008
Released in US: April 5, 2009
Released in EU: May 1, 2009
Released in AU: June 4, 2009
Released in KR: September 24, 2009

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

The second (or first in America) game in the Rhythm Heaven Franchise, continuing its portability streak by being released on the Nintendo DS. This game heavily utilizes the DS's touch screen as the de facto control method, and will have you tapping and flicking till' your heart's content. And with this new control scheme, comes many new rhythm games.

Original Article

Unused Animations

A rhythm game stores all of it's animations in .NANR (Nitro ANimation Resource) files, even animations that go unused. Additionally, each rhythm game is typically stored internally as "versions" (Glee Club = Ver0, Glee Club 2 = Ver1, etc.), so for future reference, animations will be shown in version order.

Unused & Obscured Graphics

Throughout the game's files, there are unused graphics which have no associated animations. There are also graphics which ARE used, but for one reason or another, are hard to see in full.

Rhythm Games & Toys

Big Rock Finish
