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Xenoblade Chronicles/Unused Audio

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This is a sub-page of Xenoblade Chronicles.


Xenoblade quest.png
Cutscene Audio
Shulk, do you need some air?
Playable Character Audio
Characters yelling at each other.

Unused Music



This song, which goes by the name "Hope" on the official OST and the Jukebox in Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, is completely unused in the game itself. It has the prefix "e", meaning that it was intended as an event track. It was eventually used in Future Connected for a cutscene.

Unused, but Heard

The "action" cutscenes in Xenoblade (where the on-screen text can't be advanced manually) have their audio all baked into one file. Voices, sound effects, and music are all in that file. If the song continues into gameplay, the music is separate, however, to maintain the loop.

All of the below songs are in the game's files as streams, with no sound effects or voices attached, making these "pure" song copies unused.

Music Title
Prologue A
Prologue B
Bionis' Awakening
Futures That Lie Ahead
(Source: Robotortoise)

Unused Cutscene Jingle

The is the sole unused "cinematic/action-y cutscene" audio file. This is stored after the audio for the game's final cutscene, and it uses the same jingle that all of the cutscenes which play upon first reaching a new major location in the game. However, it's not a duplicate audio file of any of the other jingles, and aside from the existence of a cut location in the game, there aren't any clues as to what it could have been meant for.

(Source: Kadoodles)

Unused NPC Dialogue

To do:
Upload all of it.

Every NPC that is not vital to the plot has a third voice clip of them addressing the speaker in a concerned manner. This is never used. Several of these were not redubbed for the international release.

Nopon NPCs

(Source: Iggy)

Unused Enemy Dialogue

"Hah... All that work for nothing!"

"This... This can't be happening! I DON'T LOSE!!!"

Two pieces of dialogue intended for Mecha-Mumkhar. The first line plays when he's defeated, but the only encounter with him in-game ends after his health is reduced to 20% rendering it impossible to hear during normal gameplay. It can, however, be heard in Definitive Edition, as Mumkhar can be fully defeated in the game's new Time Attack mode.

The first voice clip was re-recorded and used for Metal Face's appearance as a boss character in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

(Source: Iggy)

Unused Beep

An unused 10-second-long beeping noise can be found alongside the audio for most of the enemies in the game. Likely used for testing purposes.

(Source: Iggy)

Leftover Japanese Audio

Several lines are left untranslated and unused in the international releases. It is currently unknown if these lines are used in the Japanese version, though several refer to party members providing cover for each other, which isn't really a thing in the final game.


Audio File name Speech Translation
ahx.pkb_170 さあ、いくよ! Come on, let's go!
ahx.pkb_171 後ろは任せた! I'll leave the back to you!
ahx.pkb_172 カバーお願い! Cover me please!
ahx.pkb_173 準備完了だね! Done preparing!
ahx.pkb_174 これで前に専念できるよ! Now I can concentrate on what's in front!
ahx.pkb_175 カバーOKだね! Good cover!


Audio File name Speech Translation
ahx.pkb_520 いこうぜ! Let's go!
ahx.pkb_521 後ろ頼むぜ! I'll leave the back to you!
ahx.pkb_522 カバーしてくれ! Cover me!
ahx.pkb_523 これで耐えられそうだ! It seems like I can handle it now!
ahx.pkb_524 背中は任せろ! Leave your back to me!
ahx.pkb_525 完璧なカバーだぜ! Perfect cover!


Audio File name Speech Translation
ahx.pkb_863 いきましょう! Let's go!
ahx.pkb_864 後ろをお願い! Please get the back!
ahx.pkb_865 カバーをお願い! Please cover me!
ahx.pkb_866 これで安心ね! I'm safe now!
ahx.pkb_867 背中は守りぬくわ! I'll protect the back!
ahx.pkb_868 カバーはバッチリね! That cover was spot on!


Audio File name Speech Translation
ahx.pkb_1204 いくぞ! Let's go!
ahx.pkb_1205 背中は任せる! I'll leave the back to you!
ahx.pkb_1206 カバーを頼む! Please cover me!
ahx.pkb_1207 これなら! This way!
ahx.pkb_1208 お前の背中はオレが守る! I'll protect your back!
ahx.pkb_1209 よし!これで攻撃に専念できる! Alright! I can focus on attacking now!


Audio File name Speech Translation
ahx.pkb_1535 いくわよ! Let's go!
ahx.pkb_1536 後ろは任せたわ! I'll leave the back to you!
ahx.pkb_1537 カバーよろしく! Cover me please!
ahx.pkb_1538 これでバッチリね! Things are perfect now!
ahx.pkb_1539 信頼してるからね! You can trust me!
ahx.pkb_1540 これで攻撃に専念できるわ! I can focus on attacking now!


Audio File name Speech Translation
ahx.pkb_1857 肩借してもー! Help Riki!
ahx.pkb_1858 後ろ見ててもー! Watch Riki's back!
ahx.pkb_1859 リキのこと守ってもー! Protect Riki!
ahx.pkb_1860 これでバッチリだもー! Everything perfect now!
ahx.pkb_1861 背中は守るもー! Riki protect your back!
ahx.pkb_1862 これで安心、安心! Riki safe now, safe!


Audio File name Speech Translation
ahx.pkb_2193 さあ、肩を! Come on, lend me a hand!
ahx.pkb_2194 背中を頼む! I'll leave the back to you!
ahx.pkb_2195 カバーを頼む! Please cover me!
ahx.pkb_2196 耐えきってみせようぞ! Looks like I can handle it!
ahx.pkb_2197 我が背中、そなたに任せたぞ! Leave your back to I, Melia!
ahx.pkb_2198 すまぬが、しばし耐えてくれ! Sorry, but please hold out for a little bit!


In addition to the "cover" lines, Alvis has some additional lines relating to being warned of visions by Shulk.

Audio File name Speech Translation
ahx.pkb_2506 あぁ、わかっているよ。シルク。 Ah, I understand. Shulk.
ahx.pkb_2507 僕の見たビジョンと同じか。 It's the same as the vision you saw.
ahx.pkb_2553 君の本気、見せてもらうよ。 Show me your seriousness.
ahx.pkb_2565 肩を借してくれ。シルク。 Lend me a hand. Shulk.
ahx.pkb_2566 後ろを頼むよ。シルク。 I'll leave the back to you. Shulk.
ahx.pkb_2567 カバーを頼めるかな? Could you cover me?
ahx.pkb_2568 これで安心だ。 I'm safe now.
ahx.pkb_2569 君の後ろは僕に任せて。 Leave your back to me.
ahx.pkb_2570 頼りにしてるよ。シルク。 I'm depending on you. Shulk.
(Source: Iggy)