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Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Sprites/Scratchpads

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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Sprites.

These files were scratchpads used by Game Freak artists to help with the sprite-making process. Many of the files contain the revised sprites from the Japanese Pokémon Blue.

Another set of scratchpads can be found in the 2024 Game Freak data leak, in the HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt\POCKET MONSTER CRYSTAL\POCKET MONSTER CRYSTAL\pokemon-xesdata directory, with the Gold sprites in pmgfxes and the Silver ones in pmsfxes. Their respective palette files (.col) are included there. These are the original Japanese scratchpads and, as such, do not include any of the revisions made during localization. All are dated May 10th, 2000.

Gold Front Sprites

Internal Name Pokémon Name Scratchpad File Palette Notes
PM2F_001.cgx Bulbasaur PM2F 001.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 001.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses Venusaur's color scheme.
PM2F_002.cgx Ivysaur PM2F 002.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 002.png Features the final sprite. The palette data also uses Venusaur's color scheme.
PM2F_003.cgx Venusaur PM2F 003.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 003.png Features the final sprite, as well as an unfinished alternate one based on Venusaur's Green and Blue sprites.
PM2F_004.cgx Charmander PM2F 004.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 004.png Features the final sprite, as well as an early version of its back sprite which lacks most of the shading.
PM2F_005.cgx Charmeleon PM2F 005.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 005.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_006.cgx Charizard PM2F 006.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 006.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_007.cgx Squirtle PM2F 007.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 007.png Features the final sprite, as well as an early version of its back sprite. The palette data uses Blastoise's color scheme.
PM2F_008.cgx Wartortle PM2F 008.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 008.png Features the final sprite, as well as the aforementioned unfinished Squirtle back sprite.
PM2F_009.cgx Blastoise PM2F 009.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 009.png Features the final sprite, as well as a rather polished alternate one based on Blastoise's Green front sprite.
PM2F_010.cgx Caterpie PM2F 010.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 010.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_011.cgx Metapod PM2F 011.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 011.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_012.cgx Butterfree PM2F 012.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 012.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_013.cgx Weedle PM2F 013.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 013.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_014.cgx Kakuna PM2F 014.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 014.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_015.cgx Beedrill PM2F 015.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 015.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_016.cgx Pidgey PM2F 016.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 016.png Features the final sprite. The palette data also uses a color scheme that was recycled for its Crystal appearance.
PM2F_017.cgx Pidgeotto PM2F 017.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 017.png Features the final sprite and an unrefined version of the final sprite.
PM2F_018.cgx Pidgeot PM2F 018.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 018.png Features the final sprite, as well as both a slightly altered version and an unrefined version of the final sprite.
PM2F_019.cgx Rattata PM2F 019.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 019.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_020.cgx Raticate PM2F 020.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 020.png Features the final sprite, as well as an early version of Raticate's Blue sprite.
PM2F_021.cgx Spearow PM2F 021.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 021.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_022.cgx Fearow PM2F 022.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 022.png Has two very early sketches of the final sprite: one is extremely rough, while the other is more refined.
PM2F_023.cgx Ekans PM2F 023.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 023.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses a color scheme more similar to official artwork, and was incorporated for its Crystal appearance.
PM2F_024.cgx Arbok PM2F 024.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 024.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_025.cgx Pikachu PM2F 025.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 025.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_026.cgx Raichu PM2F 026.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 026.png Features the final sprite and Raichu's Blue sprite.
PM2F_027.cgx Sandshrew PM2F 027.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 027.png Features the final sprite. The palette data also uses a color scheme recycled for its Crystal appearance.
PM2F_028.cgx Sandslash PM2F 028.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 028.png Features the final sprite. The palette data also uses a color scheme recycled for its Crystal appearance.
PM2F_029.cgx Nidoran ♀ PM2F 029.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 029.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_030.cgx Nidorina PM2F 030.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 030.png Features the final sprite and a slightly unrefined version of the final sprite.
PM2F_031.cgx Nidoqueen PM2F 031.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 031.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses a color scheme more lustrous and purplish than the final sprite.
PM2F_032.cgx Nidoran ♂ PM2F 032.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 032.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_033.cgx Nidorino PM2F 033.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 033.png Features the final sprite and Nidorino's Blue sprite.
PM2F_034.cgx Nidoking PM2F 034.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 034.png Features the final sprite and Nidoking's Blue sprite.
PM2F_035.cgx Clefairy PM2F 035.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 035.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_036.cgx Clefable PM2F 036.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 036.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_037.cgx Vulpix PM2F 037.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 037.png Features the final sprite, and a small doodle that was likely used as a reference for a pose.
PM2F_038.cgx Ninetales PM2F 038.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 038.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_039.cgx Jigglypuff PM2F 039.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 039.png Features the final sprite, as well as a rather polished alternate one based on one of Jigglypuff's intro sprites from Blue. The latter may have gone on to inspire Jigglypuff's Crystal sprite.
PM2F_040.cgx Wigglytuff PM2F 040.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 040.png Features the final sprite. The palette data used gives its body a reddish tan.
PM2F_041.cgx Zubat PM2F 041.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 041.png Features the final sprite, Zubat's Blue sprite, and both an incomplete sketch and a more refined version of an alternate Zubat sprite. The palette data uses purple shades; its colors may have been swapped with Golbat's at some point.
PM2F_042.cgx Golbat PM2F 042.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 042.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses blue shades; its colors may have been swapped with Zubat's at some point.
PM2F_043.cgx Oddish PM2F 043.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 043.png Features both the final front and back sprite.
PM2F_044.cgx Gloom PM2F 044.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 044.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_045.cgx Vileplume PM2F 045.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 045.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_046.cgx Paras PM2F 046.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 046.png Features the final sprite, a less refined version of said sprite, and a slightly edited version of Paras' Blue sprite.
PM2F_047.cgx Parasect PM2F 047.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 047.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_048.cgx Venonat PM2F 048.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 048.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_049.cgx Venomoth PM2F 049.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 049.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_050.cgx Diglett PM2F 050.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 050.png Features the final sprite, as well as an alternate one based on Diglett's Blue front sprite.
PM2F_051.cgx Dugtrio PM2F 051.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 051.png Features the final sprite, as well as an alternate one based on Dugtrio's Spaceworld '97 front sprite.
PM2F_052.cgx Meowth PM2F 052.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 052.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_053.cgx Persian PM2F 053.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 053.png Features the final sprite. The palette data also uses Meowth's color scheme.
PM2F_054.cgx Psyduck PM2F 054.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 054.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_055.cgx Golduck PM2F 055.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 055.png Features the final sprite and a slightly edited version of Golduck's Blue sprite. The palette data uses a less purplish color scheme than in the final game.
PM2F_056.cgx Mankey PM2F 056.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 056.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_057.cgx Primape PM2F 057.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 057.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_058.cgx Growlithe PM2F 058.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 058.png Features the final sprite and the sprite from the May 1998 back-up.
PM2F_059.cgx Arcanine PM2F 059.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 059.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_060.cgx Poliwag PM2F 060.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 060.png Features the final sprite. The colors are mistakenly copied from Ekans's palette.
PM2F_061.cgx Poliwhirl PM2F 061.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 061.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_062.cgx Poliwrath PM2F 062.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 062.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_063.cgx Abra PM2F 063.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 063.png Features the final sprite and the sprite from the May 1998 back-up.
PM2F_064.cgx Kadabra PM2F 064.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 064.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_065.cgx Alakazam PM2F 065.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 065.png Features the final sprite and Alakazam's Blue sprite.
PM2F_066.cgx Machop PM2F 066.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 066.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_067.cgx Machoke PM2F 067.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 067.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_068.cgx Machamp PM2F 068.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 068.png Features the final sprite and Machamp's Blue sprite.
PM2F_069.cgx Bellsprout PM2F 069.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 069.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_070.cgx Weepinbell PM2F 070.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 070.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_071.cgx Victreebel PM2F 071.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 071.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_072.cgx Tentacool PM2F 072.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 072.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_073.cgx Tentacruel PM2F 073.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 073.png Features the final sprite, an unrefined version of the final sprite, and Tentacruel's Blue sprite.
PM2F_074.cgx Geodude PM2F 074.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 074.png Features the final sprite. The palette data gives the sprite purplish shades.
PM2F_075.cgx Graveler PM2F 075.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 075.png Features the final sprite. The palette data also gives the sprite purplish shades.
PM2F_076.cgx Golem PM2F 076.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 076.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses shades similar to the final game, although slightly more lurid.
PM2F_077.cgx Ponyta PM2F 077.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 077.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front and back sprites.
PM2F_078.cgx Rapidash PM2F 078.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 078.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_079.cgx Slowpoke PM2F 079.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 079.png Features the final sprite and a slightly modified version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_080.cgx Slowbro PM2F 080.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 080.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_081.cgx Magnemite PM2F 081.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 081.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_082.cgx Magneton PM2F 082.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 082.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_083.cgx Farfetch'd PM2F 083.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 083.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_084.cgx Doduo PM2F 084.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 084.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_085.cgx Dodrio PM2F 085.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 085.png Features the final sprite, an unrefined version of the final sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_086.cgx Seel PM2F 086.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 086.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_087.cgx Dewgong PM2F 087.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 087.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_088.cgx Grimer PM2F 088.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 088.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_089.cgx Muk PM2F 089.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 089.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_090.cgx Shellder PM2F 090.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 090.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses shades closer to Cloyster's color scheme.
PM2F_091.cgx Cloyster PM2F 091.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 091.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_092.cgx Gastly PM2F 092.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 092.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses Gengar's color scheme.
PM2F_093.cgx Haunter PM2F 093.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 093.png Features the final sprite, a rather polished alternate sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_094.cgx Gengar PM2F 094.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 094.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_095.cgx Onix PM2F 095.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 095.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_096.cgx Drowzee PM2F 096.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 096.png Features the final sprite, an unrefined version of the final sprite, and an alternate sprite which appears to be based on Drowzee's Green sprite.
PM2F_097.cgx Hypno PM2F 097.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 097.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_098.cgx Krabby PM2F 098.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 098.png Features the final sprite and Krabby's Blue sprite.
PM2F_099.cgx Kingler PM2F 099.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 099.png Features the final sprite and Kingler's Blue sprite.
PM2F_100.cgx Voltorb PM2F 100.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 100.png Features the final sprite. The palette data gives the sprite blue shadows.
PM2F_101.cgx Electrode PM2F 101.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 101.png Features the final sprite. The palette data also gives the sprite light blue shadows.
PM2F_102.cgx Exeggcute PM2F 102.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 102.png Features the final sprite and Exeggcute's Blue sprite.
PM2F_103.cgx Exeggcutor PM2F 103.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 103.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_104.cgx Cubone PM2F 104.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 104.png Features the final sprite and Cubone's Blue sprite.
PM2F_105.cgx Marowak PM2F 105.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 105.png Features the final sprite and Marowak's Blue sprite. Whereas Marowak and Cubone share the same colors in the final game, the palette data uses a lighter body and blue shadows.
PM2F_106.cgx Hitmonlee PM2F 106.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 106.png Features the final sprite and a rough alternate sprite whose pose is similar to the one seen in Hitmonlee's Blue and Yellow sprites.
PM2F_107.cgx Hitmonchan PM2F 107.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 107.png Features the final sprite, an early sketch for the final sprite, and two sketches of Hitmonchan's early back sprite. The palette data appears to give the sprite a lurid body and purple gloves.
PM2F_108.cgx Lickitung PM2F 108.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 108.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_109.cgx Koffing PM2F 109.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 109.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_110.cgx Weezing PM2F 110.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 110.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_111.cgx Rhyhorn PM2F 111.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 111.png Features the final sprite, a rather polished alternate one, and Rhyhorn's Blue sprite. The palette data interestingly specifies an orange color scheme, which is not seen anywhere in official artwork nor the final game, although may have inspired its shiny appearance in Generation III and later.
PM2F_112.cgx Rhydon PM2F 112.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 112.png Features the final sprite and Rhydon's Blue sprite.
PM2F_113.cgx Chansey PM2F 113.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 113.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_114.cgx Tangela PM2F 114.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 114.png Features the final sprite and Tangela's Blue sprite. The palette data specifies blue instead of turquoise for its vines.
PM2F_115.cgx Kangaskhan PM2F 115.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 115.png Features the final sprite and Kangashkan's Blue sprite.
PM2F_116.cgx Horsea PM2F 116.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 116.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_117.cgx Seadra PM2F 117.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 117.png Features the final sprite and a rough alternate version of the final sprite which has more Generation I-like shading.
PM2F_118.cgx Goldeen PM2F 118.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 118.png Features the final sprite and Goldeen's Blue sprite.
PM2F_119.cgx Seaking PM2F 119.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 119.png Features the final sprite and a slightly edited version of Seaking's Blue sprite.
PM2F_120.cgx Staryu PM2F 120.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 120.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_121.cgx Starmie PM2F 121.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 121.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_122.cgx Mr.Mime PM2F 122.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 122.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_123.cgx Scyther PM2F 123.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 123.png Features the final sprite, a rough alternate sprite, and two versions of an early Scyther backsprite. Interestingly, an archive dating to the 13th of June 1999 shows that the alternate front sprite had been worked on before being ultimately scrapped.
PM2F_124.cgx Jynx PM2F 124.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 124.png Features the final international sprite, Hitmonchan's early back sprite, and an unrefined version of Jynx's Japanese Gold sprite, as well as an unrefined alternate sprite which may have inspired Jynx's Silver sprite. The palette data uses a shade of red for the dress, similar to the official artwork.
PM2F_125.cgx Electabuzz PM2F 125.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 125.png Features the final sprite, Hitmonchan's early back sprite, an early version of Magmar's final sprite, and an alternate Electabuzz sprite that would later be touched up and used in Crystal.
PM2F_126.cgx Magmar PM2F 126.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 126.png Features the final sprite, Hitmonchan's early back sprite, and two alternate, less refined versions of Magmar's final sprite with different tails. The palette data indicates a less purplish red than the final colors.
PM2F_127.cgx Pinsir PM2F 127.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 127.png Features the final sprite and Pinsir's Blue sprite.
PM2F_128.cgx Tauros PM2F 128.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate sprite.
PM2F_129.cgx Magikarp PM2F 129.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 129.png Features the final sprite, Magikarp's Blue sprite, and an unfinished version of the final sprite.
PM2F_130.cgx Gyarados PM2F 130.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 130.png Features the final sprite, as well as a touched-up version of Gyarados' Blue sprite. Has Gyarados' Pokédex number, 130, in the corner.
PM2F_131.cgx Lapras PM2F 131.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 131.png Features the final sprite, an updated version of Lapras' Blue sprite, and an early version of Lapras' final sprite.
PM2F_132.cgx Ditto PM2F 132.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 132.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front sprite.
PM2F_133.cgx Eevee PM2F 133.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 133.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_134.cgx Vaporeon PM2F 134.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 134.png Features the final sprite and three alternate sprites depicting an alternate pose.
PM2F_135.cgx Jolteon PM2F 135.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 135.png Features the final sprite, as well as a copy of Flareon's sprite.
PM2F_136.cgx Flareon PM2F 136.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 136.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_137.cgx Porygon PM2F 137.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 137.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_138.cgx Omanyte PM2F 138.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 138.png Features the final sprite and the sprite from the May 1998 back-up.
PM2F_139.cgx Omastar PM2F 139.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 139.png Features the final sprite and the sprite from the May 1998 back-up. When compared to Omanyte's palette, the body is more vibrant than the shell, rather than how it is the other way around in the final game.
PM2F_140.cgx Kabuto PM2F 140.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 140.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_141.cgx Kabutops PM2F 141.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 141.png Features the final sprite and Kabutops' Blue sprite. The palette data gives the sprite lurid, golden shades.
PM2F_142.cgx Aerodactyl PM2F 142.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 142.png Features the final sprite and Aerodactyl's Blue sprite.
PM2F_143.cgx Snorlax PM2F 143.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 143.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_144.cgx Articuno PM2F 144.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 144.png Features the final sprite and an unrefined version of the final sprite.
PM2F_145.cgx Zapdos PM2F 145.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 145.png Features the final sprite and an unrefined version of the final sprite.
PM2F_146.cgx Moltres PM2F 146.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PFM2 146.png Features the final sprite and an unrefined version of the final sprite.
PM2F_147.cgx Dratini PM2F 147.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 147.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_148.cgx Dragonair PM2F 148.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 148.png Features the final sprite and an unrefined version of the final sprite based on Dragonair's appearance in Generation 1.
PM2F_149.cgx Dragonite PM2F 149.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 149.png Features the final sprite, an unrefined version of said sprite, and the two versions of Scyther's early backsprite.
PM2F_150.cgx Mewtwo PM2F 150.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 150.png Features the final sprite and Mewtwo's Blue sprite.
PM2F_151.cgx Mew PM2F 151.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 151.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_152.cgx Chikorita PM2F 152.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 152.png Features the final sprite and an early uncropped back sprite with clumsier detailing on the leaf.
PM2F_153.cgx Bayleef PM2F 153.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 153.png Features the final sprite, Hanamogura, and two alternate Chikorita sprites depicting it with a partially eaten-off leaf similar to Bayleef's.
PM2F_154.cgx Meganium PM2F 154.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 154.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_155.cgx Cyndaquil PM2F 155.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 155.png Features the final sprite, Honooguma, Rinrin's front and back sprites, and Cyndaquil's early design.
PM2F_156.cgx Quilava PM2F 156.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 156.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a slightly modified version of Borubeaa. The palette data uses Typhlosion's color scheme.
PM2F_157.cgx Typholosion PM2F 157.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 157.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_158.cgx Totodile PM2F 158.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 158.png Features the final sprite and Kurusu.
PM2F_159.cgx Croconaw PM2F 159.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 159.png Features the final sprite and Akua.
PM2F_160.cgx Feraligatr PM2F 160.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 160.png Features the final sprite, an updated sprite of Akueria, and an early version of Totodile, sporting a slimmer snout and a similar stomach pattern to Feraligatr's.
PM2F_161.cgx Sentret PM2F 161.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 161.png Features the final sprite, Monja, and an early version of Sentret, sporting a slimmer frame, a slightly different stomach pattern, and face markings similar to Furret's.
PM2F_162.cgx Furret PM2F 162.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 162.png Features the final sprite and the Silver sprite.
PM2F_163.cgx Hoothoot PM2F 163.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 163.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 back sprite.
PM2F_164.cgx Noctowl PM2F 164.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 164.png Features the final sprite and two sprites of an alternate Hoothoot design.
PM2F_165.cgx Ledyba PM2F 165.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 165.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_166.cgx Ledian PM2F 166.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 166.png Features the final sprite and a larger alternate sprite which was used up to the Spaceworld '99 demo.
PM2F_167.cgx Spinarak PM2F 167.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 167.png Features the final sprite, an uncropped back sprite with no shadow beneath it, and the Spaceworld '97 sprites. The palette data uses a color scheme akin to how it appears in the official artwork and subsequently in Crystal and later.
PM2F_168.cgx Ariados PM2F 168.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PMF2 168.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and two alternate sprites using this early design. The palette data uses a color scheme that would become the shiny appearance in the final game.
PM2F_169.cgx Crobat PM2F 169.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 169.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses a blue and red color scheme not seen anywhere else.
PM2F_170.cgx Chinchou PM2F 170.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 170.png Features the final sprite and a copy of Lanturn's sprite.
PM2F_171.CCB Lanturn PM2F 171.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS PM2F 171 cgx.cbb.png Features the final international sprite and the front sprite of the updated design of Tsubomitto. Also features an updated version of Tsubomitto's Spaceworld '97 back sprite with the stripes of the June 1999 design.
PM2F_172.CCB Pichu PM2F 172.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS PM2F 172 cgx.cbb.png Features the final international sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_173.cgx Cleffa PM2F 173.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 173.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses a color scheme not seen in its final nor its shiny appearance.
PM2F_174.cgx Igglybuff PM2F 174.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 174.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front and back sprites.
PM2F_175.cgx Togepi PM2F 175.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 175.png Features the final front and back sprites, and two alternate sprites based on the ones from Spaceworld '97.
PM2F_176.cgx Togetic PM2F 176.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 176.png Features the final sprite, an unfinished version of the final sprite, and Para.
PM2F_177.cgx Natu PM2F 177.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 177.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_178.cgx Xatu PM2F 178.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 178.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_179.cgx Mareep PM2F 179.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 179.png Features the final sprite and the back sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
PM2F_180.cgx Flaaffy PM2F 180.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 180.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_181.cgx Ampharos PM2F 181.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 181.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_182.cgx Bellossom PM2F 182.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 182.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses a color scheme that would become the shiny appearance in the final game.
PM2F_183.cgx Marill PM2F 183.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 183.png Features the final sprite and an alternate unrefined design which can also be seen in the Spaceworld '99 demo. Corruption can be seen at the bottom of the image.
PM2F_184.cgx Azumarill PM2F 184.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 184.png Features the final sprite and the aforementioned two Marill sprites.
PM2F_185.cgx Sudowoodo PM2F 185.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 185.png Features the final sprite and Kyonpan.
PM2F_186.cgx Politoed PM2F 186.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 186.png Features the final sprite and an unused design of Politoed.
PM2F_187.cgx Hoppip PM2F 187.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 187.png Features the final sprite, a slightly unrefined Skiploom sprite, and an updated version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite sporting updated shading.
PM2F_188.cgx Skiploom PM2F 188.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 188.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_189.cgx Jumpluff PM2F 189.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 189.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_190.cgx Aipom PM2F 190.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 190.png Features the final international sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_191.cgx Sunkern PM2F 191.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 191.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and Sunflora's Spaceworld '97 back sprite. The palette data uses a color scheme that would become the shiny appearance in the final game.
PM2F_192.cgx Sunflora PM2F 192.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 192.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 back sprite.
PM2F_193.cgx Yanma PM2F 193.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 193.png Features the final sprite and Manboo 1.
PM2F_194.cgx Wooper PM2F 194.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 194.png Features the final sprite and the sprite of Madaamu from June 1999.
PM2F_195.cgx Quagsire PM2F 195.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 195.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_196.cgx Espeon PM2F 196.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 196.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_197.cgx Umbreon PM2F 197.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 197.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_198.cgx Murkrow PM2F 198.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 198.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_199.cgx Slowking PM2F 199.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 199.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_200.cgx Misdreavus PM2F 200.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 200.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_202.cgx Wobbuffet PM2F 202.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 202.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version with slightly different shading, and two unfinished sprites. It also features a somewhat rough sprite of an unused small gelatinous ghost which has a resemblance to Gen III's Shuppet. Shuppet's name was repurposed from an early name for Wobbuffet.
PM2F_203.cgx Girafarig PM2F 203.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 203.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_204.cgx Pineco PM2F 204.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 204.png Features the final sprite, the early Pineco sprite from the Spaceworld '99 demo, and the sprites of Rinrin.
PM2F_205.cgx Forretress PM2F 205.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 205.png Features the final sprite, two alternate designs, and Purakkusu.
PM2F_206.cgx Dunsparce PM2F 206.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 206.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version of the sprite with slightly different shading, the Silver sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PM2F_207.cgx Gligar PM2F 207.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 207.png Features the final sprite, two sprites depicting Gligar's early design, and Animon.
PM2F_208.cgx Steelix PM2F 208.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 208.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses a color scheme that would become the shiny appearance in the final game.
PM2F_209.cgx Snubbull PM2F 209.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 209.png Features the final sprite, as well as an updated version of the Spaceworld '97 back sprite, sporting updated shading and a missing tail and spot.
PM2F_210.cgx Granbull PM2F 210.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 210.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_211.cgx Qwilfish PM2F 211.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 211.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_212.cgx Scizor PM2F 212.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 212.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_213.cgx Shuckle PM2F 213.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 213.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 demo sprites.
PM2F_214.cgx Heracross PM2F 214.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 214.png Features the final sprite and Ikari.
PM2F_215.CCB Sneasel PM2F 215.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS PM2F 215 cgx.cbb.png Features the final international sprite, Sneasel's Spaceworld '99 sprite, a slightly modified version of said sprite with an added tail, and an alternate Sneasel design which bears strong resemblance to Sonic from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. The palette data uses a color scheme akin to how it appears in the official artwork and subsequently in Crystal and later.
PM2F_216.cgx Teddiursa PM2F 216.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 216.png Features the final sprite, Ursaring's sprite, a rough alternate Teddiursa sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite. Additionally, there's an alternate version of Kotora with and updated face and lacking the thunderbolt on its belly.
PM2F_217.cgx Ursaring PM2F 217.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 217.png Features the final sprite and Raitora.
PM2F_218.cgx Slugma PM2F 218.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 218.png Contains the final sprite, the sprite used in the Spaceworld '99 demo, a sprite that was likely for Piloswine's scrapped evolution, and Taaban. The palette data also uses its color scheme from the Spaceworld '99 demo as well.
PM2F_219.cgx Magcargo PM2F 219.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 219.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_220.cgx Swinub PM2F 220.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 220.png Contains the final sprite and an alternate, smaller version of Piloswine.
PM2F_221.cgx Piloswine PM2F 221.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 221.png Contains the final sprite, an alternate sprite whose highlights interestingly resemble the ones from Piloswine's Silver sprite, as well as the front and back sprites of Taaban. The palette data also uses Swinub's color scheme.
PM2F_222.cgx Corsola PM2F 222.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 222.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_223.cgx Remoraid PM2F 223.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 223.png Features the final sprite, Remoraid's sprite from the Spaceworld '97 and '99 demos, and an alternate unfinished version of that sprite.
PM2F_224.cgx Octillery PM2F 224.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 224.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_225.cgx Delibird PM2F 225.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 225.png Features the final sprite, an alternate sprite with "antennae", and Delibird's back sprite from June 1999.
PM2F_226.cgx Mantine PM2F 226.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 226.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, the Spaceworld '99 one, and an unfinished sketch.
PM2F_227.cgx Skarmory PM2F 227.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 227.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses a color scheme not seen anywhere else.
PM2F_228.cgx Houndour PM2F 228.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 228.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 back sprite.
PM2F_229.cgx Houndoom PM2F 229.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 229.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 back sprite, and Houndoom's early front sprite from June 1999.
PM2F_230.cgx Kingdra PM2F 230.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 230.png Features the final sprite, Kingdra's sprite from the Spaceworld '97 and '99 demos, and an unfinished alternate version of the final sprite which features a head design halfway between the Spaceworld '99 and final designs. The palette data also shows that its color scheme once used yellow instead of red.
PM2F_231.cgx Phanpy PM2F 231.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 231.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite. The palette data also shows that its color scheme once used yellow instead of red; for unknown reasons, the colors are swapped as well.
PM2F_232.cgx Donphan PM2F 232.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 232.png Features the final sprite. The palette data uses a color scheme not seen anywhere else.
PM2F_233.cgx Porygon2 PM2F 233.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 233.png Features the final sprite and Porygon2's early back sprite from June 1999.
PM2F_234.CCB Stantler PM2F 234.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS PM2F 234 cgx.cbb.png Features the final international sprite.
PM2F_235.cgx Smeargle PM2F 235.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 235.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_236.cgx Tyrogue PM2F 236.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 236.png Features the final sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 and '99 sprite. The pallete data uses a color scheme not seen anywhere else.
PM2F_237.cgx Hitmontop PM2F 237.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 237.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an unrefined version of the final sprite with nubby arms. The palette data uses a color scheme that was partially recycled for its appearance in Crystal.
PM2F_238.cgx Smoochum PM2F 238.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 238.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_239.cgx Elekid PM2F 239.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 239.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_240.cgx Magby PM2F 240.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 240.png Features the final sprite and the the Spaceworld '99 sprite. The palette data uses less purplish colors than the final game.
PM2F_241.cgx Miltank PM2F 241.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 241.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 and '99 sprites.
PM2F_242.cgx Blissey PM2F 242.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 242.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and Blissey's early design from June 1999.
PM2F_243.cgx Raikou PM2F 243.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 243.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 and '99 sprites. The palette data uses a color scheme that specifies blue clouds.
PM2F_244.cgx Entei PM2F 244.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 244.png Features the final front and back sprites, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and an earlier design where Entei sports a long beard. The palette data uses a color scheme that specifies golden fur.
PM2F_245.cgx Suicune PM2F 245.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 245.png Features the final front and back sprites and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2F_246.cgx Larvitar PM2F 246.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 246.png Features the final sprite and a shrunken down version of Tyranitar's sprite, likely used as a way to determine Larvitar's size when it was first being designed. The palette data specifies a color scheme not seen anywhere else.
PM2F_247.cgx Pupitar PM2F 247.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 247.png Features the final sprite. The palette data specifies a color scheme not seen anywhere else.
PM2F_248.cgx Tyranitar PM2F 248.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 248.png Features the final sprite and Lugia's early backsprite from June 1999. The palette data specifies a color scheme not seen anywhere else.
PM2F_249.cgx Lugia PM2F 249.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 249.png Features the final sprite and Lugia's early back sprite.
PM2F_250.cgx Ho-Oh PM2F 250.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 250.png Features the final sprite. The palette data specifies a color scheme not seen anywhere else, even though official artwork using the final colors had existed beforehand.
PM2F_251.cgx Celebi PM2F 251.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F 251.png Features the final sprite and the Silver sprite.
PM2F_UNA.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNA.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNA.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNB.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNB.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNB.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNC.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNC.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNC.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UND.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UND.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UND.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNE.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNE.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNE.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNF.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNF.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNF.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNG.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNG.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNG.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNH.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNH.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNH.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNI.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNI.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNI.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNJ.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNJ.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNJ.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNK.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNK.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNK.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNL.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNL.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNL.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNM.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNM.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNM.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNN.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNN.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNN.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNO.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNO.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNO.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNP.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNP.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNP.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNQ.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNQ.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNQ.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNR.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNR.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNR.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNS.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNS.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNS.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNT.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNT.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNT.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNU.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNU.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNU.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNV.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNV.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNV.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNW.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNW.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNW.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNX.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNX.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNX.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNY.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNY.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNY.png Features the final sprite.
PM2F_UNZ.CBB.w128 Unown PM2F UNZ.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL G PM2F UNZ.png Features the final sprite.

October 2024 Leak Exclusive

Japanese Scratchpads

While the sprites in the 2020 leak are of the international sprites, the 2024 leak has scratchpads with the original Japanese sprites.

Internal Name Pokémon Name Scratchpad File Notes
PM2F_171.cgx Lanturn PKMNGS COL G PM2F 171.png
PM2F_172.cgx Pichu PKMNGS COL G PM2F 172.png
PM2F_190.cgx Aipom PKMNGS COL G PM2F 190.png
PM2F_215.cgx Sneasel PKMNGS COL G PM2F 215.png


Extra variants of Moltres and Ariados, with the suffix PFM2 instead of PM2F, are present.

Pokémon Name PMF2 PM2F Notes
Moltres (146) PKMN GS COL G PFM2 146.png PKMNGS COL G PFM2 146.png Two copies of its alternate sprite, as well one of Dragonair's sprites.
Ariados (168) PKMNGS COL G PMF2 168.png PKMNGS COL G PMF2 168.png An exact duplicate of Ariados' sheet.

Silver Front Sprites

For some reason, only Pokémon 1-77 have their color palettes for Silver present.

Internal Name Pokémon Name Scratchpad File Palette Notes
PMSF_001.cgx Bulbasaur PMSF 001.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 001.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_002.cgx Ivysaur PMSF 002.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 002.png Features the final Gold and Silver, and a slightly edited version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite with extra shading.
PMSF_003.cgx Venusaur PMSF 003.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 003.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an unfinished version of said sprite.
PMSF_004.cgx Charmander PMSF 004.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 004.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough alternate version of said sprite.
PMSF_005.cgx Charmeleon PMSF 005.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 005.png Features the final sprite and a somewhat rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_006.cgx Charizard PMSF 006.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 006.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_007.cgx Squirtle PMSF 007.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 007.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_008.cgx Wartortle PMSF 008.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 008.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_009.cgx Blastoise PMSF 009.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 009.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_010.cgx Caterpie PMSF 010.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 010.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rougher alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_011.cgx Metapod PMSF 011.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 011.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and an unfinished version of the final sprite.
PMSF_012.cgx Butterfree PMSF 012.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 012.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_013.cgx Weedle PMSF 013.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 013.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_014.cgx Kakuna PMSF 014.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 014.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_015.cgx Beedrill PMSF 015.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 015.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_016.cgx Pidgey PMSF 016.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 016.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a more refined version of said sprite.
PMSF_017.cgx Pidgeotto PMSF 017.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 017.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_018.cgx Pidgeot PMSF 018.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 018.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version of said sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a more refined version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_019.cgx Rattata PMSF 019.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 019.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rather polished alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_020.cgx Raticate PMSF 020.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 020.png Features the final sprite, a slightly touched-up version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and two copies of a rather polished alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_021.cgx Spearow PMSF 021.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 021.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, a version of the Gold sprite missing one of its wings, and a rather polished version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_022.cgx Fearow PMSF 022.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 022.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two copies of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_023.cgx Ekans PMSF 023.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 023.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_024.cgx Arbok PMSF 024.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 024.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_025.cgx Pikachu PMSF 025.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 025.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and various alternate versions of the final sprite, as well as a notable unfinished one with a missing arm.
PMSF_026.cgx Raichu PMSF 026.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 026.png Features the Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough earlier version of the final sprite.
PMSF_027.cgx Sandshrew PMSF 027.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 027.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_028.cgx Sandslash PMSF 028.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 028.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_029.cgx Nidoran ♀ PMSF 029.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 029.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_030.cgx Nidrina PMSF 030.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 030.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_031.cgx Nidoqueen PMSF 031.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 031.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_032.cgx Nidoran ♂ PMSF 032.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 032.png Features the Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_033.cgx Nidorino PMSF 033.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 033.png Features the Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_034.cgx Nidoking PMSF 034.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 034.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two alternate versions of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_035.cgx Clefairy PMSF 035.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 035.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, an earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite, an even version of said sprite, and a somewhat rough alternate sprite.
PMSF_036.cgx Clefable PMSF 036.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 036.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_037.cgx Vulpix PMSF 037.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 037.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two alternate versions of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_038.cgx Ninetales PMSF 038.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 038.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_039.cgx Jigglypuff PMSF 039.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 039.png Features the final sprite, two versions of the Gold and Silver sprites with less shading, two incomplete versions of these sprites, as well as the unused "Generation I intro-inspired" Jigglypuff sprite. Also contains Jigglypuff seen from above a simple circle.
PMSF_040.cgx Wigglytuff PMSF 040.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 040.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_041.cgx Zubat PMSF 041.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 041.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_042.cgx Golbat PMSF 042.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 042.png Features the final sprite and the two Spaceworld '99 sprites.
PMSF_043.cgx Oddish PMSF 043.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 043.png Features the final front and back sprites, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_044.cgx Gloom PMSF 044.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 044.png Features the final sprite and the two Spaceworld '99 sprites.
PMSF_045.cgx Vileplume PMSF 045.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 045.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_046.cgx Paras PMSF 046.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 046.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_047.cgx Parasect PMSF 047.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 047.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_048.cgx Venonat PMSF 048.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 048.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_049.cgx Venomoth PMSF 049.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 049.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_050.cgx Diglett PMSF 050.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 050.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_051.cgx Dugtrio PMSF 051.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 051.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and an alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_052.cgx Meowth PMSF 052.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 052.png Features the final sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_053.cgx Persian PMSF 053.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 053.png Features the final sprite and an alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_054.cgx Psyduck PMSF 054.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 054.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two alternate versions of the final sprite, one of which is rougher than the other.
PMSF_055.cgx Golduck PMSF 055.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 055.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_056.cgx Mankey PMSF 056.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 056.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version of the final sprite which also lacks a tail, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and an alternate sprite which matches the final pose, but with more primitive shading.
PMSF_057.cgx Primape PMSF 057.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 057.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_058.cgx Growlithe PMSF 058.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 058.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a rougher alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_059.cgx Arcanine PMSF 059.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 059.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_060.cgx Poliwag PMSF 060.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 060.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_061.cgx Poliwhirl PMSF 061.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 061.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite. The color palette reveals a blank fourth sprite.
PMSF_062.cgx Poliwrath PMSF 062.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 062.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a rougher alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_063.cgx Abra PMSF 063.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 063.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_064.cgx Kadabra PMSF 064.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 064.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version of the Gold sprite, and two rough alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_065.cgx Alakazam PMSF 065.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 065.png Features the final sprite, a rougher alternate version of the final sprite, and the Blue sprite.
PMSF_066.cgx Machop PMSF 066.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 066.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and three rough alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_067.cgx Machoke PMSF 067.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 067.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, the Spaceworld '99 one, and a rough version of the final sprite.
PMSF_068.cgx Machamp PMSF 068.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 068.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_069.cgx Bellsprout PMSF 069.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 069.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a slightly touched-up version of the the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_070.cgx Weepinbell PMSF 070.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 070.png Features the Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a slightly modified version of the the Gold sprite.
PMSF_071.cgx Victreebel PMSF 071.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 071.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_072.cgx Tentacool PMSF 072.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 073.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a slightly modified version of the the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_073.cgx Tentacruel PMSF 073.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 072.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two rough alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_074.cgx Geodude PMSF 074.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 074.png Features the final sprite and Geodude's Blue sprite.
PMSF_075.cgx Graveler PMSF 075.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 075.png Features the final sprite and Graveler's Blue sprite.
PMSF_076.cgx Golem PMSF 076.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 076.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_077.cgx Ponyta PMSF 077.CBB.w128.png PKMNGS COL S PM2F 077.png Features the final sprite and an alternate unfinished version of the final sprite.
PMSF_078.CBB Rapidash PMSF 078.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_079.CBB Slowpoke PMSF 079.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite, a slightly modified version of the final Japanese sprite, an upside-down copy of the Gold sprite (as well as a cropped section of said sprite), and a rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_080.CBB Slowbro PMSF 080.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_081.CBB Magnemite PMSF 081.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_082.CBB Magneton PMSF 082.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_083.CBB Farfetch'd PMSF 083.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PMSF_084.CBB Doduo PMSF 084.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an unfinished version of said sprite, a rough alternate version of the final sprite which has a more Generation I feel to it, and a more polished version of said sprite.
PMSF_085.CBB Dodrio PMSF 085.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_086.CBB Seel PMSF 086.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_087.CBB Dewgong PMSF 087.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, and two alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_088.CBB Grimer PMSF 088.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_089.CBB Muk PMSF 089.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_090.CBB Shellder PMSF 090.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a somewhat rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_091.CBB Cloyster PMSF 091.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_092.CBB Gastly PMSF 092.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_093.CBB Haunter PMSF 093.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, an unfinished version of the final, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite that is more in line with Haunter's Generation I sprites, namely featuring four fingers.
PMSF_094.CBB Gengar PMSF 094.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_095.CBB Onix PMSF 095.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and two instances of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_096.CBB Drowzee PMSF 096.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, and two alternate sprites based on Drowzee's Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_097.CBB Hypno PMSF 097.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_098.CBB Krabby PMSF 098.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_099.CBB Kingler PMSF 099.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a later revision of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_100.CBB Voltorb PMSF 100.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_101.CBB Electrode PMSF 101.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and an earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_102.CBB Exeggcute PMSF 102.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_103.CBB Exeggcutor PMSF 103.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and an earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_104.CBB Cubone PMSF 104.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two early versions of the Spaceworld '99 sprite, one of which has more Generation I-like shading.
PMSF_105.CBB Marowak PMSF 105.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an earlier version of the final sprite.
PMSF_106.CBB Hitmonlee PMSF 106.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_107.CBB Hitmonchan PMSF 107.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two early versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_108.CBB Lickitung PMSF 108.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_109.CBB Koffing PMSF 109.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_110.CBB Weezing PMSF 110.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_111.CBB Rhyhorn PMSF 111.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_112.CBB Rhydon PMSF 112.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_113.CBB Chansey PMSF 113.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_114.CBB Tangela PMSF 114.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_115.CBB Kangaskhan PMSF 115.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_116.CBB Horsea PMSF 116.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_117.CBB Seadra PMSF 117.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, two alternate versions of the final sprite, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite that has more Generation I-like shading.
PMSF_118.CBB Goldeen PMSF 118.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a rough alternate version of the final sprite that has more Generation I-like shading.
PMSF_119.CBB Seaking PMSF 119.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_120.CBB Staryu PMSF 120.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_121.CBB Starmie PMSF 121.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_122.CBB Mr.Mime PMSF 122.CBB.w128.png Features the Gold and Silver sprites, and two alternate sprites, one of which is rougher than the other, and appears to be based on the traditional mime trick of being trapped inside a box, with the front sprite itself being the box.
PMSF_123.CBB Scyther PMSF 123.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and an alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_124.CBB Jynx PMSF 124.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite, an unrefined version of Jynx's Japanese Silver sprite, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite which has a more Generation I feel to it.
PMSF_125.CBB Electabuzz PMSF 125.CBB.w128.png Features the Gold and Silver sprites, and two alternate versions of the final sprite, one of which is rougher than the other.
PMSF_126.CBB Magmar PMSF 126.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_127.CBB Pinsir PMSF 127.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_128.CBB Tauros PMSF 128.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, an unfinished version of the final sprite, and a rather rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_129.CBB Magikarp PMSF 129.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and two alternate versions of the Spaceworld '99 sprite, one of which is more rough than the other.
PMSF_130.CBB Gyarados PMSF 130.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_131.CBB Lapras PMSF 131.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_132.CBB Ditto PMSF 132.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate sprite that has Spaceworld '97 shading and appears to be based on its Blue front sprite.
PMSF_133.CBB Eevee PMSF 133.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, two instances of the final Gold sprite, and two alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_134.CBB Vaporeon PMSF 134.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PMSF_135.CBB Jolteon PMSF 135.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_136.CBB Flareon PMSF 136.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and two alternate versions of the Spaceworld '99 sprite, one of which is rougher than the other; the other has Spaceworld '97-like shading.
PMSF_137.CBB Porygon PMSF 137.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and two rough alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_138.CBB Omanyte PMSF 138.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and two rough alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_139.CBB Omastar PMSF 139.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a somewhat rough alternate sprite.
PMSF_140.CBB Kabuto PMSF 140.CBB.w128.png Features two instances of the final sprite, a slightly different alternate version of the final sprite, and a rather polished alternate one based on Kabuto's Blue front sprite.
PMSF_141.CBB Kabutops PMSF 141.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough earlier version of said sprite.
PMSF_142.CBB Aerodactyl PMSF 142.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_143.CBB Snorlax PMSF 143.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two alternate versions of the final sprite, one of which is slightly more rough than the other.
PMSF_144.CBB Articuno PMSF 144.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and an unfinished alternate version of the final sprite that is missing its tail.
PMSF_145.CBB Zapdos PMSF 145.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two alternate, more refined versions of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_146.CBB Moltres PMSF 146.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rather polished alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_147.CBB Dratini PMSF 147.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and two somewhat rough alternate versions of the final sprite.
PMSF_148.CBB Dragonair PMSF 148.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite which has a more Generation I feel to it.
PMSF_149.CBB Dragonite PMSF 149.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, a rough alternate version of the final sprite, and an incomplete sketch for an alternate pose. Interestingly enough, the pose seen in the sketch is similar to the one Dragonite has in its Spaceworld '97 sprite as well as the one seen in Dragonite's sprites in Generation III games.
PMSF_150.CBB Mewtwo PMSF 150.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_151.CBB Mew PMSF 151.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and three rough unfinished alternate sprites.
PMSF_152.CBB Chikorita PMSF 152.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a rather rough alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_153.CBB Bayleef PMSF 153.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the two early Chikorita sprites also seen in the Gold front sprite scratchpad, and Hanamogura.
PMSF_154.CBB Meganium PMSF 154.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and two rather rough alternate sprites.
PMSF_155.CBB Cyndaquil PMSF 155.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rather rough alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_156.CBB Quilava PMSF 156.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rather polished alternate sprite.
PMSF_157.CBB Typholosion PMSF 157.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_158.CBB Totodile PMSF 158.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_159.CBB Croconaw PMSF 159.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, and a rather rough alternate version of the Silver sprite.
PMSF_160.CBB Feraligatr PMSF 160.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_161.CBB Sentret PMSF 161.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_162.CBB Furret PMSF 162.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprites, and a more refined version of the Silver Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_163.CBB Hoothoot PMSF 163.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a more refined version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_164.CBB Noctowl PMSF 164.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_165.CBB Ledyba PMSF 165.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, an alternate version of the final sprite with missing eye pixels, and a more refined version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_166.CBB Ledian PMSF 166.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_167.CBB Spinarak PMSF 167.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_168.CBB Ariados PMSF 168.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_169.CBB Crobat PMSF 169.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an updated version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a somewhat rough alternate sprite.
PMSF_170.CBB Chinchou PMSF 170.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_171.CBB Lanturn PMSF 171.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver international sprites and a rather polished alternate version of the final sprite.
PMSF_172.CBB Pichu PMSF 172.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and an alternate sprite based on the pose of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_173.CBB Cleffa PMSF 173.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_174.CBB Igglybuff PMSF 174.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_175.CBB Togepi PMSF 175.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_176.CBB Togetic PMSF 176.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_177.CBB Natu PMSF 177.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an updated version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_178.CBB Xatu PMSF 178.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_179.CBB Mareep PMSF 179.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_180.CBB Flaaffy PMSF 180.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an unrefined version of the final sprite.
PMSF_181.CBB Ampharos PMSF 181.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_182.CBB Bellossom PMSF 182.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a very polished alternate sprite.
PMSF_183.CBB Marill PMSF 183.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough alternate sprite.
PMSF_184.CBB Azumarill PMSF 184.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the final Gold Marill and Azumarill sprites, and an unfinished version of the final sprite.
PMSF_185.CBB Sudowoodo PMSF 185.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_186.CBB Politoed PMSF 186.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an earlier version of it which lacks its stomach spiral, and the Spaceworld '99 sprites.
PMSF_187.CBB Hoppip PMSF 187.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_188.CBB Skiploom PMSF 188.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_189.CBB Jumpluff PMSF 189.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an edited version of the Gold Spaceworld '99 sprite with a design similar to the final Silver sprite, and two alternate versions of the Spaceworld '99 sprite with a design similar to that of the final Silver sprite.
PMSF_190.CBB Aipom PMSF 190.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite, the Japanese Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and an earlier version of the final sprite which uses the Spaceworld '99 design.
PMSF_191.CBB Sunkern PMSF 191.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate version of the Gold sprite with a different eye design.
PMSF_192.CBB Sunflora PMSF 192.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_193.CBB Yanma PMSF 193.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_194.CBB Wooper PMSF 194.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_195.CBB Quagsire PMSF 195.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_196.CBB Espeon PMSF 196.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_197.CBB Umbreon PMSF 197.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_198.CBB Murkrow PMSF 198.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold Spaceworld '99 sprite, and two alternate versions of the Silver Spaceworld '99 sprite with a hat design closer to the final one.
PMSF_199.CBB Slowking PMSF 199.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an early version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an even earlier, really rough version of it.
PMSF_200.CBB Misdreavus PMSF 200.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_201.CBB Unown PMSF 201.CBB.w128.png Features the sprite from the May 1998 back-up, not the final sprite.
PMSF_202.CBB Wobbuffet PMSF 202.CBB.w128.png Features two instances of the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a somewhat rough alternate sprite.
PMSF_203.CBB Girafarig PMSF 203.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version of the final sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PMSF_204.CBB Pineco PMSF 204.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprites, and a rather rough alternate sprite.
PMSF_205.CBB Forretress PMSF 205.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, two alternate designs for Forretress, and Purakkusu.
PMSF_206.CBB Dunsparce PMSF 206.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, a larger alternate version of the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_207.CBB Gligar PMSF 207.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_208.CBB Steelix PMSF 208.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_209.CBB Snubbull PMSF 209.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprites, and an updated version of the Spaceworld '97 backsprite, sporting updated shading, a missing tail, and one less spot.
PMSF_210.CBB Granbull PMSF 210.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_211.CBB Qwilfish PMSF 211.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_212.CBB Scizor PMSF 212.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an alternate version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite with a slightly different pose.
PMSF_213.CBB Shuckle PMSF 213.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprites, and an alternate version of the final sprite where Shuckle's folded tentacle is laid straight like it is in the Gold sprite.
PMSF_214.CBB Heracross PMSF 214.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an earlier version of the Gold sprite, which uses a slightly less refined body design and a rather different face which is more akin to Pinsir's.
PMSF_215.CBB Sneasel PMSF 215.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite, an earlier version of the Japanese sprite, a rough alternate version of the Japanese sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite with a tail added.
PMSF_216.CBB Teddiursa PMSF 216.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite, the Gold sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprites, and an incomplete version of Ursaring's Gold sprite with some stray pixels on its chest.
PMSF_217.CBB Ursaring PMSF 217.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_218.CBB Slugma PMSF 218.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, and Magcargo's Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_219.CBB Magcargo PMSF 219.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and an earlier version of the final sprite which had a very poorly-drawn flame.
PMSF_220.CBB Swinub PMSF 220.CBB.w128.png Features two instances of the final sprite.
PMSF_221.CBB Piloswine PMSF 221.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_222.CBB Corsola PMSF 222.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and a rough incomplete sketch of the final sprite.
PMSF_223.CBB Remoraid PMSF 223.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, the Spaceworld '99 sprites, and a rough alternate version of the final sprite which features a design halfway between the Spaceworld '99 design and the final one.
PMSF_224.CBB Octillery PMSF 224.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_225.CBB Delibird PMSF 225.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, Delibird's early back sprite from June 1999, a slightly earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 front sprite, and a rather polished alternate sprite using the Spaceworld '99 design.
PMSF_226.CBB Mantine PMSF 226.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, an earlier version of Mantine's early front sprite from June 1999 with one of its "Remoraid torpedoes" lacking its tail, and an earlier version of the Silver Spaceworld '99 sprite which uses the aforementioned early design.
PMSF_227.CBB Skarmory PMSF 227.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_228.CBB Houndour PMSF 228.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, Houndour's early front sprite from June 1999, and an earlier version of the Silver sprite which uses the aforementioned early design.
PMSF_229.CBB Houndoom PMSF 229.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PMSF_230.CBB Kingdra PMSF 230.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, and the unfinished sketch from the Gold scratchpad.
PMSF_231.CBB Phanpy PMSF 231.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, Phanpy's early front sprite from June 1999, and a rough earlier version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite which uses the aforementioned early design.
PMSF_232.CBB Donphan PMSF 232.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite, the Gold sprite, and an alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite with a trunk more akin to the one seen in the final international sprite.
PMSF_233.CBB Porygon2 PMSF 233.CBB.w128.png Features two instances of the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rougher alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite. A stray grey pixel can also be seen in the image below the top-right sprite.
PMSF_234.CBB Stantler PMSF 234.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite, the Japanese Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_235.CBB Smeargle PMSF 235.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, an updated version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite with touched-up shading, and a somewhat rough alternate sprite with a different pose.
PMSF_236.CBB Tyrogue PMSF 236.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_237.CBB Hitmontop PMSF 237.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites, and an alternate version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_238.CBB Smoochum PMSF 238.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_239.CBB Elekid PMSF 239.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_240.CBB Magby PMSF 240.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprites.
PMSF_241.CBB Miltank PMSF 241.CBB.w128.png Features the final Gold and Silver sprites and the Spaceworld '99 sprites.
PMSF_242.CBB Blissey PMSF 242.CBB.w128.png Features the international sprite, the Gold sprite, Chansey's Gold sprite, and an unfinished version of the final sprite.
PMSF_243.CBB Raikou PMSF 243.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and an alternate version of the Silver Spaceworld '99 sprite with Raikou's final fang design.
PMSF_244.CBB Entei PMSF 244.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the early Gold scratchpad sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 one.
PMSF_245.CBB Suicune PMSF 245.CBB.w128.png Features the final front and back sprites, a later version of the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 one.
PMSF_246.CBB Larvitar PMSF 246.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold sprite.
PMSF_247.CBB Pupitar PMSF 247.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PMSF_248.CBB Tyranitar PMSF 248.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_249.CBB Lugia PMSF 249.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprites, and Lugia's early backsprite from June 1999.
PMSF_250.CBB Ho-Oh PMSF 250.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Gold sprite, and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PMSF_251.CBB Celebi PMSF 251.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version of the final sprite with different head shading, and an alternate version of the Gold sprite with a more significant derrière.

Back Sprites

Internal Name Pokémon Name Scratchpad File Notes
PM2B_001.CBB Bulbasaur PM2B 001.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and an alternate version of the final sprite with stronger shading which would have made use of two shades of green, as opposed to the final games' single one.
PM2B_002.CBB Ivysaur PM2B 002.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_003.CBB Venusaur PM2B 003.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite with the lighter and darker shades of green swapped with each other.
PM2B_004.CBB Charmander PM2B 004.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_005.CBB Charmeleon PM2B 005.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_006.CBB Charizard PM2B 006.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_007.CBB Squirtle PM2B 007.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and two instances of the final Gold sprite.
PM2B_008.CBB Wartortle PM2B 008.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_009.CBB Blastoise PM2B 009.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_010.CBB Caterpie PM2B 010.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an earlier iteration of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_011.CBB Metapod PM2B 011.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an earlier iteration of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_012.CBB Butterfree PM2B 012.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_013.CBB Weedle PM2B 013.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_014.CBB Kakuna PM2B 014.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_015.CBB Beedrill PM2B 015.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_016.CBB Pidgey PM2B 016.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite. Corruption can be seen at the bottom of the image.
PM2B_017.CBB Pidgeotto PM2B 017.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_018.CBB Pidgeot PM2B 018.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_019.CBB Rattata PM2B 019.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an earlier iteration of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_020.CBB Raticate PM2B 020.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite. Corruption can be seen at the bottom of the image.
PM2B_021.CBB Spearow PM2B 021.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_022.CBB Fearow PM2B 022.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_023.CBB Ekans PM2B 023.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an earlier iteration of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_024.CBB Arbok PM2B 024.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_025.CBB Pikachu PM2B 025.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Pikachu's back sprite with a design similar to its Blue sprite.
PM2B_026.CBB Raichu PM2B 026.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Raichu's early updated backsprite.
PM2B_027.CBB Sandshrew PM2B 027.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_028.CBB Sandslash PM2B 028.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_029.CBB Nidoran♀ PM2B 029.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Nidoran♀'s back sprite with a design similar to its Blue sprite.
PM2B_030.CBB Nidorina PM2B 030.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Nidorina's early updated backsprite.
PM2B_031.CBB Nidoqueen PM2B 031.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Nidoqueen's early updated backsprite.
PM2B_032.CBB Nidoran♂ PM2B 032.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Nidoran♂'s back sprite with a design similar to its Blue sprite.
PM2B_033.CBB Nidorino PM2B 033.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Nidorino's early updated backsprite.
PM2B_034.CBB Nidoking PM2B 034.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_035.CBB Clefairy PM2B 035.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_036.CBB Clefable PM2B 036.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an earlier iteration of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_037.CBB Vulpix PM2B 037.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Vulpix's back sprite with a design similar to its Blue sprite.
PM2B_038.CBB Ninetales PM2B 038.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Ninetales' back sprite with a design similar to its Blue sprite.
PM2B_039.CBB Jigglypuff PM2B 039.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version of the final sprite, and a version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite with different shading. There is also a larger alternate version of the final sprite with stronger shading which would have made use of two shades of pink, as opposed to the final games' single one.
PM2B_040.CBB Wigglytuff PM2B 040.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_041.CBB Zubat PM2B 041.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Zubat's back sprite with a design similar to its Blue sprite.
PM2B_042.CBB Golbat PM2B 042.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_043.CBB Oddish PM2B 043.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_044.CBB Gloom PM2B 044.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_045.CBB Vileplume PM2B 045.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a cropped version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_046.CBB Paras PM2B 046.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_047.CBB Parasect PM2B 047.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_048.CBB Venonat PM2B 048.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_049.CBB Venomoth PM2B 049.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_050.CBB Diglett PM2B 050.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an uncropped version of said sprite.
PM2B_051.CBB Dugtrio PM2B 051.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an uncropped version of it, and a cropped version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_052.CBB Meowth PM2B 052.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite with different shading.
PM2B_053.CBB Persian PM2B 053.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_054.CBB Psyduck PM2B 054.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Psyduck's back sprite with a design similar to its Blue sprite.
PM2B_055.CBB Golduck PM2B 055.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Golduck's back sprite with a design similar to its Blue sprite.
PM2B_056.CBB Mankey PM2B 056.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_057.CBB Primape PM2B 057.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_058.CBB Growlithe PM2B 058.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_059.CBB Arcanine PM2B 059.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_060.CBB Poliwag PM2B 060.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a cropped version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_061.CBB Poliwhirl PM2B 061.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_062.CBB Poliwrath PM2B 062.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an uncropped version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_063.CBB Abra PM2B 063.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite with different shading.
PM2B_064.CBB Kadabra PM2B 064.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_065.CBB Alakazam PM2B 065.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Alakazam's early updated back sprite.
PM2B_066.CBB Machop PM2B 066.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_067.CBB Machoke PM2B 067.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_068.CBB Machamp PM2B 068.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Machamp's early updated back sprite.
PM2B_069.CBB Bellsprout PM2B 069.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_070.CBB Weepinbell PM2B 070.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_071.CBB Victreebel PM2B 071.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_072.CBB Tentacool PM2B 072.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_073.CBB Tentacruel PM2B 073.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_074.CBB Geodude PM2B 074.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_075.CBB Graveler PM2B 075.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_076.CBB Golem PM2B 076.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_077.CBB Ponyta PM2B 077.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and Rapidash's final back sprite.
PM2B_078.CBB Rapidash PM2B 078.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_079.CBB Slowpoke PM2B 079.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_080.CBB Slowbro PM2B 080.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_081.CBB Magnemite PM2B 081.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_082.CBB Magneton PM2B 082.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, Magnemite's final back sprite, and a rather polished early version of Magneton's back sprite which appears to be based on the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_083.CBB Farfetch'd PM2B 083.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_084.CBB Doduo PM2B 084.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_085.CBB Dodrio PM2B 085.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_086.CBB Seel PM2B 086.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_087.CBB Dewgong PM2B 087.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_088.CBB Grimer PM2B 088.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_089.CBB Muk PM2B 089.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_090.CBB Shellder PM2B 090.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_091.CBB Cloyster PM2B 091.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an early version of Cloyster's back sprite with a design similar to its Green sprite.
PM2B_092.CBB Gastly PM2B 092.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_093.CBB Haunter PM2B 093.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_094.CBB Gengar PM2B 094.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_095.CBB Onix PM2B 095.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and two instances of the Spaceworld '97 sprite, one of which is flipped on its side.
PM2B_096.CBB Drowzee PM2B 096.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an updated version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_097.CBB Hypno PM2B 097.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_098.CBB Krabby PM2B 098.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_099.CBB Kingler PM2B 099.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Kingler's early updated back sprite.
PM2B_100.CBB Voltorb PM2B 100.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_101.CBB Electrode PM2B 101.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an uncropped version of the final sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_102.CBB Exeggcute PM2B 102.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_103.CBB Exeggcutor PM2B 103.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_104.CBB Cubone PM2B 104.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_105.CBB Marowak PM2B 105.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_106.CBB Hitmonlee PM2B 106.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_107.CBB Hitmonchan PM2B 107.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_108.CBB Lickitung PM2B 108.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Lickitung's early updated backsprite.
PM2B_109.CBB Koffing PM2B 109.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_110.CBB Weezing PM2B 110.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_111.CBB Rhyhorn PM2B 111.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_112.CBB Rhydon PM2B 112.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Rhydon's early updated back sprite.
PM2B_113.CBB Chansey PM2B 113.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_114.CBB Tangela PM2B 114.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_115.CBB Kangaskhan PM2B 115.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_116.CBB Horsea PM2B 116.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_117.CBB Seadra PM2B 117.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Seadra's early updated back sprite.
PM2B_118.CBB Goldeen PM2B 118.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_119.CBB Seaking PM2B 119.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_120.CBB Staryu PM2B 120.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_121.CBB Starmie PM2B 121.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_122.CBB Mr.Mime PM2B 122.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate back sprite which appears to be based on the traditional mime trick of being trapped inside a box, with the back sprite itself being the box.
PM2B_123.CBB Scyther PM2B 123.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and two alternate back sprites, one being no more than an outline.
PM2B_124.CBB Jynx PM2B 124.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_125.CBB Electabuzz PM2B 125.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_126.CBB Magmar PM2B 126.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_127.CBB Pinsir PM2B 127.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite. The bottom half of the image is stock full of corruption.
PM2B_128.CBB Tauros PM2B 128.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_129.CBB Magikarp PM2B 129.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_130.CBB Gyarados PM2B 130.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_131.CBB Lapras PM2B 131.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_132.CBB Ditto PM2B 132.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_133.CBB Eevee PM2B 133.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_134.CBB Vaporeon PM2B 134.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_135.CBB Jolteon PM2B 135.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and a copy of Flareon's final back sprite.
PM2B_136.CBB Flareon PM2B 136.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_137.CBB Porygon PM2B 137.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_138.CBB Omanyte PM2B 138.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_139.CBB Omastar PM2B 139.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_140.CBB Kabuto PM2B 140.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_141.CBB Kabutops PM2B 141.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_142.CBB Aerodactyl PM2B 142.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_143.CBB Snorlax PM2B 143.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_144.CBB Articuno PM2B 144.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_145.CBB Zapdos PM2B 145.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_146.CBB Moltres PM2B 146.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_147.CBB Dratini PM2B 147.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_148.CBB Dragonair PM2B 148.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_149.CBB Dragonite PM2B 149.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_150.CBB Mewtwo PM2B 150.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_151.CBB Mew PM2B 151.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a rough alternate version of its back sprite.
PM2B_152.CBB Chikorita PM2B 152.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_153.CBB Bayleef PM2B 153.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_154.CBB Meganium PM2B 154.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PM2B_155.CBB Cyndaquil PM2B 155.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Honooguma's back sprite.
PM2B_156.CBB Quilava PM2B 156.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_157.CBB Typholosion PM2B 157.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Dynabeaa's back sprite.
PM2B_158.CBB Totodile PM2B 158.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Kurusu's back sprite.
PM2B_159.CBB Croconaw PM2B 159.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_160.CBB Feraligatr PM2B 160.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Akueria's back sprite.
PM2B_161.CBB Sentret PM2B 161.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Monja's back sprite.
PM2B_162.CBB Furret PM2B 162.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Gyopin.
PM2B_163.CBB Hoothoot PM2B 163.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_164.CBB Noctowl PM2B 164.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_165.CBB Ledyba PM2B 165.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_166.CBB Ledian PM2B 166.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite. The bottom row of the image appears to have some corruption.
PM2B_167.CBB Spinarak PM2B 167.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front and back sprites.
PM2B_168.CBB Ariados PM2B 168.CBB.w128.png Features the final front and back sprite and the Spaceworld '99 back sprite.
PM2B_169.CBB Crobat PM2B 169.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_170.CBB Chinchou PM2B 170.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_171.CBB Lanturn PM2B 171.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and Tsubomitto from Spaceworld '97.
PM2B_172.CBB Pichu PM2B 172.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite, an incomplete version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite, and Pichu's early back sprite design from June 1999.
PM2B_173.CBB Cleffa PM2B 173.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_174.CBB Igglybuff PM2B 174.CBB.w128.png Features two instances of the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front sprite.
PM2B_175.CBB Togepi PM2B 175.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate sprite based off the Spaceworld '97 back sprite.
PM2B_176.CBB Togetic PM2B 176.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Para's back sprite.
PM2B_177.CBB Natu PM2B 177.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_178.CBB Xatu PM2B 178.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_179.CBB Mareep PM2B 179.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front and back sprites.
PM2B_180.CBB Flaaffy PM2B 180.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front sprite.
PM2B_181.CBB Ampharos PM2B 181.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a very rough back sprite which appears to predate the one used in the Spaceworld '97 demo, instead looking extremely similar to Ampharos' sprite in the '97 Pocket Monsters Official Fanbook.
PM2B_182.CBB Bellossom PM2B 182.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_183.CBB Marill PM2B 183.CBB.w128.png Features the final front and back sprites and an alternate version of the final sprite with stronger shading which would have made use of two shades of blue, as opposed to the final games' single one.
PM2B_184.CBB Azumarill PM2B 184.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, Marill's final front sprite, and the aforementioned early Marill back sprite.
PM2B_185.CBB Sudowoodo PM2B 185.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a version of Kyonpan's back sprite which predates the Spaceworld '97 one.
PM2B_186.CBB Politoed PM2B 186.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and an unused back sprite resembling the alternate design seen in Politoed's Silver front sprite scratchpad. Possibly related to a similar-looking back sprite for what is assumed to be a frog Pokémon intended for Red and Green.
PM2B_187.CBB Hoppip PM2B 187.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_188.CBB Skiploom PM2B 188.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Skiploom's early back sprite from June 1999.
PM2B_189.CBB Jumpluff PM2B 189.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the back sprite of Jumpluff's early design from June 1999.
PM2B_190.CBB Aipom PM2B 190.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_191.CBB Sunkern PM2B 191.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and the back sprite of Tsubomitto from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
PM2B_192.CBB Sunflora PM2B 192.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front and back sprites.
PM2B_193.CBB Yanma PM2B 193.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Manboo 1's back sprite.
PM2B_194.CBB Wooper PM2B 194.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and Madame's back sprite.
PM2B_195.CBB Quagsire PM2B 195.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_196.CBB Espeon PM2B 196.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_197.CBB Umbreon PM2B 197.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_198.CBB Murkrow PM2B 198.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_199.CBB Slowking PM2B 199.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Slowking's early back sprite from June 1999.
PM2B_200.CBB Misdreavus PM2B 200.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_202.CBB Wobbuffet PM2B 202.CBB.w128.png Features two instances of the final sprite, a rough sketch for its back sprite, and Girafarig's back sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
PM2B_203.CBB Girafarig PM2B 203.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_204.CBB Pineco PM2B 204.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PM2B_205.CBB Forretress PM2B 205.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_206.CBB Dunsparce PM2B 206.CBB.w128.png Features two instances of the final sprite, a slightly less refined version of the final sprite, and a smaller, rather rough alternate sprite.
PM2B_207.CBB Gligar PM2B 207.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Animon's back sprite.
PM2B_208.CBB Steelix PM2B 208.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_209.CBB Snubbull PM2B 209.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_210.CBB Granbull PM2B 210.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Puchicorn's back sprite.
PM2B_211.CBB Qwilfish PM2B 211.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite.
PM2B_212.CBB Scizor PM2B 212.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_213.CBB Shuckle PM2B 213.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold front sprite.
PM2B_214.CBB Heracross PM2B 214.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, Heracross' early back sprite from June 1999, and a more refined version of this early back sprite using the final design.
PM2B_215.CBB Sneasel PM2B 215.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and the Spaceworld '97 backsprite.
PM2B_216.CBB Teddiursa PM2B 216.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Honooguma's back sprite.
PM2B_217.CBB Ursaring PM2B 217.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold front sprite.
PM2B_218.CBB Slugma PM2B 218.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite and Houndour's front and back sprites from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
PM2B_219.CBB Magcargo PM2B 219.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_220.CBB Swinub PM2B 220.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Taaban's front and back sprites.
PM2B_221.CBB Piloswine PM2B 221.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Taaban's front and back sprites.
PM2B_222.CBB Corsola PM2B 222.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_223.CBB Remoraid PM2B 223.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 sprite.
PM2B_224.CBB Octillery PM2B 224.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PM2B_225.CBB Delibird PM2B 225.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PM2B_226.CBB Mantine PM2B 226.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and the Spaceworld '97 front and back sprites.
PM2B_227.CBB Skarmory PM2B 227.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_228.CBB Houndour PM2B 228.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front and back sprites.
PM2B_229.CBB Houndoom PM2B 229.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '97 front and back sprites.
PM2B_230.CBB Kingdra PM2B 230.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_231.CBB Phanpy PM2B 231.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_232.CBB Donphan PM2B 232.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_233.CBB Porygon2 PM2B 233.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Porygon2's early back sprite from June 1999.
PM2B_234.CBB Stantler PM2B 234.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_235.CBB Smeargle PM2B 235.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_236.CBB Tyrogue PM2B 236.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 sprite and the Gold front sprite.
PM2B_237.CBB Hitmontop PM2B 237.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_238.CBB Smoochum PM2B 238.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_239.CBB Elekid PM2B 239.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, the Spaceworld '97 design, the sprite from the May 1998 back-up, and a copy of one of Elekid's arms in a corner.
PM2B_240.CBB Magby PM2B 240.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_241.CBB Miltank PM2B 241.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 front and back sprites.
PM2B_242.CBB Blissey PM2B 242.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and a version of the Spaceworld '97 sprite with different shading.
PM2B_243.CBB Raikou PM2B 243.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Spaceworld '99 sprite.
PM2B_244.CBB Entei PM2B 244.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_245.CBB Suicune PM2B 245.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_246.CBB Larvitar PM2B 246.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Gold front sprite.
PM2B_247.CBB Pupitar PM2B 247.CBB.w128.png Features the final international sprite.
PM2B_248.CBB Tyranitar PM2B 248.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_249.CBB Lugia PM2B 249.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite and Lugia's early back sprite from June 1999.
PM2B_250.CBB Ho-Oh PM2B 250.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_251.CBB Celebi PM2B 251.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite, an alternate version of the Silver front sprite, the Spaceworld '99 sprite, and a rough sketch of the final back sprite.
PM2B_UNA.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNA.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNB.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNB.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNC.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNC.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UND.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UND.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNE.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNE.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNF.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNF.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNG.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNG.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNH.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNH.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNI.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNI.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNJ.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNJ.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNK.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNK.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNL.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNL.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNM.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNM.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNN.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNN.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNO.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNO.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNP.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNP.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNQ.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNQ.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNR.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNR.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNS.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNS.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNT.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNT.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNU.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNU.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNV.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNV.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNW.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNW.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNX.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNX.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNY.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNY.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.
PM2B_UNZ.CBB.w128 Unown PM2B UNZ.CBB.w128.png Features the final sprite.


Internal Name Character Name Scratchpad File Notes
P2DL_001.CBB Falkner P2DL 001.w128.png Features the final sprite alongside one similar to the final design, albeit with slightly different hair, clothing, and pose.
P2DL_002.CBB Whitney P2DL 002.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Yellow sprites for Brock and Misty, albeit slightly edited as to remove her ponytail.
P2DL_003.CBB Bugsy P2DL 003.w128.png Features the final sprite and a sprite of Whitney that is almost identical to the final one except for her facial expression.
P2DL_004.CBB Morty P2DL 004.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Rival sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
P2DL_005.CBB Pryce P2DL 005.w128.png Features the final sprite, a sprite of Bugsy, and the almost finalized sprite of Whitney.
P2DL_006.CBB Jasmine P2DL 006.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_007.CBB Chuck P2DL 007.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_008.CBB Clair P2DL 008.w128.png Features the final sprite and a rough edit of Jasmine's sprite, with only the head having been modified. The sprite of Jasmine used here also appears to be an earlier one, as the shading is rougher than on the final sprite.
P2DL_009.CBB Rival P2DL 009.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Rival sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
P2DL_010.CBB Professor Oak P2DL 010.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_011.CBB Will P2DL 011.w128.png Features the final sprite, alongside an updated version of Giovanni's Generation I sprite with a touched-up face and more Generation II-like shading.
P2DL_012.CBB Gold P2DL 012.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_013.CBB Bruno P2DL 013.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_014.CBB Karen P2DL 014.w128.png Features the final sprite, as well as an earlier version of Karen's sprite which lacks shading and some of the detailing on her hair, legs, and Poké Ball. Also contains two cut sprites of Lorelei from Generation I's Elite Four, with the one in the top-right corner being used in the Spaceworld '99 demo.
P2DL_015.CBB Koga P2DL 015.w128.png Features the final sprite, another sprite of Lorelei not found in the previous sheet, and a cut sprite of Agatha from Generation I's Elite Four which was used in the Spaceworld '99 demo.
P2DL_016.CBB Lance P2DL 016.w128.png Features the final sprite and a sprite of Falkner.
P2DL_017.CBB Brock P2DL 017.w128.png Features the final sprite and a sprite of Misty that is almost identical to the final one except for her facial expression.
P2DL_018.CBB Misty P2DL 018.w128.png Features the final sprite and the almost finalized sprite of Whitney.
P2DL_019.CBB Lt. Surge P2DL 019.w128.png Features the final sprite and a sprite of Falkner.
P2DL_020.CBB Scientist P2DL 020.w128.png Features the final sprite, a sprite of the PokéManiac, and the updated Kurt sprite.
P2DL_021.CBB Erika P2DL 021.w128.png Features the final sprite and the almost finalized sprite of Whitney.
P2DL_022.CBB Youngster P2DL 022.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Youngster sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
P2DL_023.CBB Schoolboy P2DL 023.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_024.CBB Bird Keeper P2DL 024.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Cooltrainer, Pokémaniac, and updated Kurt sprites.
P2DL_025.CBB Lass P2DL 025.w128.png Features two instances of the final sprite.
P2DL_026.CBB Janine P2DL 026.w128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate one whose pose is directly based on Koga's Generation I sprite.
P2DL_027.CBB Cooltrainer P2DL 027.w128.png Features the final sprite and the male Cooltrainer sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo. Also contains an earlier version of the female Cooltrainer which lacks shading on the hair and has a different color scheme for her clothes.
P2DL_028.CBB Cooltrainer P2DL 028.w128.png Features the final sprite and the female Cooltrainer sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
P2DL_029.CBB Beauty P2DL 029.w128.png Features the final sprite and the modified one that was used in the international release.
P2DL_030.CBB PokéManiac P2DL 030.w128.png Features the final sprite and the almost finalized sprite of Whitney.
P2DL_031.CBB Rocket P2DL 031.w128.png Features the final sprite and the PokéManiac sprite.
P2DL_032.CBB Gentleman P2DL 032.w128.png Features the final sprite and the male Rocket sprite.
P2DL_033.CBB Skier P2DL 033.w128.png Features the final sprite and three sprites for the unused male Teacher class (the one from Spaceworld '97, the updated one, and an earlier/alternate attempt at the updated sprite).
P2DL_034.CBB Teacher P2DL 034.w128.png Features the final sprite and an updated version of the female Teacher sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo. This sprite namely removes the horse whip, shifts her torso to the right, and has touched-up legs and an updated face.
P2DL_035.CBB Sabrina P2DL 035.w128.png Features the final sprite, the updated male Teacher sprite, and the PokéManiac sprite.
P2DL_036.CBB Bug Catcher P2DL 036.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_037.CBB Fisher P2DL 037.w128.png Features the final sprite used in the international release, and the sprites for Sabrina and the PokéManiac.
P2DL_038.CBB Swimmer♂ P2DL 038.w128.png Features the final sprite and the sprite for Sabrina.
P2DL_039.CBB Swimmer♀ P2DL 039.w128.png Features the final sprite and the modified one that was used in the international release.
P2DL_040.CBB Sailor P2DL 040.w128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate one featuring a different pose more akin to that of the Generation I Sailor.
P2DL_041.CBB Super Nerd P2DL 041.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Super Nerd sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
P2DL_042.CBB Rival P2DL 042.w128.png Features the final sprite as well as the alternate one which is used during the battle against him in Mt. Moon. Also contains the Spaceworld '97 sprite for the Engineer.
P2DL_043.CBB Guitarist P2DL 043.w128.png Features the final sprite and an unfinished edited version of the Rocker's Generation I sprite, with him holding a guitar and having a messed-up face.
P2DL_044.CBB Hiker P2DL 044.w128.png Features the final sprite and an alternate one featuring a different pose.
P2DL_045.CBB Biker P2DL 045.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_046.CBB Blaine P2DL 046.w128.png Features the final sprite and a sprite of the PokéManiac.
P2DL_047.CBB Burglar P2DL 047.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_048.CBB Firebreather P2DL 048.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_049.CBB Juggler P2DL 049.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_050.CBB Blackbelt P2DL 050.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_051.CBB Rocket P2DL 051.w128.png Features the final sprite for the male Rocket Executive, the sprite of the female Rocket Executive, and the updated Sportsman sprite.
P2DL_052.CBB Psychic P2DL 052.w128.png Features the final sprite alongside one similar to the final design, albeit with a straighter ahoge, and an outfit more akin to the one of the Generation I Psychic.
P2DL_053.CBB Picnicker P2DL 053.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_054.CBB Camper P2DL 054.w128.png Features the final sprite and the sprite of the Picnicker.
P2DL_055.CBB Rocket P2DL 055.w128.png Features the final sprite for the female Rocket Executive and the sprite of Blaine's unused design from Generation I.
P2DL_056.CBB Sage P2DL 056.w128.png Features the final sprite used in the international release.
P2DL_057.CBB Medium P2DL 057.w128.png Features the final sprite used in the international release and the Medium sprite from the Spaceworld '97 demo.
P2DL_058.CBB Boarder P2DL 058.w128.png Features the final sprite and the Skier sprite. Also present is a modified sprite for the Soldier, a trainer class only found in the Spaceworld '97 demo (albeit here with missing shading and shorter arms).
P2DL_059.CBB PokéFan P2DL 059.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_060.CBB Kimono Girl P2DL 060.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_061.CBB Twins P2DL 061.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_062.CBB PokéFan P2DL 062.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_063.CBB Red P2DL 063.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_064.CBB Blue P2DL 064.w128.png Features the final sprite.
P2DL_065.CBB Officer P2DL 065.w128.png Features the final sprite and the sprite of the female Rocket.
P2DL_066.CBB Rocket P2DL 066.w128.png Features the final sprite.