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Gravity Falls: Take Back the Falls

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Title Screen

Gravity Falls: Take Back the Falls

Developer: Bamtang
Publisher: Disney Mobile
Platform: HTML5
Released in US: February 17, 2016

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

To do:
  • Broken sandbox debug mode, USE_SANBOX would enable it but a lot of the code for it is stripped from release. Maybe you could use code from Hero Trip and/or The Great Stanmobile Escape to restore it.
  • Revisional differences, there were 5.

An exclusive gameisode from the Watch Disney XD app, based off the final episode of the show.

In November it also became available on Disney LOL as well as web browsers outside the app, freeing Canadians from pointless geoblocking.

Unused Audio

To do:
There may be more.

js/config/config.js mentions audio files for the game to use with configuration settings for each entry, some are defined in animation JSONs, and others managed to just be left in the game server.

Filename Audio Configuration Description
"loops": 1,
"vol": 1,
"ios": 0,
"instances": 1
Possibly a game over quote for playing as him.
None Possibly a game over quote for playing as her.
vo_gfw_mabel_tryagain2.ogg 300px
"loops": 1,
"vol": 1,
"ios": 0,
"instances": 1
Possibly a game over quote for playing as her.
None Probably was a game over quote or one that plays when losing to him.
"loops": 1,
"vol": 1,
"ios": 0,
"instances": 1
Probably was a game over quote or one that plays when losing to him.
None Probably was a game over quote or one that plays when losing to him.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Text

To do:
Maybe some of these are carried from other HTML5 games from Bamtang.

js/config/strings.js contains the game's text with a number of entries that aren't used anywhere.

String ID Text Note
STR_L_HTML5 This game uses HTML5. If it loads but does not run, please update your web browser. Probably an HTML5 lockout message.
STR_INFO HTML5 ENGINES Credits for open-source engines?
STR_PLAY Play Alternative play button?
STR_CONTINUE Continue Continue button?
STR_INFO_SCORE Score A different score display?
STR_TESTS_SOUND SoundTest Probably a sound test button.
STR_ENDLEVEL_COLLECT2 /4 Related to calculating four level collectibles?
STR_ENDLEVEL_COLLECT1 % Related to calculating level collectibles?
STR_ENDLEVEL_COLLECT_TITLE Collectibles Related to calculating level collectibles?
STR_CONFIRM_TITLE Confirm Some confirm?
STR_CONFIRM_TEXT Are you sure? Some confirm?
STR_QUIT_TITLE Quit? Some quit confirm?
STR_QUIT_TEXT Are you sure you want to quit? Some quit confirm?

Debug Keys

All releases of the game can detect special keypresses which probably wouldn't be done on a phone.

Key Effect
1 Draws collision boxes of UI buttons and playfield elements.
2 Adds two enemies.
3 Broken due to forgetting to call the skin parameter. Tries to create HUD FX 1 at 600,600.
4 Advances to the next room.
8 Silently unlocks the Heavy Metal achievement for your profile.
9 Kills all onscreen enemies.
0 Swaps the current onscreen player with the opposing Pines' twin, HUD doesn't change accordingly and the game still considers you as your original player.
Q Toggles Extra Armor.
W Toggles Extra Damage.
E Toggles Bouncer.
R Toggles Blast.
T Toggles Reflective Shield.
Y Toggles Forcefield Breaker.
U Toggles Shockwave Punch.
I Toggles Bomb Enemies.
O Toggles Invulnerability.
P Toggles Shadow Clone.
A Toggles Super Dash.
S Toggles Cat Eruption.
Z Activates the Soos assist.
X Activates the Stanley assist.
C Activates the Wendy assist.
V Activates the Stanford assist.
M Jumps to the end of the game.

Internal Project Name

The game is internally referred to as GFW[1], while GF is quite obviously Gravity Falls, W likely means Weirdmageddon, in reference to the second and third prototypes and/or the folder of the game. It could also be Punch[2].


  1. vo_gfw*.ogg
  2. GamePunch classes