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Gravity Falls: Waddles Food Fever

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Title Screen

Gravity Falls: Waddles Food Fever

Developer: Doubleleft[1][2]
Publisher: Disney Mobile
Platform: HTML5
Released in US: June 6, 2015[2]

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

To do:
Check for unused textures.

An exclusive game from the Watch Disney XD mobile app, where you help Mabel launch Waddles as far as possible while taking advantage of whatever comes in the-


Development Path

Versions 3 and the final release (4) include a JavaScript source mapping file as an embedded base64 encoded JSON, exposing the local source paths of the game's development environment.


Unused Sounds

Some audio files are mentioned in the audio list but never get used in the game's code, mostly being sound clips from the episode.

Filename Audio Description
Dipper feeling pain.
Dipper feeling pain again, but harder.
Mabel probably giving her best hug to something, probably Waddles.
Mabel introducing herself.
The name speaks for itself.
Grunkle Stan grunting.
Soos doing Soos things. Added in version 2.
Waddles squealing, perhaps it was meant to be another of his screams.

Debugging Material

To do:
More debug tools, animation player, effect player, HUD setup, scenario viewer (free camera) and workbench (in-game editor?). Can't seem to get them working.

wl.app.settings contains variables for debug flags. Enabling them should be done before bootup, otherwise set the value in wl.app.settings.current instead. On older revisions, substitute wl.app for n and current for o.

Cheat Keys

To do:
Newer releases do not seem to detect keypresses, but the debug key logic is still usable.

Setting the cheat flag before bootup allows the following cheat keys to be used during gameplay.

Key Effect
1 Activates Candy Rain.
2 Activates Super Waddles.
3 Adds a time machine.
Space Sets the delta scale to 0.1 or 1.
A Sets the next assist character to Grunkle Stan.
S Sets the next assist character to Candy and Grenda.
D Sets the next assist character to Pacifica.
F Sets the next assist character to Soos.
G Sets the next assist character to Wendy.
H Sets the next assist character to Dipper.
Q Increases the delta scale by 0.1, speeding up the game flow.
W Decreases the delta scale by 0.1, slowing down the game flow, does not go beyond 0.

Hitbox Display

Setting the debug flag before bootup displays hitboxes of food and character interactions.

GF WaddlesFoodFever CollisionDisplay.png

Sound Naming Oddities

The sound files for Mabel's lines usually start with mable, It isn't the case for the below sounds as they are all sounds of Wendy.


Revisional Differences

While it's not possible to know exactly when these versions were released, the images of the game do contain metadata timestamps we could relate to.

Version 2 (2015-06-25)

To do:
More changes, better description? The gamepack1, home and ui texture sheets were changed.
  • The "Amazing" voice line was added for Dipper.
  • The "All ideas are good ideas!" voice line was added to the list of random lines said by Mabel.
  • The "Gaaah" voice line was added for Wendy.
  • The "Hi I'm Mabel!" voice line was added although wasn't used yet.
  • The "Jackpot!" voice line was added for Wendy.
  • The "Just do it!" voice line was added to the list of random lines said by Mabel.
  • The "Waaadles!" voice line was added for the time machine.
  • The "So far so good!" voice line was added to play on ending the game.
  • The "Guys, look!" voice line was added for Soos.
  • The "Kiiids!" voice line was added for Grunkle Stan.
  • The highest distance is recorded.
  • The first scene of Mabel's texture sheet uses mabelLost01_0001.png instead.
  • The power direction is taken.
  • The calculation for temporary powerups is more dependent.
  • Keyboard inputs are also toggled when pausing, this has no actual use but prevents cheat keys from being from being used in it.
  • When flying, the boost flag is on.
  • When airborne, the best distance, is hidden.
  • A check was added to stop candy rain.
  • The probability to spawn a character was changed to 50.
  • Food is spawned to benefit the predicted position of Waddles, instead of the absolute.
  • Food collected plays the click SFX.
  • Food collected from Candy Rain plays the click SFX.
  • Moving food moves at a faster rate.
  • Moving gnomes no longer have shadows.
  • Upon hitting gnomes, they are added to the parent view.
  • The range of Soos' activation box is increased 70->90.
  • The flag for Pacifica getting Waddles is set.
  • The "Hummm" voice line was added for Mabel picking up Waddles.
  • The logic for playing a random Mabel line was altered.
  • The Y offset of particles and the trail is always set to 5 per update.
  • The throw announcer and best distance updates.
  • "Tap to boost" uses a touch texture as well.
  • The next throw popup is affected by pauses.
  • The debug flag now immediately loads the game.
  • The spacing of the loading screen is different.

Version 3 (2015-06-29)

To do:
More changes? The gamepack1, and ui texture sheets were changed.
  • The numbers of the loading screen are sharper.
  • Ingame achievements were being in development.

Version 4 (2015-07-03)

To do:
More changes? The ui texture sheet was changed.
  • The numbers of the loading screen are sharper.
  • Ingame achievements were added.
  • The pause menu layout was changed to include the main menu button and properly reflect achievements earned during the playthrough, similar to Angry Birds.

Internal Project Name

The game is internally referred to as Waddles[3], who would've guessed.
