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Gravity Falls: The Great Stanmobile Escape

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Title Screen

Gravity Falls: The Great Stanmobile Escape

Developer: Bamtang
Publisher: Disney Games
Platform: HTML5
Released in US: April 2015

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Broken sandbox build. It also contains two copies of unstripped game code even commented for sandbox tests.
  • Inaccessible debug utilities, probably possible to restore, logic to detect cheat keys is dummied (even in the unstripped code) but the functions and logic for their responses remain.

I'll tell you a good story. It's called,

'Grunkle Stan escapes the US Government'!

Developer Copyright

js/config/levels.js and js/config/swit_entry_point.js contain a copyright message.

//  Assets.js
//  Copyright (c) 2014, Bamtang Games. All Rights Reserved.
//  SwitEntryPoint.js
//  Copyright (c) 2014, Bamtang Games. All Rights Reserved.

Inaccessible Debugging Material

Cheats has an enabled value, set by USE_CHEATS in Application; setting it to true allows ingame cheats to be used, as well as a cheats menu to be accessible from the main menu and in-game. Unfortunately the logic is dummied, making them have no effect.

Possible Debug Keys

The function that detects debug keys is stripped but the buttons on the cheats menu actually trigger keypresses instead of triggering the actual code, making it possible to see the original debug keys. The only one accessible on the main menu is the first one.

Key Possible Effect
U Unlocks everything.
1 Shows collision, Bamtang tends to use this key in multiple games.
T Pause motion.
I Invulnerability.
S Slow motion.
F Frenzy mode.
W Instant win.

Internal Project Name

The game is internally referred to as gs [1] or G, which is probably short for Grunkle Stan which can also be seen in the game configuration[2]. It interestingly didn't use Bamtang's naming convention for Gravity Falls projects. It's possible it's also Brawler[3], note that internal name was used for Rumble's Revenge, perhaps it was used as a base and/or shared similar code.


  1. *_gs.ogg
  2. configGrunkle
  3. function GameBrawler/BRW