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Proto:Shadowgate (NES)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Shadowgate (NES).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Forestofillusion.com logo.png  This was documented on Forest of Illusion.

A Japanese prototype of Shadowgate was released by Forest of Illusion on July 3, 2022. The build is dated November 1988, roughly a few weeks before the lotcheck submission, and is almost complete.

General Differences

Proto Final
ShadowgateKemcoProto.png ShadowgateKemcoFinal.png

The Kemco logo is brighter, save for the outlines.

Proto Final
Shadowgate8811ProtoTitle.png Shadowgate-title.png

The title screen contains an additional copyright of 1987, the year the original computer game was released, above the main copyright info. The gap it occupied wasn't filled in for the final, making it look a bit odd. In addition, the main copyright was bumped up a year, and a trademark was added to the logo.

  • Some room transitions to the left display the animation for going to the right.
  • The sprites for Bottle 1 and Bottle 2 are swapped.
  • The animation of the slab moving downwards after giving the skeleton the scepter cuts abruptly.
  • The bridge in the demon statue room has no animation for appearing.
  • The behemoth has no animation for going down.
  • The music doesn't change after defeating the Warlock.
  • Some things happen in a different order, such as the flashing and the disappearance of the wraith.

Gameplay Differences

  • Pressing Select in the final offers tips in a few rooms. This feature seems to be missing in the proto.
  • Torches last 48 moves. This was boosted to 60 for the final.
  • The Spell menu isn't shown when one is learned.
  • The shark in the lake room and the fireball used against the wyvern move much slower.
  • The stone containing the holy water is accessed by using "Open" instead of "Use".
  • The silver orb is visible the whole time and can be grabbed without completing the cylinder puzzle.
  • The well leading to the river Styx can be opened by using "Open" on the lid or using the handle. In the proto, the former option isn't possible until the lid has been opened once.

Text Differences

Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!
To do:
Is there more?

A bunch of the script was revised for the final game.

Proto Final
あのまおう ワーロック!!
あのまおう ワーロック!!
Proto (Translation) Final (Translation)
The Druid said to me,
"If the prophecy is true, our world will melt away into darkness.
The detestable mastermind behind this plot is
none other than Warlock, the demon-king!
"If the prophecy is true, our world will melt away into darkness.
The detestable mastermind behind this plot is
none other than Warlock, the demon-king!
Proto Final
Proto (Translation) Final (Translation)
He is attempting to awaken the Behemoth,
the most terrible of the Titans, from its sleep,
so that he may do with the world whatever he pleases!
From within a castle known as Shadowgate,
he is attempting to awaken the Behemoth,
the most terrible of the Titans, from its sleep,
so that he may do with the world whatever he pleases!

The prototype version doesn't mention where exactly the Warlock is attempting to carry his scheme out from, which is kind of important.

Proto Final
Proto (Translation) Final (Translation)
The only one who can put an end to his
scheme is one of the royal bloodline...
yes, you!
The only one who can put an end to
his scheme is one of the royal bloodline...
yes, you!

Minor formatting change.

Proto Final
・・・それがわたしの しめい だ!!
・・・いかなる しょうかいものりこえ
それがわたしのはたすべきしめい なのだ!!
Proto (Translation) Final (Translation)
I will overcome all obstacles in my way!
And I will defeat the demon-king!
...It is my duty!
...I will overcome all obstacles in my way
and defeat the demon-king...
It is a duty I must fulfill!