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Super Mario World (SNES)/Различия между версиями

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This page is a translated version of the page Super Mario World (SNES)/Version Differences and the translation is 56% complete.
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Это доп. страница статьи Super Mario World (SNES).

Что нужно:
Доработать перевод

Заглавный экран

Япония США, Европа (Rev 0) Европа (Rev 1)
SMW96JP.png SMW96US.png SMW96EU.png

Логотип игры был перерисован в международной версии. Японское лого очень похоже на Super Mario Bros. 3, которое представляет с собой совсем большие тени и маленькие O нежели международная версия. В международной версии уникальный символ трейдмака был заменён обычными синими буквами. Деревянные края изображены более детально и даже информация копирайта был обновлён. Так как европейская версия отображает все 240 строк вертикально, края были расширены.

Каждая версия имеет свои вариации файлов с 96 путями. Японская версия ничего специального не помечает, северноамериканская версия помечает звездой и европейская версия даёт 96 синюю палитру.

In addition to these changes, the intro screen upon starting a new game dissolves automatically in the Japanese version after the jingle has ended. In other versions, the player can let the text box remain on screen until a button is pressed. This also applies to the text in the Switch Palaces.

Япония Международная
Толстый... ...и Тонкий

Несколько символов в шрифте выбора файла были перерисованы в международной версии. Это затронуло буквы A и B, и номера - 1 и 2.


Дружелюбная ловля

It's possible for Yoshi to eat the dolphins in the Japanese version, but not in the international versions. Gameplay change or localization? Who's to say? Actually, it may have been to prevent the player from getting stuck having to swim through the level with the puffer fish if Yoshi eats too many of the dolphins. So it could make the level easier. This change was undone for all versions of the GBA port.

Графические изменения

Япония Международная
Нет почты для Йоши Погодь, Йоши может писать?

В добавок со стандартным переводом имени Йоши, международная версия также добавило немного оттенка в знаке.

Япония Международная
Baba bui ROCKIN'

Ещё локализационные изменения в графиках.

Япония Международная
Вы имели ввиду Kuppa? Интересно, где находится замок Боузера

И опять. The lights to the side were also spread further apart to squeeze in the new name.

Japan International
Rescued yet again.
One kiss, coming right up!
Better go get a facelift, Princess.
Seriously, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?

Oddly enough, two of Princess Peach's sprites look less polished in the international version — one that is used when she walks over to Mario after defeating Bowser (though not when she arrives at Yoshi's house after the credits) and one used when she kisses Mario.

Изменения в уровнях

Несколько изменении были внесены в уровни из оригинальной версии, чтобы сделать игру легче. Порт на GBA оставила изменения для всех версии.

Donut Plains 2

Япония Международная
Три - это компания... ...а четыре - корпорация

Дополнительный жёлтый блок "!" был добавлен в начале уровня.

Donut Secret House

Япония Ну и отстой, конечно, дом
Международная Призрачные работы

Стены в конце двух главных комнат чуть-чуть были расширены чтобы поместить целый экран.

(Источник: Smallhacker)

Vanilla Dome 1


This turn block with a feather in it is a normal turn block in the Japanese release.

(Source: Smallhacker)

Lemmy's Castle

В международной версии лимит времени был изменён с 300 секунд на 400 секунд.

Chocolate Island 3

Япония Международная
Может мне пойти дальше? Тоесть вы хотите чтобы я пошёл дальше

Секретный выход в Chocolate Island 3 (обязательно нужно идти дальше) был сделан более очевидно, добавив ещё две таблички со стрелкой.

Ghost Ship

Bing bing bing

The three 1-up mushrooms at the bottom of the Ghost Ship are not present in the Japanese version.


Japan Stringent on time
International Green berries are good berries

There are only 3 green berries in the Japanese version. The international versions changed 6 of the red berries to green berries, bringing the total up to 9: this resulted (for 20 seconds per berry), in 60 seconds in the Japanese release, and 180 seconds in the international releases.

Япония You are super grammar
Международная Это тоже делает игру легче

Ингриш в японской версии был исправлен в международной версии. В результате, это изменение сдвинуло "YOU ARE" на лево.

Special World Names

In the Japanese version, every two levels have the same name, instead of using 1980s slang words.

Japan International
おたのしみコース (Enjoyment Course) Gnarly/Tubular
Japan International
マリオスタッフもビックリコース (Even the Mario Staff is Surprised Course) Way Cool/Awesome
Japan International
スペシャリストのためのコース (Course for the Specialists) Groovy/Mondo
Japan International
チャンピオンシップのコース (Championship Course) Outrageous/Funky

Изменения в карте

Цифры в наименовании уровней в японский версии используют ту же графику, что и счётчик жизней. В международной версии цифры - часть шрифта.

Japan International
You are number one! Font shenanigans

Four levels in the Japanese version have extraneous numbers that were removed from other versions of the game:

Pressing L and R to reenter beaten castles/fortresses doesn't work in the Japanese version.


Japan I'm totally a total programmer
International Did Dayv Brooks make the dolphins inedible?

The credits has a number of changes:

  • "Total Director" changed to "Main Director."
  • The "Map" in "Map Director" was pushed further to the right.
  • "Course Director" changed to "Area Director."
  • "Player and System Programer" changed to "Mario and System Programmer."
  • All other instances of "Programer" were changed to have the correct spelling.
  • "Back Ground" changed to "Background."
  • "Course Editor" changed to "Area Data Input"(?!)
  • "C.G. Designer" changed to "Character Graphic Designer."
  • The spacing of the credits were changed to add a new name, "Dayv Brooks", to the Special Thanks list.
  • A colon was added to "Special Thanks."
  • Hiroshi Yamauchi's name was moved further to the right.
Japan International
Killer Bill More detail = more fun

The enemy cast list in the Japanese version does not have different names for the post-Funky enemies. This was a feature added to the International versions.

Различия в Nintendo Super System

Версия Super Mario World, выпущенная для Nintendo Super System, поимела чутка изменении, чтобы более подходить на аркадную игру.

Ah, yes. SRAM powered by the honor system.

  • The most major change was the removal of the save system. Instead, you get to choose which world you start in from the title screen. If a world other than the first is chosen, the game unlocks the standard path through all previous castles (also unlocking all switch palaces of the previous worlds) up until the first level of the chosen world. As with SMA2, Sunken Ghost Ship is considered the first level of world 7.
  • If the player begins the game from the first world, the opening scene moves onto the map screen automatically, instead of waiting for the player's input.
  • For obvious reasons, the message in the switch palaces was altered to remove the reference to saving.
  • The ability to exit previously beaten levels with Start+Select was removed. The exact reason for this isn't clear.
  • The message box in the sub-level of Yoshi's Island 4 was removed as it described the Start+Select trick. This is the only change the NSS version did to any of the level data.
  • During the castle destruction cutscenes, one can now press any key to make the next line of text instantly appear (or instantly end the cutscene if all have been displayed already), essentially allowing you to speed up the cutscenes. Seeing as you pay for the play time on the NSS, this was probably added to prevent people from complaining about the game wasting your money by not letting you skip them. However, this feature was quite clumsily implemented and has two bugs:
    • If you press a key, the next line doesn't appear until you let go of the key. This allows you to pause the text reveal indefinitely.
    • Because how the timing works, the rubble in Iggy's, Morton's, Lemmy's and Roy's cutscenes won't show up until somewhere between line 1 and 2. Being able to pause the text thus also allows you to pause the rubble appearing while the smoke animates as normal. As a result, the smoke can clear without the rubble being present (making the flag float in the air) until the key is released, at which point the rubble pops into existence.
  • During a two-player game, players can no longer exchange extra lives with each other.