Thunder Force V Perfect System
Thunder Force V Perfect System |
Developer: Tecnosoft
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
Thunder Force V Perfect System is an enhanced port of the Saturn version of Thunder Force V. It's also the only version of the game to be released outside of Japan.
Bonus Text Three text files present in the "OMAKE" directory. |
Developer's Message
Present in SLUS_007.27 in the US version:
Address | Text | Translated |
0x0050A0 | 休みくれ~、叫びながらどっかに走って行きて~!! | Give me a holiday, I want to run somewhere while screaming at the top of my lungs!! |
Present in SLPS_014.06 in the Japanese version:
Address | Text | Translated |
0x005204 | 休みくれ~、叫びながらどっかに走って行きて~!! | Give me a holiday, I want to run somewhere while screaming at the top of my lungs!! |
0x005238 | 腹減った~!! | I'm hungry!! |
Development-Related Text
Present at RAM address 0x800117D4.
W-EXP / %d PAGE %d/%d DRAM DUMP SCRATCH PAD DUMP %08X:%08X %08X %08X %08X Context=%d %s=%08lX PC=%08lX
Bonus Images
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
Present in the "OMAKE" directory.
Transcription | Translation |
Thunder Force 222部隊を、作戦目的地である人工島Babelに可能な限り近い地点まで輸送するために設計されたステルス輸送機。中央に1機、左右両翼に各3機づつ、計7機のRVR-01 Gauntletを収納可能。Guardianの超干渉能力を避けるため、中央に格納されたReffiにより直接機体の航法制御を行う。また、機体の素材にはNaイオンと紫外線により過剰劣化する物質が混入されており、Gauntletの発進後は海面に着水し、およそ12時間後に完全に消滅
--本作戦の秘匿性を維持する仕様となっている。 (This text has wrong spell, "各3機づつ" -> "各3機ずつ") |
A stealth transport designed to carry Thunder Force 222 as close as possible to the artificial island of Babel, the area of operations. It can carry a total of 7 RVR-01 Gauntlets; 1 in the center, 3 on each wing. In order to protect itself from the intense jamming abilities of the Guardian, flight control is handled directly by Reffi, stored in the center of the craft. Its structure also has sodium ion and UV-sensitive additives, and is programmed to crash into the water after launching the Gauntlets, ensuring complete destruction after around 12 hours.
This maintains the confidentiality of the mission. |
Transcription | Translation |
E.S.S.A 石華 - sekika - 冥王星外部のカイパーベルト |
E.S.S.A. Sekika An unmanned spacecraft launched by the Earth State Space Administration (E.S.S.A.) to survey the composition of the Kuiper Belt, which is beyond Pluto (also called the Comet's Nest). |
D ZAKO01.png
Text | Translation |
やってきて |
Comes on screen |
水平に180° 回転 おしりを相手に向ける |
Turns 180° horizontally with its back to the player |
後部につけている、ポッドを開き 水平にレーザーを発射 発射後はポッドを閉め そのまま画面右へ出ていく。 |
Pods on its back open Lasers fire horizontally After firing, the pods close and the unit flies to the right and leaves the screen. |
直線型レーザー |
Linear laser |
Text | Translation |
小ザコのロボを やっつけると... うわー |
When you destroy the small robot mobs... Ahhhh |
大ザコのロボ出現!! うわービックリ |
A big robot mob appears!! Wow, so scary! |
自機の周りを旋回しながら攻撃 |
They attack while circling around the player |
小ザコロボ |
Small robot mob |
レーザーをうっているときは 前方から攻撃のチャンスです! |
There's an opportunity to attack it from the front when it's firing the laser! |
画面右はしで自機のうつ弾を 前方につんでいる輪でうけとめて 自分のエネルギーにしている。 一定エネルギーたまると前方にエネルギー波を 出す サンダーソードなどを吸収できる。 |
Shots fired towards the right side of the screen by the player are stopped by the ring on the front of this enemy, which absorbs the energy and makes it its own. When it absorbs a certain amount of energy, it can fire an energy wave. Can absorb things like the Thunder Sword. |
エネルギー波 |
Energy wave |
エネルギーがたまると ここの色が赤くなっていく |
This part turns red when charged with energy |
前方からの攻撃は無 (illegible) |
Attacks from the front are (illegible, probably "nullified") |
リングの中の エネルギー吸収板 がきえる |
The energy-absorbing screen inside the ring disappears |
リングを4分割して 開く そしてレーザー 発射 |
The ring splits into 4, opens, then fires a laser |
D ZAKO03.png
This picture's letter is too small.
Text | Translation |
そのまま進んでいると、一回探しながら すばやく自機と水平にリングが4つ並ぶ |
When proceeding, it will search once and line up 4 rings horizontal to the player |
次の瞬間その4つのリングを 通ってレーザーが飛んでくる |
It will then fire a laser through the 4 rings |
数回繰り返し |
Repeat several times |
画面上にリングが4つ浮いていて ゆっくり 上下にうごいている(リングの当たり判定はなし) |
4 floating rings on screen that slowly move up and down (no hitbox on rings) |
案2 |
Idea 2 |
攻撃範囲 |
Attack range |
リングには捕捉範囲があり その範囲に自機が入ると、自機と 水平についてきます |
The rings have a tracking area where the rings will track the player vertically if they enter the area |
4つすべてのリングに捕捉され るとその瞬間にレーザーが とんでくる |
The instant the 4 rings are tracking the player, a laser will fire |
ステージ6 |
Stage 6 |
無数の玉が前がういている(破壊可能) |
Many floating spheres in front (Destroyable) |
1つでも破壊すると... |
If even one gets destroyed... |
画面外から ひし形の物体が 4つ飛んできて合体! |
4 diamond-shaped objects fly in from outside the screen and combine! |
(Illegible) 一直線にとんでいく |
(Illegible) fly in a straight line |
The Thunder Force series
| |
Genesis | Thunder Force II • Thunder Force III • Thunder Force IV |
Arcade | Thunder Force AC |
SNES | Thunder Spirits |
PlayStation | Thunder Force V Perfect System |
Sega Saturn | Thunder Force V (Sample Version) |
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