Tomb Raider (Sega Saturn, PlayStation)
Tomb Raider |
Also known as: Tomb Raiders (JP)
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To do: See if there are any differences between the Playstation and Sega Saturn versions, and maybe make a separate page if there are enough. |
Tomb Raider is the game that not only made Core Design relevant outside of Europe, but also gained a wide audience due to it featuring a rather nice-looking Lara Croft parading around with guns. Here, Lara has to get the Scion for Natla, but as it turns out, Natla may have a little secret or two of her own. Despite its sluggish controls, it was popular enough to establish a rather popular franchise.
Prototype Info |
Developer Message
Hidden inside SLUS_001.52 at hex address 0x79839 (for the original US release), there's this message:
TombRaider Lead Coding. Paul Douglas Additional Coding. Gavin Rummery,Jason Gosling Additional PSX Coding. Del Leigh-Gilchrist, Dude Howe Lead Artist/Animator. Toby Gard Artists. Neal Boyd, Heather Gibson .....Email the Creators.... www:
While this isn't visible to the player at any point, it is printed into the debug monitor during start-up. The web address seen was for Del Leigh-Gilchrist's old website, but it was taken down. Fortunately, this website is archived for prosperity.
The Japanese version includes an "OMAKE.TXT" file, located in the DEMODATA folder, which contains messages from the Japanese staff.
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
ディレクターの佐藤岳です。 このたびはトゥームレイダースをお買い上げいただきまして、ありがとうございます。 制作裏話などなど色々と書きたいことがあったのですが、今日中にこのゲームを仕上げ なければならないという状況ですので、今回はこれにて失礼します。 あーもう、徹夜続きで頭がクラクラして、モニタ見てたらちょっと気持ちよくなってき ました。 トゥームはどのようにして作られたんだとか、制作苦労話、コアは次に何を作るんだと か興味ある方は、イベントのとき、私はビクターブースをふらふらしているので、お気 軽に声をかけてみてください。 お詫び:CMやイベント等に使ったカッコイイ音楽をこのソフトに入れると約束したの に諸事情により入れることができませんでした。作曲者強矢邦夫どの、申し訳ありませ んでした。 最後に、この作品に携わってくれたビクター皆さん、そしていっぱい買ったり売ったり してくれた問屋さん、お店の方々、イベントやパソコン通信等で「このゲームはいいよ」 と言って宣伝してくれた皆さん、そしてこのゲームをプレイしてくださったすべての皆 さん、本当にどうもありがとうございました! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================== TOMB RAIDERッス探検ガイド ============================== 地図職人のいなぞうです。今回もヒント(攻略ではない)を入れ ておきますので参考にしてください。なお、ゲーム内容についての 質問には一切お答えする事ができません。大変申し訳ないとは思い ますがゲーム雑誌等をご覧ください。 「迷ったら回りを見る」 行き止まりに見えても実は進める場所がかなりあります。上下左右 をよく確認しましょう。壁の亀裂とか・・・ね。 「押す引く乗る取る使う歩く走る飛ぶ上がる下がる撃つ」 基本です。変わった物があったら何かをやってみましょう。たとえ 何も起きていないようでも何かがどこかで起きている事もあります から。(2つで1組のスイッチやプレッシャースイッチ等) 「撃つ」 ピストルは威力はありませんが弾は無制限です。安全な場所から狙 撃する時には重宝します。あと、戦う時の足場は必ず確保しておき ましょう。慌てて墜落死なんて可哀相ですから。 「そのほか」 ダッシュジャンプと普通のジャンプは使い分けましょう。登る時よ りも降りる時に気をつけましょう。罠にかかった場合、諦めずに悪 あがきしてみると助かる場合もあります。先に進めなくなったら散 歩してみましょう。マップのつながりから構造を想像するとわかり やすくなります。 ------------------------------ 注意:自力で攻略する人はここから下を読み飛ばしてください 注意:自力で攻略する人はここから下を読み飛ばしてください 注意:自力で攻略する人はここから下を読み飛ばしてください ------------------------------ ポリゴン欠けを利用して扉の向こうを覗かないでね なんとか自力で攻略して欲しい・・・ あぁ、泳ぐのが気持ちいい・・・ 飲酒しながらゲームしたら酔ってしまった レイラの家 [The Gym] ここで、操作方法をマスターしてください。 インカ [Caves] 練習面です。さくさく進みましょう。タイムアタックするのも熱い ですよ。目指せ3分20秒。私は3:32でした。 [City of Vilcabamba] 体験版等で紹介していた面です。この面には水中レバーがあります ので、溺死に注意しましょう。重要なアイテムは2個。鍵と偶像を 拾い忘れないように。 [Lost Valley] 店頭デモ等で使用した面です。水門を作動させる3枚の歯車を探し ます。大きい恐竜は洞窟から狙撃するのが一番楽ですね。最後の出 口はお約束の場所にあります。ショットガンの取り忘れに注意しま しょう。 [Tomb of Qualopec] 柱を動かすスイッチは2個あります。目立つ所のスイッチは後で触 りましょう。最終アイテムを入手した後、脱出の際には体力を完全 回復させておくのを忘れずに。 ギリシャ・ローマ [St.Francis'Folly] ここで出現する人物は倒せませんので撃退するだけでオッケーです。 前半の扉は2つで一組のスイッチが鍵になっています。スイッチを 作動させたのに扉が開かないなどと悩まないように。後半の塔には 4つのスイッチがあります。降りる時には入れ忘れに注意しましょ う。流れの速い水路・雷ハンマー・岩・剣の4ヶ所に鍵はあります。 最短でも降りて上がってまた降りる事になりますので、墜落死に注 意しましょう。 [Colosseum] コロシアムの観客席に出現する人物は倒せませんので撃退するだけ でオッケーです。コロシアムの地下を潜り、壊れた観客席側から主 賓席側に進みます。主賓席側に最初のスイッチがあります。 [Palace Midas] 鍵の無い扉が4つ。用途不明なスイッチが5つ。ヒントはゲーム中 に書いてあります。じっくり見ましょう。ほら、オンかオフかが書 いてある。最後に必要なアイテムは金が3個です。あなたが持って いるのは銀が3個ですね。セーブしてから左手に乗ると答えがよく わかります。 [Cistern] ここで出現する人物は倒せませんので撃退するだけでオッケーです。 逃げ道を探さないように。水位によっては行けなくなる場所もあり ます。水位を上げ下げして色々歩いてみましょう。最後の出口は隠 れているので引っ張り出してください。 [Tomb of Tihocan] 後半の口から出た後は洞窟と2つの水中通路があります。洞窟と水 中通路の片方は繋がっています。もう1つの水中通路は神殿のやや 右側水中にあります。石像の敵は部屋の中までは入って来ませんか ら無視しても大丈夫です。最後は散々邪魔をしてくれた人物にトド メをさしてあげましょう。 エジプト [City of Khamoon] 前編です。柱に入れる4つのアイテムは後編で入手しますので無視 してください。後編への入り口を探すのが目的です。がんがん進み ましょう。 [Obelisk of Khamoon] 後編です。ここの坂は階段に化ける場所もありますので、スイッチ を作動させたら念のため確認しましょう。スイッチがイヤな位置に あったりしますので隅々まで確認してください。 [Sanctuary of the Scion] 柱登りと壁登り。このステージでは狭い足場での対空戦を覚悟して ください。シークレットは、暗いTVだと発見できないかもしれま せん。後半の水中にあるスイッチは作動しません。水中で作動する のはレバーです。なぜ動かない!と怒らないでください。 アトランティス [Natla's Mines] 武器がないので攻撃されても逃げるしかないですね。銃を手に入れ るまでは我慢してヒューズを集めましょう。目の前にあるのに取れ ないヒューズは、他の事をやってから取りに行きましょう。 [Atlantis] 謎は特にありません。ぶら下がりからのぶら下がりに気がつかない と先に進めませんのでご注意を。偽レイラ(笑)の殺し方を間違え た場合、残念ながらロードスタートするしか方法がありません。 [The Great Pyramid] 最後の面なので陰険なトラップが多くあります。最初の大きい敵は ボスではありませんのでご注意を。ぶら下がり待ち攻撃が安全です。 トラップは陰険ですが、壊す物を壊して脱出しましょう。 [Secrets and Ending] 各面にはいくつかの隠し部屋があります。正確な操作を多用する場 所が多いので、エンディングを見た後の方が探しやすいと思います。 1回クリアした人にはおまけがあります。ストレスを発散させてく ださい(笑 ------------------------------ [独り言] シークレットは全て探したハズなのに拾えないアイテムが結構あっ た。いったいどーやって拾うのだろう?ダミーかな??落ちている 物が気になる人には辛いゲームだね・・・。他人の探索ルートも見 ていると楽しい。RGBよりもビデオ端子のにじみ具合がいい味出 してるような気がする。多国籍異機種同時進行はきついわぁ。ゲー ム中のCDアクセスが無いのはうれしいが、すぐに死ぬ人はアクセ ス回数が増えますからねぇ。とにかく、メモリがないのが厳しくて エンディングにBGMすら鳴らせないよぉ(笑 続編はどうしましょう・・・。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 作るの?(岳) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Evaluationの三沢っす。良く分からない肩書きをいただいておりますが、要するに何でも屋です。攻略話は他の人に任せるとして、アフレコの話。 撮りの2日前までキャストが決まらずごたごたしてて、緒方さんはスケジュールが合わず、一度だめと言われてしまった。そうだよな~、コンサートひと月前に言っても無理だよな~、と思っていたところに撮りの2日前になってOKが! アフレコ当日、おいらは銀吠えリスナーなのでメルビナ司令のハイテンションなイメージがかなり大きかったけど、実際緒方さんに会ってみるとおとなしい感じで、普段の会話は碇シンジを女の人にした感じ。撮りに入ると、ムービー見てもらうとわかるけど、また違った雰囲気に。う~ん、さすが多重人格。 ナトラ役の富沢さんも、優しいお姉さんといった感じで、ナトラとは全然性格が違って、ギャップが面白かった。そういや富沢さん、かなり昔うちのウルトラボックスのフラグの国のアリスに出てもらってたな~。 といったところで全然話をまとめずに仕事に戻ろう。これ書いてるのマスター前日なのでむちゃくちゃ忙しい。 それでは同好の声優ファンに、ウォンチュー & Bee & ワルワル & サインはL PS版でさらに時間をいただいたので趣味の話。声優イベントのススメ。 お察しの通り、最近おいらは声優にはまっていて、イベントやコンサートに行きまくっている。緒方さんの厚生年金のコンサートはもちろん、宮村優子(ビクターだし、健康家族にも入っちまった)、桜井智、椎名へきる、國府田マリ子、横山智佐、小森まなみ等、今年(96年)に行ったイベント&コンサートは30を超えてしまった。 給料と休暇のほとんどをイベントに費やしている状態。どこかで歯止めをかけねばと思いつつも、ついラジオを聞いていると行きたくなってしまう。アニメイトにいってイベントのチケットが売っているとつい買ってしまう。麻薬状態だな~。 しかし、やっぱりイベントは楽しい。普段、ラジオやアニメで聞いている声優さんが目の前にいて、しかも叫べば自分の声が届く。生で見るとラジオとはまた違ったイメージが伝わってきて、そのイメージを思い出しつつラジオを聞くと情景が思い浮かんでさらに楽しめる。知らない人とも共通の話題で会話できるし、会場一体となって燃え燃え状態になるのがまた良し。 声優に興味がある人はイベントに行ってみるべし! チケット取るの大変たけどそれだけの価値はある。(たまに失敗はあるが…) といったところで仕事に戻ろう。マスター前は時間が無くて残念だ。 それでは、銀河の平和は、われらが守る!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ちわっす。ポール高須です。このゲームを作ったやつもすごいけど、何も見ずに解いたやつもすごいと思います。 ちなみに僕は10日間かかりました。(1日8時間として、80時間もかかってしまった。) ちなみに作ったやつは3時間で解けるそうです。(嘘っぽいけど・・・) ゲームをずっとやっていた僕でさえ、今でも死にまくります。まぁ、死ぬ姿もなかなか魅力的だけど・・・ 続編も出るって噂(?)だけど、トゥーム・レイダーって「墓荒らし」て、意味だけど今度は何処に行くんだろう? 青山墓地かなんかを荒らすのかなぁ。なんか違うゲームになりそう。ゾンビとか出てきたりして・・・。 まぁ、早く続編が出ることに期待したいですね。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debug Text
On booting, the TTY debug console displays debug information and a developer message. This is not visible to the user. The nocash BIOS can be used to view these statements. The nocash BIOS automatically detects the DUART hardware, and activates TTY if it is present.
Version 1.0, USA
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:slus_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:slus_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(800602F4h) T_ADDR(80010000h) T_SIZE(0007A000h) boot address : 800602F4h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) TombRaider Lead Coding. Paul Douglas Additional Coding. Gavin Rummery,Jason Gosling Additional PSX Coding. Del Leigh-Gilchrist, Dude Howe Lead Artist/Animator. Toby Gard Artists. Neal Boyd, Heather Gibson .....Email the Creators.... www: CD_init:addr=80087308 PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 ResetGraph:jtb=80074210,env=80074258 VSync: timeout *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant)
Version 1.1, USA
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:slus_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:slus_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(800602F4h) T_ADDR(80010000h) T_SIZE(0007A000h) boot address : 800602F4h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) TombRaider Lead Coding. Paul Douglas Additional Coding. Gavin Rummery,Jason Gosling Additional PSX Coding. Del Leigh-Gilchrist, Dude Howe Lead Artist/Animator. Toby Gard Artists. Neal Boyd, Heather Gibson .....Email the Creators.... www: CD_init:addr=80087308 PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 ResetGraph:jtb=80074210,env=80074258 VSync: timeout *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:slus_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:slus_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(800603DCh) T_ADDR(80010000h) T_SIZE(0007A000h) boot address : 800603DCh 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) TombRaider Lead Coding. Paul Douglas Additional Coding. Gavin Rummery,Jason Gosling Additional PSX Coding. Del Leigh-Gilchrist, Dude Howe Lead Artist/Animator. Toby Gard Artists. Neal Boyd, Heather Gibson .....Email the Creators.... www: CD_init:addr=800873f0 PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 ResetGraph:jtb=800742f8,env=80074340 VSync: timeout *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant)
Version 1.2, USA
When selecting the main game:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80037220 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) launching TombRaider *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler VSync: timeout ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 *CurrentApp = 0, *AppSector = 1831, *DirSector = 1831, *DA = 0 We're back from the menu We're Back!!!, AppSector = 1831, DirSector = 1831 CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 1831 clearing memory from 80010000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=1831, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes TombRaider Lead Coding. Paul Douglas Additional Coding. Gavin Rummery,Jason Gosling Additional PSX Coding. Del Leigh-Gilchrist, Dude Howe Lead Artist/Animator. Toby Gard Artists. Neal Boyd, Heather Gibson .....Email the Creators.... www: CD_init:addr=800873f0 PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 ResetGraph:jtb=800742f8,env=80074340 VSync: timeout *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) ... ... ...
When selecting the included Tomb Raider II Demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80037220 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) launching TombRaider2 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler VSync: timeout ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 *CurrentApp = 2, *AppSector = 129250, *DirSector = 129249, *DA = 0 We're back from the menu We're Back!!!, AppSector = 129250, DirSector = 129249 CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 48 clearing memory from 80010000 to 8001fff0...memory cleared go sector=129250, da=0 VSync: timeout VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80015688 CD_init:addr=80015688 We're Back From a Reboot!, AppSector = 129250, DirSector = 129249 loading program from sector 129250 cdsyncing entering loop issuing CdControl issuing CdRead syncing head loaded clearing memory from 80020000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=129250, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes mode=0; timeout=60; track=0; tracks=129249 CD_init:addr=00095b30 *** Simulated known Patch: suppress pad_card_auto_ack (even if enabled) *** Simulated known Patch: suppress_pad_error_handling (and get pad_enable) PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: activate_optional_pad_output (byte-wise) ResetGraph:jtb=0009563c,env=00095684 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) I am running in interactive mode, with a timeout of 60 seconds. Loading INTERACTIVE demo ......... ERROR: Non-existant track 2 (MAX 1) ... ... ...
When selecting the included Fighting Force demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80037220 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) launching FightingForce *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler VSync: timeout ResetGraph:jtb=80035078,env=800350c0 *CurrentApp = 1, *AppSector = 126386, *DirSector = 126372, *DA = 0 We're back from the menu We're Back!!!, AppSector = 126386, DirSector = 126372 CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 48 clearing memory from 80010000 to 8001fff0...memory cleared go sector=126386, da=0 VSync: timeout VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80015688 CD_init:addr=80015688 We're Back From a Reboot!, AppSector = 126386, DirSector = 126372 loading program from sector 126386 cdsyncing entering loop issuing CdControl issuing CdRead syncing head loaded clearing memory from 80018000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=126386, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=800934bc *** Simulated known Patch: suppress pad_card_auto_ack (even if enabled) *** Simulated known Patch: suppress_pad_error_handling (and get pad_enable) PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 Outdated PAD Stuff: TYPE 6 free button or flying-V form (ok) *** Simulated known Patch: activate_optional_pad_output (byte-wise) ResetGraph:jtb=80091e88,env=80091ed0 Hello, I am a playable game section. I am running in interactive mode, with a timeout of 60 seconds. For your entertainment, I will be using 126372 CD tracks starting at track 0. CD_init:addr=800934bc *** Simulated known Patch: suppress pad_card_auto_ack (even if enabled) *** Simulated known Patch: suppress_pad_error_handling (and get pad_enable) PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: activate_optional_pad_output (byte-wise) ResetGraph:jtb=80091e88,env=80091ed0 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) CD_init:addr=800934bc CD_init:addr=800934bc
Version 1.3, USA
When selecting the main game:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=800373c4 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) filename <MainLegal> launching TombRaider *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler VSync: timeout ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 *CurrentApp = 0, *AppSector = 1831, *DirSector = 1831, *DA = 0 We're back from the menu We're Back!!!, AppSector = 1831, DirSector = 2 CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 1831 clearing memory from 80010000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=1831, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes TombRaider Lead Coding. Paul Douglas Additional Coding. Gavin Rummery,Jason Gosling Additional PSX Coding. Del Leigh-Gilchrist, Dude Howe Lead Artist/Animator. Toby Gard Artists. Neal Boyd, Heather Gibson .....Email the Creators.... www: CD_init:addr=800873f0 PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 ResetGraph:jtb=800742f8,env=80074340 VSync: timeout *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) ... ... ...
When selecting the included Tomb Raider II Demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=800373c4 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) filename <MainLegal> filename <Control\Tomb2.0> launching Tomb2 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler VSync: timeout ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 *CurrentApp = 2, *AppSector = 126388, *DirSector = 126372, *DA = 0 We're back from the menu We're Back!!!, AppSector = 126388, DirSector = 2 CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 48 clearing memory from 80010000 to 8001fff0...memory cleared go sector=126388, da=0 VSync: timeout VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80015688 CD_init:addr=80015688 We're Back From a Reboot!, AppSector = 126388, DirSector = 2 loading program from sector 126388 cdsyncing entering loop issuing CdControl issuing CdRead syncing head loaded clearing memory from 80020000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=126388, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes mode=0; timeout=60; track=0; tracks=2 CD_init:addr=00095b30 *** Simulated known Patch: suppress pad_card_auto_ack (even if enabled) *** Simulated known Patch: suppress_pad_error_handling (and get pad_enable) PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: activate_optional_pad_output (byte-wise) ResetGraph:jtb=0009563c,env=00095684 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) I am running in interactive mode, with a timeout of 60 seconds. Loading INTERACTIVE demo ......... ERROR: Non-existant track 2 (MAX 1)
When selecting the included Ninja demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=800373c4 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) filename <MainLegal> filename <Control\Ninja.0> launching Ninja *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler VSync: timeout ResetGraph:jtb=8003521c,env=80035264 *CurrentApp = 1, *AppSector = 128680, *DirSector = 128679, *DA = 5 We're back from the menu We're Back!!!, AppSector = 128680, DirSector = 2 CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 48 clearing memory from 80010000 to 8001fff0...memory cleared go sector=128680, da=5 VSync: timeout VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80015688 CD_init:addr=80015688 We're Back From a Reboot!, AppSector = 128680, DirSector = 2 loading program from sector 128680 cdsyncing entering loop issuing CdControl issuing CdRead syncing head loaded clearing memory from 80018000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=128680, da=5 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes mode=0; timeout=60; track=5; tracks=2 Ninja Demo Version (NTSC) as usual sorted out by Del. (9/6/98) Email: or *** Simulated known Patch: suppress pad_card_auto_ack (even if enabled) *** Simulated known Patch: suppress_pad_error_handling (and get pad_enable) PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: activate_optional_pad_output (byte-wise) FreeRam Starts At : e834c FreeRam Starts At : e834c *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant) FreeRam Starts At : e834c FreeRam Starts At : e834c FreeRam Starts At : e834c Loading Level 10 Allocated 400000 bytes at e834c Freed 400000 bytes... Allocated 299624 bytes at e834c Freed 299624 bytes... Allocated 600484 bytes at e834c Freed 600484 bytes... Allocated 228452 bytes at e834c attempting to relocate 'DELFRONT' attempting to relocate 'DELFRONT', getting file from wad... frontend init function...! Allocated 512 bytes at 11ffb0 frontAllocated 704 bytes at 1201b0 0 Bonuses Initialized Allocated 276308 bytes at 120470 Allocated 163840 bytes at 163bc4 ... ... ...
Version 1.4, USA
When selecting the main game:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80037470 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=80035180,env=800351c8 ResetGraph:jtb=80035180,env=800351c8 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) filename <MainLegal> launching TombRaider *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler VSync: timeout ResetGraph:jtb=80035180,env=800351c8 *CurrentApp = 0, *AppSector = 1831, *DirSector = 1831, *DA = 0 We're back from the menu We're Back!!!, AppSector = 1831, DirSector = 2 CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 1831 clearing memory from 80010000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=1831, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes TombRaider Lead Coding. Paul Douglas Additional Coding. Gavin Rummery,Jason Gosling Additional PSX Coding. Del Leigh-Gilchrist, Dude Howe Lead Artist/Animator. Toby Gard Artists. Neal Boyd, Heather Gibson .....Email the Creators.... www: CD_init:addr=800873f0 PS-X Control PAD Driver Ver 3.0 ResetGraph:jtb=800742f8,env=80074340 VSync: timeout *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (14-opcode r10/r9 variant)
When selecting the included Dex Demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80037470 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=80035180,env=800351c8 ResetGraph:jtb=80035180,env=800351c8 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) filename <MainLegal> m->name <Tomb2> m->moviename <\MOVIES\GEX3.STR> t->name <\MOVIES\GEX3.STR> movieFileName: <\MOVIES\GEX3.STR> frames: ,844> truecolor: 1 vol: 127
When selecting the included Soul Reaver demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE90h) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE90h 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4ac CD_init:addr=801fd4ac loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes CD_init:addr=80037470 PS-X Control GUN Driver Ver 3.0 *** Simulated known Patch: patch_install_lightgun_irq_handler ResetGraph:jtb=80035180,env=800351c8 ResetGraph:jtb=80035180,env=800351c8 *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) filename <MainLegal> m->name <Kain2> m->moviename <\MOVIES\KAIN2.STR> t->name <\MOVIES\KAIN2.STR> movieFileName: <\MOVIES\KAIN2.STR> frames: ,1836> truecolor: 1 vol: 127
Version 1.5, USA
When selecting the main game:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE8Ch) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE8Ch 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes heapsize: 1524512 CD_init:addr=80038d44 80/800 dir entries ffEntries <18> argc <9> ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) launching tombc CD_init:addr=80038d44
When selecting the included Gex demo:
When selecting the included Fear Factor demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE8Ch) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE8Ch 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes heapsize: 1524512 CD_init:addr=80038d44 80/800 dir entries ffEntries <18> argc <9> ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) playing movie, active buff: 1 playing FEAR.STR, from sector 125627, 1591 frames
When selecting the included Soul Reaver demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE8Ch) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE8Ch 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes heapsize: 1524512 CD_init:addr=80038d44 80/800 dir entries ffEntries <18> argc <9> ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) launching kain2 VSync: timeout VSync: timeout VSync: timeout VSync: timeout VSync: timeout ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac *CurrentApp = 3, *AppSector = 172323, *DirSector = 172322, *DA = 0 CD_init:addr=80038d44 We're back from the menu We're Back!!!, AppSector = 172323, DirSector = 172322 CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 loading program from sector 48
When selecting the included Tomb Raider III demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE8Ch) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE8Ch 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes heapsize: 1524512 CD_init:addr=80038d44 80/800 dir entries ffEntries <18> argc <9> ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) CD_init:addr=80038d44
When selecting the included Fighting Force II demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(801FBE8Ch) T_ADDR(801F8000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 801FBE8Ch 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 CD_init:addr=801fd4a8 loading program from sector 60 clearing memory from 80018000 to 801f7ff0...memory cleared go sector=60, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes heapsize: 1524512 CD_init:addr=80038d44 80/800 dir entries ffEntries <18> argc <9> ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac ResetGraph:jtb=80036a64,env=80036aac *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) playing movie, active buff: 1 playing FF2.STR, from sector 141555, 1397 frames
Version 1.6, USA
When selecting the main game:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(80013D6Ch) T_ADDR(80010000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 80013D6Ch 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=80015388 CD_init:addr=80015388 loading program from sector 48 cleanring memory from 80018000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=48, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes in InitHeap: pul__MemAddr = 800551e0, ul___MemSize = 00192e10 pcl__List == 801e7fd0, ul___Size == 103135 ----- leaving InitHeap argv: 80015440 argc: 4 3 0 3 201334207 CD_init:addr=8004eb58 ResetGraph:jtb=80037f4c,env=8003805c *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) Type 5 count 50 ResetGraph:jtb=80037f4c,env=8003805c *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) Apps[0]: <\TOMBRAID.EXE> Apps[1]: <\MOVIES\CHICKEN.STR> Apps[2]: <\MOVIES\TIME.STR> "Real size" 3104 Constructing main... images allocated files loaded into vram Sprites set... Constructed The current app index is 0 CD_init:addr=8004eb58
When selecting the included Chicken Run demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(80013D6Ch) T_ADDR(80010000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 80013D6Ch 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=80015388 CD_init:addr=80015388 loading program from sector 48 cleanring memory from 80018000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=48, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes in InitHeap: pul__MemAddr = 800551e0, ul___MemSize = 00192e10 pcl__List == 801e7fd0, ul___Size == 103135 ----- leaving InitHeap argv: 80015440 argc: 4 3 0 3 201334207 CD_init:addr=8004eb58 ResetGraph:jtb=80037f4c,env=8003805c *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) Type 5 count 50 ResetGraph:jtb=80037f4c,env=8003805c *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) Apps[0]: <\TOMBRAID.EXE> Apps[1]: <\MOVIES\CHICKEN.STR> Apps[2]: <\MOVIES\TIME.STR> "Real size" 3104 Constructing main... images allocated files loaded into vram Sprites set... Constructed Timeout reset music stopped Constructing main... images allocated files loaded into vram Sprites set... Constructed
When selecting the included Time Splitters demo:
Nocash PSX Kernel (c) 2008-2016 Martin Korth. KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h Read Path Table BOOTSTRAP LOADER Type C Ver 2.1 03-JUL-1994 Read Directory 1 setup file : cdrom:SYSTEM.CNF;1 TCB 00000004h EVENT 00000010h STACK 801FFFF0h BOOT = cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 argument = KERNEL SETUP! Configuration : EvCB=10h TCB=04h boot file : cdrom:\SLUS_001.52;1 EXEC:PC0(80013D6Ch) T_ADDR(80010000h) T_SIZE(00005800h) boot address : 80013D6Ch 801FFFF0h Execute ! S_ADDR(801FFFF0h) S_SIZE(00000000h) CD_init:addr=80015388 CD_init:addr=80015388 loading program from sector 48 cleanring memory from 80018000 to 801ffff0...memory cleared go sector=48, da=0 VSync: timeout Change effective memory : 8 MBytes in InitHeap: pul__MemAddr = 800551e0, ul___MemSize = 00192e10 pcl__List == 801e7fd0, ul___Size == 103135 ----- leaving InitHeap argv: 80015440 argc: 4 3 0 3 201334207 CD_init:addr=8004eb58 ResetGraph:jtb=80037f4c,env=8003805c *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) Type 5 count 50 ResetGraph:jtb=80037f4c,env=8003805c *** Simulated known Patch: missing_cop0r13 (6-opcode variant) Apps[0]: <\TOMBRAID.EXE> Apps[1]: <\MOVIES\CHICKEN.STR> Apps[2]: <\MOVIES\TIME.STR> "Real size" 3104 Constructing main... images allocated files loaded into vram Sprites set... Constructed Timeout reset CD_init:addr=8004eb58
Revision Differences
There are at least four different versions of the game, which mostly differ by what demos and videos they have.
- The original release of the game has neither demos or trailers.
- The first Greatest Hits release of the game has demos for Tomb Raider II and either one of Fighting Force or Ninja: Shadow of Darkness.
- The second Greatest Hits release has demos for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Tomb Raider III, and Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko. It also has videos for Fear Effect and Fighting Force 2.
- The third Greatest Hits release has no demos, but does have videos for Chicken Run and TimeSplitters.
The Tomb Raider series
| |
PlayStation | Tomb Raider (Prototype) • Tomb Raider II (Prototype) • Tomb Raider III (Prototype) • Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation |
Sega Saturn | Tomb Raider |
Game Boy Color | Tomb Raider • Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword |
Windows | Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation • Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness • Tomb Raider (2013) • Rise of the Tomb Raider • Tomb Raider I-III Remastered |
Dreamcast, Mac OS Classic | Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation |
PlayStation 2 | Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness |
PlayStation 3 | Tomb Raider (2013) |
Xbox 360 | Tomb Raider (2013) • Rise of the Tomb Raider |
PlayStation 4, Xbox One | Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition • Rise of the Tomb Raider • Tomb Raider I-III Remastered |
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch | Tomb Raider I-III Remastered |
iOS | Tomb Raider |
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- Tomb Raider series
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 22
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 24
Games > Games by series > Tomb Raider series