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Virtua Fighter 2 (Sega Saturn)

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Title Screen

Virtua Fighter 2

Developer: Sega AM2
Publishers: Sega (JP/US/EU/AU), Tec Toy (BR)
Platform: Sega Saturn
Released in JP: December 1, 1995
Released in US: November 30, 1995
Released in EU: January 26, 1996
Released in AU: 1996
Released in BR: 1996

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

The landmark classic title in the Virtua Fighter series and best selling title in the Saturn's library, Sega's Virtua Fighter 2 cemented itself as a classic nearly immediately after its release date. Though the arcade title is the most classic version, the Saturn version is probably more memorable due to its immense success on a console that didn't see much of that.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Disc Content

Text Files

The US release of Virtua Fighter 2 contains 2 different text files, including:


Abstracted by SEGA


Bibliographiced by SEGA

Their purpose is unknown. "ABS.TXT" is dated May 27th, 1991, and "BIB.txt" is dated April 13th, 1992, both several years before Virtua Fighter 2's initial Saturn release.

AVI Videos

On all discs of Virtua Fighter 2, there are 3 AVI files, "VF2END.AVI", "VF2OP1.AVI", and "VF2OP2.AVI", containing the endings and both openings respectively. These are simply the ones found in the game, and can be watched using any media player which supports the DUCK AVI encoding format, such as VLC.

Regional Differences

US Japan
Virtua fighter 2 title screen saturn.PNG Vf2 title downscaled jp.png

The game's copyright text was changed between regions, with the US version reading "1995 SEGA, All Rights Reserved" and the Japanese version reading "SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. 1994, 1995". This is due to the Japanese arcade version being released in 1994, and the Japanese Saturn version being released in 1995, whereas both the arcade and Saturn versions were released in 1995 in the US.

US Japan
VF2 USA Options Saturn.png VF2 Japan Options Screen.png

On the options menu for the USA version, the button for controller reassignment says "Button Reassignment", while in the Japanese version it says "Key Assign". The reason for this change is unknown.

(Source: Original TCRF research)