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Day of Defeat: Source

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Title Screen

Day of Defeat: Source

Developer: Valve
Publishers: Valve, Electronic Arts (retail distribution)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: September 26, 2005 (Windows), July 12, 2010 (Mac)[1], March 14, 2013 (Linux)[2]

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
  • Audio section needs some work.
  • The game had a beta that was way different then the final game, namely it being the original game's assets running in the source engine ala Half-Life: Source.
  • 2023 Valve repo leak, not as crazy as other games but there's a bunch of unused character models and maps.

Like what had happened with Counter-Strike and Half-Life, Day of Defeat: Source brings the 2003 original into the Source engine with completely remade assets, ragdoll physics and brand-new content.

It appears Valve had a lot more planned for this game before and after release, judging by much of the unused stuff here.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info

Cut Weapons

FG-42 and Scoped FG-42

The famous side-loading German paratrooper's rifle, and marksman variant, were supposed to make a return but were both cut from the final game. These weapons were supposed to be usable by German paratroopers like that of the first game, but the faction these weapons were made for were also removed. All that remains of these guns are their sound entries inside game_sounds_weapons.txt. Interestingly all the reload sounds of the two are set to that of the Thompson, although these were likely a placeholder as the other cut weapons share the same reload sounds.


The K43 semi-automatic rifle for the Germans was apparently destined to make a return in Day of Defeat: Source but was removed for unknown reasons as it likely would have been a good counter to the M1 Garand. All that remains of this gun is its sound entries inside game_sounds_weapons.txt. This weapon also features placeholder reload sounds like the FG-42.


The iconic German sidearm was apparently also going to be featured in the game but was removed with only its audio entry remaining. Interestingly, the weapon uses the same sounds as the in-game P38 possibly suggesting it may have been the original sidearm of choice for the Wehrmacht.

Grease Gun

The iconic American SMG, the "Grease Gun" was supposed to make a return but was scrapped with only its audio entry remaining. The presence of a Grease Gun in the files could have also meant that an American paratrooper faction was going to be added as well but was also cut.


It would seem the cut mortar class of the original Day Of Defeat was possibly going to be featured in Day Of Defeat Source but like its predecessor, it was cut before release. Interestingly, this is the only cut weapon that seemingly had a completely unique sound set, including reload sounds.


A weapon meant for use within IFM (standing for presumably "Interactive Filmmaker" or "Internal Filmmaker"), the early version of Source Filmmaker. When either using the "give" console command or recording a demo though the "record" command, this message gets printed in the console, as it lacks a .ctx file and only has an uncompiled .txt file:

Error reading weapon data file for: weapon_ifm_steadycam

This "weapon" re-uses many of the stats from the .30 Cal machine gun, down to the model path itself, however, the text file is only a few kilobytes lighter than the .30 Cal's text file.

	"CrosshairMinDistance"		"8"
	"CrosshairDeltaDistance"	"3"
	"MuzzleFlashType"		"1"
	"MuzzleFlashScale"		"0.3"
	"ViewModelFOV"			"45"
	"vm_normal_offset" 		"1.5 -.5 0"
	"vm_prone_offset" 		"2 -1 .5"

	// Weapon characteristics:
	"Damage"			"85"
	"Accuracy"			"0.2"
	"SecondaryAccuracy"		"0.02"
	"AccuracyMovePenalty"		"0.1"
	"Recoil"			"20"
	"Penetration"			"1.0"
	"FireDelay"			"0"
	"IdleTimeAfterFire"		"0.0"
	"IdleInterval"			"0.0"	
	"BulletsPerShot"		"0"
	"WeaponType"			"Camera"
	"clip_size"			"-1"
	"primary_ammo"			"DOD_AMMO_30CAL"
	"secondary_ammo"		"None"
	"weight"			"1000"
	"item_flags"			"0"
	"printname"			"#Weapon_30cal"	
	"bucket"			"0"
	"bucket_position"		"1"

	"DefaultAmmoClips"		"2"
	"AmmoPickupClips"		"1"

	"Tracer"			"1"

	//Weapon Model
	"viewmodel"			"models/weapons/v_30cal.mdl"
	"playermodel"			"models/weapons/w_30cal.mdl"

	"reloadmodel"			"models/weapons/w_30calsr.mdl"

	"pronedeployedreloadmodel"	"models/weapons/w_30calpr.mdl"

	//Player Animation
	"anim_prefix"			"30cal"

	// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
		"single_shot"		"Weapon_30cal.Shoot"
		"reload"    		"Weapon_30cal.WorldReload"

	// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
			"file"		"sprites/hud/weapons1"
			"x"		"0"
			"y"		"143"
			"width"		"170"
			"height"	"48"
			"file"		"sprites/hud/clip_extras"
			"x"		"181"
			"y"		"40"
			"width"		"64"
			"height"	"128"

			"file"		"sprites/hud/clip_extras"
			"x"		"0"
			"y"		"68"
			"width"		"81"
			"height"	"66"

Unused Sounds

To do:
  • Transcribe audio of Italian radio.
  • Possibly attempt to identify the voices in the dev commentary.

Nebelwerfer Ambiance

Some weird ambiance sounds for the Nebelwerfer.

Audio Filename

Italian Radio

An unused sound file for an Italian radio broadcast. The broadcast is actually from a modern news program. This sound file is reused from Counter-Strike: Source.

Filename Audio Transcript (Italian) Translation (English)
"...bomb-packs against the European representatives, this morning an explosive device hidden in a book exploded in the European houses of Parliament, in Brussels...".

Developer Commentary

At one point, Day of Defeat: Source was supposed to have a developer commentary mode for the map dod_kalt. The commentary appears to not be final takes, as there is a fair bit of stumbling, background noise and silence throughout them. It is unknown if the other maps had this in mind.

Audio Filename Transcript
comm_intro.mp3 "Welcome to "kalt", the latest Day of Defeat: Source multiplayer level. You're currently running the level in commentary mode, which we've authored to give players some insight into the art choices we've made, useful strategies to employ in the level and give you a way to learn the level in a safe environment. Once you've taken a look around, join one of the many multiplayer servers running around on the internet to play against real players. To listen to a commentary node, put your crosshair over the floating lambda symbol and press your use key. To stop a commentary mode (sic), put your crosshair over the rotating node and press the use key again (sniffles). Some commentary nodes may take control of the game for the purpose of showing something to you, in these cases simply pressing your use key again will stop the commentary... the commentary."
comm_cap1_strategy_allied.mp3 "We've started here at the Allied base, in "kalt" there are five areas for each team to control and defend. Opposing players will take control of this area, if they are next to this tank and occupy the area until control swings to their team. In "kalt", most conflict is likely to happen in the more central areas of the map, but knowing how to effectively defend all of your capture points is an important skill to develop. (Breaths in) First, you will want to recognise all the potential areas for conflict. (breaths in again, then gulps slightly) In the case of the final capture points for both Allied and Axis in "kalt", you need to watch the main street ahead of you as well as the sewers of to the right, unless your team is currently only holding this final capture point, it (mic peeks) probably makes sense for you to move ahead and join the main front... front." (Mouse clicks can be heard towards the end the audio.)
comm_cap2_strategy_allied.mp3 "This is the second capture point for the Allied side, and the Axis side shares a similar configuration. (Breaths in) This is one of the fairly complicated areas of the map from a strategy perspective, because you have a number of different potential areas of conflict, and a number of opposing strategies could be affective. (Breaths in heavily) One of the most likely areas to run into an enemy would be from around the corner in front of you. (Breaths in again) if the opposing team holds the central bridge area, then going around this corner will likely lead to some direct conflict. The main defences Machine Gunners and Snipers are likely to have their defences set up in this area in a full game. The second area to pay attention to is the wall to your left, if the opposing team is able to control the underground sewer area, they will have the ability to come up and over this wall, giving you very little time to react to them. You will also need to watch for Snipers and Machine Gunners in the building ahead of you, if the opposing team has set up their defences in there, you'll need, (stumbles a bit, tone of voice changes) a well-placed rocket, grenade or sniper shot to clear out that building."
comm_plaza_strategy_allied.mp3 (Audio starts with silence, speaking begins at 0:02) "The area of "kalt" you are currently in presents one of the most important navigation choices you'll make as a player. Straight ahead of you is where you can see enemy players exiting from the wheelhouse, which is a route that enables a team to quickly get into enemy territory and skip the constant battles over the central bridge area. To your left is an opening to the underground sewer area. Enemy players that are trying to push through into your base will be making use of this area to make their way to your capture point 2... or your right... and your capture point 1, behind you. For you to keep control on this map, you must keep this area clear of enemies. As an offensive player, this is a good time to choose if you're going to try and sneak behind the enemy team through the sewer... head out to the bridge and join the conflict that is likely happening there, or head straight through the wheelhouse.
comm_road_strategy_allied.mp3 You are looking out onto the main road for the allies. In this node(?) we'll focus primarily on machine gun strategy. With the exception of an enemy flanking you via the sewer route... all of the work for defending this route will happen in front of you. The primary areas to focus on are the wheelhouse exit to your right and the end of the road that leads to the central bridge area. You're likely to encounter enemy assault troops coming out of the wheelhouse... and enemy snipers at the end of this road. As a machine gunner, there are a number of places here to set up your machine gun. And you should move around in this area often, so enemies don't zero in on where you set up.


The only cut weapon to have its own sounds.

Audio Filename Summary
mortar.wav Day of Defeat leftover.
mortar_shoot.wav The mortar's firing sound.
mortar_load.wav The mortar's loading sound.
mortar_incoming.wav The mortar's incoming sound.
mortar_hit1.wav Impact sounds of the mortar.

Unused Voice Lines


Voice lines belonging to both factions related to calling for a medic. Originally, there was going to be a field medic class, however, it was cut. The idea of healing oneself has been brought back in server plugins.

Audio Filename Transcript Faction
us_medic.wav Medic! Allies
ger_medic.wav Sani! (Short for "Sanitäter!" - "Medic" in German) Axis
ger_medic2.wav Sanitäter!


Voice lines belonging to both factions related to a tank up ahead. At some point, Day of Defeat: Source was going to have a gamemode where both sides (or one side) had to escort a tank to a specific checkpoint.

Audio Filename Transcript Faction
us_tankahead.wav Get ready! Tanker ahead! Allies
ger_tankahead.wav [translation needed] Axis

There are also voice lines for moving with the tank. It is unknown whether they were voice commands or lines that automatically played when you were near the tank. The Allies have 3 voicelines and the Axis have 6.

Audio Filename Transcript Faction
us_movewithtank.wav Stay with the tank! Allies
us_movewithtank2.wav Protect the tank!
us_movewithtank3.wav Keep up with the tank!
ger_movewithtank.wav [translation needed] Axis

Cut dod_koln Map

To do:
More info about the map would be nice.

This map called dod_koln is set in the German city of Cologne and was planned to be released with a cancelled update. Something to note is that this map is in an urban environment, a feat that the current maps don't have.

The VMF file for this map leaked when the repository leaks in January 2023 happened.



Unused Textures

British flag

The texture for the British flag is in the files. Note that the flagpole's texture is different. This might suggest Great Britain like in the original Day of Defeat in some maps, was supposed to be playable before it ended up just having the US Army vs the Wehrmacht (the armed forces of Nazi Germany).


A concrete floor texture meant to be used at the cut dod_koln map, along with an associated normal map.

Unused Models

To do:
Add the rest of the facade_germany models.


DODS gift.png

Much like Counter-Strike: Source, this gift model was used for Valve Gift Grab 2011 and hasn't been used since.


DODS wrecked tiger.png

An untextured model of a Tiger tank that has gotten into a crash, but isn't completely destroyed.
It is UV mapped for the textures from the original game's Tiger tank, instead of the Tiger tank included with the game. It isn't the same model however; it is rotated 180 degrees, made slightly stubbier, and has been given a collision mesh (unlike the barbed wire and banister models included in the game that are directly ported from the original game).


The directory facade_germany contains a lot of unused models, all planned to be used on dod_koln.
