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Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry

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Title Screen

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry

Developer: CrazyBunch
Publisher: Assemble Entertainment
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X
Released internationally: November 7, 2018

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
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Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry, the first new Larry title in over a decade, shifts the focus back to Larry Laffer and the 2D point-and-click interface (the previous two main entries, Magna Cum Laude and Box Office Bust, were 3D games starring Laffer's nephew Larry Lovage) with Jan Rabson again in the title role (Jeffrey Tambor voiced him in Box Office Bust). While Al Lowe wasn't involved here either (which Larry and an NPC actually acknowledge at one point), the game does make a strong effort to match his sense of humor.

The story involves Larry, having gone missing in the 1980s, finding himself in a much different world than he knows - our present day.

The game was successful enough to get a sequel, Wet Dreams Dry Twice, in 2020.

Unused Textures

Unused sprites

Various unused NPCs are present in the game's files:

Trenchcoat terry Smart casual guy
LSL-WDDD-Trenchcoat terry df.png LSL-WDDD-Smart casual guy F.png

Trenchcoat Terry Smart casual guy
LSL-WDDD-Trenchcoat terry df v3.png LSL-WDDD-Smart casual guy .png

Dummy Textures

RatDummy UnterCarDummy
LSL-WDDD-RatDummy.png LSL-WDDD-UnterCarDummy.png