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Proto:Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.

How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the October 7th, 2003 Half-Life 2 Leak.
Check the October 7th, 2003 Half-Life 2 Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.
To do:
  • maps/Original folder.

Among the content released in the Half-Life 2 leak, was a Valve employee's copy of Half-Life and a few other miscellaneous addons, including an early version of the yet to be released Condition Zero.

Under the name of "cstrike_trs", this covers the "offline matches with bots" portion of Condition Zero that was developed by Turtle Rock Studios. However, there are notably several leftovers from the previous developers, as well as cut content from the Xbox port of Counter-Strike.


CSCZ TRS DesertBunkerCT.png
Cut Maps
All of the operations that were planned but failed miserably.

General Differences

Main Menu

The main menu in this prototype uses the original Counter-Strike menu background.

Tour of Duty

The Tour of Duty single-player mode is present, though the maps in each tour are different. The prototype's Tour of Duty mode also contains seven tours compared to the final's six tours.

Prototype Tour 1 Final Tour 1
Dust, Office, Stadium Dust, Office, Prodigy
Prototype Tour 2 Final Tour 2
Prodigy, Italy, Inferno Tides, Italy, Inferno
Prototype Tour 3 Final Tour 3
Vostok, Militia, Tides Dust II, Militia, Stadium
Prototype Tour 4 Final Tour 4
Fastline, Havana, Cobblestone Chateau, Havana, Cobblestone
Prototype Tour 5 Final Tour 5
Aztec, Downed, Piranesi Aztec, Downed, Airstrip
Prototype Tour 6 Final Tour 6
Airstrip, Miami, Dust II Piranesi, Fastline, Torn

Player Models

  • Elite Crew is entirely different.
Prototype Final
CSCZTRS-Leet krew.png CSCZFinal-Leet krew.png
  • VIP has a different texture.
Prototype Final
  • Phoenix Connection has a different texture.
Prototype Final
CSCZTRS-Phoenix connection.png CSCZFinal-Phoenix connection.png
  • SEAL Team Six has a different texture.
Prototype Final
CSCZTRS-ST6.png CSCZFinal-ST6.png
  • The prototype lacks the Spetsnaz and Midwest Militia playermodels.


All weapons reuse the Counter-Strike 1.6 models in this prototype.

Health Bug

For some reason, the damage models in this prototype seem to be completely random: at times, you will need more shots than usual to kill bots and vice versa.

Bot Voice Lines

The prototype contains all of the "raw" bot sounds with no radio filters, located at cstrike_trs\sound\radio\BOT\raw. The folder also contains a CoolEdit script for applying said radio filters. Some bot voice lines are uploaded for demonstration.

Raw Cooked
Raw Cooked
Raw Cooked

CoolEdit Script

Collection: New Collection
Title: Radio FX
Mode: 4

Selected: 0 to 30716 scaled 30716 SR 22050
cmd: Channel Both

Selected: 0 to 30716 scaled 30716 SR 22050
cmd: Filters\FFT Filter
1: 4
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2405
5: 0
6: 2406
7: 100
8: 4096
9: 100
10: 4
11: 0
12: 0
13: 2405
14: 0
15: 2406
16: 100
17: 4096
18: 100
19: 1
20: 0
21: 1024
22: 1
23: 0
24: 2
25: 0
26: 0
27: 1000
28: 100
29: 3
30: 0
31: 100
32: -15
33: 15
34: 2048
35: 0
36: 0
37: 0
38: 0
39: 0
40: 0
41: 0
42: 0
43: 0
44: 0
45: 0
46: 0
47: 0
48: 0
49: 0
50: 0
51: 0
52: 0
53: 0
54: 0
55: 0
56: 0
57: 0
58: 1
59: 1
60: 0
61: 1
62: 0
63: 0
64: 0
65: 1
66: 0
67: 22050

cmd: Special\Distortion
1: 4
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2289
5: 3979
6: 3877
7: 4096
8: 4096
9: 2547
10: 1
11: 2
12: 0
13: 0
14: 4096
15: 4096
16: 4
17: 0
18: 1
19: 1

cmd: Filters\FFT Filter
1: 4
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2585
5: 0
6: 2586
7: 100
8: 4096
9: 100
10: 4
11: 0
12: 0
13: 2585
14: 0
15: 2586
16: 100
17: 4096
18: 100
19: 1
20: 0
21: 1024
22: 1
23: 0
24: 2
25: 0
26: 0
27: 1000
28: 100
29: 3
30: 0
31: 100
32: -15
33: 15
34: 2048
35: 0
36: 0
37: 0
38: 0
39: 0
40: 0
41: 0
42: 0
43: 0
44: 0
45: 0
46: 0
47: 0
48: 0
49: 0
50: 0
51: 0
52: 0
53: 0
54: 0
55: 0
56: 0
57: 0
58: 1
59: 1
60: 0
61: 1
62: 0
63: 0
64: 0
65: 1
66: 0
67: 22050


Title: Radio FX Batch
Mode: 2

Selected: none at 4186 scaled 14007 SR 22050
cmd: Channel Both

Selected: 0 to 14006 scaled 14007 SR 22050
cmd: Filters\FFT Filter
1: 4
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2405
5: 0
6: 2406
7: 100
8: 4096
9: 100
10: 4
11: 0
12: 0
13: 2405
14: 0
15: 2406
16: 100
17: 4096
18: 100
19: 1
20: 0
21: 1024
22: 1
23: 0
24: 2
25: 0
26: 0
27: 1000
28: 100
29: 3
30: 0
31: 100
32: -15
33: 15
34: 2048
35: 0
36: 0
37: 0
38: 0
39: 0
40: 0
41: 0
42: 0
43: 0
44: 0
45: 0
46: 0
47: 0
48: 0
49: 0
50: 0
51: 0
52: 0
53: 0
54: 0
55: 0
56: 0
57: 0
58: 1
59: 1
60: 0
61: 1
62: 0
63: 0
64: 0
65: 1
66: 0
67: 22050

cmd: Special\Distortion
1: 4
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2289
5: 3979
6: 3877
7: 4096
8: 4096
9: 2547
10: 1
11: 2
12: 0
13: 0
14: 4096
15: 4096
16: 4
17: 0
18: 1
19: 1

cmd: Filters\FFT Filter
1: 4
2: 0
3: 0
4: 2585
5: 0
6: 2586
7: 100
8: 4096
9: 100
10: 4
11: 0
12: 0
13: 2585
14: 0
15: 2586
16: 100
17: 4096
18: 100
19: 1
20: 0
21: 1024
22: 1
23: 0
24: 2
25: 0
26: 0
27: 1000
28: 100
29: 3
30: 0
31: 100
32: -15
33: 15
34: 2048
35: 0
36: 0
37: 0
38: 0
39: 0
40: 0
41: 0
42: 0
43: 0
44: 0
45: 0
46: 0
47: 0
48: 0
49: 0
50: 0
51: 0
52: 0
53: 0
54: 0
55: 0
56: 0
57: 0
58: 1
59: 1
60: 0
61: 1
62: 0
63: 0
64: 0
65: 1
66: 0
67: 22050


Title: Normalize to 100%
Mode: 1

Selected: none at 0
cmd: Channel Both

Selected: none at 0
cmd: Open
1: C:\Valve\ValveGames\dev\mikeb\cstrike\sound\radio\bot\raw\pain2.wav
2: Windows PCM

Selected: 0 to 17777 SR 22050
cmd: Amplitude\Normalize
1: 1
2: 0
3: 0
4: 1
5: 0


Title: Normalize to 100% Batch
Mode: 2

Selected: none at 8955 scaled 17778 SR 22050
cmd: Channel Both

Selected: 0 to 17777 scaled 17778 SR 22050
cmd: Amplitude\Normalize
1: 1
2: 0
3: 0
4: 1
5: 0


Title: High Voice Batch
Mode: 2

Selected: none at 0 scaled 14494 SR 22050
cmd: Channel Both

Selected: 0 to 14493 scaled 14494 SR 22050
cmd: Time/Pitch\Stretch
1: 0.85
2: 0.85
3: 0
4: 1
5: 50
6: 2
7: 0.3
8: 5
9: 5
10: 0
11: 1


Title: Low Voice Batch
Mode: 2

Selected: none at 7247 scaled 14494 SR 22050
cmd: Channel Both

Selected: 0 to 14493 scaled 14494 SR 22050
cmd: Time/Pitch\Stretch
1: 1.25
2: 1.25
3: 0
4: 1
5: 45
6: 2
7: 0.27
8: 6
9: 5
10: 0
11: 1
