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Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry (Windows)

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Title Screen

Tom and Jerry in "Fists of Furry"

Developer: VIS Entertainment[1]
Publisher: Ubi Soft[1]
Platform: Windows
Released in US: 2002
Released in EU: 2002

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

In 2002, a Windows port of Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry was inexplicably released two years after its initial Nintendo 64 debut. And was released the same year as it's sequel

Unused Files

Inside the DATA folder of the game, two unused files can be found:

  • TJPC_STR_RU.utx
    A full Russian translation of the game that wasn't implemented at the final. However, the game's font doesn't contain Cyrillic characters.
  • TJfont_f.ttf
    An alternative font for the game that is pretty similar to the used font in TJFONT.ttf. Surprisingly, it has a later modification date than the used font.

Unused Text

To do:
Is it still possible to access the Debug Menu?

In the executable, the string HELLO WORLD can be found at 0x000559AC. Strings for the debug mode from the N64 version are still present in this version, as are the early names for the stages.

Revisional Differences

The Windows port is nearly identical to the Nintendo 64 version, which has the same textures, models and gameplay. There are a couple of differences, though. The HUD has a different font for menus and time, icons for characters now have shadows and have darker color palettes, and names appear on the health bar. Nibbles/Tuffy and Butch also had their expressions removed from the game.

Nintendo 64 Windows
Tom and Jerry N64 HUD.png Tom and Jerry PC HUD.png
