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User:D3x/Sandbox/sanmdboxthesequel/Unused Music & Audio

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Cut Songs


An unused fanfare with an extremely noticeable Super Smash Bros. Melee and Kirby Air Ride feel to it. This gives credence to the idea that it came from early in the development of the GameCube project. In addition, GCK (GameCube Kirby, most likely) is likely a reference to the game's project name when it was being developed for the GameCube before it was reworked for the Wii.

This theme was built upon and, as a result, other variations of the theme are used within the final. Notably, this version of the theme would later be reused in all of the 3DS Kirby games, as well as in Kirby Star Allies. It is officially named "Kirby Perfection!" in the Kirby Star Allies: The Original Soundtrack and was by Hirokazu Ando.


This song is actually from the Japanese Super Famicom version of Kirby's Star Stacker. It was certainly a candidate theme for the first phase for Robo Dedede battle in Scope Shot, which in the final game is King Dedede's theme from Kirby Super Star, internally named in the game's files as dededesdx. This is evidenced by dededesdx being named BGM_LP_DEDEDE3 in the game's .brsar sound archive.


An extremely upbeat unused song with similarities to "Prism Plains" from Kirby Squeak Squad and "Perfect Sledding Weather" (KbyW_CACTUS1/ST_KBYW_CACTUS1) from this game. It also quotes "Beyond the Hill" (KbyW_CANYON1/ST_IUK_KBYW_CANYON1) and "Green Greens". "Heiti" is another spelling of 平地 heichi, meaning "plains" or "flatlands", suggesting this was originally a theme for a plains-related area. Although the composer of the theme is officially unknown, the filename and instrumentation suggests it was by Jun Ishikawa. Strangely, this theme is also present in the game's .brsar sound archive as BGM_LP_HEITI1.


A very ominous, foreboding fanfare. The filename implies it may have been an early fanfare for entering a hidden dimension portal, but it's much louder and has a far more foreboding composition than the theme used in-game... almost too dark for merely entering a portal, which may've been why it was scrapped.


Grouped next to the above fanfare, this much more cheerful variant was likely intended for the same situation, and sounds very similar to the variant used in-game, only with similar instrumentation to "fanfare_GCK" above.

Unused Music Versions

Several songs from the game have earlier, lower-quality versions hidden in the files, usually under the heading "KbyW". As "KbyW" is not the codename for Kirby's Return to Dream Land, most of these versions and KbyW_HEITI1 are likely lifted from the third cancelled Kirby game with the popup and cel-shaded style, which appears to have been for the Wii.

Unused (KBYCLEAR1SH) Used (Kirby Dance (Long) / KBYCLEAR1)
Unused (KbyW_BOSS_TYU_M_2) Used (VS Sphere Doomer / KBYW_BOSS_TYU_M)
Unused (KbyW_CACTUS1) Used (Perfect Sledding Weather / ST_KBYW_CACTUS1)
Unused (KbyW_CANYON1) Used (Beyond the Hill / ST_IUK_KBYW_CANYON1)
Unused (KbyW_CAVE1) Used (Water Sliders / ST_KbyW_CAVE1)
Unused (KbyW_COLD1_forstrm) Used (Nutty Noon / ST_KbyW_COLD1)
Unused (KbyW_COLD2) Used (Snowball Scuffle / ST_KbyW_COLD2)
Unused (KbyW_CONGA1) Used (Another Dimension / ST_KbyW_CONGA1)
Unused (KbyW_FISH1) Used (Raisin Ruins / IUK_FISH1)
Unused (KbyW_FUNK1) Used (Rush on the Railway Coaster / ST_KbyW_FUNK1)
Unused (KbyW_HEN1) Used (Tumbling Ice / IUK_HEN1)
Unused (KbyW_MINE1) Used (Vestiges of the Ancients / IUK_LP_MINE1)
Unused (KbyW_MIZU1) Used (Summer Sands and Cool Waves / ST_IUK_KBYW_MIZU1)
Unused (KbyW_RAIN1) Used (A Stroll on the Ocean Floor / ST_KBYW_RAIN1)
Unused (KbyW_REGG1) Used (Exotic Pyramid / ST_KBYW_REGG1)
Unused (KbyW_ROCK1) Used (Time for a Challenge! / IUK_LP_ROCK1)
Unused (KbyW_SAMBA1) Used (Onion Ocean / ST_KbyW_SAMBA1)
Unused (KbyW_TECH1) Used (Techno Factory / IUK_LP_TECH1)
Unused (KbyW_TOUT1) Used (Freezing Temple / ST_IUK_TOUT1)
Unused (KbyW_TRAINING1) Used (Challenge Guide / IUK_LP_TRAINING1)
Unused (ST_KbyW_BOSSMAE2) Used (The Long-Desired Land / KbyW_BOSSMAE2)
Unused (DecisiveNormal01_32k) Used (Final Battle / DecisiveNormal02)
Unused (DecisiveEx01_32k) Used (Final Battle EX / DecisiveEx02)
Unused (funegattai1) Used (Lor Restored! / funegattai3)
Unused (funegattai2wav) Used (The Lor Starcutter Reborn / funelast3)

These two are more notably distinct from their final variations, as they use the same "retro" instrumentation as the other songs, while in the final game and the first iteration, Kirby for Nintendo GameCube, they are composed with more realistic instruments. This may suggest that more of the soundtrack was planned to be in the same "retro" style at some point in development.

Unused (st_castle2) Used (Sky Tower / st_castle)

The unused version for "Sky Tower" is named "st_castle2" while the final version is named just "st_castle", which may suggest that the used iteration is actually the older version rather than the unused one. Composer Hirokazu Ando has stated that "Sky Tower" was written around the same time as "Road to Victory", which, has more realistic instruments and is confirmed to be from Kirby for Nintendo GameCube. This means that "Sky Tower" (most likely the variation used in-game, "st_castle") is a relic from the first GameCube incarnation before Kirby's Return to Dream Land.

Unused (st_wado02) Used (Crystal Dungeons / st_doukutu)

Despite those 2 songs being composed by Hirokazu Ando, the instrumentation and general tones of "st_castle2" and "st_wado02" suggest they were arranged by Jun Ishikawa.

Unused (gunshooting01) Used (Challenging the True Arena / LOBY)

There is an unused version of "Challenging the True Arena" that is identical to the final, except the unused version has an extra section before the loop.

Unused Magolor Death Screams



Two rather unsettling death screams. The filenames (and the harsh ethereal sound heard from the 13 second point for M2_Danmatu01) indicate they were intended to be used after defeating Magolor's first and second forms respectively, as the death screams used for Magolor in-game (M#Dm1_32k) use the exact same filename abbreviations (M1 for Magolor's first form, M2 for Magolor's second form, and M4 for Magolor Soul).

Alternate Super Ability Themes




Three variations of "Ultra Super Boss Battle", the theme which plays when you use Ultra Sword in the Grand Doomer fight and the last stage of Dangerous Dinner. The former of the three uses an older, plunkier soundfont, while all three variations include more distinctive string instruments, which aren't included in the variation used in-game ("SuperCopyBoss07").


Early version of the standard Super Ability theme. There are slight differences in mixing, such as a louder glockenspiel at 30 seconds. The version used in-game is "super_a08"

Intro-Less Challenge Stages Themes



Both of the Challenge Stage themes, "(Time for a Challenge! / IUK_LP_ROCK1)" and "(Rush to the Goal! / IUK_LP_ROCK1isogi1)" have unused variations that don't have intros. Said unused variations have "noi1" at the end of their filenames.

Other Notables:

To do:
Upload them along with the counterparts used in-game.
  • menu02 is simply a quieter version of "Magolor, the Far-Flung Traveler" with a tad bit more reverb.
  • harukandora05 and harukandora07 are versions of "Halcandra: A New Enemy", used when Kirby and the gang leave for Halcandra. 05 is quieter while 07 is much louder, and both lack the slight fade-in the final stream uses.
  • "Each to his Own World", the ending cutscene theme, has an unused, quieter version, ending4.
  • "Kirby Master!", used for the 100% completion cutscene, has a quieter version, cdance03.
  • "VS Waddle Tank" and "VS Mecha Kawasaki" have alternate versions, sub_wado1 and sub_kawasaki1 respectively, with slightly different reverbs.
  • "Notification Fanfare" has a quieter version, unlock_fanf.
  • Staffroll_0614 and Staffroll_0616 are both unused versions of "Return to Dream Land", the credits theme. Much like harukandora, 0614 is quieter and 0616 is louder. The final version is called Staffroll_0622. Assuming these are timestamps, they would likely be dated to June 14th, June 16th, and June 22nd of 2011.
  • "Let Me Explain Everything", which plays in the cutscene where Magolor reveals his true intentions, has a quieter version, mahoroayabou3. The final version is mahoroayabou4.
  • "C-R-O-W-N-E-D", the theme for Magolor's second phase, has a quieter variation with less reverb that loops 6 seconds earlier, titled LassBoss2_0419. The final version is called LastBoss2_0422. Assuming these are timestamps, they would likely be dated to April 19th and April 22nd of 2011.
To do:
Investigate M1, M2, and M4 boss SFX.

Unused Sounds

To do:
There's a lot of unused sounds, including Kirby voice clips that are also from other games like Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby Mass Attack so they gotta be uploaded.