Pokémon Gold and Silver/Unused Text
This is a sub-page of Pokémon Gold and Silver.
To do: Get the rest of the offsets. |
Quite a handful of unused text exists within the data of Gold and Silver, with it largely being carried over to Crystal, completely untouched, unless specified otherwise.
Any English text in [square brackets] was not translated in the original English versions, instead being kept in Japanese.
- 1 Sub-Pages
- 2 System Text
- 2.1 Game Freak!
- 2.2 Event String
- 2.3 Window Error
- 2.4 Placeholder Phone Call
- 2.5 Mart Message
- 2.6 Party Message
- 2.7 Pack Messages
- 2.8 PC Messages
- 2.9 Scrapped Minigame
- 2.10 Traded OT Names
- 2.11 Pokémon Prof. Class
- 2.12 Location Headers
- 2.13 Struggle Description
- 2.14 Money Savings
- 2.15 Hall of Fame
- 2.16 End Credits
- 3 Leftover Text
- 4 Rival Encounters
- 5 Script Text
- 5.1 Sweet Honey
- 5.2 Silph Scope 2
- 5.3 Daycare
- 5.4 Cable Club
- 5.5 Player's Bedroom
- 5.6 New Bark Town
- 5.7 Route 29
- 5.8 Earl's Pokémon Academy
- 5.9 Ruins of Alph Trainer
- 5.10 Research Center Photo
- 5.11 Route 32
- 5.12 Union Cave
- 5.13 Azalea Town Quagsire
- 5.14 Route 34
- 5.15 Goldenrod City
- 5.16 Ecruteak City Event
- 5.17 Burned Tower
- 5.18 Tin Tower
- 5.19 Olivine City House
- 5.20 Cianwood City
- 5.21 Mahogany Town
- 5.22 Route 45
- 5.23 Victory Road Gate
- 5.24 Route 25
- 5.25 Celadon Mansion
- 5.26 Lavender Radio Tower
- 6 International-Only Messages
Localized Text For all the text that was carried over to the European versions. |
System Text
Game Freak!
Dates back to the Space World '97 demo, where it was used as an error handler for NPCs which weren't given any dialogue. This string wasn't localized in the international versions.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
00f21 | ゲームフリーク! |
00f4f | [GAME FREAK!] |
Event String
While these strings don't appear during regular gameplay, they are assigned to normally inaccessible NPCs. This includes ones present in cutscenes whose event is triggered by the player walking on a certain tile. Using a Walk Through Walls cheat to bypass said event and then interacting with one such NPC will bring up the corresponding string.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0027c3 | オブジェイべント |
195b84 | Object event. |
0027d0 | ビージーイべント |
195b93 | BG event |
0027dd | ざひょうイべント |
195b9d | Coordinates event |
Window Error
This error message is meant for if the player tries to close a textbox (such as for a menu) without actually having any open. In the Japanese version, at least, it's also displayed when the player attempts to check the status of a level 0 Pokémon.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
024391 | ポップできる ウィンドウが ありません! |
195b4d | No windows avail- able for popping. |
Placeholder Phone Call
This is an unused placeholder phone script, for scripts which do not exist. It can be accessed with Game Genie code 004-4CB-F7A in the English versions and calling Mom.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0d8cb7 | おはよう |
104A90 | Good morning. |
Mart Message
This message is found right in the middle of the Poké Mart text, and is likely a placeholder. Left untranslated in the localized games.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
016430 | !ダミー! |
??? | [!Dummy!] |
This message is never seen, as the pack is always open even when it's empty.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | どうぐを ひとつも もっていません! |
195f90 | You don't have anything to sell. |
Party Message
This message is displayed in the party menu when the player has no Pokémon, but the party menu can't be accessed before the player gets a Pokémon.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0504bc | ポケモンを もっていません! |
0504cb | You have no PKMN! |
Pack Messages
These messages are never used as no unique text appears when you don't have any item, the Register option isn't shown for Key Items which can't be registered, and the Use option isn't shown for items which can't be used in battle.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
010ecd | もっていません |
19455f | No items. |
010f55 | そのどうぐは とうろくできません! |
19460a | You can't register that item. |
010f7a | せんとう ちゅうは できません! |
19464a | You can't use it in a battle. |
PC Messages
This message is displayed when the player attempts to use the PC while not having any Pokémon, an impossible situation in normal gameplay. It does make sense however, as in the Space World '97 demo, the starting town had its own Pokémon Center, complete with a PC.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
01589a | ピーッ! ポケモンを もっていない ひとは つかうことが できません! |
194c90 | Bzzzzt! You must have a POKéMON to use this! |
The speaker of this dialogue has a strong Osaka accent, characteristic of Bill. Accordingly, it is located near text used when the player transfers Pokémon to Bill's PC. Indeed, it actually appears if the player uses cheats to bypass the PC failsafe message without having any Pokémon, and then tries to access Bill's PC. The other string, meanwhile, is yet another failsafe message which never gets used.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
00e6a8 | ポケモンもってへんやつは おことわりや! |
19496f | You gotta have POKéMON to call! |
00e7e5 | 1ぴきも もってへんやんか! |
1949cb | You don't have a single POKéMON! |
These strings, meanwhile, are never seen, as different ones get used instead.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | それ あずけたら こまるんとちゃう? |
1949ea | You can't deposit your last POKéMON! |
00e84f | それいじょう よくばったって ポケモン もたれへんで! |
1949fb | You can't take any more POKéMON |
This message is found right after the options for the Pokémon menu in Bill's PC. Likely an error-handler of sorts.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
024c51 | エラー! |
024c42 | ERROR! |
Scrapped Minigame
These strings relate to the unused card-matching minigame. Only two of the four were translated into English.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | <CARD> いただき! |
195338 | <CARD>, yeah! |
??? | ざんねん・・・ |
195342 | Darn… |
??? | とったもの |
??? | [Cards acquired] |
??? | あと<TURN#>かい |
??? | [<TURN#> turns left.] |
Traded OT Names
These are the original trainer names of the Venusaur and Charizard from the unused debug trade. Once again left untranslated in the localized games.
Kabīn is a reference to game designer Kōji Nishino, nicknamed Kābī after Kirby, since he ate and slept a lot. This nickname was incorporated into the Japanese namesake of Snorlax, "Kabigon", as well as one one of the draft creature designs in 1993 storyboards illustrating the development of Red and Green (albeit spelled in katakana as カビーン).
Matsumiya is a reference to Toshinobu Matsumiya, scenario writer for Yellow and Gold and Silver.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | かびーん |
??? | [Kabīn] |
??? | マツミヤ |
??? | [Matsumiya] |
Pokémon Prof. Class
This string is stored with the rest of the trainer classes. However, it is only referenced by the game's intro sequence to point to Professor Oak's picture, so it is never displayed in a trainer battle or otherwise. Accordingly, unlike in Generation I, there is no unused trainer data for Prof.Oak.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
02d313 | ポケモンはかせ |
1b0993 | POKéMON PROF. |
Location Headers
The following headers would have been used on the Pokégear's region map, but go unused for one reason or another. Namely, the Saffron City header is used even when in the Silph Co. building, and the games mistakenly use the New Bark Town header when in the Fast Ship. As for the Safari Zone, Pokémon Mansion, Cerulean Cave, and Viridian Forest, they are all Gen I locations which didn't make a return in Gold and Silver. Even the cut Safari Zone map returns to the Fuchsia City header.
The location marked "N/A" in the localized games is called "Haunted House" in Japanese. In the ID list, it appears at the end of the Johto locations, just before the Kanto ones start. This header is linked to a cut dungeon, with it later being reworked into Diamond and Pearl's Old Chateau.
As for the "SPECIAL" header, it is used by location ID 00, a placeholder for the player's last location. While it doesn't appear in-game, it is referenced by Pokémon Centers.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0926EF | オバケやしき |
092641 | N/A |
092769 | シルフカンパニー |
09270d | SILPH CO. |
092772 | サファリゾーン |
092717 | SAFARI ZONE |
092780 | ポケモンやしき |
092733 | POKéMON MANSION |
092785 | ハナダのどうくつ |
092740 | CERULEAN CAVE |
092872 | こうそくせん |
092906 | FAST SHIP |
092879 | トキワのもり |
092897 | スぺシャル |
092946 | SPECIAL |
Struggle Description
Struggle is a move that's automatically used when a Pokémon runs out of PP. It cannot be learned naturally and isn't part of any Pokémon's moveset, so its description is never seen.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
02f186 | わざポイントがなくなると でるわざ じぶんもすこし ダメージをうける |
1b56bc | Used only if all PP are exhausted. |
Money Savings
In the final games, the only options available to the player are sending 1/4th of their winnings to Mom or none at all. These messages would have been shown after a trainer battle.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
03b595 | おかあさんにはんぶん おくった! |
1013f1 | Sent half to MOM! |
03b5a6 | おかあさんにぜんぶ おくった! |
101404 | Sent all to MOM! |
Hall of Fame
When entering the Hall of Fame more than 200 times, the message displayed is supposed to change from "<#>th Time Famer" (「だい<#>かい でんどういり」in the Japanese versions) to a new message, and stop counting the number of times the player has entered the Hall of Fame. However, due to a conflict in the game's code (an instruction checks if "HOF entries > 201", but another instruction ensures the counter never surpasses 200), the message never displays, and all further Hall of Fame entries past 200 are only counted as the 200th (displaying "200-time Famer" as the final message).
Offset (J) | Japanese | Translation | Offset (U) | English |
086898 | だい⋯なんかいだっけ? でんどういり |
Hall of Fame... How many times is it again? |
0866df | HOF Masterǃ |
End Credits
This string is located at the end of the credits, and was originally used as a placeholder in the Space World 1999 demo, where the "THE END" graphics hadn't yet been implemented.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
087ef5 | おしまい |
1c149d | END |
Leftover Text
Dodged Poké Ball
This message was displayed if the player attempted to catch the Ghosts in the Pokémon Tower. Goes unused in Gold and Silver however, as no such scenario exists there.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
00f0d7 | よけられた! こいつは つかまりそうにないぞ! |
1983a2 | It dodged the thrown BALL! This POKéMON can't be caught! |
Missed Pokémon
This message was one of the possible options displayed when you fail to catch a Pokémon, here where the Pokémon would break free after the Ball didn't even shake once. Gold and Silver instead have a line stating that the Pokémon broke free, however the original line still remains for some reason.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
00f0f0 | ポケモンに うまく あたらなかった! |
1983d8 | You missed the POKéMON! |
Poké Flute
These messages are displayed when the player uses the Poké Flute in the first generation. However, there is no such item in Gold and Silver.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
00f991 | ポケモンのふえを ふいた! うーん! すばらしい ねいろだ! |
19853e | Played the POKé FLUTE. Now, that's a catchy tune! |
00f9ae | すべての ポケモンが めを さました! |
19856e | All sleeping POKéMON woke up. |
00f9c1 | <PLAYER>は ポケモンのふえを ふいてみた! |
19858a | <PLAYER> played the POKé FLUTE. |
Oak's Parcel
This message is displayed if the player attempts to use Oak's Parcel in the first generation. However, there is no such item in Gold and Silver.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
00fd13 | たいせつな あずかりものです! つかうことは できません! |
1986bf | That belongs to someone else! |
Transportation Messages
The first line was used when trying to ride a bike indoors, though in Generation II it instead brings up Professor Oak's reprimands. As for the second line, it was used when trying to surf on land, and in the final games you instead get a message simply stating that you can't surf there.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
00fd65 | ここでは じてんしゃに のることは できません |
198728 | Cycling isn't allowed here. |
00fd7e | ここでは <POKéMON>に のることは できません |
198748 | Can't get on your <POKéMON> now. |
Safari Zone Commands
As we all know, the Safari Zone didn't quite make it into Gen II. Accordingly, these options go unused and none were translated.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | サファリボール× |
024ebf | [SAFARI BALL× ] |
024ed4 | エサをなげる |
024eca | [THROW BAIT] |
024edb | いしをなげる |
024ed1 | [THROW ROCK] |
024ee2 | にげる |
024ed8 | [RUN] |
03b788 | やせいの<POKéMON>は エサを たべてる! |
101680 | Wild <POKéMON> is eating! |
03b79d | やせいの<POKéMON>は おこってる! |
101690 | Wild <POKéMON> is angry! |
No Bite Message
This string was originally used when trying to fish in bodies of water with no encounter data set.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ここには なにも いないようだ |
194349 | Looks like there's nothing here. |
Bird Type
The unused Bird type string makes a return in Gold and Silver.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
050a3a | とり |
050b0c | BIRD |
Trainer List
Like the Bird type, this unused trainer class list is a carryover. The most noteworthy thing here is that there is a mention of the cut "Jack" trainer class, which dates all the way back to the development of Red and Green.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
050a9b | たんパン |
??? | [YOUNGSTER] |
050ba0 | むしとり |
??? | [BUG CATCHER] |
050ba5 | ミニスカ |
??? | [LASS] |
050baa | ボーイ |
??? | [JR.TRAINER♂] |
050bae | ガール |
??? | [JR.TRAINER♀] |
050bb2 | マニア |
??? | [POKéMANIAC] |
050bb6 | りかけい |
??? | [SUPER NERD] |
050bbb | どろぼう |
??? | [BURGLAR] |
050bc0 | オヤジ |
??? | [ENGINEER] |
050bc4 | ジャック |
??? | [JACK] |
050bc9 | かいパン |
??? | [SWIMMER] |
050bce | おねえさん |
??? | [BEAUTY] |
050bd4 | グループ |
??? | [ROCKER] |
050bd9 | ジャグラー |
??? | [JUGGLER] |
050bdf | からて |
??? | [BLACKBELT] |
050be3 | オーキド |
??? | [PROF.OAK] |
050be8 | チーフ |
??? | [CHIEF] |
050bec | けんきゅういん |
??? | [SCIENTIST] |
050bf4 | だんいん |
??? | [ROCKET] |
050bf9 | エりート♂ |
??? | [COOLTRAINER♂] |
050bff | エりート♀ |
??? | [COOLTRAINER♀] |
Company Names
These strings are remnants of the debug mode from Red and Blue, specifically, the Japanese release of Blue. These were used as the default Player and Rival names. Here, these strings are used in the unused debug trade.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
029769 | ゲーフリ |
??? | [GAME FREAK] |
029771 | クリーチャ |
??? | [CREATURES] |
Rival Encounters
Leftover Encounter
Leftover lines which actually date back to the Space World '97 demo, where they were used for the different outcomes of your first rival battle, which happened in Oak's Lab, just like in Generation I. Neither messages have scripting associated with them.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
03b5f1 | <RIVAL>『やった! いいポケモン えらんだかも! |
10145b | <RIVAL>: Yes! I guess I chose a good POKéMON! |
03b5b8 | <RIVAL>『あれー? おまえのポケモンに すりゃあ よかったのかなあ? |
101417 | <RIVAL>: Huh? I should've chosen your POKéMON! |
Azalea Town
This unused rival loss text is from the Azalea Town encounter. It has scripting associated with it, but for some reason goes unused. This also happens to be the case with the following unused rival defeat dialogue sets. The rival's comment refers to the question he asks before battle: "…Tell me something. Is it true that TEAM ROCKET has returned? What? You beat them? Hah! Quit lying."
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0bc886 | ・・・・・・ フン! やっぱり さっきのウソなんだろ |
1213f6 | …Humph! I knew you were lying. |
Burned Tower
This unused rival loss text is from the Burned Tower encounter.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0a4bd9 | ・・・・・・ フン! これだから よわい やつと たたかうのイヤ なんだ じかんのむだでしか ないぜ |
109090 | …Humph! This is why I hate battling wimps. It's just a waste of my time. |
Goldenrod Underground
This unused rival loss text is from the Goldenrod Underground encounter.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
088e76 | これがオレのじつりょく このまま ロケットだんを つぶし あのワタルって やつも かんぜんに うちまかして やるさ |
1190cd | Humph. This is my real power, wimp. I'll make TEAM ROCKET history. And I'm going to grind that LANCE under my heels. |
Victory Road
This unused rival loss text is from the Victory Road encounter.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0bf167 | ・・・・・・ フン! やっぱり だいじ なのは つよさ ほかには なんにも いらないさ |
109cd3 | …Humph! When it comes down to it, nothing can beat power. I don't need any- thing else. |
Mt. Moon
This unused rival loss text is from the Mt. Moon encounter.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0bede3 | ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ これで かりは かえした ・・・・・・あとは こいつらと いっしょに チャンピオンを たおして せかい さいきょうの ポケモントレーナーに なるぜ |
10980f | ...... ...... ...... I've repaid my debt to you. With my POKéMON, I'm going to beat the CHAMPION and become the world's greatest trainer. |
Indigo Plateau
This unused rival loss text is from the Indigo Plateau encounter.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0bedf4 | ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ふう・・・・・・ あとは こいつらと いっしょに チャンピオンに なってやるぜ |
168bac | … Whew… With my partners, I'm going to be the CHAMPION! |
Script Text
Sweet Honey
Unused text remains for an unused interaction related to "Sweet Honey", a scrapped item which would have functioned similarly to the Honey item that was later introduced in Diamond and Pearl, which also happens to be called "Sweet Honey" in Japanese. Later down the line, leaked internal material would go on to shed some light on Sweet Honey.
These messages are located near other Goldenrod City NPC text. In the final games, the gatehouse connecting Goldenrod to Ilex Forest contains a woman standing behind a counter, with a Butterfree by her side. This NPC gives the player TM12, which contains Sweet Scent. In Japanese, her manner of speaking is identical to the tone of these unused lines, suggesting that it was her original dialogue. This is all but confirmed by the fact that at 15d9e5 is a duplicate of the message used when talking to her Butterfree. Regarding the "little brother" she mentions, it'd make sense for him to be the Youngster in Ilex Forest who gives the player TM02, which contains Headbutt.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
04d1b0 | わたしのポケモン あまいミツを あつめるのが とっても じょうず よかったら あなたベも わけてあげる |
15d830 | My POKéMON is an expert at collect -ing SWEET HONEY. I’ll share some with you. |
04d1dc | あん あまいミツを わけてあげたいのベ それじゃ もっていけないわね |
15d87c | I want to give you some SWEET HONEY, but you have no room for it. |
04d1fe | はーい あまいミツ たーっぷり どうぞ! |
15d8bf | Here you go! Have some SWEET HONEY! |
04d216 | <PLAYER>は おねえさんから あまいミツを わけてもらった! |
15d8e4 | <PLAYER> received SWEET HONEY. |
04d22f | わたしのおとうとも まいベち あまいミツを もらっては どこかにいってるの なベしてるのかしらね? |
15d8fc | My little brother takes SWEET HONEY and goes somewhere with it. I wonder what he’s up to? |
04d25b | あまいミツを きにぬったの? ぬった ばしょ どうなってるかしら |
15d957 | Did you put SWEET HONEY on a tree? What happened to it? |
04d27b | あまいミツを きにぬったの? ポケモンが においにさそわれるまで 1にち くらい かかるそうよ |
15d990 | Did you put SWEET HONEY on a tree? It takes about a day for POKéMON to be drawn to it. |
Silph Scope 2
This message appears in the middle of the dialogue for the participants of the Bug Catching Contest. Identified as msg_littleb_00_r36r0201 in the source code, this dialogue would have been spoken by a little boy (aka a Bug Catcher). While the other participants' dialogue is preceded by their names, none is attached here for some reaon.
As later confirmed by leaked internal material, the Silph Scope 2 is an earlier name for the Squirt Bottle, which in the final games is used to awaken the Sudowoodo blocking access to Ecruteak City.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
08be27 | おおきな き と おなじ すがたの ポケモンがどこかに いるらしいよ シルフスコープ2があれば しょうたいがわかるんだって |
15b3cf | I hear there's a POKéMON that looks just like a tree. You can reveal its identity using a SILPHSCOPE 2. |
This string is located near the dialogue spoken by the Daycare couple presents the player with an egg he's found. This suggests that the old man might have always been outside when the player hands him and his wife two compatible Pokémon. This would actually match more closely to how the Daycare couple works in later entries in the series.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0171c0 | まだだよ |
1919dc | Not yet… |
These lines are rather odd, and it's unclear what they would have been used for. Perhaps the old man only accepted male and Pokémon and vice versa with his wife. Regardless, these strings never get used.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
05048d | メスの ポケモンを えらんで ください |
0504a2 | Choose a ♀ PKMN. |
05049e | オスの ポケモンを えらんで ください |
0504b0 | Choose a ♂ PKMN. |
Cable Club
These messages are located with the other Cable Club text. The first line doesn't really fit anywhere, and might have ben intended for when your friend wasn't yet connected all the way. The second string, meanwhile, would have likely appeared after the "Please wait." line, and the third string never gets used as the attendant instead tells us to "Please come in."
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0b728f | とりあえず つうしんべやに いったことにします |
1711c0 | We'll put you in the link room for the time being. |
??? | じゅんびはバッチりだ! |
1714bd | Your friend is ready. |
??? | それでは なかへ どうぞ |
171240b | Please enter. |
Player's Bedroom
These two strings were very likely intended to be displayed at the start of the game. Namely, the Pokémon Journal website was originally featured all the way back in the Space World '97 demo, where it was accessed when interacting with the PC for the first time. However, in the final games the PC doesn't feature any such kinds of unique messages, and the radio instead features a snippet about Prof.Oak's talk show.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0d87e7 | ポケモンジャーナル ホームぺージ ・・・・・・うーん ないようがかわってない |
100971 | POKéMON JOURNAL HOME PAGE… It hasn't been updated… |
0d8806 | こちら ポケモン レイディオ! リクエスト うけつけちゅう! |
1009a1 | POKéMON RADIO! Call in with your requests now! |
New Bark Town
These two messages are found among the dialogue in Elm's house. It's unclear what objects they would have been tied to, as the house doesn't feature any fridge.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | しょくじの じゅんびが してある けんきゅうしょの ぶん かな? |
181f7e | There's some food here. It must be for the LAB. |
??? | しょくじの じゅんびが してある こっちは ポケモンよう かな? |
181fae | There's some food here. This must be for POKéMON. |
It appears that the Mystery Egg would have been physically present in Elm's lab after being delivered.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | はかせが けんきゅう している ポケモンの タマゴだ! |
1818be | It's the POKéMON EGG being studied by PROF.ELM. |
Route 29
This string is intended for the Cooltrainer by the Berry Tree, whose dialogue changes based on the time of day. In the final games he says he's waiting for diurnal Pokémon at night, and nocturnal Pokémon during the day. However, oddly enough when it's morning he'll instead say that he's waiting for Pokémon which appear only at night, instead of daytime.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ひる しか でない ポケモン つかまえるため ここで まって んだ |
129143 | I'm waiting for POKéMON that appear only in the daytime. |
Earl's Pokémon Academy
This message appears after the dialogue for the students at Earl's Pokémon Academy in Violet City. Might refer to the Pocket Printer accessory, which did let players print out Pokédex entries as stickers. It's then likely the Academy once featured a dedicated printer, much like the one in the Ruins of Alph's research center.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
08a716 | いろんな データを シールにできる すごい マシン! |
1590b2 | This super machine prints data out as stickers! |
This string, meanwhile, was intended for the blackboard, which in the final games simply keeps the last bit of the original board flavor text when displaying the status conditions.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | どの こうもくを みますか? |
158c5a | Read which topic? |
Ruins of Alph Trainer
The NPC dialogue below belongs to an unused trainer named Super Nerd Eric, who owns a level 20 Grimer. He was meant to appear outside the Ruins of Alph, likely by the southern exit to the Union Cave, not unlike Psychic Nathan, the only other trainer in this area. Interestingly enough, Super Nerd Eric does appear in the final games, but he does in the Goldenrod Tunnel, and with a team composed of two level 11 Grimer. The unused Super Nerd Eric still exists in Crystal, though he was renamed to Stan.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English | Notes |
098135 | なんだ きみは? けんきゅうのじゃまは させないぞ! |
1101be | What do you want? I'm studying-- don't disturb me! |
Pre-battle dialogue. |
098150 | すまない・・・・・・ わからない ことばかりで むしゃくしゃ してたんだよ・・・・・・ |
1101f0 | Sorry... I'm frustrated by our lack of real understanding... |
Loss dialogue. |
098175 | このいせきがつくられたのは いまから 1500ねんほど まえだ でも だれがつくったか とか ポケモンぞうに いみがあるのか とか わからないこと ばかり でね・・・・・・ |
110229 | The RUINS are from about 1500 years ago. Nobody knows who built them. It's also not known if the POKé- MON statues have any meaning. It's all one big mystery… |
Post-battle dialogue. |
Research Center Photo
Flavor text for a photograph is present with the other research center messages, but no such photo exists to examine. An early version of the "facility" tileset found within the source code does however contain the portrait block from Generation I, through which this message would have been displayed. This string, meanwhile, was later implemented back into Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, where examining the PC in the research center after completing the Unown Report triggers the following message: "Ruins of Alph Research Report. I dedicate this report to the Research Center's founder, Professor Silktree..." ("アルフの遺跡調査報告 これを我が研究所の初代所長ネムノキ博士に捧げる・・・").
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
098a7d | アルフのいせき けんきゅうしょ しょだい しょちょう ネムノキはかせのしゃしんだ! |
110f1e | It's a photo of the RESEARCH CENTER'S founder, PROF.SILKTREE. |
Route 32
Dialogue related to a scrapped fisherman trainer, who unlike Super Nerd Eric lacks any trainer data.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English | Notes |
??? | おなじ ポケモンしか つれない…… きばらしに ちょっと たたかうか…… |
12c731 | I keep catching the same POKéMON… Maybe a battle will turn things around for me. |
Pre-battle dialogue. |
??? | ダメな ときは なに やっても ダメかあ |
12c780 | Nothing ever goes right for me now… |
Loss dialogue. |
??? | となりの つりびと なんで いい ポケモンが つれるの? |
12c7b5 | How come the guy next to me catches good POKéMON? |
Post-battle dialogue. |
Yet another scrapped Fisherman trainer. As with the other one, he was likely cut due to there already being enough trainers on this route.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English | Notes |
??? | きょうは ぜっこうちょう だな おーし ちょっと たたかうか! |
12c7d6 | Heh, I'm on a roll today. How about a battle, kid? |
Pre-battle dialogue. |
??? | あらら しょうぶは ダメかあ |
12c809 | Oof. I wasn't lucky that time. |
Loss dialogue. |
??? | いい ポケモンを つりたきゃ いい つりざおを つかわないと! |
12c828 | You have to have a good ROD if you want to catch good POKéMON. |
Post-battle dialogue. |
An unused message which is identified as msg_swimmer01_01_r32 in the source code, suggesting yet another trainer was cut from Route 32.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | つりの じゃま! って おこられちゃったよ…… |
12cb94 | The fishermen yelled at me for bugging them… |
An unused second dialogue set for the Cooltrainer who blocks access to the rest of Route 32 until the player defeats Falkner. Here, instead of advising the player to check out the Gym, he gently nudges them to visit the Sprout Tower, as while this is an optional dungeon, it still holds the HM for Flash. It's then possible that you once had to visit it as to be able to go onward, or that he would have simply told you to check the tower out when interacting with him after defeating Falkner.
As for the games' remakes, while they did make the Sprout Tower required to traverse, the Gym was blocked until the player went through it. As such, even there this line isn't used.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | マダツボミのとう には いったのか? キキョウによれば マダツボミのとうで しゅぎょう する トレーナーの じょうしき ではないか いって みなさい! |
12c337 | Have you gone to SPROUT TOWER? If you ever visit VIOLET CITY, they'll expect you to train there. That's basic for trainers. Go to SPROUT TOWER! |
Union Cave
Oddly enough, the first floor of the Union Cave contains text data for a sign which is rather redundant, as right outside the cave is a sign saying "UNION CAVE ahead".
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | つながりのどうくつ |
11137c | UNION CAVE |
Azalea Town Quagsire
This message is found in the midst of the Azalea Town text. It is quite interesting, as it contains Quagsire's original name, "ミズウオ" ("Mizuuo"), instead of the final games' "ヌオー" ("Nuoo"). And while that name dates back to late 1997, leaked internal material reveals that it was used for quite a while, all the way up to March of 1999 as it turns out. Given how the localization team lacked this bit of information, they mistook this early name as being a nickname, and thus went with "Wooster".
This line goes unused as no Quagsire NPC can be found in Azalea Town. There is however an unreferenced script in that town relating to this removed overworld Pokémon, where interacting with it would have simply triggered the message below, as well as Quagsire's cry.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0bca02 | ミズウオ『・・・・・・ グギョ |
121668 | WOOSTER: Gugyoo… |
Route 34
An early version of the southernmost sign's message. The final one mentions the route number, the two towns close by, and Ilex Forest simply listed as "somewhere between".
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ゲートを ぬけると ウバメのもり |
12d895 | ILEX FOREST Through the Gate |
Goldenrod City
This message is found among the Bike Shop text, and was likely intended for a sign of sorts, which the final games' version of this map lacks entirely.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ついに はつばい! さいこうきゅう コンパクト サイクル |
15c8cc | Just released! First-rate compact BICYCLES! |
These messages are located with the text for the second floor of the Department Store. There's no corresponding item receipt text nearby, so it's unclear what this shopkeeper might have given the player. Regardless, in the final games the items sold on the second floor are all man-made (Potions, Revives, status ailment cures, etc.), and thus can't be used in battle by a Pokémon just by being held.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
04d466 | ここでは ポケモンがもてる どうぐを いろいろ うるつもりだよ これは サービス ポケモンに もたせてあげてよ |
15dc11 | We intend to sell items for POKéMON to hold. This is a free gift. Have a POKé- MON hold it. |
04d497 | ポケモンに どうぐを もたせると しょうぶのとき いろいろ かけひきが うまれそうだね |
15dc68 | Giving POKéMON items to hold dur- ing battle could tip the scales in your favor. |
Ecruteak City Event
This whole exchange is found at the start of the Ecruteak City text, and suggests the existence of a scrapped side-quest related to the Burned Tower. There are no remnants of this character in the June 15th T27.SXY and the daughter is not present in the 3-floor Burned Tower of that time period, meaning it may have been planned for the 4-floor version that was replaced on or before May 9th. This event was ultimately reworked for the S.S. Aqua, where the player must help a Gentleman locate his missing granddaughter. Identified in the source code as msg_middlem_01_t27, meaning it would have been spoken by a middle-aged man (aka a male Pokéfan).
Note that the Japanese text contains a typo: as "いったあったのに" should be "いったのに".
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0d49cc | おろおろ...... わししのむすめが いなくなった まさか やけた とうにいったのか? あそこは かみかくしにあうから ちかづくなって いったあったのに どうしたら いいものか...... |
124558 | Oh, no. Oh, no… My daughter is missing. No… She couldn’t have gone to the BURNED TOWER. I told her not to go near it… People seem to disappear there… Oh, what should I do…? |
Burned Tower
This string is related to the scrapped static Entei encounter, and would have played alongside its cry prior to the battle starting. As with the scrapped Quagsire NPC, this string uses Entei's early name, "エン" ("En"), instead of "エンテイ" ("Entei"), though unlike the aforementioned case here the name was properly updated when the games were localized.
This string was later removed in Crystal.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | エン『ブフウ!! |
109465 | ENTEI: Bufuu! |
Tin Tower
These two strings are the only ones found in the script file for the ninth floor of the Tin Tower. The original incarnation of this dungeon lacked a roof, and so it's likely that the legendary birds were once fought on the ninth floor. Lugia's presence also tells us that these two strings are extremely old, predating the Whirl Islands, with the devs instead dropping Lugia atop the Tin Tower as a placeholder. Also worth noting is that while Ho-Oh's cry is the same as roof string (only with its name added), Lugia's cry, meanwhile, is rendered as "Gyaaan" instead of "Gyaaas".
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ホウオウ『ショオーッ!! |
108de7 | HO-OH: Shaoooh! |
??? | ルギア『ギャーンッ!! |
108df5 | LUGIA: Gyaaan! |
Olivine City House
These two messages are linked to the unused house in Olivine City, being assigned to the female NPC and her Rhydon respectively.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
0a256f | あたししのポケモンが びょうきになったときは エンジュしのクスりやさんに クスりを つくって もらったの |
144584 | When my POKéMON got sick, the PHARMACIST in ECRUTEAK made some medicine for me. |
0a259e | サイドン『ぐごーおお! |
1445d2 | RHYDON: Gugooh! |
Cianwood City
Identified as msg_middlew02_00_t24 in the source code, meaning it was assigned to a middle-aged woman (aka a female Pokéfan). It was ultimately rewritten and assigned to the mother of the family of three, still in Cianwood.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ここと アサギの あいだに いくつか しまが あったでしょ なかには うみのかみさまが すんでいるって はなし なの |
121c13 | There are several islands between here and OLIVINE. A mythical sea creature supposed- ly lives there. |
It appears that Mania was planned to have a unique message for if the player tried to hand him back Shuckie without any other Pokémon on hand. In the final games, meanwhile, this scenario is mistakenly assigned the string for after the player gives him back his Shuckle.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ボクが その ポケモンを うけとるとキミは たたかえなく なっちゃうね! |
1752a7 | If I take my POKé- MON back, what are you going to use in battle? |
Mahogany Town
This message might have been intended for the impostor salesman in the souvenir shop. In the final games he greets you like every other clerk, and the shop doesn't sell RageCandyBars until after Team Rocket is defeated. This line was slightly changed in Crystal, replacing the word "youngster" with "kiddo".
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | いらっしゃい ぼっちゃん! ささ! どうです? 「いかりまんじゅう」! チョウジの めいぶつ ですよー! |
1140cd | Hello, youngster! How would you like some RAGECANDYBAR? It's the thing to eat in MAHOGANY! |
Route 45
This rather bland string was assigned to a Camper earlier in development, as evidenced in the source code (msg_boy10_01_r45). This string was later overwritten by a different message in Crystal.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ぼくも ポケモン それなりに じしん あるよ! |
135475 | I'm pretty good at POKéMON too. |
Victory Road Gate
The guard posted at the Victory Road gate on Route 26 unsurprisingly has a script which checks if the player has all eight Johto badges, with it making the player turn back if this check hasn't been met. However, the "Not Enough Badges" script and its associated dialogue is never triggered, since the way to Route 26 is blocked by Tohjo Falls, whose traversal requires the Waterfall HM, which can only be used after obtaining Clair's badge.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | あなたは まだ ジョウトの バッジを すべて もって ませんね! きまり ですから とおす わけには いきません! |
17d03f | You don't have all the GYM BADGES of JOHTO. I'm sorry, but I can't let you go through. |
Route 25
An early version of the sign's message by the villa. The final one instead states how this is the Sea Cottage before mentioning that it is Bill's house, which in terms is closer to the Generation I equivalent this this sign.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | マサキの いえ |
140e74 | BILL'S HOUSE |
Celadon Mansion
The third floor of the Game Freak headquarters contains an unused bit of text for the Graphic Artist following a GB Printer error. In the final games, you only get to see the diploma's own default error message, with no unique message from the employee afterwards.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | なんとなく ちょうしが わるいね プりントは ちゅうし するよ! |
178e93 | Something's wrong. I'll have to can- cel printing. |
It appears that Mr. Know-It-All, a character from Gen I, was meant to make a return in Gold and Silver. However, in his place lives a different NPC, who hands the player the TM for Curse. This string was later overwritten by the graffiti message in Crystal.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | わしは なんでも おみとおし! |
Lavender Radio Tower
This unused flavor text was likely intended for the bookshelves in the upper right corner of the room.
Offset (J) | Japanese | Offset (U) | English |
??? | ポケモンの シーディーと ビデオは たくさん ならんでる! ばんぐみの しりょう かな? |
174caf | Wow! A full rack of POKéMON CDs and videos. This must be the reference library. |
International-Only Messages
The lines below don't appear to have equivalent messages in the Japanese games.
Unknown Time
The message displayed on the main menu when the clock needs to be reset instead states "TIME NOT SET".
Offset (U) | English |
005bb3 | Clock time unknown |
Event String
A new overworld event string which goes unused. Likely an error-handler.
Offset (U) | English |
195b72 | Corrupted event! |
Test Event
This is one of the many fragments of debug text left in the game. There does not appear to be any code left for it here, but there still is in the Japanese version of Crystal. This string was used by debug options "Test 1-4" (テスト1-4).
Offset (U) | English |
1903cc | Test event <EVENT#>? |
Window Error
A new error message for text windows. Another string is used instead.
Offset (U) | English |
195b29 | The window save area was exceeded. |
Mr. Chrono
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
A leftover script in New Bark Town. While it claims to be activating a debug mode, unfortunately all that seems to be left is the text, which displays the real-time (RT) read from the clock and the time difference (DF) set by the player as well as whether daylight saving time is on or off. There is also text nearby from a function that would calculate the clock reset password for you. This feature was added for the localizations of Gold and Silver, probably to check whether daylight saving time was working correctly. The Japanese and Korean versions do not have this leftover, as daylight saving time is not used in those regions.
Offset (U) | English |
090ae6 | Now on DEBUG… |
120358 | I'm MR.CHRONO. |
Voltorb Badge
This message is unique in that other badges use the format "<PLAYER> received <BADGE NAME>". No such item goes by this name in the final games.
Offset (U) | English |
190426 | Obtained the VOLTORBBADGE! |
Debug Daycare
This dialogue set is related to a debug option known as "Breed" (こづくり) in Crystal, which was used to test out the Daycare system.
Offset (U) | English |
190335 | You need two POKé- MON for breeding. |
190358 | Breeding is not possible. |
190373 | The compatibility is [Value at d151]. Should they breed? |
This dialogue set is related to a debug option known as "Hatch" (うまれる) in Crystal, which was used to test out hatching.
Offset (U) | English |
1903a4 | There is no EGG. |
1903b7 | It's going to hatch! |
Debug Text I
This dialogue set is related to a debug option known as "Item" (どうぐ) in Crystal.
Offset (U) | English |
1902a4 | The <ITEM> was put in the PACK. |
190280 | That item can't be put in the PACK. |
The first string is related to a debug option known as "Warp" (ワープ) in Crystal, the second to one known as "Recovery" (かいふく), the third to "Bug Catching" (むしとり). The fourth string is used by an unreferenced debug option which simply prints out this line, without any gameplay changes. The last line, meanwhile, is assigned to an unreferenced OT ID editor.
Offset (U) | English |
1902ef | Warping... |
1902d4 | Your POKéMON's HP was healed. |
1902c4 | Remaining Time |
1902f9 | Which number should be changed? |
190262 | That can't be used right now. |
Debug Text II
The first string is related to a debug option known as "Game" (ゲーム) in Crystal, the second to one known as "Make" (つくる). The last two strings appear to be related to these two options, but are never used.
Offset (U) | English |
19031a | Will you play with <MINIGAME>? |
190414 | The BOX is full! |
1903e0 | What do you want to play with? |
190400 | You can have this. |
Debug Text III
The last set of debug text, with it clearly related to the Clock Reset time, suggesting that there once was an option to determine the password in-game. Indeed, said password is determined by the player's name, their ID number, and the amount of money they have on hand.
Offset (U) | English |
190462 | Enter the ID no. |
190474 | Enter the amount. |
190455 | Is this OK? |
190442 | The password is: |