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Sakura Taisen Teigeki Graph

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Title Screen

Sakura Taisen Teigeki Graph

Also known as: Teigeki Graph in Sakura Wars
Developer: SIMS
Publisher: Red Company
Platform: Sega Saturn
Released in JP: December 28, 1998

BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

Sakura Taisen Teigeki Graph is yet another Sakura Wars minigame compilation for the Sega Saturn and was released a month after Sega went all-in on the Dreamcast, which could explain why this is one of the very few Sakura Wars games to not be published by Sega.

CD Warnings

If you play either disc on a CD player other than a Sega Saturn, there is a warning featuring the voice of Yuichi Kayama on the first disc and one featuring the voice of Reni Milchstraße (with some sounds coming from her Eisenkleid) on the second. In addition, track 3 on both discs plays the theme song from Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou Koto Nakare.

Disc 1
Kayama: "Yo, Ogami! I figured you'd try listening to this CD. But you know, Ogami, this CD? It's a Sega Saturn CD. That means if you keep trying to listen to it, you run the risk of breaking this device. 'A wise man never courts danger!' You got that, Ogami? Once I stop talking, stop playing this CD! See you later! May we meet again! Adiós Ogamiiii!"
Disc 2
Reni: "I'm Reni. This is a Sega Saturn CD. That means if you try listening to this on a regular CD player, you risk damaging your device. Furthermore, this CD won't stop playing on its own, so no matter what may happen after this, I won't be there to oversee any of it. Once you're done listening to this message, you must stop this CD. OK? See you."
(Translation: MattoBii)