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Super Smash Bros. Melee

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Title Screen

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Also known as: Dairantou Smash Brothers DX (JP)
Developer: HAL Laboratory
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: GameCube
Released in JP: November 21, 2001
Released in US: December 2, 2001
Released in EU: May 24, 2002
Released in AU: May 31, 2002
Released in KR: 2002

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Super Smash Bros. Melee is the hugely popular GameCube sequel to the Nintendo 64 game Super Smash Bros., featuring new characters, new stages, improved gameplay mechanics, and greatly enhanced graphics and sound.

To do:


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Melee masterdebug.png
Master Debug Menu
There's a lot here. A. Lot. You can even save all the changes you've made...or wipe out your Memory Card.
Unused Audio
Super Sound Bros.!
Version Differences
Lots of versions to cover.

Debug Sound Test Menu

SSBM Sound Test.png

If the "DBLEVEL" field in the Master Debug Menu is set to "DEVELOP", the game's title screen will display the build date for whichever version of the game is being played. Pressing X here will allow you to enter the Debug Sound Test Menu. This only works in the North American and Japanese versions. In the European version, this code must be used to access the menu:

041B08F8 38000004
041B08FC 900D9388
(Code: Ralf)

In the Sound Test, you can toggle between Mono and Stereo sound, change the sound effect and music volume (from 0 to 127), change the DSP level (0 to 127), and play the game's sounds and songs. You can also exit back to the title screen by picking the final option.

Unused Stages

There are six "unused" entries in the Debug Menu's level select for Versus Mode, but only two work without external codes. Note that most, if not all the unused stages use the song currently playing instead of their own song(s), of course because there was no music for these stages yet.

To do:
Screenshots. I don't care if all the stages are black boxes. Let's document this completely.


Crashes the game, though there are codes that can force it to load. The stage is simply Icicle Mountain without music. This was likely an unfinished Ice Climbers-related stage from Adventure Mode, as 10-2 comes immediately after "10-1ICEMT", in which the player climbs Icicle Mountain and fights the Ice Climbers.


Crashes the game. The name suggests it was Fire Emblem-themed, as Akaneia is the name of a country in the series, and the internal name for the Fire Emblem song in Temple is also AKANEIA. Sakurai confirmed on the Melee website that Akaneia was a cut stage. Catapults would launch stones at the castle, and a dragon and a summoner would appear.

(Source: Source Gaming)


There is no actual stage known as "Dummy" in the game's data, so trying to load this stage (usually done via the debug menu) crashes the game, though there are codes that can force a match to start when this stage is selected. The game will check during stage initialization to see if the file string pointer is null, and if it is, the game will initialize these values, creating what is often referred to as the Dummy stage. If this stage is forced to load, the entire stage is pitch black, with a single invisible platform at the center of the stage. While there are blast lines, they are located extremely far, thus it's impossible to get KO'd here since the game will crash due to players being too far away. The code for v1.2: Y07T-75KH-UX3X4 FKNZ-39HF-7XCTP

People speculated that this was the stage used for the results screen. But we all know that it might not be.


Crashes the game, though there are codes that can force it to load. It's exactly the same as 10-2, being Icicle Mountain without music. The name implies that it was going to be another Ice Climbers stage, possibly like the Summit stage in Brawl. Sakurai confirmed that there was another Ice Climber stage planned on the Melee website. The code for v1.2: K22D-EC8A-YWETG N3E9-E0YT-ARXBP

Screenshot of ICETOP in action.


A large stage with untextured platforms, a few pits and floating platforms (some move vertically, some horizontally). The music that plays on this stage is borrowed from the Corneria stage. The backdrop is of a now-closed coffee shop in Palo Alto, California named Caffe Verona, now replaced with a Mexican restaurant named Reposada. Said backdrop is commonly used in 3D graphics, such as early editions of the OpenGL Programming Guide.

Teaser for "Mario Teaches Fine Dining".


An untextured test stage for "Break the Targets". It was reserved for Sheik, who ended up sharing the level (and character) with Zelda. It's also possible that rather than a test stage, this was a template that served as a starting point for every Target Test stage.

Easiest "Break the Targets" ever.

Unused Character Intros

Also found within the Debug Menu are unused second-long intro sequences for all 25 characters, presumably intended for All-Star Mode. Go to MODE TEAM TEST > KIM and highlight ALLSTAR ENEMY, then press Left and Right to switch characters and A to view the intro. This is also the only way to view the opponent portraits for Sheik, Ganondorf, and Roy, as they're never fought in Classic Mode.

Unused Pokémon

. ____ .

Using one of the Debug Menu's many tools, it's possible to choose which Pokémon will spawn from a Poké Ball. One of these Pokémon is Ditto, listed under its Japanese name of Metamon. If a Poké Ball containing Ditto is thrown, it will pop out, briefly shout its Japanese name, and vanish. Ditto was presumably removed late in development, as it is mentioned in the official Melee strategy guide. (A video of Ditto can be seen right here.) Only one instance of Ditto can be on-screen at a time.

Ditto was later properly implemented in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: When summoned, it transforms into the fighter that summoned it and fights alongside them. This was likely intended to be its effect here as well.

Unused Animations

To do:
Rip GIFs of the animations if possible.


Selected & SelectedWait

Two unused animations exist for every playable character, titled "Selected" and "SelectedWait". Many of the "Selected" animations bear a close resemblance to victory poses used in-game, although the "SelectedWait" animations all appear to be totally unused.

The filenames appear to suggest that these animations were intended to play upon selecting a character, in a manner akin to the original Super Smash Bros. As Melee utilizes splash art on the character select screen as opposed to the playable character models, there are no other situations these animations could appropriately be used in, ultimately rendering them unused.

The animations for various characters are noticeably unfinished — characters such as Marth and Young Link have their objects clip through their own models, while Ganondorf and Falco only have one static frame of animation.

Some of the "Selected" and "SelectedWait" animations were later reused in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as idling victory poses and as taunts.


A unique animation which is included in every characters animation bank, despite not being used by any of them. The actions depicted pertain to being temporarily stunned and blinded by an unknown item, while reaching out as if to grab onto something.

As no item in-game "blinds" the player in such a manner, it likely corresponds to an item cut from the game.


A second jab attack for Ganondorf, titled "Attack12", is present in Ganondorf's animation bank, although the animation is a duplicate of Captain Falcon's, almost certainly imported from Falcon's own archive.

The existence of this animation allows an unusual glitch to be performed in 1.0 releases of the game, where using a jab while under the effects of a Bunny Hood would trigger this otherwise-unused animation, revealing that no hitboxes were coded in for the move.



While Peach has no unused animations of her own, the filenames for her special moves appear to suggest that the commands for Vegetable and Toad were swapped around in development - the animation for Peach unearthing a Turnip from the ground is titled "SpecialN" (universally used for neutral B special moves), whereas animations corresponding to Toad (including Kirby copying the move) include "SpecialLw" as part of their filenames. Intriguingly, because of this change, Toad is the only counter special move in the series to not be mapped to the Down-B command, although it appears it was originally planned to be.

Master Hand & Crazy Hand

Master Hand and Crazy Hand were intended to have a fourth team attack, titled "Tagtsukamu" in their animation data. It would have been activated by inputting D-Pad Left + Y while playing as Crazy Hand. However, this will cause the hands to be stuck forever, as inputting D-Pad Up + Y as Master Hand will do nothing. Unlike the other team attacks, there are three other subactions associated with it, "Tagnigiru", "Tagshippai", and "Tagcancel". This would have been a grab move, as the normal grab subactions are named "Tsukamu", "Nigiru", "Shippai", and "Cancel". This attack is incomplete, as Crazy Hand has no hitboxes for the attack.

Tagtsukamu Tagnigiru Tagshippai Tagcance
Tagtsukamu.gif Tagnigiru.gif Tagshippai.gif Tagcancel.gif

Character Select

An unused animation for the character select screen which makes the icons for the six "clone" fighters (Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, Falco, Young Link, Pichu, and Roy) slide out from underneath the icons of their respective "base characters" (Mario, Captain Falcon, Fox, Link, Pikachu, and Marth) still exists in the files. This animation can be re-enabled with Gecko code 044dc578 00000000.

(Source: UnclePunch)

Unused Graphics

Great Bay Laboratory Interior

SSBM GBLaboratory1.png

SSBM GBLaboratory3.png SSBM GBLaboratory2.png

In earlier versions of the game, the lab in Termina: Great Bay could be entered (it contained openings on the left and right sides) and stood on top of. This idea was eventually canned and the laboratory was closed and moved to the background, no longer being part of the arena. However, the lab still has some textures and models of some pipes inside of it, likely remnants from the initial idea.

(Source: Dark Linkaël)

TEST's Textures

SSBM TEST Textures1.png SSBM TEST Textures2.png SSBM TEST Textures3.png SSBM TEST Textures4.png SSBM TEST Textures5.png

The textures of the test stage "TEST", discussed above.

Removed Timed Mine Item


Found in MnExtAll.dat alongside the Item Switch menu textures is a texture for the Timed Mine from GoldenEye 007, an item which doesn't appear in the final game. The international versions, as detailed on the sub-page, were able to use the Proximity Mine's design for the Motion Sensor Bomb item, so licensing issues are unlikely.

Audio leftovers also exist for this item, as the unused audio file titled "SFX_IT_CLOCKBOMB_COUNT" includes a ticking sound which continually loops.

(Source: Crashandcortex)

Hand Icons

MeleeLefthandIfAll.ukd.png MeleeRighthandIfAll.ukd.png

There are Emblem graphics for a left hand and a right hand, found in IfAll.dat. They were likely intended to be unique emblem graphics for Master Hand (the right hand) and Crazy Hand (the left hand) respectably, but they share the generic Super Smash Bros. series logo with Giga Bowser and the Fighting Wire Frames in-game.

These graphics are conspicuously absent from any other archive which includes the rest of the game's series logos, including the results screen.

Coming Soon

The message displayed in-game.

Good ol' smash times.

SSBM Coming.png SSBM Soon.png

Leftovers from a demo version, found at IfComSn.dat. This was used in the Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc November 2001 disc as well as the Dairantou Smash Bros. DX Taikenban demo disc, both exclusive to Japan. The file still functions as it did for demos if loaded by the game.

(Source: Pasta937)

Unused Event Match Character Tags

MeleeEventPikachuMnMaAll.ukd.png MeleeEventPeachMnMaAll.ukd.png MeleeEventPopoNanaMnMaAll.ukd.pngMeleeEventZeldaseakMnMaAll.ukd.pngMeleeEventMewtwoMnMaAll.ukd.pngMeleeEventDrMarioMnMaAll.ukd.png MeleeEventGanonMnMaAll.ukd.png MeleeEventPichuMnMaAll.ukd.png MeleeEventEmblemMnMaAll.ukd.png

These textures (found in MnMaAll.dat) correspond to the character nametags used on the Event Match menu. However, since there are no Event Matches where you are forced to play as these characters, they go unused.

Hidden Rice Ball

We have a surprise inside the planter!

Wonder if it restores HP...

In Eagleland: Onett, inside the planter in front of the Drug Store is a small rice ball. It can be seen with a hacked camera. This oddity is also present in Super Smash Bros. Brawl's version of the stage, but is absent from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Plum Trophy

Never trust Mario Golf again.

Among Plum's trophy's textures is a picture of a M16 assault rifle.

Sushi Board

Anyone up for some Blooper sushi?

Among the textures of the Mushroom Kingdom stage is a sushi board.

Pokémon Stadium Textures

GrdPStadiumOVTest GrdPStadiumDummy

These two textures are included with the files for Pokémon Stadium. The one on the left says "test" and was likely used to test the display on the big screen, while the tiny texture on the right says "dummy" and is used as a placeholder for the screen. The files are named GrdPStadiumOVTest and GrdPStadiumDummy, respectively. These textures are also present in Super Smash Bros. Brawl's version of the stage. The dummy texture is in the files to indicate where the screen is while the test background is hidden behind the other screens for the stage transitions.


Also included in Pokémon Stadium's textures is the background seen on the How to Play video included on the disc. While it can be seen in the How to Play Video, there is no known way to see this appear on the stage during actual gameplay. This texture and the "test" screen texture are both the same size as the textures used for Pokémon Stadium's various element graphics that indicate stage transformations, but in the How to Play video this texture is shown to stretch across the screen rather than maintaining the texture's original aspect ratio. This texture is hidden behind the other screens and the stage must be edited to make the How to Play screen present.

HAL Copyright

A couple of Roy's textures that pertain to his accessories have some hidden text that reads "©HAL LABRATORY.INC". Once again, HAL demonstrates that they're not very good at spelling their own name.

No other character has this unique "signature" in their textures, which probably suggests that these were done late in development.


While not actually unused, several trophies have interesting reflections that are barely noticeable in-game.

Ssbm ayumicat.png

The Ayumi Tachibana trophy has a heavily embossed cat's face.

Is it a sloth? Is it a baby wrapped in a blanket? Is it anything?

The Fire Kirby trophy has an embossed baby's face.

The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.

The Metroid trophy has a section of the Super Metroid title screen!

Ssbm metalmarioreflect.png

The Metal Mario trophy has a grayscale reflection of the Yoshi's Island stage.

Ssbm ocarinaskyreflect.png

The Ocarina of Time trophy has a small reflection of the sky.

Ssbm lakereflect.png

Several trophies use this reflection. It is actually a screenshot of Osohe Castle from the cancelled N64 version of Mother 3!

(Source: Earthbound 64 Promo site)

Random Stage Preview

The Mystery Pillar

When you hover the token over a stage on the stage select screen, a small 3D preview render appears behind the name on the lower-left. The "random stage" token, on the other hand, shows no preview...except it does have one, albeit just off-screen to the right.

The preview render itself is just a simple tilted and tall structure.

Unused Special Messages

i has a trophy coz i is a dumy lol

These can all be accessed (except the last two) via the debug menu under MODE TEAM TEST > KIM > GOHUBI ID or GOHUBI FIGURE. However, in the European version, none of these can be accessed with the exception of Trophy IDs 292 to 299 (which is exclusive to it). There are a few messages that are left unused:

Message ID(s) Note
You got the 〇〇〇 Trophy! 299 〇 is commonly used as placeholder in Japanese.
You got the 000 Trophy! 292 to 299 It's exclusive to the European version, therefore the Trophy ID 299 isn't in this version's files.
You got the Proximity Mine Trophy! 295
You got the Dummy Trophy! 293
You beat All-Star Mode on Very Hard with a stock of one! 46 Most likely unused because it's not possible to set stock in All-Star Mode.
You got a rare trophy, Unknown The game makes no distinction between regular and rare trophies, rendering this message unused. The punctuation is incorrect, finishing with a comma rather than a period or exclamation point.
You have all trophies, including gift trophies! 61
You got the Mario & Yoshi trophy! 201
You got the Samus Unmasked trophy! 230
You got the Mario and Yoshi trophy! They're pals again! Can't be accessed via debug menu. This message only appears when the trophy is unlocked through a Japan-only event.
You got the Samus Unmasked trophy! Lucky you! Can't be accessed via debug menu. This message only appears when the trophy is unlocked through a Japan-only event.
The class of trophies you can collect has increased. Unknown While completing certain tasks does allow new trophies to become accessible, this corresponding message is never used to indicate this to the player.

Unused Bonuses

To do:
Get the Action Replay code.

Some Special Bonuses were left out of the game, though you can get these with an Action Replay.

Name Points Given Requirement
Barrel Blast KO x300 Used a Barrel to KO someone.
Crash & Burn -500 All Meteor Attacks missed.
Deflector 1000 (unknown, presumed to be something to do with reflecting attacks)
Green Shell Shooter x800 Caused damage twice or more with a Green Shell.
Poolshark x300 Threw one enemy into another.
Red Shell Shooter x400 Caused damage 3 or more times with a Red Shell.
Ricochet Rifler x800 Deflected shot hit an enemy.
(Source: SmashWiki)

Unused Codes

Unselectable "Yes" button

Selecting "Yes" in the Game Over screen while having a choice to Continue without enough coins can make this option unselectable, causing the error sound effect to play instead of allowing the player to gain extra lives and continue onto the stage where it left off. Even if the game has these commands, it goes straight to a Game Over after the trophy lands onto the red lined table when the coins have been checked and the "Game Over" state is put in use.

Used Unused
Melee Continuation selectable.png Melee Continuation un-selectable.png

Use one of the Action Replay codes below in the appropriate version to test out this occurrence when you go to the menu without the required coins to continue.

Version Action Replay code
v1.0 EC5Y-HR57-VNF0E FF59-RBB8-BZRA4
v1.1 59R1-XNW4-GJ8KZ GAZJ-M5VJ-6R6MC

Playable Giga Bowser

To do:
If they can be found, add codes for the Japanese and European versions.

The video on the right shows that Giga Bowser was in fact playable at some point in development, albeit likely only for AI testing or to see if Bowser's files were successfully copied for Giga Bowser. The former is probably more accurate, as all boss characters are playable in some form using the debug mode. See the Notes page for the codes. Interestingly enough, this remains in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Boot-Up Message Log

The game sends a few debug logs to GameCube's hardware during the startup process, but this is never seen by a player using a retail GameCube. It's possible to view these messages in Dolphin by enabling the logging feature (View --> Show Log). Note that some parts of the log are based on the system the log was retrieved from, such as the system's set date and time when it was accessed ("GC Calendar Year"). Below is an example of such a log:

# ---------------------------------------------
#    Super Smash Bros. Melee
# Distribution 1
# Language 1
# DbLevel 0
# Arena Size 19 MB
# ARAM Free Size 9 MB
# DATE Nov 22 2001  TIME 13:22:57
# GC Calendar Year 2013 Month 10 Day 1
#             Hour 0 Min 0 Sec 29 

Build Date

The build date is displayed in the boot-up log message and the debug menu.

JP/US 1.00 JP Demo JP/US 1.01 US Demo
DATE Oct 31 2001 TIME 04:35:57
DATE Nov 3 2001 TIME 16:12:47
DATE Nov 22 2001 TIME 13:22:57
DATE Dec 3 2001 TIME 19:49:57
US/JP 1.02 and KO EU EU Demo
DATE Feb 13 2002 TIME 22:06:27
DATE Mar 13 2002 TIME 00:54:01
DATE Mar 25 2002 TIME 19:26:42

Boot.DOL Stuff

In boot.dol, the game's executable, there are a few interesting little strings.

Text Notes
by sugano & yoshiki. A little message from Takayuki Sugano and Yoshiki Suzuki, two of the game's developers.
testnz.hps A removed music track.
please setup server for USB Some sort of USB feature.

Trophy Oddities

Rigged Trophies

Several trophies are fully rigged for unknown reasons.

Ryota Hayami Trophy

Despite the game having files to load a different Ryota Hayami trophy dependent on region (TyWaveRace.dat and TyWvRcUs.dat), both files feature identical trophy models.

3D Mr. Game & Watch

Not so flat.

Mr. Game & Watch is a full-3D model like all the other characters. He's only flat because the game runs the flattening code on him at all times, like how everyone else is flattened on the Flat Zone stage. The grey outline is done by having a larger "shell" model with its normals pointed inwards so the inside is seen instead of the outside.