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Topsy Turkey

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Title Screen

Topsy Turkey

Developer: Funny Garbage
Publisher: Cartoon Network Studios
Platform: Adobe Shockwave
Released internationally: November 4, 2002

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

Unused Text

Build Date

11/9/2001 2:48 PM

Version History

-- version history

-- FINAL20 and earlier: steve warren 

-- FINAL21:
--   renamed all cast members to have "gt_" prefix for easier finding (and removing)
--   attached the movie script "gt_main" and the parent script "gt_timerObject" to a sprite to force
all cast members to be copied when the score is copied
--   fixed bug in IE5 mac where ad graphic would not load
--   renamed dummy graphics with a "gt_x" prefix for ease of selecting
--   restored funtionality of pause for title page for at least 3 seconds regardless of load time

-- FINAL22: 
--   externalized the orbit enhanced graphic, using BMP extension on the GIF to fool AOL
--   added this version history cast member

-- FINAL24:
--   made gt_timerDone global handler to take care of checking for timer VIOD or done
--   made orbit banner (if any) start to load while ad up

-- FINAL25:
--  made a gt_orbit_popup method so that it can be called in lingo-centic games (s. griffin)