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Cartoon Network Battle Crashers

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Title Screen

Cartoon Network Battle Crashers

Developers: Magic Pockets (PS4/XB1/3DS), Torus Games (Switch)
Publisher: GameMill Publishing
Platforms: Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: November 8, 2016 (PS4/XB1/3DS), October 31, 2017 (Switch)

MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.

What happens when you take a free mediocre Flash game from the early 2000s and charge money for it? You get Elf Bowling Cartoon Network Battle Crashers, an utterly boring, lifeless, and repetitive beat-'em-up.

A Nintendo DS version was supposedly in development, despite the fact that the DS had been discontinued three years before the release of the game.

Unused Videos

Present in the 3DS version of the game, test.moflex is a heavily-compressed version of the game's ending in French.

cnb_outro.moflex and cnb_outro_fr.moflex are, once again, the game's ending in French, albeit less compressed and without sound.