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Worms Revolution

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Title Screen

Worms Revolution

Developer: Team17
Publishers: Team17, Warner Bros. Interactive
Platforms: Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Mac OS X, PlayStation Vita
Released internationally: October 10, 2012 (Windows/360/PS3), June 6, 2013 (Mac), October 8, 2013 (Vita)

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Worms Revolution is the first game in the series to introduce... water!


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Hidden Videos

In the XBLA version, there are three videos that have a Windows cursor in them. They are most likely accidentally left in and they don't exist in the Steam version. They all feature some white noise in the background and a noise click at the beginning of each video.


This video shows some kind of developer error message.


A 2 FPS video showing off an early online leaderboard.


This video shows off the title screen with an early logo.

Early Achievement Names

Trebus = 27; // now called Kleptomaniac
DianasLegacy = 29; // now called Claymore More
Besty = 30; // now called Bug Gulp

Xb360Config.txt in the XBLA version has comments about old names of achievements. Note that "Big Gulp" has a typo.


To do:
  • Maybe dedicate a sub-page for all uncompiled scripts? and compare between Xbox 360 and PS3.
  • Find out which file on Steam the scripts are compiled to.

In the XBLA version, data.zip\Scripts\ includes plaintext script files for everything: weapons, enemies, backgrounds, worms, HUD, game settings, etc. By extracting the XBLA package, editing the scripts and repacking it, changes can be seen in-game.

Below is an example of Grenade.txt:

Equip =
	CanHoldInCave = true;
	CanHoldOnPack = true;
	CanHoldOnRope = true;
	CanHoldOnPara = true;
	RequiresAim				= true;
	RequiresPowerBar			= true;

	Poser =
		ResourceMesh				= "3DGrenade";
		AttachmentPoint				= "WeaponLocator";
		DrawAnim					= "DrawGrenade";
		HoldAnim					= "HoldGrenade";
		AimAnim						= "AimGrenade";
		PreFireAnim					= "PrefireGrenade";
		FireAnim					= "FireGrenade";
		ShowResourceMeshDuringFire	= false;

	Gadget =
		StoryName					= "Grenade";
		SuggestedReplayCam			= "kReplayCamera_ZoomIn"; // "kReplayCamera_Tracking", "kReplayCamera_Landscape", "kReplayCamera_ZoomIn", "kReplayCamera_ZoomOut", "kReplayCamera_Vertigo", "kReplayCamera_StaticPos",
		ResourceMesh				= "3DGrenade";
		AttachmentPoint				= "WeaponLocator";
		DrawAnim					= "DrawGrenade";
		HoldAnim					= "HoldGrenade";
		AimAnim						= "AimGrenade";
		PreFireAnim					= "PrefireGrenade";
		FireAnim					= "FireGrenade";
		DeploymentTime				= 0.00;
		OnNoDamageWormSays			= "WeaponMissed";
		ShowResourceMeshDuringFire	= false;

		MinShotPower = 10.000000;
		MaxShotPower = 415.000000;
		PowerUpTime = 1.500000;
		LaunchDelay = 0.000000;
		RoundDelay = 0.000000;

		FuseTimeHelper =
			Fuse0 = 3000;
			Fuse1 = 4000;
			Fuse2 = 5000;
			Fuse3 = 1000;
			Fuse4 = 2000;
		SecondaryDropVelocityScale = 1.0;

		AimAngleHelper =
			Style				= "Press"; // "Click" or "Press"
			Speed				= 2.0;
			UseFacing			= true;
			ShowReticle			= true;
			Wedges =
				Wedge0 =
					Dir = "MaxToMin";
					Min = 0.0;
					Max = 180.0;
	Payload =
		PayloadID			= "kPayload_Grenade";
		StoryName			= "GrenadeRound";
		PayloadMesh			= "3DGrenade";
		LaunchSound			= "WormsNext/Weapons/DefaultThrow";
		BounceSound			= "WormsNext/Weapons/GrenadeImpact";
		PreEmptSpeech		= "GrenadeLanded";

		FlightBehaviour			= "Tumbling";

		OnDeploymentWormSays		= "Grenade";
		StaticAspects		= "<Grenade> <Magnetic> <Payload>";

		BlastEffect			= "";
		ExplosionEffect			= "BlastMediumFX";
		Mass				= 1.0;
		Restitution			= 0.4;
		AirResistance			= 0.0001;
		GravityFactor			= 0.93;
		Friction			= 0.75;
		AffectedByMagnets		= 1.0;	
		BounceAttenuation	= 0.0;
		Spin				= 0.2;
		TravelTimeReplay	= true;
		WaterPushForceCap	= 0.05;