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Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble

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Title Screen

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble

Developer: Sega CS1
Publisher: Sega
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: June 25, 2024

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

To do:
  • Unused content to document, if there is any.

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble brings in all-new looks for the returning monkeys, an new 16-player battle mode, local multiplayer, a new Spin Dash ability, more guest characters as DLC (including Knuckles, Amy, and Axel), and an extensive storyline.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

International Japanese
SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitle.png SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitleJPNVer..png
Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) Korean
SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitleCHNVer.Type1.png SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitleCHNVer.Type2.png SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitleKORVer..png

The Japanese, Chinese and Korean versions add the game's name in their respective regional language below the logo on the Title Screen.