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Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble

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Title Screen

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble

Developer: Sega CS1
Publisher: Sega
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: June 25, 2024

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!
To do:
  • Multiple unfinished Battle Modes appear to be under active development between patches within this game's files. These are all presumed to be added to the game within the near future, so these will not be documented for the time being. Do keep an eye on anything that looks to be completely scrapped.

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble brings in all-new looks for the returning monkeys, an all-new 16-player Battle Mode, local/online multiplayer, a new Spin Dash ability, more guest characters as DLC (including Knuckles, Amy, Axel, Hatsune Miku, Godzilla and the Crewmate from Among Us), and an extensive storyline.

This marks the first completely new mainline entry in the series since Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz, released back in 2012, as well as the first game in the series to deliver dedicated post-launch support via continued content updates. As a result, there's quite a bit of content that cannot be seen in-game just yet. Most of it is content that will certainly be added at a later date, and thus will not be documented. The rest is either unused content or leftover content from previous games like Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD.


SMBBR SubPage VersionDiff.png
Version Differences
Always keep your monkey up to date.

Unused Battle Mode Items

Text strings pertaining to multiple unused Battle Mode items can be found in the battleroyale_itemtype_text_en asset bundle. Some of these items have thumbnails attached to them, found in the ui_icon_batl_itemicon bundles among the other sprites in the game.

Icon Item Name Notes
SMBBR-BattleItem SlowpokeMissile.png Slowpoke Missile Likely an early iteration of the Heavy Ball item.
SMBBR-BattleItem Quake.png Old Quake An early iteration of the Quake item.
SMBBR-BattleItem BananaJuice.png Banana Juice The name of this item is found in the ui_state_howtoplay_stringbattleitem_text_en bundle. In the itemtype specifications, however, this item seems to be split into three different items called Skill Gauge Up, Skill Gauge Up (Small), and Skill Gauge Up (Large). It is unknown what function this item serves, as there is currently no Skill Gauge in the game. The closest equivalent could be the Special Item Gauge, which gradually fills over time and grants an item from a pre-decided pool that is personalized for every character.
SMBBR-BattleItem FreezerBurn.png Freezer Burn Likely an early iteration of the Ice Beam item.
SMBBR-BattleItem UFO.png UFO Has function text attached to it: "Hold to float!"
SMBBR-BattleItem Invisible.png Invisible An early iteration of the Stealth item.
SMBBR-BattleItem Shield.png Shield Likely an early iteration of the Barrier item.
None. Super Recovery -
SMBBR-BattleItem Gel.png Gel -
SMBBR-BattleItem Bumper.png Bumper -
SMBBR-BattleItem Bat.png Bat (Hit) Likely a duplicate of the Bat item. It seems to have been created after the final iteration of the Bat item used in-game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Graphics

Early Title/Logo Thumbnail

A sprite of an early placeholder logo for the game. This logo uses the 2006-2012 era Super Monkey Ball typography as a placeholder, and reveals that the game was at one point titled "Super Monkey Ball Banana Festival" during development.

Early Minimap Textures

SMBBR-rad btl w25 001.png
An early minimap texture for the Goal Rush stage, Harvest Slider. This texture uses a different naming format from the final minimap textures and seems to have not been removed from the game since launch.

SMBBR-rad btl w24 003.png
A placeholder minimap texture for a Ba-BOOM! stage added in Ver. 1.20. Interestingly, the placeholder is of a top-down wireframe view of the Race stage, Sky Highway. This placeholder file was swiftly removed from the game in Ver. 2.00, and would later be properly replaced by the minimap for the Ba-BOOM! stage, Scattered Stones, in Ver. 2.10.

Customization Part Thumbnails

Among the folders for customization part thumbnails, there appears to be one placeholder texture per category. Most of these reuse textures of items from Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania, but some are more interesting.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Sounds

Announcer Voice Lines

There are a number of voice lines from the in-game announcer that did not end up getting used in the final game. Among these are name calls for all of the characters that appeared in Banana Mania.


Curiously, Sonic & Tails have completely new takes from the Banana Rumble announcer, but other characters from Banana Mania that aren't currently present in-game did not have new takes recorded for their lines. These characters instead had their announcer calls carried over from Banana Mania.

Kazuma Kiryu!

While these characters are currently not present in-game, Beat was confirmed to be returning to Banana Rumble prior to its release as part of the SEGA Pass. The fate of the other three characters is currently unknown, and their announcer calls will likely remain as carryovers.

Moon Team!
Sun Team!
Super Goal!
You Lose!
You Win!

Miscellaneous unused voice lines from the new announcer. Alongside these, there are many leftover voice lines from the previous announcers from Banana Mania and Banana Blitz HD scattered throughout.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Music

Banana Mania Bonus Stage Theme

The track SMB2 Bonus Stage Theme from Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania can be found in the sound folder under its own bundle, bgm_bonus.awb.

Banana Blitz Leftovers

Leftovers from Banana Blitz HD and Banana Mania. Contrary to those games, these are not heard anywhere in Banana Rumble.


(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Text

Results Screen/Practice Stage Names

By checking the stage_text_en bundle or hacking the game to play non-playable stages in Adventure Mode, the names of these two stages can be seen.

As of Ver. 1.20, the stage_text_en bundle has been moved to an encrypted folder and can no longer be accessed.

Stage Name Stage Description
w11_004 The Practice Stage, which doubles as the Battle Mode waiting lobby.
result_001 The results screen seen at the end of multiplayer Adventure/Battle games.


A text file containing strings for the titles of the game's various game mode types. Notably, there is a Test string, and one for Challenge Mode, a returning main game mode from previous Super Monkey Ball games.

      "m_IDIndex": 1,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Adventure Mode"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 0
      "m_IDIndex": 2,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Battle Royale"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 1
      "m_IDIndex": 3,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Test"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 2
      "m_IDIndex": 4,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Challenge Mode"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 3
      "m_IDIndex": 5,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Multiplayer Adventure"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 4

PC-Specific Options

Various strings for absent Options settings are present in option_kind_element_item_quality_text and option_kind_element_item_screenmode_text. These could be either hints at the game potentially being ported to PC at a later date, or leftover development strings.

      "m_IDIndex": 1,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Low"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 0
      "m_IDIndex": 2,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Medium"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 1
      "m_IDIndex": 3,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "High"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 2

Option menu strings for graphics quality settings.

      "m_IDIndex": 1,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Windowed"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 0
      "m_IDIndex": 2,
      "m_RawRecord": {
        "Name": "Full Screen"
      "m_Info": {
        "m_IsDeleted": 0,
        "m_IndexDisplay": 1

Option menu strings for setting the game's screen mode.

Mouse Sensitivity
Screen Mode
Graphics Settings
Shadow Quality
Texture Smoothness
Post-Processing Effects

Further unused PC-related strings for the above settings can be found in option_text_en.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Regional Differences

Title Screen

International Japanese
SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitle.png SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitleJPNVer..png
Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) Korean
SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitleCHNVer.Type1.png SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitleCHNVer.Type2.png SMBBananaRumbleSwitchTitleKORVer..png

The Japanese, Chinese and Korean versions add the game's name in their respective regional language below the logo on the Title Screen.