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Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

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Title Screen

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Also known as: Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon (JP), Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon for Girl (JP)
Developer: TOSE
Publishers: Victor Interactive Software (JP), Natsume (US)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: December 16, 1999, December 7, 2000 (for Girl)
Released in US: November 2000
Released in EU: January 26, 2001

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

To do:
  • Regional Differences.
  • Find US/EU version code.
  • Split the Girls version into a separate page.

The third mainline game in the Harvest Moon series, which takes place in Mineral Town. It's also the first not to be released on a Nintendo console and to get a "Girl's Version", which would not be localised until the PSP port.

Debug Menu

Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon Debug menu.png

Use the following code, after that select "はじめから" to display the debug mode. Press Up or Down to select the program, and Circle to execute the program.

JP JP (for Girl) US EU
300B9288 0000
300B9BC8 0000
3005E39C 0000
3005E3A0 0000
(Source: Original TCRF research)


Switch to debug menu screen.

1.PDAサンプル (PDA Sample)

Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon Debug PDA sample.png

Some PocketStation test.

2.自分の家 (My home)

Start the game.

3.ミニゲーム01:草競馬 (Minigame 01)

Start the minigame.

4.ミニゲーム02:闘鶏 (Minigame 02)

Start the minigame.

5.ミニゲーム03:トマト (Minigame 03)

Start the minigame.

6.ヒ・ミ・ツ----- (Secret)

Crashes the game.

7.セーブ (Save)

Switch to save screen.

8.ロード (Load)

Switch to load screen.


Crashes the game.

To do:
What comes when connected to PocketStation?

10.家畜交換 (Trade Cattle)

Stop the game.

11.ミニゲーム04:犬 (Minigame 04)

Start the minigame.

12.ミニゲーム05:競泳 (Minigame 05)

Start the minigame.

13.春の家 (Spring House)

Stop the game.

14.夏の家 (Summer House)

Stop the game.

15.秋の家 (Fall House)

Stop the game.

16.冬の家 (Winter House)

Stop the game.

17.タイトル (Title)

Switch to title screen.

18.スタッフロール (Staff Roll)

Start the staff roll.

19.MGデバッグ画面 (MG Debug Screen)

Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon Debug PDA.png

Switch to black screen. Press L2 or R2 to switch to some debug menu.

To do:
This debug menu has a sound test. How to enable?

20.メモリーカード云々 (Misc. Memory Card)

Switch to load/save screen.

21.謎 (Unknown)

Crash the game.

22.謎2 (Unknown)

Stop the game.

23.ミニゲーム05:競泳B (Minigame 05)

This menu is in "for Girl". Stop the game.

24.ミニゲーム05:競泳C (Minigame 05)

This menu is in "for Girl". Stop the game.

25.名前と誕生日登録 (Register Name and Birthday)

This menu is in "for Girl". Switch to name/birthday register screen.

Version Differences

Title Screen

JP JP (for Girl) International
Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon Title.png Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon for Girl Title.png Harvest Moon- Back to Nature-title.png