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Hitman: Codename 47

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Title Screen

Hitman: Codename 47

Developer: IO Interactive
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Platform: Windows
Released in JP: February 23, 2001
Released in US: November 19, 2000
Released in EU: December 1, 2000
Released in AU: September 23, 2003

ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:
  • Loads, loads, loads and loads of unused voice files.

Hitman: Codename 47 is the first game of the Hitman series introducing the world to the cold-blooded assassin with severe bladder issues. Originally designed as a simple action shooter inspired by John Woo movies, the game was retooled into a stealth game at the publisher's suggestion to showcase the impressive ragdoll physics the developers had made. This game only ever saw a PC release, leading to the developers remaking certain levels in Hitman: Contracts.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info


Missions Order

Judging by how the mission folders are named, it seems that the order of the levels was changed prior to release. The missions set in Rotterdam were to take place right after Hong Kong, while the jungle levels came after the Traditions of the Trade mission. The Rotterdam missions, relatively speaking, are significantly more difficult compared to the Hong Kong levels. Which might be reason of this change, so as to give the player more time to get familiar with the game.


In the first level, Dr. Ort-Meyer makes several small errors. He suggests you take a gun from a nearby table (it's actually two crates), misidentifies an AK-103 as an AK-47, and refers to Fiber Wire as Piano Wire. While an AK-47 is present in the Colombia levels, the AK-47 that may of been present in the tutorial level was likely changed to an AK-103 late in development.

It's likely that the lines were recorded to match earlier names and locations before they were changed to the current ones.

Fiber Wire

Final release has the weapon named "Fibre Wire".
Screenshot of the fiber wired being named "Piano Wire" from the demo.


Weapons are on two crates, not a table.


An AK-103 is on the crate, not an AK-47. Thus making all the facts Dr. Ort-Meyer spits out about the weapon pretty meaningless.


To do:

The game's manual includes an early render of Lee Hong, in which his hair is styled differently and lacks facial hair.

There's an early render of Agent 47 in the Controls section that matches his appearance in some pre-release screenshots.

If you get killed, you can pay 3000 credits to continue.

It seems that by the time the manual was written, an arcade-like respawning system of sorts was in the game. If you die, you'd have to pay 3000 credits to continue. This was replaced in the final game by a less complicated system.

Unused Items

Using the cheat Giveall in certain levels gives the player a few items not available through regular gameplay. Two are weapons (Derringer in TLHA and Traditions of the Trade, and a blowgun in Find the U'Wa Tribe), while the others are a vacuum cleaner (Traditions of the Trade) and a train yard switch (Gunrunner's Paradise), the latter of which will instantly crash the game if used.

Unused Audio

Developer Placeholder Audio

Some low-quality developer placeholder lines and sound effects are buried in the game's files.

More yawning
"Step over to the steel doors and follow me."
"Yes, how may I help you?"
"Ah, you're Mr. Reaper right?"
"Look here, the professor's doors on the second floor on the right. You can't miss it.
"The professor's office is on the second floor, on the right. You can't miss it."
"Right this way."
"Come on, come on."

Agent 47's Original Voice

Before we got the iconic, stoic voice of David Bateson we had the voice acting talent of what is said to be Dan Russell. Codename 47 seemed to have a more action-movie vibe, before the tone was changed late in development. 47 used to be dropping quips and one-liners quite often during cutscenes and after firefights. A number of audio files have been overwritten by Bateson's lines, but a good chunk of the original files are still on the disc.

One-Liners (During a fight)

You can run but you only die tired.
These punks need to be taught a hard lesson.
These guys are definitely in touch with their anger.
Damn it I really need a vacation.
The fun never ends.
There's no time to kill like the present.
You're never too poor to pay attention to this.
Oh I'm sorry I thought you said kill me.
Okay let's get it on boys.
Let's play the pain game.
Time to issue pain.
You need more than a patch.
Exit light enter night.
Come out come out wherever you are.
You'll be running out of breath shortly.
Speed kills and this bullet is coming fast.
I feel like a Death Star.
Guns speak louder than words.

One-Liners (After a fight)

Rest in pieces, my friend.
I really don't think history is interested in you but that's what you are now.
Anatomy is destiny.
When in doubt, trust in firepower.
Another mess to clean up.
This won't look good on your resume.
Yeah, red's definitely your color.
I am your worst nightmare.
Another day, another corpse.
I had a feeling you were overrated.
[tutting] They never learn.
[sigh] More blood on my hands.
One less taxpayer.
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Have a nice afterlife.
The cleaners are gonna want extra for this.
Filled with more slugs than organic lettuce.
At least he was good at dying.
You will be recycled.
He died, and that's it.
He'll be one heavy corpse with all that lead.
Better dead than sorry.

Blue Lotus Limousine Driver

The Limousine Driver taking a leak near a dumpster in the mission Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant was supposed to warn Agent 47 away from the area. The developers likely planned this as a measurement to prevent the player from easily killing the driver without triggering an alarm. For every warning, Agent 47 would've replied back with a sarcastic remark, including a funnily-racist Asian penile stereotype. The driver also has a soundfile for relieving himself. These soundfiles are also unused in the demo, meaning this dialogue was hardly implemented.

Sound one would make when doing nature's call
Why/What you looking at, pervert?
Actually, I saw this dumpster first.
I'm taking a leak here, okay?
That's it, I'm not drinking anymore water in Hong Kong.
Hey! I don't need your company here. Buzz off!
Don't worry, I won't peak. Can't really see anything anyway.
You again? Shove off and gimme some room.
Where're your manners, son?
Wha-, damnit. I need to be alone here.
Are you sure you can manage it?
Hey! Didn't I tell you to piss off?
Well it seems you're doing it for me.

Hong Kong Extended Monologue

Agent 47's monologuing at the start of the first Hong Kong mission was originally composed of two audio files. The second audio file was cut and was never updated by 47's new voice actor. The reason for this might be because of the new design change taken late into development which saw 47 turned from an arrogant action hero into the cold-blooded, emotionless baldy we love.

It's been so long since I had a real feeling, a real memory for that matter. But since the agency contacted me, for the first time my life has been a blast.

No. 48s Dialogue

To do:
  • Transcirpts need to be checked, it's hard to make out what they say.

These unused soundfiles suggest the No. 48s clones were originally meant to exchange words with Agent 47 and Ortmeyer himself. It seems these were cut pretty early in development since these voicelines aren't done by David Bateson. In the final game, the clones are completely mute.

Conversations between Agent 47 and Clones

The first line is said by Agent 47, as denoted by the "H" in the original file name.

You might be ready, willing and abled (???). I'm telling you it's not enough.
You were always a bad egg. I'm gonna rectify dad's mistakes.
Trick or treat, little brother! Come and get it!
I'm going to permanently retire you.
If it weren't for bacteria, these guys would have no culture at all.
Face it, you're a weak, defected version of my greatness!
But I have much better lines!
Conversations between Clones and Ortmeyer

The first line is said by Ortmeyer, as denoted by the "P" in the original file name, which stands for professor.

Come my son, make me proud.
I will not let you down.
That's your wicked brother out there. I trust you will take good care of him!
I will do as I am told.
You, along with your brothers, are my true children. Now rid me of that rambunctious renegade!
He will not trouble you anymore.
How painful it is to have your own flesh and blood turn on you! Now go snap this cocky intruder's neck!
Whatever you order, I'll always obey, father.

Budapest/Hotel Error

While it was previously believed that wearing the bellboy outfit would make 47 speak one of the previous voice actor's lines, this is actually just an error on a developer's part. The audio file Agent 47 speaks in this video is: "C3_1_Dialog_Receptionist_4_2B". All of 47's audio files end in H to denote they are lines meant for him (H for "Hitman"). That B at the end denotes the line is meant for the bellboy but was given to 47 for some reason. If you listen to the bellboy's voice or listen to the audio files you'll see the bellboy has the same voice that 47 mistakenly has in this one instance.

Bateson's Cut Lines

Despite the original Agent 47 voice, there exists a few cut lines by David Bateson, the current voice of 47.

47's Intro Monologue

This one is quite strange. It's entirely unused in game, lacking 3/4 of audio but the entire transcript shows up when you load it in the game. What's more, some of the text made it to the English manual. Another thing to note is that during the mission "Meet Your Brother", Ortmeyer says "Man was made at the end of the week's work, when God was tired. [...] A little play on words, my boy - I know you like that sort of thing."

I'm a killer, and always have been. They say once you taste blood, it changes you forever - I wouldn't know. 'cause it's been part of my diet since day one. What is worth killing for, you might ask? I wouldn't know, 'cause I never had any other choice. I have always followed orders. I'm taking another man's life - all I can say is, it's both easier and more difficult then you might imagine. So this is my life - and what is life? Religion offers very simple answers -science offers new possibilities. Did we indeed rise out of that primeval goo by conscience, or are we the result of divine intervention? If you take the religious stand, man was made at the end of a week's hard work, and God was pretty tired. Imperfections, flaws, weaknesses, vulnerability - that's the price we pay for being the last item on the assembly line. No matter which version is right - if you can improve on this prototype, that not even evolution has perfected yet, by means of science - create a sharper original instead of this sloppy copy, this mortal coil - why not? Ask yourself - what's worth living for? A lot. What's worth dying for, then? Not a lot. So if you had the choice, it wouldn't be that hard, would it? It would be worth killing for, wouldn't it? Life is a blessing, but death can be a friend - there's always a price to pay. In nature there's neither good nor bad, right or wrong - there are only consequences. Not so long ago, a few scientists were willing to assume the cape of the creator, delve deep into this creational abyss to find the secrets, to stretch the known boundaries, to create life - they could not foresee the consequences.

Highlighted text means what's in the audio file

Unused Strings


<folder id="Pre_laptop">

According to the ID, those couple of strings are meant for the briefing screen.

<resource id="DianaLetter">
Your mission is over.
Surrender your self to the police and await further instructions.
We will contact you.

I guess Diana was panicking so much she forgot to put "Your" and "self" together.

<resource id="Missiondescription_long">
<resource id="Missiondescription_short">

It isn't entirely clear where this "briefing" could fit into the game, but it's probably for the mission "Meet Your Brother", where it's the only mission where you can't see your objectives by opening your laptop. Not to mention a mission before, while eliminating your target, a whole SWAT team shows up at the asylum, with the task of killing/capturing you.