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Pizza Tower/Unused Graphics/Unused Peppino Graphics

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Specifically: Due to there being a lot of animations for Peppino, it's easy to mistake one from the files due to most of them coming from older builds, make sure to double check.
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

This is a sub-page of Pizza Tower/Unused Graphics.

Peppino, having been present ever since the game's earliest development stages, has a lot, and we mean a lot, of unused sprites - some of which date all the way back to the first public build from 2018. Many are leftovers from earlier builds that were either replaced or lost their purpose in the final game, while others give insight into mechanics and features that were never implemented.

Note: Peppino's clothes are yellow in many of these sprites; this is due to how the game renders his (and, by extension, Gustavo and Fake Peppino's) palettes. To show the palette chosen, the game takes the sprite, chroma keys the yellow out, and then replaces it with the chosen palette. Sprites in which Peppino has white clothing are those that were never updated to work with palette swaps.



Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinoeetbidle.gif spr_player_idle Yes Peppino's idle from the Early Test Build, featuring him blinking and looking around. This animation was replaced by the final idle by the Halloween 2018 demo, making it a very old leftover.
Ptpeppinovomiting.gif spr_player_idlevomit No An unused idle animation that first appeared in the Early Test Build, later repurposed in builds with a health system, for when Peppino is low on health. Interestingly, a red blood-like variant is also present and wasn't updated to support palette swaps.

This animation is unique in that the frames of Peppino vomiting have particles tied to it, so green pixels bounce and fly off the screen when he pukes.

Ptpeppinovomitingblood.gif spr_player_idlevomitblood


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinofacehit.gif spr_player_facestomphit No Peppino hitting something while freefalling.
PC-PizzaTower-spr player freefallprep-1.png spr_player_freefallprep Peppino preparing to freefall. This animation has 9 frames, despite it not animating.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Ptpeppinojumpnotime.gif spr_player_hurtjump No Peppino was planned to have an alternate jumping animation for when Pizzaface begins giving chase. This graphic never got finished, yet they were put into the game, so it's likely it was scrapped early into its implementation process.
Ptpeppinohighjumpstart.gif spr_player_Sjumpprep No In the Early Test Build, the player could hold up and press the jump button to preform a high jump that would increase Peppino's height. This was scrapped later in development.
Ptpeppinohighjumpintial.gif spr_player_Sjumpstart
Ptpeppinohighjump.gif spr_player_Sjump
Ptpeppinomovingjump.gif spr_player_jump2 No The Early Test Build and the Christmas Race build used this animation for jumping while walking.
Pizza Tower spr-player-fall2.gif spr_player_fall2
Spr-player-groundpoundjump.gif spr_player_groundpoundjump No This move would be activated after ground pounding and then pressing jump to gain extra height. This feature was in the Rework and April 2021 builds, but they used a different graphic, with this one only being seen in development streams.
PTpeppinohandstand.gif spr_player_hanstandjump No Peppino preforming a handstand jump.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Ptpeppinostairclimb.gif spr_player_climbstairs No Peppino was originally going to climb up stairs instead up just walking up them.
Ptpeppinostairidle.png spr_player_stairs


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinocrouchslidebegin.gif spr_player_crouchslidestart No Sliding was originally going to be more painful for Peppino, as he would slide on his face rather than do a back-facing-up slide. Ouch. This is most notably used in the SAGE 2019 Demo, after the intro cuscene where Peppino gets thrown off his scooter, landing in front of the SAGE building.
PTpeppinocrouchslide.gif spr_player_crouchslide


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Ptpeppinorunningupslope.gif spr_player_upslopes No Peppino had an animation for running up a slope.
Spr player downslopes.gif spr_player_downslopes No ... and for sliding down a slope.
Ptpeppinomach1air.gif spr_player_airdash1 No When both in Mach 1 and jumping in older builds, this animation would play rather than the animation the player sees in the final game. This animation was cleverly re-used when switching to Peppino in the Noise Update's Swap Mode.
PTpeppinoairdash.gif spr_player_airdash2
Ptpeppinomachrecovery.gif spr_player_machhit No This graphic was going to be used after Mach running when rolling.
PTpeppinorunning.gif spr_player_running No Peppino doing a standard run. This idea was introduced in the Early Test Build, where the player could do a run by pressing and holding the Shift key, whereas the X key would be for Mach running. Of course, this concept was removed in later builds.

This graphic would later be reused as an alternative animation for Mach 1 in the Desert build, before being scrapped altogether.

Ptpeppinoearlymach3.gif spr_player_mach3 No Back when Mach 3 was originally going to be like a shinespark in Super Metroid, it was going to use this animation. Interestingly, the in-game Mach 3 animation is labeled as "Mach 4", and the real Mach 4 animation is labeled "spr_player_crazyrun".
Ptpeppinomachwall.gif spr_player_machclimbwall No This was used in the Blue Block Land demo, and is basically Peppino's mach 2 run animation that's rotated 90 degrees.
Pizza Tower SAGE 2019 spr-player-climbwall.gif spr_player_climbwall Yes Replaced the older wall run animation mentioned above. This animation was used for the majority of the game's development; it wasn't replaced with the final animation until the Eggplant build in 2022.
PTpeppinomachpunch1.gif spr_player_machpunch1 No These animations were used in various early demos, such as Demo 2. When below Mach 3 and when breaking blocks, these animations will play.
PTpeppinomachpunch2.gif spr_player_machpunch2

Super Jump Cancel

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinoSjumpcancelland.gif spr_player_Sjumpcancelland No Leftovers from the Rework Build's version of the super jump cancel, where Peppino would slide on the ground after landing until jumping or pressing the Mach Run button. These were reused for a slide move in the Eggplant Build, but were never used again.
PTpeppinoSjumpcancelslide.gif spr_player_Sjumpcancelslide


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Pizza Tower spr-player-supersidejumpprep.png spr_player_supersidejumpprep No Peppino can only Super Jump vertically, but here is what appears to be animations for a horizontal variant, originating from Early Test Build. Noise with his pogo moveset had a similar mechanic when mach dashing. spr_player_supersidejumpprep has 7 frames despite not animating. spr_player_supersidejump and spr_player_supersidejumpland are both referenced in unused scripts for the bomb transformation, seemingly being repurposed for a scrapped mechanic where the player could be launched sideways by explosions.
PizzaTower-Supersidejumpmove.gif spr_player_supersidejump
Pizza Tower spr-player-supersidejumpland.gif spr_player_supersidejumpland
PTpeppinooldsuperjumpprep.png spr_player_superjumpprep Yes Peppino preparing a superjump. This has 9 frames of animation yet is not animated.
PTpeppinooldsuperjump.gif spr_player_superjump Peppino superjumping. Like spr_player_superjumprep, this was used in the Early Test Build. The first frame of the animation would also be the basis for the superjump animation used in the final game.
PTpeppinofaceplant.gif spr_player_faceplant No Peppino doing the faceplant move, as seen in the Beach and Forest build.
PTpeppinoshoulderbash.gif spr_player_attackdash No Peppino preforming a shoulder bash attack, similar to how Wario does in his games like in Wario Land 4. This sprite was used for an attack that replaced the grab in late 2020 - early 2021,
PTpeppinojumpdive.gif spr_player_jumpdive1 No Peppino jumping while crouch sliding, as seen in the Beach and Forest Build.
PTpeppinojumpdivemidair.gif spr_player_jumpdive2
PTpeppinoslam.gif spr_player_slam No Peppino preforming an old version of the slam attack.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinodownthrow.gif spr_player_diagonaldownthrow No Peppino preforming an attack where he throws enemies diagonally downwards.
PTpeppinoupthrow.gif spr_player_diagonalupthrow Peppino preforming a similar attack where he throws enemies diagonally upwards.
PTpeppinocharging.gif spr_player_charge No Peppino used to have a move in earlier builds where he would charge with an enemy in tow.
PTpeppinotackle.gif spr_player_tackle No An old tackle move, as seen in builds made before the GOLF April Fool's build.
PTpeppinobackkick.gif spr_player_backkick No Peppino preforming a back kick.
PTpeppinoshoulderprep.gif spr_player_shoulderprep No Peppino preparing to hit an enemy downwards.
PTpeppinoshoulder.gif spr_player_shoulderprep Peppino hitting an enemy downwards.
PTpeppinobackbreaker.gif spr_player_backbreaker Removed Peppino doing the backbreaker, the old version of the piledriver.
PTpeppinouppunch.gif spr_player_uppunch No Peppino preforming an upwards punch.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinograbbing.png spr_player_grabbing No Peppino grabbing an enemy. This and all other animations in this section were used in the Early Test Build.
PTpeppinograbbingfall.gif spr_player_grabbingfall Peppino falling while holding an enemy.
PTpeppinograbbingjump.gif spr_player_grabbingjump Peppino jumping while grabbing an enemy.
PTpeppinograbbingmove.gif spr_player_grabbingmove Peppino moving while grabbing an enemy.
PTpeppinosuplexgrabbing.gif spr_player_grab Peppino grabbing an enemy, but this time he is flashing, about to attack it on the player's command.
PTpeppinograbmove.gif spr_player_grabmove Peppino grabbing something in midair.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Attack stance.gif spr_player_attackstance Removed Peppino performing an attack stance, might have been intended for the scrapped Kung-Fu level. It was removed by the Eggplant build.
Pizza Tower spr-player-kungfuair1transition.gif spr_player_kungfuair1transition No Peppino hitting enemies while in the air. These can all be seen when McPig plays through Ancient Cheese at the beginning of the November 21st, 2021 development stream.
Pizza Tower spr-player-kungfuair1.gif spr_player_kungfuair1
Pizza Tower spr-player-kungfuair2transition.gif spr_player_kungfuair2transition
Pizza Tower spr-player-kungfuair2.gif spr_player_kungfuair2
Pizza Tower spr-player-kungfuair3transition.gif spr_player_kungfuair3transition
Pizza Tower spr-player-kungfuair3.gif spr_player_kungfuair3
PTpeppinokungfujump.gif spr_player_kungfujump No
PTpeppinokungfu1.gif spr_player_kungfu1 No Peppino hitting enemies in a variety of ways. These can also be seen in the aforementioned stream. Still frames of spr_player_kungfu1 and spr_player_kungfu2 were reused for boss fights.
PTpeppinokungfu2.gif spr_player_kungfu2
PTpeppinokungfu3.gif spr_player_kungfu3


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinolunge.gif spr_player_lunge No Peppino preforming the lunge attack. Some of the frames were used in the final game at the beginning of Pizzaface Phase 3.
PTpeppinolungeshort.gif spr_player_lungestart A shorter version of spr_player_lunge.
PTpeppinolungeattack.gif spr_player_lungeattack Peppino attacking via lunging. Among other graphics, this is the only one that doesn't support palette swaps.
PTpeppinolungehit.gif spr_player_lungehit Peppino landing a hit after doing the lunge attack. Was used in the Rework Build after breaking blocks.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinobreakdance.gif spr_player_breakdancestart No Peppino preforming the infamous breakdance attack, as seen in the Beach and Forest build. The spr_player_breakdancestart and spr_player_breakdancesuper graphics were reused for the breakdance move when holding down the taunt key in the final game.
PTpeppinobreakdancesuper.gif spr_player_breakdancesuper
PTpeppinobuttattack.gif spr_player_buttattackstart
PTpeppinobuttattackmid.gif spr_player_buttattack
PTpeppinobuttattackend.gif spr_player_buttattackend
PTpeppinobreakdancesmash.gif spr_player_breakdancesmash Peppino preforming a ground smash.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinoslaprun1.gif spr_player_slaprun2 No In earlier builds, such as the Halloween Demo, Peppino had a slap attack that would break blocks and defeat enemies. While Peppino could also slap in mid-air in said build, he couldn't move around until he stopped slapping. this attack was made very versatile in Demo 2, as he could then walk and slap simultaneously. This move was replaced by an early version of the grab move just four days later, however a few of the slap animations would be repurposed as one of his suplex animations, notably during certain boss fights.
PTpeppinoslaprun2.gif spr_player_slaprun1
PTpeppinoslapair1.gif spr_player_slap2air
PTpeppinoslapair2.gif spr_player_slap1air
PTpeppinoslap1.gif spr_player_slap1
PTpeppinoslap2.gif spr_player_slap2
PTpeppinoslapup.gif spr_player_slapup
PTpeppinoslapdash.gif spr_player_slapdash


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Pizza Tower spr-player-taunt Peter Griffin.png spr_player_taunt Removed A reference to promotional art of Peter Griffin from Family Guy. This taunt was used in the SAGE 2019 demo, but was removed from the final game because McPig wanted to tone down the number of direct meme references.
Ptpeppinopromotion.png A reference to the "I'll have to give myself a promotion!" bit from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. Removed because McPig didn't want to think of a way for the word "promotion" to face the right way regardless of the player's direction.
Ptpeppinoliveandlearn.png Yes Peppino strikes the same pose as Sonic does on the Sonic Adventure cover art. It was removed for the same reason as the Peter Griffin taunt. Both this taunt and its Super Taunt variant wouldn't be replaced until after the Octobe22 build.
Spr player supertaunt1.gif spr_player_supertaunt1 Yes A Super Taunt variant of the previous taunt. Was replaced by the "Mash" pose, a nod to WarioWare Gold. Though it's no longer used, two of Fake Peppino's super taunt animations are still based on it.

Boss Fights

Graphic Name Replaced Description
Ptpeppinopepperdefeat.png spr_player_bossdefeat Removed Peppino posing for the player after defeating Pepperman prior to Early Test Build.
Pizza Tower spr-vspeppino.png spr_vspeppino Yes Peppino's hyper-realistic portrait for boss fights. Like the TV graphics below, the shading on his clothes got removed
PTpeppinobossintro.gif spr_player_bossintro No Peppino's old animation for when a boss fight starts and was used in builds such as Peppino's Xmas Break.



Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinoapril2021tv.gif spr_tv_idle
Yes The older version of the TV's, specifically the one seen in the April 2021 build, had a different design. Peppino's hat and clothes would have more shading, and so would the background. This would later be replaced with the simple colored TV backgrounds.
Pizza Tower spr-tv-squished.gif spr_tv_squished No HUD for the scrapped squished state for Peppino. This can interestingly be seen in the Steam trailer for the game.
PizzaTower-ClownTVHud.gif spr_tv_clown No During the midpoint of Pizza Tower's development cycle, a clown transformation was planned. However, it was cut from the main game due to a shift in the game's design philosophy; instead, it was repurposed as a secret inside World 3's Hub.

The respective TV animations for it (for Peppino and The Noise) go unseen because the HUD is disabled in the hub world.


This HUD, featuring just the face of the character you're playing as on the left side of the screen with an inventory slot and a speed bar, was used for half of the game's development and was updated over time with new animations for different characters and their transformations. It wouldn't be until the April 2021 Patreon build that it got replaced with the TV HUD used in the final game. Almost all the sprites of the old HUD are here. The ones that no longer exist are the TV score displays.

Also, it's not Peppino anymore. It's Pepino.

Graphic Name Replaced Description
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUD-1.gif spr_pepinoHUD No Peppino's idle animation. Earlier, it was used when he had 2 HP left.
PTpeppinocalmHUD.gif ? Removed Peppino being calm at full health.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDmach1-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDmach1 No Peppino running at mach 1 or when preparing a super jump.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDmach2-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDmach2 Peppino running at mach 2.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDmach3-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDmach2 Peppino running at mach 3.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDmach4-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDmach2 Peppino running at mach 4.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDthunder-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDthunder Peppino getting struck by lightning, turning him into a knight.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDknight-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDknight Peppino in the knight transformation.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDscream-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDscream Peppino panicking while in the bomb transformation.
Graphic Name Replaced Description
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDbombend-1.png spr_pepinoHUDbombend No Peppino's exploded face after the bomb explodes.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDrolling-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDrolling Peppino either in the ball transformation or rolling.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDhappy-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDhappy Peppino unlocking a door.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDhurt-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDhurt Peppino taking damage.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDstun-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDstun Peppino during a groundpound.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDpanic-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDpanic Peppino's idle face during Pizza Time.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUDmenacing-1.gif spr_pepinoHUDmenacing Peppino with a high combo.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUD3hp-1.gif spr_pepinoHUD3hp Peppino after taking out enemies. Earlier, it was used when he had 3 HP left.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUD1hp-1.gif spr_pepinoHUD1hp Peppino looking delirious while being chased by Pizzaface. Earlier, it was used when he had 1 HP left.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr pepinoHUD shove-1.gif spr_pepinoHUD_shove Switching the leading player during coop. This is the only HUD graphic that doesn't have Peppino's clothes colored yellow, meaning it doesn't support palette swaps.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Ptpeppinodeathstart.gif spr_player_deathstart No Before transitioning into the death animation the player sees in the "Time's up" screen, Peppino would go through a short series of animations before he flew off screen and was used in earlier builds.
Spr player grind.gif spr_player_grind Yes Old version of player grinding on grind rails. A nearly identical animation is also present for when riding a skateboard (was used in early builds).
Spr-player-hang.gif spr_player_hang No Peppino hanging on a hook. Seen in Tumblr previews, the hook will later be replaced by the grabby hand in later builds.
Spr-player-hangslide.gif spr_player_hangslide No Peppino riding on a moving hook.
PC-PizzaTower-petah-1.png petah Removed An image of Peter Griffin edited to make him look like Peppino. Was used in a joke version of the Early Test Build in which it replaced all of Peppino's graphics.

By the way, remember the time when...

PTpepcooter.gif spr_pepcooter No Peppino riding on his scooter (or cooter, rather), as seen in the intro cutscenes of various builds, such as Demo 2, the SAGE 2019 Demo, and the Octobe22 build.
PTpeppinoturning.gif spr_player_turning Removed Peppino turning around. This graphic was introduced and used in the Early Test Build and was permanently removed in future builds.
PTpeppinosliding.gif spr_player_slipnslide No Peppino slipping on a banana peel or sliding on an ice block, like in Peppino's Xmas Break.
PTpeppinopizza.gif spr_player_gnomepizza No Peppino receiving a pizza from Gustavo to deliver in the Beach and Forest build.
Pizza Tower spr-player-knock.gif spr_player_knock Peppino knocking on the gnome's houses to deliver them pizzas, leftover from the Beach and Forest build.
PTpeppinodelivers.gif spr_player_givepizza Peppino nervously giving his customer a pizza.
PTpoggpino.gif spr_Opeppino No A realistic portrait of Peppino that has been tugging around the game's files ever since the SAGE 2019 Demo, it could possibly be referencing the O-face from Egoraptor's Awesome Series.
PTpeppinostairscutscence.gif spr_climbstairscutscene No Peppino climbing a spiraling staircase, as seen in the Halloween Demo.
Spr player phonestart 0.gif spr_player_phonestart No Peppino's starting animation to answering the phone. Wasn't used in any builds. Seen in the January build files.
PTpeppinospaghetti.gif spr_player_eatspaghetti No Peppino eating the old spaghetti powerup that would recover his HP. More info can be found here.
PTpeppinobeamup.gif spr_player_ufotransition No Peppino getting beamed up into the level Deep-Dish 9 after delivering a pizza to an alien, which is how he would get into said level.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinoicon.png spr_peppinoicon No This icon would be used if the player went off screen in the scrapped Co-op mode.
PTpeppinoflag.gif spr_peppinoflag In Co-op mode, players would take control of the camera by taking the other's flag. This would be Peppino's flag.

Main Menu Files

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinofile1.gif spr_file1 No Peppino answering the phone on the first file.
PTpeppinofile1confirm.gif spr_file1confirm Peppino worried on the phone when the first file is confirmed.
PTpeppinofile2.gif spr_file2 Peppino reading a book about the tower. This was file 2's icon, but before that it was the options icon.
PTpeppinofile2confirm.gif spr_file2confirm Peppino being a bit worried about what's in the book.
PTpeppinofile3.png spr_file3 Peppino on his scooter. Used as file 3's icon and was an exit option before becoming a save file.
PTpeppinofile3confirm.gif spr_file3confirm Peppino sheepishly smirking on his scooter.



Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinotumble.gif spr_player_tumblestart No In earlier demos, such as the SAGE 2019 Demo, Peppino formerly had the ability to tumble down slopes and enter the ball transformation à la Wario Land 4 by pressing the down key on slopes. This ability was removed in the Rework Build.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinofireassend.gif spr_player_fireassend No Peppino landing on the ground in Fireass form. This animation was removed highly likely due to it being time-consuming.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Pizza Tower spr-player-barrelidle.png spr_player_barrelidle Yes The old idle sprite for Barrel Peppino.
Pizza Tower spr-player-barrelfall.gif spr_player_barrelfall Old falling animation, interestingly a "jump" counterpart didn't exist.
Pizza Tower spr-player-barrelmove.gif spr_player_barrelmove Old walking animation for Barrel Peps.
Pizza Tower spr-player-barrelslipnslide.gif spr_player_barrelslipnslide Peppino starting a roll while in the Barrel Transformation.
Pizza Tower spr-player-barrelroll.gif spr_player_barrelroll Peppino rolling for his life.
Spr player barrelroll.gif spr_player_barrelroll Old version of Peppino rolling with more lightings on barrel.
Pizza Tower spr-player-barrelcrouch.gif spr_player_barrelcrouch No An unused crouching animation for Peppino while in the Barrel Transformation.
Pizza Tower spr-player-barrelmach.gif spr_player_barrelmach Peps running while in the barrel.
Pizza Tower spr-player-barrelfloat.gif spr_player_barrelfloat Peppino while in the Barrel Transformation, floating in water, looking helpless.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Pizza Tower spr-bombpep-intro.gif spr_bombpep_intro No Peppino grabbing a bomb from a baddie spawner or from a Pizza Goblin.
Pizza Tower spr-bombpep-run.gif spr_bombpep_run Peppino running in panic with the bomb over his head. This is from back when the Bomb Transformation didn't give much control to the player, instead making Peppino run uncontrollably and changing direction only when bumping into walls.

This animation was also reused later in development in older versions of the title screen for deleting save files before being definitively scrapped.

Pizza Tower spr-bombpep-runabouttoexplode.gif spr_bombpep_runabouttoexplode Same animation as before but with the bomb flashing white, about to explode.
Pizza Tower spr-bombpep-end.gif spr_bombpep_end Peppino exploded and recovering. His initial black frame is infact 12 separate frames of animation that reuse the same sprite.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Ptpeppinoclowncrouching.gif spr_player_clowncrouch No In earlier builds, Clown Peppino was able to both move down quickly in the air and crouch when pressing down. This ability was removed in the final game to prevent the player from being able to take the transformation into the hub.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Ptpeppinoghostdead.png spr_player_dead No Peppino being shot by a Ranch Shooter, who would have triggered the Ghost transformation in earlier builds.
Ptpeppinoghostbump.png spr_player_ghostbump The ghost transformation bumping into walls. This gimmick was removed in the final game.
Ptpeppinoghostend.gif spr_player_ghostend Peppino transforming back into his regular form when touching a tombstone.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
Pizza Tower spr-knight.png spr_knight No An uncolored static sprite of Knight Peppino's idle animation. Originally made as a placeholder for a scrapped "sentient armor" hazard in Pizzascare, as can be seen in the Rework build, before being replaced with giant sockets later on.
Ptpeppinoknightjab.gif spr_knightpep_attack Way back in the Early Test Build and up to the April 3rd 2019 build, the player was able to jab enemies with Peppino’s sword in his knight form. This attack was removed from later builds, but was also briefly repurposed for the aformentioned Pizzascare hazard.
PTknightdebris1.png PTknightdebris2.png PTknightdebris3.png
PTknightdebris4.png PTknightdebris5.png PTknightdebris6.png
spr_knightdebris (frames separated) In various builds, such as the SAGE 2019 Demo, bumping into walls would cause Peppino's armor to fall off him. This was changed in later revisions of the game.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinoskateboard.gif spr_player_skateboard No Peppino riding a skateboard, as found in the Early Test Build. The skateboard might look familiar, as its (almost) the same skateboard The Noise uses in his boss fight in the final game, however there the skateboard is used as a projectile rather than a transformation. It also does not use this animation.

Pizza Car

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinopizzacar.gif spr_player_pizzacar No Peppino riding around in a pizza box car. This originated from the Phil enemy, where stomping on him would let the player drive his car.
PTpeppinopizzacarjump.gif spr_player_pizzacarjump Peppino jumping in the pizza car. This graphic also has a landing animation, even though a separate landing animation exists, albeit animated differently.
PTpeppinopizzacarfall.png spr_player_pizzacarfall The pizza car falling. This sprite is not animated.
PTpeppinopizzacarland.gif spr_player_pizzacarland Peppino landing while in the pizza car.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PizzaTower Meteorpep.gif spr_meteorpep_flying No Meteor Peppino was a scrapped transformation where if near a bomb, he could be launched far away and wouldn't stop flying until he hit a wall. These graphics were introduced in the Early Test Build and have stayed since.
PT spr meteorpep impact.gif spr_meteorpep_impact
PepMeteorLand.gif spr_meteorpep_land


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinomortrun.gif spr_player_mortrun No A running animation with Mort smacking Peppino's butt. Yikes.
PTpeppinomorthook.gif spr_player_morthook Mort grabbing onto a hook with Peppino in tow.
PTpeppinomortthrow.gif spr_player_mortthrow Peppino throwing Mort. This was used in earlier builds and acted similar (but not exactly the same) to how the Noise throws Mort in the Noise Update.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinofiremouthshoot.gif spr_player_firemouthshoot No Peppino shooting a fireball out of his fiery mouth, as seen in demos such as the Western build.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinooldboxintro.gif spr_boxxedpep_intro Yes This transformation was introduced in the Halloween Demo. Before the final game, Peppino's pizza box transformation was more of a downgrade than a power-up. His speed and jump height would be reduced and he couldn't attack enemies, but he would at least have a dash move to get around quicker. Luckily, this was changed in later builds to be more useful.
PTpeppinooldboxidle.gif spr_boxxedpep_idle
PTpeppinooldboxjump.gif spr_boxxedpep_jump No
PTpeppinooldboxdashstart.gif spr_boxxedpep_dashstart
PTpeppinooldboxdash.gif spr_boxxedpep_dash
PTpeppinooldboxdashend.gif spr_boxxedpep_dashend
PTpeppinooldboxair.gif spr_boxxedpep_air Yes
PTpeppinooldboxwalk.gif spr_boxxedpep_walk

Sticky Cheese

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTcheesepepintro.gif spr_cheesepep_intro No Peppino turning into sticky cheese from above. This was used in demos like the Demo 2 build, where the player would need to get under a cheese dispenser for the transformation to occur.
PTcheeseypepcrouch.gif spr_cheesepep_stick Cheese Peppino sticking to the floor via crouching.
PTcheesypepceling.gif spr_cheesepep_stickceiling Cheese Peppino sticking to a ceiling.
PTcheesypepfloor.gif spr_cheesepep_stickfloor Cheese Peppino sticking to the floor. This graphic is the same as spr_cheesepep_stickceiling, however it is rotated 180 degrees.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTjetpackstartold.gif spr_player_jetpackstart Yes An old version of the jetpack where Peppino would be able to boost upwards. This was used in the Eggplant build and was changed in builds after it.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinopistol.gif spr_player_pistol No Peppino shooting his pistol. This was used in earlier builds, and the pistol had a more square-ish design compared to the final game.
PTpeppinopistolair.gif spr_player_pistolair Peppino shooting the pistol while mid-air. This graphic doesn't support palette swapping, though.
PTpeppinopistolcrouch.gif spr_player_crouchshoot Peppino shooting the pistol while crouched.
PTpeppinopistoldiagonal.gif spr_player_shootdiagonal Peppino shooting the pistol diagonally.
PTpeppinopistolslide.gif spr_player_shootslide Peppino sliding with the pistol in hand.
PTpeppinopistolupward.gif spr_player_shootup Peppino shooting the pistol upwards.
PTpeppinobulletland.gif spr_peppinobullet_land Although not exactly a "Peppino" graphic, this one goes unused. Apparently, Peppino's bullets would originally bump into walls instead of phasing through them.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinochainsawstart.gif spr_player_chainsawstart Removed Peppino pulling out the chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsaw.gif spr_player_chainsaw Peppino running with the chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawair.gif spr_player_chainsawair Peppino running midair with the chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawbump.png spr_player_chainsawbump Peppino bumping into a wall with his chainsaw. There are 8 frames of animation and all are not animated.
PTpeppinochainsawcrouch.gif spr_player_chainsawcrouch Peppino crouching with his chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawend.gif spr_player_chainsawend Peppino charging up the chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawend2.gif spr_player_chainsawend2 Peppino with his fully charged chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawswing.gif spr_player_chainsawswing Peppino frantically swinging his chainsaw around.
PTpeppinochainsawpogo.gif spr_player_chainsawpogo1 Peppino beginning to jump with the chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawpogobounce.gif spr_player_chainsawpogobounce Peppino bouncing on his chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawpogo2.gif spr_player_chainsawpogo2 Peppino in midair after a chainsaw bounce.

Chainsaw (April 2021 Variant)

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinochainsawidle.gif spr_player_chainsawidle Removed Peppino's idle with his chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawrev.gif spr_player_chainsawrev Peppino revving up his chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawhit.gif spr_player_chainsawhit Peppino hitting an enemy with his chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawdash.gif spr_player_chainsawdash Peppino preforming a dash with his chainsaw.
PTpeppinochainsawhitwall.gif spr_player_chainsawhitwall Peppino hitting a wall with his chainsaw.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinoshotgundash.gif spr_shotgun_suplexdash No Peppino dashing with the shotgun, as seen in older demos like the Halloween Demo.
PTpeppinoshotgunshootair.gif spr_shotgun_shootair Peppino shooting the shotgun in mid-air. No palette swaps are supported with this animation.
PTpeppinoshotguncrouchjump1.gif spr_shotgun_crouchjump1 Peppino doing a crouchjump with his shotgun.
PTpeppinoshotguncrouchjump2.png spr_shotgun_crouchjump2 Peppino falling after doing a crouchjump with his shotgun. Despite having 2 frames, it doesn't animate.
PTpeppinoshotgunpulloutOLD.gif spr_shotgun_pullout Yes Older version of Peppino pulling out his shotgun.
PTpeppinoshotgunold.gif spr_player_shotgun Oldest version of Peppino shooting his shotgun.
PTpeppinoshotgunputaway.gif spr_shotgun_pullin Peppino putting away his shotgun.
PTpeppinooldshotgunjump1.gif spr_shotgunjump1 An old version of Peppino's shotgun jump.
PTpeppinooldshotgunjump2.gif spr_shotgunjump2 An old version of Peppino midair from a shotgun jump.
Spr player shotgun.gif spr_player_shotgun Older version of Peppino shooting. Almost the same as the final version but has one frame less and no palette swap. Used in Halloween Demo build.
Spr player shotgunOld.gif Old version of Peppino shooting. For some reason starting with January monthly build to Desert build this graphic only uses 4 frames.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTpeppinosquished.gif spr_player_squished No Peppino getting squished by something from above.

2018 Credits Transformations

One sprite batch simply titled spr_credittransformation was used for the credits in the Halloween demo from 2018 to tease players for upcoming transformations. They're single frames, and the majority of these transformations were either changed visually or scrapped.