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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

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Title Screen

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Shinjuku
Publisher: Konami
Platform: Game Boy
Released in JP: December 16, 1998

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters is the second Yu-Gi-Oh! video game.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Erase Save File

Press Down, Up, B, Down, Down, Right, Up (×4), B + Down at the title screen. A sound effect will confirm correct entry. Reset your game and everything will be gone.

Disable SGB 2 Handling

Press Left, B (×3), Up, B, B, B + Right at the title screen. A sound effect will confirm the password input. The message preventing you from accessing Versus Mode on Super Game Boy 2 will disappear, and the sound effects specific to the Super Game Boy will not play anymore.

Card Password

Yu-Gi-Oh! DM1 password 1.pngYu-Gi-Oh! DM1 password 2.png

Press Up, Down, B, Down, Down, B + Up, B at the title screen. A new screen will appear, where Yami Yugi will ask you to enter a valid password. The following passwords give you cards that can only be obtained this way:

No. Password Card
351 ヘイシヨシヒサ Yaranzo
352 ハシモトカナコ Kanan the Swordmistress
353 チダタクリ Takriminos
354 キタウエカズミ Stuffed Animal
355 シモムラサトシ Megasonic Eye
358 トリシマカズヒコ Seiyaryu
359 タカハシトシマサ Three-Legged Zombies
361 ヤマダノブヒロ Flying Penguin
363 タカハシカズキ Fairy's Gift

Event-Exclusive Cards

The game contains 365 cards, 350 of which are obtainable through normal gameplay. Nine of the remaining cards can be obtained via the above passwords, but the other six were only available in Japan during February 1999 as Duel Monsters National Tournament prize cards:

No. Card
356 Super War-lion
357 Yamadron
360 Zera the Mant
362 Millennium Shield
364 Black Luster Soldi
365 Fiend's Mirror

Yamadron and Millennium Shield can be traded back from Duel Monsters II: Dark Duel Stories, but the other four cannot, meaning they cannot be legitimately obtained in any way.

Build Date

Present at 0x1065C.

« 98 10 10 KONAMI »

This string is written to the save file upon creation. When loading a save file, the game looks for the string to determine if save data exists.