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Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters

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Title Screen

Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters

Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Japan
Publisher: Konami
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in JP: March 21, 2001
Released in US: February 11, 2003
Released in EU: 2003

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Implied sexual meaning in the Japanese Intro

Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters is a video game adaptation of the failed attempt to make Yu-Gi-Oh about something other than card games... by making it about dice games instead.

While its western release date was two years removed from its Japanese release (where it was a GBA launch title), it would not receive the extra layer of polish other GBA games in the franchise got in return for such delay.

Unused Monsters

78 unused monsters are present in the game's code but cannot be accessed through normal play. These monsters have no graphics aside from placeholder images, but some have unique abilities. They cannot be put into the player's inventory, but when selecting dice to roll, changing the value at RAM address 0x03001885 to the decimal value of the monster you want will modify the second die selected, allowing you to roll that monster's die. Any monster can then be summoned as usual. The Die Master can also be rolled and has stats, but cannot be summoned. In battle, these monsters show only a glitched Blue-Eyes White Dragon animation.



Decimal Value Name Type Movement Level HP Attack Defense Effect
0 Die Master 1 30 0 0
10 Blackland Fire Dragon Dragon 2 20 20 20
11 Sword Arm of Dragon Beast 2 20 30 20
22 The Wicked Worm Beast Beast 1 20 20 10
26 Mountain Warrior Beast 1 20 10 10
29 Two-headed King Rex Beast 1 20 20 20
30 Judge Man Warrior 3 20 40 10
43 Basic Insect Beast 1 10 10 10
44 Armored Lizard Beast 1 10 10 20
45 Hercules Beetle Beast 2 20 10 30
47 Gokibore Beast 1 20 10 20
53 Great White Warrior 2 20 20 10
56 Tiger Axe Beast 1 20 10 10
57 Silver Fang Beast 1 10 10 10
58 Kojikocy Warrior 1 10 20 10
60 Garoozis Beast 2 20 20 10
62 Fiend Kraken Beast 1 20 10 20
65 Kairyu-shin Beast 3 30 20 30
67 Krokodilus Beast 1 20 10 20
68 Grappler Beast 1 10 20 10
69 Axe Raider Warrior 1 10 10 10
70 Uraby Beast 2 20 20 10
71 Crawling Dragon #2 Beast 1 20 10 20
74 Reaper of the Cards Spellcaster 1 20 10 20
75 King of Yamimakai Spellcaster 2 20 20 10
76 Dark Chimera Spellcaster Flying 2 10 10 10
78 Catapult Turtle Beast 2 20 10 30
79 Gyakutenno Megami Warrior 3 20 20 30
82 Zanki Warrior 2 0 0 0
83 Crawling Dragon Dragon 2 20 10 10
84 Crass Clown Spellcaster 1 10 10 10
85 Armored Zombie Zombie 2 10 20 10
86 Dragon Zombie Dragon Tunnel 2 30 10 10
90 Spirit of the Winds Spellcaster Flying 3 20 20 10
91 Trial of Nightmares Spellcaster Tunnel 3 10 10 10
92 Ansatsu Warrior 2 20 20 10
94 Akihiron Beast 3 30 20 20
95 Darkfire Dragon Dragon 1 20 20 10
97 Mabarrel Spellcaster 3 30 20 20
101 Dark Assailant Zombie Tunnel 3 20 10 20
102 Nekogal #1 Beast 2 10 10 10
103 Petit Moth Beast 1 10 10 10
104 Mystic Clown Spellcaster 3 10 30 10
105 Tao the Chanter Spellcaster 1 10 10 10
106 Gatekeeper Beast 3 30 20 30
107 Masaki the Legendary Swordsman Warrior 3 20 30 20
110 Takriminos Beast 2 10 20 20
112 Megasonic Eye Spellcaster 2 10 10 10
113 Yamadron Dragon 2 10 10 20
117 Fairy's Gift Spellcaster 2 10 10 10
120 Labyrinth Wall Spellcaster 3 20 30 30
122 Shadow Ghoul Zombie 2 30 10 10
123 Labyrinth Tank Beast Tunnel 3 30 20 30
128 Dungeon Worm Beast Tunnel 2 0 0 0
129 Monster Tamer Warrior 2 10 10 10
131 Swordstalker Beast 2 20 10 20
132 La Jinn The Mystical Spellcaster 2 20 30 20
134 Toon Alligator Beast 1 10 10 10
135 Rude Kaiser Beast 2 20 20 10
137 Dark Rabbit Beast 1 10 10 10
138 Harpie's Pet Dragon Dragon Flying 3 30 20 20
141 Giltia the D. Knight Warrior 2 20 20 10
142 Launcher Spider Spellcaster 3 30 20 20
146 Thunder Dragon Dragon 2 20 20 20
147 Magician of Faith Spellcaster 1 10 10 10
148 Goddess of Whim Warrior 1 10 10 10
149 Ancient Elf Spellcaster 3 20 20 10
150 Skull Red Bird Beast Flying 3 20 20 20
151 Armed Ninja Warrior 1 10 10 10
152 Cockroach Knight Beast Tunnel 1 10 10 10
154 Cannon Soldier Spellcaster 3 20 10 10
155 Muka Muka Spellcaster 1 10 10 10
159 Mushroom Man #2 Warrior 1 10 10 10
160 Witch of the Black Forest Spellcaster 1 10 10 10
161 Little Chimera Beast Flying 1 10 20 10
165 Blue-winged Crown Beast Flying 3 20 20 20
166 Serpent Night Dragon Dragon 4 30 30 20
169 Firewing Pegasus Beast Flying 3 20 30 20

Regional Differences

Language Select

US Europe
  • The USA flag is used to represent English in the North American version. In the European version, the United Kingdom flag is used instead.
  • There are more language options in the European version than in the North American version.
  • The Japanese version is only playable in Japanese, so there is no language select.

Intro & Title Screen

Intro (Dark Magician)

Japan US/Europe
YGODDMBlackMagician.png YGODMMDarkMagician.png

In the Japanese version, the text behind Yugi says "BLACK MAGIC". In the international versions, it is changed to "Dark Magician". The font is also changed.

Intro (Dark Magician Girl)

Japan US/Europe
Yu-Gi-Oh!-DDM-Girl-Intro-JP.png Yu-Gi-Oh!-DDM-Girl-Intro-International.png

(After obtaining Dark Magician Girl, she appears in the intro sequence instead of Dark Magician.)

In the Japanese version, the text behind Yugi says "BLACK BURNING". In the international versions, it is changed to "DARK MAGIC" with similar font changes.

Obscured Words

To do:
Check if any of the Japanese words have a special meaning. Confirm that nothing else was removed during this sequence.

Near the end of the Intro, a variety of words in both Japanese and English appear on screen both in-front of and behind a screen full of monsters showing off their dice portraits. Due to the nature of how they appear, with words only appearing in groups for a few frames before the disappear and a new group appears, most of the words are hard to read. Despite that, they can still be read. Some of the words appear to not be related to the game at all:

  • miniskirt
  • fetish
  • comicmarket
  • DATE
  • 1974-5-12.
  • usr01607_RD1:FF27

Of these, the word miniskirt was removed from the US and European releases.

(Source: source needed)

Title Screen

Japan US Europe
YGODDMTitleScreenJapan.png Yugioh DDM.png YGODDMTitleScreenEurope.png
  • In the European version, the Yu-Gi-Oh! logo has been recolored to #FF0000 (red).
  • The North American version removes the katakana text from the ribbon. The European version ousts the ribbon entirely.
  • "PUSH START BUTTON!" is changed to "PUSH START" in the international versions.
  • The copyright info in the Japanese version is different than the international versions.


Japan US/Europe
クソゲー (Kusogē) is translated to Fucking game by the way. YGODDMNameUS&EU.png

The katakana and hiragana keyboards have been removed.

Revisional Differences

As noted above, the original US version supports English and Spanish. The Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Pack 2 re-release adds the European version's additional French, German, and Italian translations.