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3D Pinball: Space Cadet/zh-hans

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This page is a translated version of the page 3D Pinball: Space Cadet and the translation is 5% complete.
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Title Screen

3D Pinball: Space Cadet

Developer: Cinematronics, LLC
Publisher: Microsoft
Platform: Windows
Released in US: August 24, 1995

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Bonus Points


3D Pinball: Space Cadet is actually one of three tables from Full Tilt! Pinball, published by Maxis.

The primary gameplay difference is that, while Full Tilt! Pinball had multiball, 3D Pinball will award "replays" instead of locking the balls.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info (untranslated)

Debug Mode


During the game, type in hidden test. You will now be able to control the ball using the mouse and gain access to the following functions by pressing the respective keys:

  • Y: The title bar will change to "Pinball", and after a while will start displaying the current framerate in the title bar.
  • M: A "Mem:" window will pop up showing the amount of memory used by the game.
  • H: Ends the game with one billion points. However, the score will always be below the first legitimate score.
  • R: Promotes you by one rank.

If all four debug functions are accessed, in any order, the game will start to turn all updated frames red.

Table Selection

The menu contains an option called "Select table" which does not appear in the actual game, apparently left over from Full Tilt! Pinball. The message No other table found similarly goes unused. The option executes code that is presumably intended to enable players to select a table, but in this game displays the following error:


Edit Components


There's a window called "Edit Pinball Components FOR TESTING ONLY" in the game's executable, which is also in Full Tilt! Pinball. It cannot be re-enabled in either game.

Plunger Graphic

3dpnbsc tablebgnd.png

There's an invisible part of the plunger in the table background bitmap.

Version Differences

The version bundled with Windows NT 4.0 included ordering information for Full Tilt! Pinball in the About screen. This was removed from later versions.


The Windows XP version received an updated icon. The old icon is technically still in the Windows XP version, used as a fallback when Windows is running with low color depth.

Original version Windows XP version
3DPinballOriginalIcon.png 3DPinballXPIcon.png

About Dialog

The original version uses its own About dialog, whereas the Windows XP version uses the standard Windows About dialog.

Original version Windows XP version
3DPinballOriginalAbout.png 3DPinballXPAbout.PNG

Unused About Dialog


This About dialog appears in the resources, but does not appear in-game. Presumably, it is left over from prototypes.