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Bloons Monkey City (Adobe Flash)

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Title Screen

Bloons Monkey City

Developer: Ninja Kiwi
Publisher: Ninja Kiwi
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: November 25, 2013

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Bloons Monkey City is a cross between classic tower defense and a city-building game. Construct buildings to unlock more towers and upgrades, and use them to expand your city by fending off procedurally-generated hordes of those ungodly rubbery monstrosities.

It's also one of the most important games to the Bloons TD lore.

To do:
  • Specialty building behaviors from BTD5. Most likely a leftover, as BTD5 and BMC share much of the same code and assets.
  • Bloon Send files from BTD Battles exist. They are from early versions when spaced and clustered sends didn't exist yet, and even then they still have differences.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
BMC - CTUnderRepairGraphic.png
Unused Graphics
Amount of these are to be "contested".
BMC-News btn.png
Unused Text

Unused Items

Bloonsday Device

Bloonsday Device

Devastating orbital strike destroys all Bloons on a piece of terrain, allowing you to capture it instantly. Costs 1 Bloonstone to activate.

An unused item based on a Special Agent of the same name from BTD5. Only the item's parameters exist; there's no object or functionality associated with it in the code, and it has no graphics.

Interestingly, the file containing its parameters lists the item as having a rarity of 250. Only items that spawn from chests have a positive non-zero rarity, which suggests that this item would have been found in chests, rather than from, say, a special mission.

Portal Artifacts

BMC-PortalArtifact.png Animation while on a tile in-game

Portal Artifact 1
Portal Artifact 2
Portal Artifact 3
Portal Artifact 4
Portal Artifact 5

One piece of an ancient Portal Artifact.

The Portal Artifacts are a collection of five items, all with the same description. None of them can be obtained legitimately, and none of them do anything when spawned in the player's inventory, either individually or collectively.

While the Portal Artifact pieces are all mostly identical to each other, there is one parameter that is different for each: minCityIndex, which specifies which city an item can be found in, has a different number value for each piece. This implies that every city would contain one Portal Artifact piece each. This also implies there would've been at least five different city types, which is a lot, especially since the game only has two...

However, the least exciting, more likely meaning of the parameter is that the artifacts would have been found in at least five secondary cities, because at the time of the five artifact's creations, the second city, Bloon Dunes didn't exist and likely wasn't conceptualized at that point in time. Also, the first city the player gets always has an index of 0, meaning an artifact never would have been found in it.

Interestingly, these items make an appearance on the "Monkey City Gameplay Trailer" video. The animation the video uses for it can be found in the files, with a class name that implies that it would have been used while an artifact was on the map.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Bloons TD Battles?

All of BTD Battles's purchases from its store appear in the files. But oddly, they appear to be from an earlier version of the game; the icons are placeholders, using some of the premium upgrade icons from Bloons TD 5. The descriptions don’t look finalized too; they have many grammar mistakes, refer to Battle Energy by the generic name "energy", and most descriptions have additional sentences that the final removes to cut to the chase.

Thumbnail Name Description Cost Note

Small Energy Potion (50)

Restores 50 Energy to your energy bar. The regular sized combo of energy nom nom nom. 5 NK Coins The final version does not include the energy amount in the name, nor have the second sentence in the description. The final description is instead "Restores 50 to your Battle Energy."

Large Energy Potion (100)

Restores 100 Energy to your energy bar. Upsize your energy combo for those extra hungry gamers. 10 NK Coins The final version does not include the energy amount in the name, nor have the second sentence in the description. The final description is instead "Restores 100 to your Battle Energy."

Tasty Energy Potion (500)

Restores 500 Energy to your energy bar. Supersize sir? Yes please! 45 NK Coins The final version does not include the energy amount in the name, nor have the second sentence in the description. The final description is instead "Restores 500 to your Battle Energy."

Powerful Energy Potion (1000)

Restores 1000 Energy to your energy bar. There's not a combo on this planet as big as this one! 80 NK Coins The final version does not include the energy amount in the name, nor have the second sentence in the description. The final description is instead "Restores 1000 to your Battle Energy."

Limited Stamina Potion (10)

Perminately increases Max Energy by 10. Can only be bought 10 times. 200 Medallions The final version costs 50 Medallions and does not include the energy amount in the name; The final name is completely different as well, which is Zesty Max Energy Booster. The final description is instead "Use your medallions to permanently increase your maximum Battle Energy. Can only be bought 10 times."

Stamina Potion (10)

Perminately increases Max Energy by 10. A thorough workout can extend the amount of energy you have for every day activities 10 NK Coins The final name does not include the energy amount in the name and is called Delicious Max Energy Booster as well. It also doesn't have a second sentence. The final description is instead "Permanently increases your maximum Battle Energy by 10."

Massive Stamina Potion (500)

Perminately increases Max Energy by 500. A personal trainer destroys your ass for a whole year leading you to have the energy compacity of champions! 450 NK Coins The final name is Epic Max Energy Booster and it does not have the energy amount in the name. The final also doesn't have a second sentence and the description is instead "Permanently increases your maximum Battle Energy by 500."

Handful of Medallions (100)

Adds 100 Medallions to your treasury. Thanks for the NK coins, heres a handful of Medallions and I have big hands. 5 NK Coins The final costs 20 NK Coins and doesn't have the medallion amount in the name. The final description doesn't have a second sentence and is instead "100 Medallions to help you with that next tower unlock."

Bag of Medallions (500)

Adds 500 Medallions to your treasury. I got sick of using my hands so I put the Medallions in this bag, I think you get more this way. 23 NK Coins The final name does not have the medallion amount in it and the final NK Coin price is 90 rather than 23. The final description does not have a second sentence and is instead "Gives you 500 Medallions."

Chest of Medallions (2000)

Adds 2000 Medallion to your treasury. All the bags tore after awhile so I put them in this big as chest, there's heaps in there, enjoy! 90 NK Coins The final name does not have the medallion amount in it and the final NK Coin price is 325 rather than 90. The final description does not have a second sentence and is instead "Adds a massive 2000 Medallions to your treasury."

Big Book of Knowledge

Unlocks all towers and their teir 4 upgrades. This Big Book of Knowledge will make you the master expert in the arts of Monkey tower construction. 50 NK Coins Overall different description from final, which is "Unlocks all towers and their tier 4 upgrades. For those who just want to get on with the business of popping Bloons." Final NK Coin price is 95 rather than 50.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Quests

With the exception of Ancient Portal Knowledge, only the parameters for these quests exist; there's no code associated with any of these and they can't be enabled in-game. Some quests that aren't Ancient Portal Knowledge appear to have had icons made for them, but they are not implemented in the code.

ID Icon Presumed Icon Name Description Stats Notes
8 N/A BloonsMonkeyCity QuestIconBloonstones.png Bloonstone Power Use Bloonstones to powerup an attack on a piece of land. ( *Mechanic is not implemented* ).
  • Unlock level: 4
  • Cash reward: 60
  • XP reward: 50
This quest has existed since the game first launched, though the ability to boost attacks with Bloonstones was not implemented at the time. Data for this feature did exist at launch, and this feature was officially introduced later in an update, but oddly, this quest remained unused...
10 N/A BloonsMonkeyCity QuestIconMonkey.png Friends Invite a friend to play Bloons Monkey City (feature not yet implemented)
  • Unlock level: 5
  • Cash reward: 100
  • XP reward: 100
Similar to the previous quest, this quest has existed since launch, but inviting friends wasn't available at the time. Also similar to the previous quest, inviting friends was implemented later on, but this quest was not.
12 N/A N/A Upgrade Town Hall Upgrade your Town Hall
  • Unlock level: 5
  • Cash reward: 30
  • XP reward: 30
This quest seems to be referring to a scrapped mechanic where the Monkey Town Hall would have been upgradeable. This change in mechanics may be why this quest was never implemented.
30 BloonsMonkeyCity QuestIconExclamation.png Has an icon Ancient Portal Knowledge Find a Portal Artifact.

The Portal Artifact's use is unknown. If we reassemble and study the Artifact pieces we may find out more about its purpose. Find a piece of the lost Portal Artifact.

  • Unlock level: 25
  • Cash reward: 1000
  • XP reward: 1000
This is the only unused quest that is referenced in the code. As such, this is the only unused quest with an icon, as well as a completion condition, which is to trigger an unused event named FIND_PORTAL_SIGNAL (although no code to trigger this event exists).

This quest was available during the closed beta, though it was not possible to complete. When the game entered open beta, this quest was essentially disabled, which is how it remains to this day.

It is important to note that Level 25 was when a second city was going to be unlocked with the "Manage Cities" mechanic, so there is likely correlation in that.

35 N/A BloonsMonkeyCity QuestIconWrenchMagnifyingGlass.png Monkey Tech Build a Monkey Tech Lab.
  • Unlock level: 15
  • Cash reward: 250
  • XP reward: 500
There is no building called the "Monkey Tech Lab" in the final game, but an unused set of parameters exist for a building called the "Monkey Lab", which could be what this quest is referring to. The removal of this building may be why this quest was never implemented.
40 N/A N/A Explorer Capture a special terrain square.
  • Unlock level: 11
  • Cash reward: 500
  • XP reward: 250
This quest was seemingly replaced with "Special Terrain", a very similar quest that exists in the final game. Unlike the Special Terrain quest, this quest is unlocked at level 11 instead of level 9, rewards 500 cash instead of 200, and rewards 250 XP instead of 60.
60 N/A N/A Gather Supplies Capture 4 more tiles of Forest or Heavy Forest

Your 2nd city will unlock when this city is level 25. Capture some forested land to help gather lumber for the new city.

  • Unlock level: 20
  • Cash reward: 3000
  • XP reward: 750
This quest made it to the final in the Bloon Dunes update, but with the second city unlocked at level 15 instead of 25.

Additionally, there appears to be at least one quest that had its parameters removed: when the game is loading quests during initialization, one quest the game attempts to find has an ID of 33, though there are no quest parameters that use that ID. This quest data would have been assigned to a quest object named QUEST_RESETTLEMENT, which is set to use the same icon as the Ancient Portal Knowledge quest, and would have been completed by triggering an unused event named CREATED_SECONDARY_CITY. Similar to the Ancient Portal Knowledge quest, no code to trigger this event exists. It is likely it would've had to do with the scrapped "Manage Cities" mechanic.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Interestingly, looking in earlier versions, the quest "Resettlement" that this quest is referring to can actually be found! It uses an ID of 31, not 33, so it is not the same quest:

ID Icon Name Long Description Description Stats Notes
31 BloonsMonkeyCity QuestIconExclamation.png Resettlement Your City is large and awesome - you fear neither Bloons nor rival Monkeys. It is time to expand the Empire further inland to where the Bloon infestations are greater.Start a new Monkey City(sic) Start a new Monkey City.
  • Unlock level: 30
  • Cash reward: 5000
  • XP reward: 25
This quest was for the scrapped "Manage Cities" mechanic where the player could build multiple cities independent from the first, which was known as the Capital. This quest, along with the Manage Cities mechanic, was removed when the Bloon Dunes second city came out.

Unused Special Missions

Several special missions are unused internally, presumably used for debugging purposes based on their names.


Named "Test Performance" on the Test Mission panel, this mission starts a game with 19,810,404 lives and 19,810,404 in-game cash. The game is just one round with a few red bloons out, traveling through one of the grass terrain tracks. One the round is over, the player wins and earns over 1,900,000 city cash.


Named "Test Sending" on the Test Mission panel, this mission acts as a "sandbox" in that the game cannot be stopped and bloons can be sent by pressing certain keys on the keyboard. The player is not only given 5,000,000 game money with 9,999,999 lives, but every tower upgrade unlocked and a 100 count for each tower and placeable item. The map the game will spawn in will be one of the forest terrain tracks.

With the console the game will display the following text on the top left of the screen:

Regen: false
Camo: false

Ctrl = Change Bloons
+ = Toggle regen
- = Toggle camo

1 = Red
2 = Blue
3 = Green
4 = Yellow
5 = Pink
6 = Black
7 = White
8 = Zebra
9 = Lead

When the Ctrl key is pressed, the text changes to this:

Regen: false
Camo: false

Ctrl = Change Bloons
+ = Toggle regen
- = Toggle camo

1 = Rainbow
2 = Ceramic
3 = MOAB
4 = BFB
5 = ZOMG
6 = DDT
7 = Bloonarius

Bloonarius has the same RBE as a ZOMG: 16,656.

Unused Tiles


Ruins is an unused terrain type. It has a complete set of tile graphics and parameters, but it doesn't have any tracks, and its favoured/restricted towers aren't defined.

Technically, this terrain is not actually unused; the Consecrated Grounds special terrain is considered a sub-category of Ruins terrain, much like how the Sticky Sap Plant terrain is a sub-category of Jungle terrain. However, the regular Ruins terrain does not appear anywhere in the game. Oddly, the map file for Consecrated Grounds is named "Ruins1", which suggests that Consecrated Grounds was added to replace Ruins terrain, rather than to exist alongside it.

  • Round modifier: 8 (offsets the round generator by this amount; in other words, what would be round 1 on most terrains would be round 9 on Ruins, which is even more extreme than the Volcano terrain's modifier of 5)
  • Minimum tiles per city: 5
  • Maximum tiles per city: 6

Stone of Solitude

Stone of Solitude is an unused type of special terrain, and is a sub-class of Caves terrain. Only the graphics and parameters for the tile have been found; the special mission itself does not appear to exist.

  • Maximum tiles per city: 1
  • Cash reward: 1000
  • Bloonstones reward: 50
  • XP reward: 500
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Tile Data

The Monkey Sub, Heli Pilot, and Bloonchipper were never added to the Adobe Flash version of this game. Nonetheless, the Heli Pilot and Bloonchipper are referenced in the data that defines each terrain's favoured/restricted towers. These extra references are identical to their usage in the mobile version, but some of the terrain types that are exclusive to the Adobe Flash version have unused references as well.

The following table lists each terrain and its favoured/restricted towers. Unused tower references are highlighted in bold. Forest, Volcano, Desert, Jungle, Snow, River, and High Desert have been omitted, as they do not contain any unused references.

Terrain Favoured Restricted
Grass Monkey Ace, Bloonchipper N/A
Heavy Forest Sniper Monkey Tack Shooter, Banana Farm, Heli Pilot
Hills Heli Pilot, Tack Shooter Dart Monkey
Mountains Ice Monkey Monkey Ace, Heli Pilot, Banana Farm, Dartling Gun
Lake Monkey Buccaneer Ninja Monkey, Bomb Shooter, Bloonchipper
Caves Monkey Engineer Monkey Ace, Heli Pilot, Mortar Monkey
Arid Grasslands Monkey Ace, Bloonchipper N/A
Badlands Monkey Engineer, Sniper Monkey Monkey Ace, Heli Pilot, Banana Farm
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Parameters

To do:
There are a lot more of these.
  • The special mission class has an unused parameter named rewardSpecialAgent, which is set to blank for all special missions. This value is read by the game, but the function it gets passed to was seemingly stubbed out by the developers:
private function rewardSpecialAgent():void {
	if (this._mission != null) {
		if (	this._mission.rewardSpecialAgentId != null &&
			this._mission.rewardSpecialAgentId != "") {
			// stubbed function

Based on the name of this parameter, it seems that Special Agents would have been unlocked by completing special missions.

  • There are unused weapons("attack behaviors") called SuckBloon for the scrapped Bloonchipper, which would be the same as the one's here if they didn't have a new property, IsBaseWeapon.
var _loc127_:SuckBloon = new SuckBloon().Range(600).Power(1050).ReloadTime(0.29).Rotate(true).IsBaseWeapon(true);

         var _loc128_:SuckBloon = new SuckBloon().Range(600).Power(1050).ReloadTime(0.29 * 0.75).Rotate(true).IsBaseWeapon(true);

         var _loc129_:SuckBloon = new SuckBloon().Range(600).Power(1050).ReloadTime(0.29 / 3).Rotate(true).IsBaseWeapon(true);
  • One of the game's debug modes in the files.
            gameRequest = new BTDGameRequest().Difficulty(20).IsCamoTile(false).IsRegenTile(true).Seed(1337).CityIndex(1).ExtraMonkeyBoosts(0).ExtraRedHotSpikes(0).TrackSelectionBias(0.8).StartingLives(900000).StartingMoney(9000000).IsBloonBeacon(false).BloonWeights(new BloonWeightsDefinition().StrongestBloonID(Constants.BOSS_ID).StrongestBloonType(Constants.BOSS_BLOON)).MoreCamo(Constants.NORMAL).MoreRegen(Constants.LOTS).MoreMoabs(Constants.NORMAL).MoreLead(Constants.LOTS).TileUniqueData(new TileUniqueDataDefinition().TrackID(0)).IsTutorial(false).DifficultyRankRelativeToMTL(0).DifficultyDescription("Trivial").IsContestedTerritory(false).ContestedTerritoryRoundToBeat(5).ContestedTerritoryForCapture(true).ExtensionRounds(0).TimeLeftInWeek(Number.MAX_VALUE).SpecialAbilities({
            }).PvpAttackDefinition(new PvPAttackDefinition().Difficulty(60)).Crates([true,true,true]).AllowRetry(false);
  • There are parameters called specialRule in the JSON files of this game with messages that cannot be seen normally. Special rules do exist, but they are not found in the JSON data files; they are found in the text files, and these have completely different descriptions. They list what to do and what happens during a special mission, like the normal special rules, but they describe them in an internal manner.
Name Description Notes
Glacier The cold makes bloons come at half speed, but you also get half the pop value (round to round bonus cash is same, but cash for popping is halved). 1-25 rounds.
ZZZZOMG A long winding track has a single ZOMG bloon on it, making its way to the exit at the bottom. The round 'ticks' every 10 seconds but no other bloons come. Starting cash +$500 and strong recommendation to get farm economy going asap.
Sandstorm Difficulty 23 but start round effectively 8.
Phase Crystal Rounds 6-20 (displays to player as rounds 1 through 15). Click on the crystals to make them pulse, has same effect as tech terror ability. Bloons move at double speed.
MOAB Graveyard 3 rounds: 10 MOABS, 6 BFBs, 2 ZOMG - start with $30,000
Tranquil Glade Dart Monkeys, Ninja Monkeys, Sniper Monkeys only, no road spikes or pineapples. All bloons are Camo. Pass rounds 1-25. +$500 additional starting cash.
Wattle Trees Boomerang Monkeys only, but can use road spikes and pineapples. Get an additional free boomerang at start and every 3 rounds. Pass rounds 1-25.
Shipwreck Has several whirlpools. Click on them to activate them, it causes bloons to get sucked in and spin (like bloonchipper ability). Enhanced rounds (add slightly to bloon budget). Pass rounds 1-25 Interesting how the Bloonchipper, a tower that never made it to this game, is mentioned in this text! This means it was probably planned to be in the game since its launch, as this mission has also existed since launch.
Consecrated Ground only super monkeys and apprentices allowed, no spikes or pineapples, pass rounds 16-25 (displays to player as rounds 1 through 10), start with $30,000
Dry As A Bone Pass regular bloon rounds based off of difficulty 20.
Sticky Sap Plant Rounds 1-25. Bloons slow down when passing over the sticky sap. The plant can be clicked to glue all bloons on screen as the striker ability, same cooldown. All bloons upgraded 1 step, otherwise regular rounds.

"costToAttackPerLevelOfTile": {"value": 10},
  • In the earlier, closed beta version of the game, to attack tiles you needed to spend city cash on them. The amounts rarely mattered, so it's no surprise the mechanic got removed when the game released in open beta. However, parameters for them, such as costToAttackPerLevelOfTile remain in the files to this day.

This code also implies that tiles originally had different levels internally.

Unused Monkey Knowledge

"WildCard": {
            "rank13Description": "Wild card",
            "rank11Value": 0,
            "rank12Method": "WildCard",
            "displayOrder": -1,
            "rank9Value": 0,
            "rank7Value": 0,
            "rank8Description": "Wild card",
            "rank15Description": "Wild card",
            "rank14Value": 0,
            "rank4Value": 0,
            "rank5Method": "WildCard",
            "rank7Description": "Wild card",
            "rank10Method": "WildCard",
            "rank1Description": "Wild card",
            "rank10Value": 0,
            "rank3Method": "WildCard",
            "rank10Description": "Wild card",
            "rank2Value": 0,
            "rank15Value": 0,
            "rank12Description": "Wild card",
            "rank3Description": "Wild card",
            "rank2Description": "Wild card",
            "rank5Description": "Wild card",
            "rank12Value": 0,
            "name": "Wild Card",
            "rank4Description": "Wild card",
            "rank4Method": "WildCard",
            "rank6Description": "Wild card",
            "rank6Value": 0,
            "rank8Method": "WildCard",
            "rank8Value": 0,
            "rank5Value": 0,
            "rank1Method": "WildCard",
            "rank9Method": "WildCard",
            "rank13Method": "WildCard",
            "rank3Value": 0,
            "rank7Method": "WildCard",
            "rank2Method": "WildCard",
            "rank11Method": "WildCard",
            "rank9Description": "Wild card",
            "rank6Method": "WildCard",
            "rank15Method": "WildCard",
            "rank11Description": "Wild card",
            "rank1Value": 0,
            "rank13Value": 0,
            "rank14Method": "WildCard",
            "rank14Description": "Wild card"

The Wild Cards have their own section for Monkey Knowledge that is made hidden in the files. They all have the same description, "Wild card" and getting in-game Wild Cards doesn't give anything to these. The graphic used for the section when enabled internally is the Wild Card monkey found on the Common rarity card, similar to other knowledge sections. Perhaps the Wild Cards originally scammed the player rather than granting an XP boost to any chosen card section?

Unused Buildings

Bigger Tank

Bigger Tank

Bloontonium Storage Tanks have an unused upgrade (defined as BIGGER_BLOONTONIUM_TANK internally) that would have increased their maximum capacity from 1000 Bloontonium to 3000. This upgrade can't be bought in-game because, in the code, the Bloontonium Storage Tank object is not part of a building sub-class that allows for upgrades.

  • Cost: 4000
  • Minimum city level: 15
  • Upgrade time: 240 (240 minutes, or 4 hours)
  • XP reward: 180

Monkey Lab

Monkey Lab

Very little data for this building exists. It has no graphics or code, and all its parameters are blank. It has a name, but no description.


The Tavern is where all your Special Agent allies hang out. You need to build a Tavern before hiring any Special Agents into your army.

Like the Monkey Lab, no code for this building exist, and all its parameters are blank. Unlike the Monkey Lab, however, this one actually has a description! And even though there are no graphics found for the Tavern, in prerelease videos of the game, there exists a building next to the scrapped special agents section that is very likely the Tavern. This means it was stubbed out, with the data it had previously wiped away.


(Source: Original TCRF research)

Monkey Town Hall Upgrade

Monkey Town Hall

This building is named MonkeyTownHallUpgrade in the parameters. Once again, it has no graphics or code, and all its parameters are blank.

The presence of an upgraded version of the Monkey Town Hall suggests that the building served a different purpose originally, and would have been upgradeable (like Windmills and Watermills), rather than being used to research upgrades for the Monkey Village.

Unused Sounds


A simple alert tone. A function exists to play this sound effect, named onPanelRevealBeginSignal, though it never gets called anywhere in the code, leaving this sound effect unused.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Towers

(For the likely reason why these are unused, skip to here)

Heli Pilot

An empty tower definition named TOWER_HELICOPTER exists within the game's constants script, which defines the internal names of towers and bloons (for example, the Monkey Ace is called TOWER_PLANE internally). This name is referring to the Heli Pilot, a helicopter-based tower that is exclusive to the mobile version. This is interesting, as it never made an appearance in any Bloons TD 5 Flash-Gen games. There are other references such as text in the JSON files of the game for the "My Monkeys" menu, which includes basic placeholder text:

"Helicopter": {
            "name": "Heli Pilot",
            "upgrades": "Foo",
            "description": "This is a description",
            "strengths": "some strengths",
            "mob_descriptionOverride": "\r",
            "weaknesses": "some weaknesses",
            "requires": "Foo"


"BloonChipper": {
            "name": "",
            "upgrades": "",
            "description": "",
            "strengths": "",
            "mob_descriptionOverride": "\r",
            "weaknesses": "",
            "requires": ""

It seems that the Bloonchipper, a tower exclusive to the mobile version, was planned for the game. These graphics correspond to each Monkey Knowledge card tier, and the upgrades shown are ordered: Bloonchipper(at base), Suckier, Faster Shred, and Super Wide Funnel. It has no data in JSON files apart from a name and a cost increase for the Shipwreck special mission like other towers. The tower even got weapons(behaviors that control what attacks do) which were shown earlier up this page. It got a lot farther than other towers listed in this section, that's for sure.

Monkey Sub

"Submarine": {
            "name": "",
            "upgrades": "",
            "description": "",
            "strengths": "",
            "mob_descriptionOverride": "",
            "weaknesses": "",
            "requires": ""

Referenced in one of the game's JSONs is an empty tower definition with the name Submarine. This is very likely referring to the Monkey Sub, a water-based tower exclusive to the mobile version. Unlike the Heli Pilot and like the Bloonchipper, it has no data in JSON files apart from a name. But unlike either of them, it later made an appearance in Bloons TD 5 Flash, which has suspiciously Bloons Monkey City-like portrait art. Makes you wonder...


"": {
            "name": "",
            "upgrades": "",
            "description": "",
            "strengths": "",
            "mob_descriptionOverride": "\r",
            "weaknesses": "",
            "requires": ""

There is an empty entry for the "My Monkeys" menu tower text that had been the same since the game's release. It is unknown what was there.

Note that it wasn't the Monkey Engineer, since it already had a separate unused section before it was released in an update.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Events

Bitty Beacons

When active, this event would have reduced the number of Bloonstones it would cost to instantly recharge the Bloon Beacon.

Beacon Blitz

When active, this event would have reduced the time for the Bloon Beacon to recharge passively.

Bitty Beacon Blitz

As one could probably guess, this event would have the combined effects of Bitty Beacons and Beacon Blitz when active.

Traveling Merchant

My potions are too strong for you, traveller.

This event seems to have been intended as an alternative method of obtaining special items: by purchasing them with Bloonstones instead of finding them in chests or special missions. It was never fully implemented—there's no interface for purchasing the traveling merchant's wares, and it doesn't have a description.

In the server-side, where events are pulled from, the travelling merchant is listed. The image associated is the same one as the early Monkey Knowledge sale promotion.

Below is a table of the traveling merchant's default data. Note that this data is very likely a placeholder; judging by the presence of tags to set each item's price and availability, it seems that the merchant's wares and prices would vary each time the event would be active.

Item Available Price
Magic Banana Bag True 250
Blessed Dart True 150
Banana Replicator True 200
Revenge Stick True 300
Portable Dart Monkey True 400
Magic Coin Purse True 300
Epic Magic Coin Purse True 800
Logistical Boots True 250
Magic Spanner True 400
Dark Temple Idol True 2000
Bottle Rocket True 300
Enchanted Boomerang True 150
Ninja Scrolls True 200
Shard of Everfrost True 200
Extra Sticky Substance True 150
Cuddly Bear True 200
Anti Camo Dust True 350
(Source: Junior Monkey)
(Source: Original TCRF research)


  • The Wattle Trees track has a lake in the bottom-right corner, which is programmed to allow aquatic towers (i.e. Monkey Buccaneers) to be placed on it. Unfortunately, the Wattle Trees track is only playable during a special mission in which the player can only use Boomerang Throwers, meaning the player can never actually use the water that is present.
  • DDTs are programmed to be able to be stunned by Cripple MOAB for 0.5 seconds (the same duration as a ZOMG). However, the stun effect from Cripple MOAB is configured to not affect DDTs at all. Thus, this setting can never be seen during gameplay.
  • Big versions of tower portraits exist, which is from a system leftover from Bloons TD 5 for the Tower Information button. No such system exists for Bloons Monkey City, so most of them go unused. But some are used when checking the tower upgrades section for purchasing upgrades.
  • In the mobile version of this game, there is a special mission called Engineer Rescue, where the player needs to free Monkey Engineers in cages using keys. There would be no reason to mention it in this section, let alone this page, if it were not for the thumbnail. Interestingly, the engineers in the thumbnail are in the style of the ones from this game rather than the ones from Mobile! The map looks different too; the middle lake is brighter and the last Engineer on the track is further down, which was probably changed so it could be tapped easier.
    • This oddity most likely means that this mission, alongside the other rescue missions like Bloonprint Hideout (for the Bloonchipper), Crash Site (for the Heli Pilot), and Submarine Alliance (for the Monkey Sub), were planned to be included in this game. This explains why the unused towers from the above section about them existed since the launch of this game.
Thumbnail In-game
BMC-EngineerRescue Def.jpeg BMCM-Intital Engineer.png